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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the dw news ally been from berlin tonight, who comes in who stays out a sweeping overhaul of the european union immigration policy as well. makers have agreed on a fair distribution of new arrivals across the e. u. but there are already some rumblings, but from with this we'll get the latest from brussels. also coming up, palestinians in gaza, marking in the end of ramadan, overshadowed by death and destruction. a deliveries have been boosted to the shortages of the central and high level talks in washington on the proceeds security threats from showing that the leaders of the us in japan pre joined by the philippine president for a 3 way some the
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library go off, it's good to have you with us on this wednesday, lawmakers in russell today agreed to far reaching reforms of the use immigration policies in european parliament, his back they fairer system of settling new arrivals. among the 27 member states, the changes will bring in the tougher board the procedures enforce all countries to share responsibility for immigration. the agreement follows nearly a decade. either rankel, german trance, or lack shoals, as welcome to the reform as historic and indispensable. but poland is prime minister donald to us says his government will not accept the relocation mechanism . take a list, the migraines, arriving on the italian island of land producer, one of the front lines in europe's struggle to control migration. last year,
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more than 1100000 people filed asylum claims in the u. the highest number since 2016. italy has been one of the countries pressing for an overall of immigration policies to help share the burden you migration and the site will impact bundles, agreements that were years in the making. a chief aim is to synchronize procedures starting with a screening of non you nationals on arrival. and the collection of biometric data. border facilities will be created to accommodate asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those and eligible. most importantly, all you members will be required to either taken asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. the packed also contains a controversial provision for sending migrants to safe 3rd countries. italy is leading the way after striking a deal with albania, which is in the process of building 2 housing facilities to receive migraines from
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italy, rights activists say the e will style and reforms will lower protections. while far right parties say they don't go far enough. one suntrust law maker from france called the pact a balanced improvement of the system that's currently on place. but dw, corresponding jack period. he was at the european parliament today with lawmakers approved the immigration refill. this is being one of the most grueling complex, difficult, divisive pieces of legislation in new york in, you know, especially for the last decade and a lot of the piece here in brussels in the european union have been very, very conflicted about trying to get this over the lines, many of them voted against certain aspects of the past, but have approved other aspects and the rules of the different elements of this
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package got enough votes were approved, meaning the overarching thing is approved and that will be a release for many of the people that have been heavily involved in the negotiations on this migration and asylum products because they were independent of one aspect to the, to a failed. the whole thing wouldn't have was that's because things like that, the tension and processing the use external borders in countries like it's a decrease on spain was reliance on another part of the vote which was to transfer people often to other parts of the european union. it's all approved that will be a sigh of relief, but as one of the p set to meet ahead of the vote, no one will be pumping buses or champagne in brussels this evening. and that was dw jack pier. they're reporting muslims around the world are marketing aid, which ends the holy month of ramadan, with many believers, fast from sunrise to sun down traditionally observed with 3 days and celebration this year's festival. these are overshadowed by the israel homos of war and garza
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were palestinians are faced with critical shortages of food and other essential supplies to praying alongside the ruins. the white minarette is all that's left from this mosque and ruffle. the rest of the building was destroyed during and is rarely offensive in february. last, he was surrounded by my children, looking at them with joy. but today i am injured unable to move or go anywhere. this palestinian mother has come to the grave of her son on the 1st day if i need it, it isn't really for me. i wish you was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, prepare my present for when i return. he's gone. everything good is gone. more than 6 months into the war. the hum us run health ministry and gaza says
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over 33000 people have been killed. most of them civilians, thousands remain on accounted for. and the occupied westbank worshippers also kept garza and their e prayers dw spoke with the head of a relief organization in rome, all over the last 6 months. and now we are entering the 7 to a month. we are calling for for the aid sustained entry to gaza. the needs are massive and every day that passes and go on, we see the more deeds that are growing. you and experts say 1100000 people, half the population are experiencing catastrophic food and security with the humanitarian crisis. getting worse. israel's closest allies are voicing more criticism by the day. us president joe biden told us spanish language broadcast network, univision,
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that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his approach was a quote mistake. i don't agree with his as i would read this poll excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people they should be done. now, israel said it allowed a record number of a trucks into gaza since the war began on the eve of the holiday. but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently insisted no force in the world. what stop is really troops for mentoring breakfast? that's where most cousins have gone to avoid the fighting. but israel's military also insist, garza southern most city is harboring the remaining battalions of homos, whose october 7th air attacks in israel started at the war. the last hour corresponded. i mean, as if israel is listening to the mountain criticism from its allies,
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a while the signs that benjamin netanyahu, whose government is listening and assigns that is not the pressure is certainly mounting. you have heard biden say that he wants a ceasefire to happen. he also in the interview called what, nothing yahoo is doing in gauze at a mistake. those are some of the harshest words we've heard from biden. since this latest war began, pedro sanchez, the prime minister of spain, went a step further and he said that israel's quote, disproportionate response in gaza was not only the stabilizing the region, but the stabilizing the world as well. and that it's in europe's interest to get the situation under control. so a lot of pressure mounting on that in yahoo. now in some reason, actions, it seems that nothing yahoo is listening not only have a lot of troops withdrawn from the gaza strip, allowing people to move the people sheltering rafa to move north back to their destroyed homes. but at least dispersing throughout the country. but also nothing
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yahoo has said that more aid is getting into the con to into the gaza strip than at any points since this conflict again. on the other hand, is rhetoric, especially for his domestic audience, has not been turned down. he said that no force in the world would stop is real from mounting around the sold on rafa where around a 1000000 civilians are sheltering, calling it the last bastion from austin that i'm also the completely destroyed of this is against the wishes of us and a lot of european partners to say that without a plan to safely evacuate the civilians, they are against any ground assault on rasa. and that was use, i mean, since they are reporting from jerusalem, let's take a look me on some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. floods in context on have forest more than 90000 people to evacuate their homes melting snow when the euro mountains has raised water levels, the russian side of the euro river is also affected by high water exit polls indicate a landslide victory for the liberal opposition in parliamentary elections in south
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korea that would make the conservative president. you so jo, a lean ducking leader for his last 3 years and oft valid accounting is still underway with turn out getting a record high to you as president biden is hosting japan's prime minister casita for talks focusing on the security situation in the in the pacific fighting is held, the partnership between washington into calling an unbreakable to leaders will be joined in washington on thursday by the philippine president ferdinand marcos. junior for a summit on the proceeds security threats. i'm showing that it's the 1st such summit between these 3 nations today by the emphasize the special relationship between the us and japan. the alliance between japan, the united states is the cornerstone of peace security prosperity and now and then the pacific and around the world. ours is truly are global partnership
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for that is true. prime minister kasheila, i thank you. all right, when we get down to our correspondent janelle, to malone's, he's following the bite industry, the meeting at the white house today. don't get to see you. so how do the us and japan intent to strengthen their alliance? yes, well you can really see the white house rolling out the red carpet for a free meal because she to today worth noting, he is only the 5th leader to get a state dinner from the bite and administration, a complete with musical entertainment from paul simon. don't know if you're assigned brands, but in any case, this is all to show that the u. s. to panel lyons is at the heart of the u. s. is in the pacific strategy. now today they are expected to announce upgrades to their security relationship and including changes to the u. s. command in japan that
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would allow the us to work more closely with the japanese military. they're also expected to announce a military industrial council that would allow the 2 countries to evaluate where they can cope, reduce defense weapons along with a host of other economic security space and artificial intelligence agreements all to show that it is important to them, to elevate this relationship and take in during steps in order to prove it. your ability in the face of the increased chinese aggression and also in order to future proof it depending on who ends up in power in tokyo, more in washington to be able to stand by and when it come back to you in just a moment. but 1st, we want to take a closer look now at what is at stake for the us and its partners in the, in the pacific. in the south china sea, this week show a force from the us and it's in the pacific highlights the us, japan and the philippines alongside australia,
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in that 1st of the joint naval exercises designed to uphold freedom of navigation in the contested waters. the drills are probably you to another 1st those days historic summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines fonts. the 2 countries with which washington has mutual defense treaties springing these nations together. what some japanese officials called the most complex security environment. since world war 2, including a more belligerent north korea, but mainly a more assertive china under president shooting paint, post manila and tokyo have maritime to speak with badging, friction in the south china sea, especially what china has recently fired was the cannons that philippine vessels has res phase, the us could be drawn into direct conflicts with badging, but there are even deeper concerns over the fate of taiwan. the self, rhode island which china claims its own in his file to take by force if necessary. ranging words take taiwan. it would radically shift agents balance of power in
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favor of china and for japan and the philippines which rely on smooth trade flow through the taiwan straits. they would have national security implications to you and you have to look at to map to understand why move over to silence. the northern most points of the philippines is just 140 kilometers from ty, one's mainland, the nearest shopping. these islands you want to get any, is even closer around 110 kilometers away. japan recently deployed new military units that both so much closer to taipei, the night, the manila or tokyo, the increasingly japan and the philippines of working together in tools. now for deal that would allow then, minute trees to be stationed on each other's territory. let's say that as well as the say summit, all parts of us efforts to bring their lives in the region closer together. the more you criss crossing lines you have over the region, the more complex the strategic decisions decision paying the china would be. um,
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it should it decide to escalate tensions, for example of taiwan despite tactic conflicts in europe and the middle east, washington maintains asia is its long term foreign policy focus, the summit between the us and 2 of its most important to regional allies. the latest sign of the shifting cards in the, in the pacific security picture. sorry, let's go back to the washington, my colleague, janelle, to milan janelle, the eyes of the world are currently on the words and god and ukraine. so why is the united states so focused on china in this perceived threat in the end of pacific region now? so as to be heard in the report, there it is, china that is considered the systematic arrival. it's the u. s. and there really is an argument to be made that because the us is invest in these conflicts and gaza in ukraine. but there is even
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a greater argument for washington to be able to develop. it's so alliances in the, in the, in the pacific. should anything happen there, such as, perhaps a chinese attack on taiwan or much more likely, the escalation of tensions in the disputed areas of the south china sea. now there's a phrase that you often hear here in washington about, so to be able to walk and to go, i'm at the same time any washington's ability to sort of various alliances, even perhaps in the face of concurrent crises. and you can argue with that alliances and the endo pacific, strong alliances, and also the fact that these allies also have strong relationships with each other would help washington achieve that goal of being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. and, you know, it can also perhaps even go beyond the region worth noting here that japan is actually ukraine's strong good start partner in the, in the pacific showing that japan and the us really are like minded countries. and
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their alliance is especially important when he comes to preserving the rules based order not just in the in the pacific, but beyond. to do with them with the latest in washington. janelle is always thank you. and for more on there, she can watch the latest episode of the w news desk when youtube, where our reporters in the analyst answer your questions about china's role in the, in the pacific. that's at the w news on you to a or alright, we want to return the, i'll do our top story on the european parliament backing a far reaching reform to the use asylum and immigration policies and members of parliament today backed what is being talented as a fair system of settling new arrivals across the 20. subbing members of the you. the changes will bring into for border checks in force. all countries in the you to share responsibility for immigration. every body are able to cross over now to camille,
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because in paris she's an expert on migration and associate director at the migration policy institute. europe, you know, it's good to have you with us 1st. just let me get your reaction to this reform. yes. that was, that was long in the making a, this is really a will say that a combination of, of years of negotiation of you and your level on an, on one of the most sensitive product size topic. and on the one hand, and this is a particle signal that you are p, policy makers, are ready to compromise, are ready to find a deal on how to move forward together on this migration issues and any dots. and this is also a major pulse, go in for the syrup and commission. but at the same time, the deal as extend is, is an agreement that's going to be, you know, much tougher on us look seekers. that's also failing drugs of many of the, of the issues that you up is facing at the moment. labor migration had creed,
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6 pathways for records, a 20 search condition in a number of countries of origin of countries of transit. and now, while it raises you know, and not of challenges in terms of implementation, what is the spot going to concrete, lee lead to on the ground in the next few years? well, let me ask you build the, they give you because we've already heard, i mean the data. this was past, we've already were hearing from poland, that it will not abide by all of the requirements of disagreement. namely, even though, but the relocation of newly arrived migrants, i mean, it sounds like this plan could almost be dead on arrival. yes. so this is, you know, one of the main um pride for the european commission and for the comes of the what's to say we've, we've agreed on this monday, the recently dirty buddy indeed can be relocation of vaseline seekers or financial contribution. and we're seeing how this has this is such
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a fragile or bremond given that countries like poland but others. i've also already stated that they wouldn't, that were not interested in relocation. and so i think this very, um, this very tiny political, you know, a killer burden balance will need to be maintained. and i think that's really going to be a cornerstone or making the fact tons, people and, and the reality the key question is really, you know, can we take him this project, this complex system that, that's supposed to be implemented in the next 2 years actually lead to change in the way migration, you know, migration flows are correctly manage. and then we moved away from a series of unilateral measure from different member states to a more european approach. and for the enough tough to say about today, i think it's the signal that they're dropped to to, to believe it will be the case. i'm wondering though it could be considering how
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many years we've been reporting on the european union trying time and time again to get some type of common migration policy that we're all of the member states today . so desperate to get some type of agreement that they agree to this, knowing that it is more window dressing, knowing that there are members states that will not go along on the ground. yes, it's supposed to go deal and it's been a deal between member states but also between member of your pin poly meant and so that that's why you know, into most signal it shows that it shows the success, i believe for it, for the european commission and for in a way you approach, but it also, i think so much remains to be, to be seen in terms of how exactly this is going to be rolled out and what are going to be commitments from different member states. and when it comes to relocation, we've seen in the past that there were few members state who would engage volunteer,
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really in relocation and. and so that's going to be a critical part of the impact to be implemented in, in the next years at to see how these close up that is so essential. i will actually play out. yeah, there's a lot of work still to be done. camille, because so she directed the migration policy institute. you're mean we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. well, ukraine says that russia launched attack drones and missiles against targets in the south of the country. air defenses intercepted 2 missiles and 14 drones. ukraine is also touring to drones destroyed. beckett brush up. they struck the central russian region of touch as done in one of the longest range of creating an attack since the invasion began 2 years ago. each as it hits an oil refinery and weapons factory like aircraft without a pilot but stuff through explosives. it's
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a russian drone factory test on more than a 1000 kilometers from ukraine. and it's not a one of course in the dog resign. some are nowhere in the european part of russia to say from ukrainian strikes. russia for its part, has always been able to anywhere in ukraine with expensive cold war era, ballistic missiles that were built to strike the us in the sense that ukraine could do something similar and hit russia fall from the front lines using you. meanwhile, we don't have our own crews besides on ballistic missiles. what we do have is west and supplied storm shadow or scouts in the south. for a tech comes in small quantities we invoice, but we are only allowed to use them against russian forces in your crane lashing, methodical way the pretty ukraine began using it's her matrons take russian oil facilities like these last year. while the geography of the strikes is expanded, the accuracy was still limited. often enough,
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the drones reached the target but failed to make much of an impact. that's now changing was an idea. there are grounds for optimism. we saw footage of the ukrainian drown hitting a russian oil refinery. you can see the drone closing in the engine making a turn to insure it hit its target distillation. call them. that means some of these drones now have navigation systems that enabled them to be my new bit into the targets. this send me a lot cheaper to what you'd see in a storm shadow cruise, messiah storm shadowed up. and it's working. and let's say vs over funding capacity is dropped by more than 10 percent since the latest round of ukrainian during strikes began early in january 2020 full ukraine is reducing versus oil exports to make it harder for letting me preaching to finance is will this not only worrying people in the kremlin financial times reported that washington has requested key of
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still protecting russian oil infrastructure. fearing these attacks could push prices up for you as consumers and home present biden's, chances re election. the us officials, including secretary of state mc, blinking, have made a point to stressing that the country has neither quotes supported nor enables ukrainian strikes on russian territory. children, but very room and income isn't social life. i think the strikes wouldn't be possible without wisdom intelligence information that an able to crank to direct these thrones around questionnaire defenses. we're getting that information and we're thankful for it. for all the fear in western capital's, these drone strikes could escalate to expand the scope of this war here in ukraine . many feel they have little to lose. their argument goes something like this. the westcan withholds ministry aid. well also asking key if not to use what it have ukraine they say, like fight this war with one hand tied behind his back. so how serious of
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a threat are you creating new drones for rush of years? military analysts, frank lead, which at the tactical level, the very serious that you heard that from mr. rahman and co, who outlined exactly how things are done on what they've done with. so yes, the causing damage on you can see that when the americans actually state gets involved on the financial times of stating they, there's a strategic effect to it. there is that kind of effect as well. however, on the loss of more effort, it is i think right now at the level of just above use and starts at the highest level. however, ukraine is really majoring on these on these assets. they have announced just started to see at the formation, i think rightly very know what to offer on model systems for speech like space school. so the apples a whole new service. so that really makes you this. i see this is a massive competitive edge. a lot of time to a great, we've seen the effective how that goes as well in the black c,
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the military analysts. they are frank leverage. speaking with this earlier problems here in berlin, thanks for the company. i'll be back at the top of the hour with mobile links. i hope you can join us that the
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very sound and return to the gentleman grades commission helps with the search for missing, sold from scott, trace history and then mission tickets and folding soldiers backs and names and identities. no,
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just on d, w a. dr. nation propagate and fake news rules. russia with an iron fist. since the attack on ukraine suppression of defense has intensified. the last members of the opposition in the country are being harassed or driven into exxon indoctrination of a nation to russia. in 45 minutes on d w, the do you know which should be? see industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good, concrete transforming business syllabus on to figure out what's the real new deal just reimbursing
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the watch. now the, the city goose, numerous times you see, you know, so we don't have to sneak it because there's 2 of them is good. this new router i was diana and so on the back of the screws. and this comes, come a money order in about senior advisors. dennis as one student is active, employed a citizen.


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