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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, the so dw, it is live and from berlin tonight, grief and shock at the highest levels of her boss, 3 sons of the bellows to the military groups, top political leader are killed and, and these really yours drive is miles. i mean, yeah, hughes is israel, of acting in the spirit of revenge. and the murder also coming up at the end of ramadan and gaza, overshadowed by death and destruction. a deliveries are boosted to these shortages food and water, but the agency workers say it's not enough. and who comes in here and stays out a sweeping overhaul of the european union's immigration policies. lawmakers
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claiming a fair distribution of new immigrants across the e. u but poland is already refusing to sign up to the change the i bridge off. it's good to have you with us on this wednesday and is really airstrike has killed 3 sons of homos chief is mile. i mean, yeah, in garza, these really military confirming the attack and saying that the 3 men were operatives in how much is military we need. the reports say that some of the new years grandchildren were also killed in destroy ari from world is we want to go now to our corresponded in jerusalem. i mean, as i mean, what more do we know about these killings as well? the songs and the grandchildren of honey seemed to have been tilden in his ear is
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rarely air strikes that hit them while they were in a vehicle in the city, a neighborhood of garza city. that's where they're from. apparently is real, says that the 3 sons are active, were active. how mos operatives who are on their way to carry out terror activities . the relatives upon the say that the 3 sons, as well as the grandchildren, were making family visits during the eat outfit their holiday, which is a muslim holiday that started today. so that's all the information we have so far on the air strikes. now, the context for these attacks that killed these 3 sons of how mazda is top leader is controversial. both on the side of a mazda, as well is, is real. and it's rarely politician noted that because negotiations are reaching a climax to decide the fate of the hostages, taken by a mos that are still in gaza as well as these 5 those. these are the cease fire
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talks. these are all hanging in the balance right now. so he criticized the ideas decision to kill how mazda is leaders, sons, at a time when negotiations are really coming to a climax? and i mean, what do we know about this a loss leader, honey? how important was the as well, he really is the top leader of hamas, but also the diplomatic face from us. he's been a leader since 2017. he lives outside of the gaza strip in could tar. shuttling between to tar and turkey, as well as meeting a rainy and officials for talks. he's able to travel around because he's not inside the gaza strip. he's also safe from air strikes because of that. now it's really up to him what happens in the negotiations. of course he is going back and forth with other leaders or from us. but really, since it came out and he said after the strikes that this would not affect the
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negotiations. but really, as this is uh, the, the biggest loss for him, since the conflict started this latest conflict. so it really remains to be seen whether or not this will have an effect on those negotiations, which for all intents and purposes, lie in his hands use. i mean, as if with the latest tonight for jerusalem, army, and thank you muslims around the world or marquis, the end of the holy month of ramadan, traditionally observed with 3 days of celebration. this year assess, deputies are overshadowed by the israel, hamas more and gods, and where palestinians are facing critical shortages of nearly everything, including food, water, and met us, praying alongside the ruins. the white minarette is all that's left from this mosque. and rafa the rest of the building was destroyed during and is really offensive in february. last year i was surrounded by my children. i'm looking at
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them with joy. for today i am injured unable to move or go anywhere. this palestinian mother has come to the grave of her son on the 1st day if i need it, it isn't really for me. i wish you was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, prepare my present for when i return and he's gone. everything good is gone. more than 6 months into the war. the hum us run health ministry and gaza says over 33000 people have been killed. most of them civilians, thousands remain on accounted for the occupied westbank worshippers also kip, gaza, and their e prayers dw spoke with the head of a relief organization in rome. all over the
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last 6 months and now we are entering the 7 the month. we are calling for for the aid sustained. 8 entry to guys of the needs are massive and every day that passes and go on, we see the more deeds that are growing. you and experts say 1100000 people, half the population are experiencing catastrophic food and security with the humanitarian crisis. getting worse. israel's closest allies are voicing more criticism by the day. us president joe biden told us spanish language broadcast network univision, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose approach was a quote mistake. i don't agree with his, as i would readers to excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people. they should be done now. israel said it aloud, a record number of
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a trucks into gaza since the war began on the eve of the holiday. but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently insisted no force in the world. what stop is really troops for mentoring drop off? that's where most cousins have gone to avoid the fighting. but israel's military also insist, garza southern most city is harboring the remaining battalions of homos whose october 7th air attacks in israel started the war for the united nations is once again called for a de escalation the long israel's border with living on is really air strikes get a southern liberties village on tuesday throughout the war and gaza is really forces in his full of military have engaged in regular and all the deadly cross border clashes. tens of thousands of liberties have left the border region to settle elsewhere. you corresponded as of the
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chalet as standing by force in the root. how would you describe the mood in the lebanese capital on this e? let me paint us a picture us and to be honest, it's quiet and somewhat sad. the end of the 4th of this year, like usual, but besides that the family is visit each other or to exchange it's greeting. so i'm sure they're going to send a break in a box or in the city centers and the events to celebrate. but then they are very modest, there's some stores are set up in certain areas, obeta with the cafes and restaurants, and bustling with the people. but this varies depending on the area. and it says it is span hops due to the war and goes on. but it seems to me because of the situation, the south of uh, you've been on and yes, it's, you know, it's the situation quite as complicated is here to do it in receipt. yeah,
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let me pick up on this. the situation in the south of living on tens of thousands of people have fled their homes. people who live along the border area with northern is real and do these people. i mean, what did you hear? did these people ever plan on being able to return to their homes? it's not easy to, to, to answer them higher the than the or to their homes. it's a, it's not to this for the or, and they are in the, in the south of, of the, of the, of live in on of the country. but the, why the, it for the, this, this here is not so a sad, very sad. this may be the matter use in hawaii or the lebanese are most of the great thing eat as they used to over the honda. as you mentioned, 1000 displays, people have left their homes long. so the families are divided between those who stated to protect their homes. and those who list and then move to beta woodside on and tire. and the on the scene is that to the minds people of age are when they are
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exchange shy, agree things to be honest. and the to that in a plane can box, it's a cost of money for the residence of auto body as to visit to do i, it is, you wouldn't call it is what was on. however, at this time and due to the military conflict, so the self though for even on the southern boards are a that have and these are enabled to visit their, their relatives or a dw corresponded as our co shalley with little delayed is from a very somber they root and 11 on tonight. thank you. thank you. all right, let's take a look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. you as president joe biden in japan's prime minister from jo, cuz she have pledged a united front to counter wising china to leaders hel, thoughts in washington. the head of a 3 way summit with the philippine president ferdinand markets junior. the somebody said to focus on the perceived threat from china in the,
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in the pacific region. the exit polls indicate a landslide victory for the liberal opposition in parliamentary elections in south korea that would make the conservative president union. so your a lame duck leader, or his last 3 years in office, valid counting is still under way. turn out and selection. the record high floods in concerts done have forced to wear the 90000 people to evacuate their homes. melting snow in the ural mountains has raised water levels in the euro river. the russian side of that river is also if they won't make us in brussels today, agreed on far originally forms to the european union's asylum. in migration policies, european parliament approves what's being billed as a fair system of settling new migrants across the 27 number states of the year. but the changes will include tougher border checks. it will force all countries to
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share responsibility for migration. the agreement follows nearly a decade of political wrangling, images are lock, sholtes has welcome the reforms, calling to the stork and indispensable, but poland, prime minister, donald tusk. he says that his government will not accept what is known as the relocation back in this, the migrants arriving on the italian island of land producer. one of the front lines in europe's struggle to control migration. last year, more than 1100000 people filed asylum claims and the u. the highest number since 2016 italy has been one of the countries pressing for an overall of immigration policies to help share the burden you migration and asylum packed bundles. agreements that were years and the making a chief aim is to synchronize procedures starting with the screening of non you
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nationals on arrival. at the collection of biometric data. border facilities will be created to accommodate asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those and eligible. most importantly, all you members will be required to either taken asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. the pact also contains a controversial provision for sending migrants to safe 3rd countries. italy is leading the way after striking a deal with albania, which is in the process of building 2 housing facilities to receive migrants from italy, rights activists say the e was silent reforms will lower protections. while far right parties say they don't go far enough. one suntrust law maker from france called the pact a balanced improvement of the system that's currently on place. the w correspond object, eric has more now on the immigration reform. this is being one of the most grueling
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complex, difficult, divisive pieces of legislation in new york in, you know, especially for the last decade and a lot of the piece here in brussels in the european union have been very, very conflicted about trying to get this over the lines, many of them voted against certain aspects of the past, but have approved other aspects and what was the rules of the different elements of this package? got enough of those were approved, meaning the overarching thing is approved and that will be a release for many of the people that have been heavily involved in the negotiations on this migration and asylum pipes because they will move into dependent if one aspect to the, to a failed, the whole thing wouldn't of was. that's because things like that, the tension and processing the use external borders in countries like it's the grease on spain was reliance on another part of the vote which was to transfer people up into other parts of the european union. it's all approved that will be
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a sigh of relief. but as one of the piece said to me ahead of the vote, no one will be popping buses or champagne in brussels this evening. you're watching the news. i'll be back in the top of the hour with mobile news followed by the day hope to see you then the, the big ultima video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains don't mess a tv deal industry illegal, as a stats may said on dw this shadows these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating colonial har is
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infected by germany across and he actually.


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