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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the dw news lines from berlin tonight, griffin showing at the highest levels of moss and is really air store. i gets killed, 3 sons of the bellows to the militant groups. top political leader is my of need accusing israel now of acting in the spirit of revenge and murder. also coming up to night, the end of ramadan, overshadowed by death and destruction and gossip. a deliveries have been boosted the shortages of food and water, but agency workers say you have simply not enough. and who comes in who stays out a sweeping overall of the european union to immigration policies, which won't make her say is fair or but that is not exactly health holy sees the
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change in high level talks in washington, the leaders of the us and japan will be joined by the philippine president for a 3 way summit on what to do about the perceived threats of a rising. showing the library golf view was watching on cbs in the united states into all of you around the world. welcome and is really airstrike has killed 3 sons. of homeless chief is male, honey in gaza. is really military confirming the attack and said that the 3 men were offered ships in her mazda is military. we read the reports, say some of honey is grand children were also killed and destroyed. he has accused is real of acting or in the spirit of revenge and murder and said that him,
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us will not give in to pressure on his family. but for more now i'm joined by gerald. first i'm senior fellow at the middle east institute in philadelphia. it's good to have you with this is male honey, his sons. they are among the highest profile figures that we know of so far it with being killed in this will work. what effect do you think this is going to have on the ongoing ceasefire negotiations? it's a pleasure to be with you this evening brand. i certainly, this isn't going to help to negotiations. i think the home us will look at this is as a need to himself is already said as a bringing families into the age of this conflict in a way that is only going to entrench hard liners within the homeless
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movement. and in these negotiations, how important would you say is mailed? mean your is in this more and in the possibility of this more continuing on as well. he of course, is a, as a senior political leader and how much movement is not it cause of course, these are del huh. um and what we've seen over the course of the last 6 months is, are really the decision making. the key individuals who are managing their hom us response to these as rarely, military operations, or the military elements that are still in gaza. so in the immediate moment time, the has not been a key prior,
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but he is of course, one of the senior most leaders of the homeless movement. and therefore anything that happens with indigo situations, but also in terms of the day after what happens to home us, it's government struction or it's, it's uh other relations is he is a critical actor. the timing of, of this air strike, the timing of the killing of, of his is children and also we understand his grandchildren a does it strikes you any in any way. i mean, it, do you see it being connected with the is really government's insistence that you know, a ground defense. if it gets dropped a take place, regardless of what allies may want as well it's, it's not necessarily i have to say the connection then. uh nor, you know,
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i, you know, of course the is really 0 badging that. uh, the 3 uh sons were involved with the how mosque military weighing, whether that's true or not, i don't think uh, is really known, at least done in public of but you know, this is a separate issue from, from what might happen in rough uh, and this is really uh, going after uh, the political leadership and, and trying to destroy it close to home against them. yeah, and we certainly will see if this has the effect of escalating the conflicts gerald fires and we appreciate your valuable insights tonight. thank you. thank you for muslims around the world are marking you the end of the holy month of ramadan,
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traditionally observed with 3 days and celebration is your sensitivities are overshadowed by the israel homeless for in gauze and were palestinians are facing critical shortages just about everything from food to water and met us, praying alongside the ruins. the white minarette is all that's left from the small skin. rafa. the rest of the building was destroyed during and is really offensive in february. last year i was surrounded by my children. i'm looking at them with joy, but today i am injured unable to move or go anywhere. this palestinian mother has come to the grave of her son on the 1st day if i need it, it isn't really for me. i wish you was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, prepare my present for when i return and he's gone. everything good is
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gone. more than 6 months into the war. the homeless run health ministry and gaza says over 33000 people have been killed. most of them civilians, thousands remain on accounted for the occupied westbank worshippers also kip, gaza, and their e prayers dw spoke with the head of a relief organization in rome, all over the last 6 months. and now we are entering the 7 the month we are calling for for the aid sustained 8 entry to gaza. the needs are massive and every day that passes and go on, we see the more deeds that are growing. you and experts say 1100000 people, half the population are experiencing catastrophic food and security with the humanitarian crisis. getting worse. israel's closest allies are voicing more
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criticism by the day. us president joe biden told us spanish language broadcast network univision, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose approach was a quote mistake. i don't agree with his readers to excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people. they should be done now. israel said it aloud, a record number of a trucks into gaza since the war began on the eve of the holiday. a globe, but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently insisted no force in the world. what stop is really troops for mentoring drop off? that's where most cousins have gone to avoid the fighting. but israel's military also insist, garza southern most city is harboring the remaining battalions of homos whose october 7th tier attacks in israel started the war with the united nations is once
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again called for de escalation along israel's border with 11 on is really here strikes it. a southern liberties village on tuesday, throughout the war in gauzy, is really forces in his full of meals, what's inside engaged in regular, and often deadly. across the border classmates, tens of thousands of lebanese have left the border region to settle elsewhere. that's is one of the reasons why this is mostly somber. eat festival in lab. and on this year the, the use of us l is charlie and b root told me more us. and to be honest, it's quiet and somewhat sad. the end of the 4th of this year, like usual, but besides that the families visit each other to exchange each greetings. i'm sure that in a, celebrated in a box or in the city centers and the bins to celebrate. but then they are very modest. some stores are set up in certain areas are better with cafes and
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restaurants and bustling with the people. but this varies depending on the area and it's citizen and spin hops you through the war and goes on. but it seems to me because of the situation, the south of lee been on. and yes, it's, you know, it's the situation quite as complicated here and you wouldn't be see here, let me pick up on this. the situation in the south of living on tens of thousands of people have fled their homes. people who live along the border area with northern is real and do these people. i mean, what do you hear? did these people ever plan on being able to return to their homes, or it's not easy to, to tens of them higher than the or to their homes. it's a, it's not to this for the or they are in the, in the south of, of the, of live in the country. but the, why the end of the facilities. so this here is node. so a sad,
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very sad. this may be the matter use in hawaii and the lebanese on most of the brain, think 8 as they used to over the honda. as you mentioned 1000 the space people have left their homes to months ago. families are divided between those who stated to protect their homes and those who list and move to beta woodside on, on tyre. and the on the scene is that to the minds people of age are when they are exchange shy, agree things to be honest. and the to that in a plane can box, it's the cost of money for the residence, of, or to buy any ideas to visit to, or do i any as to what and quantity. so them, how about a, this time to do to the military conflicts, the south of uh, even on the southern boards are a that have been these are enabled to was it that it's already dw, corresponded as alco. shelly with little delayed is from a very somber they root and 11 on tonight. thank you. thank you. let's.
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let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. examples indicate a landslide victory for the liberal opposition in parliamentary elections and self . 3. i know that we make the conservative president, you suki on a lame duck leader for his last 3 years in office. bellwood county is still under way. turn out, hit a record high, spain's prime minister pedro sanchez is to scrap a so called golden visa program to tackle the country's housing shortage. wealthy foreigners have been able to gain residency by buying property or making business investments. the critics say the scheme is fuel to housing price bubble. the former chief financial officer of donald trump, real estate empire, has been sentenced to 5 months in prison for perjury. allen wizell burton pleaded guilty to lying while giving testimony and
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a civil fraud lawsuit brought against the trump organization. we're back here with europe. lawmakers in brussels today agreed on far reaching reforms to the european union's asylum and migration policies. the european parliament approve what's being billed as a fair system of settling new arrivals across the $27.00 member states of the changes will bring it in, for example, tougher border checks and the changes will force all countries to share responsibility for migration. a disagreement follows nearly a decade of political wrangling, german trans, oh luck. shoulds has welcome to the reforms, calling them historic and indispensable. but poland is prime minister donald to us . he's already said that his government will not accept what is known as the relocation making this the migrants arriving on the italian island of land producer. one of the front lines in europe's struggle to control migration. last
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year, more than 1100000 people filed asylum claims in the u. the highest number since 2016. italy has been one of the countries pressing for an overall of immigration policies to help share the burden you migration and the site will impact bundles, agreements that were years in the making. a chief aim is to synchronize procedures starting with a screening of non you nationals on arrival. and the collection of biometric data. border facilities will be created to accommodate asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those and eligible. most importantly, all you members will be required to either take an asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. the pact also contains a controversial provision for sending migrants to safe 3rd countries. italy is leading the way after striking a deal with albania, which is in the process of building 2 housing facilities to receive migrants from
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italy, rights activists say that you asylum reforms will lower protections while far right parties say they don't go far enough. one centralized law maker from france called the pact, a balanced improvement of the system that's currently on place. but dw correspond object. eric has more now all the reports. this is being one of the most grueling complex, difficult, divisive pieces of legislation in the european union, especially for the last decades. and a lot of the army please here in brussels in new york. we in union have been very, very conflicted about trying to get this over the lines. many of them voted against certain aspects of the past, but have approved other aspects and those are a lot of the different elements of this package. got enough votes were approved, meaning the overarching thing is approved and that will be
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a release for many of the people that have been heavily involved in the negotiations on this migration in the asylum pipes because they will go into dependence if one aspect to the, to a failed, the whole thing wouldn't of was. that's because things like that, the tension and processing the use external borders in countries like it's a decrease on spain was reliance on another part of the vote which was to transfer people off into other parts of the european union. it's only approved that will be a sigh of relief, but as one of the p set to meet ahead of the votes, no one will be popping buses or champagne in brussels this evening dw checked here, the reporting from brussels. us president joe biden is hosting japan's prime minister cuz she did before a summit with the philippines today bite and held the partnership between washington and tokyo, calling it unbreakable. high on the agenda is the security situation in the, in the pacific fight. and, and because she will be joining in washington tomorrow by the philippine,
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the president for denmark is junior for a summit on the perceived threat from china in the region. this is the 1st such summit between the 3 countries today by emphasize the special relationship between the us and japan, a mr. prime minister. through our partnership, we have strengthened the lines. we have expanded our work together. we raised our shared ambitions, and now the rest, your panel lines is a beacon to the entire world. there's no limit what our countries can and our people can do together. so thank you for your partnership, your leadership and your friendship. sorry, my colleague correspondent janelle to malone is following the binding because she the meeting at the white house for us. so, you know, do we know how do the us and japan, how do they plan to strengthen their cooperation? so we heard from biden and cause sheet on that joint price conference earlier
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today with biden stressing that this was the most important upgrade to the us japan alliance since it started. and between the 2 of them, they did list down a whole host of impending deliverables. among them, the us in japan are set to improve their command and control structures for enhanced military cooperation. they're also looking into setting up a defense counsel that would allow the 2 countries to look at where they might be able to co produce weapons. they also said that for the 1st time japan, the west in australia, will create a network system of error, messiah and defense architecture. they're looking into whether japan could join august. that is the partnership between australia, the u. k, and the west around nuclear submarine technology. they've also promised closer co ordination on north korea. so this is just the selection of a raft of agreement, so that they announce today economic security and on space all geared towards this
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idea that elevating the u. s. and japan partnerships will help deter china even as the 2 leaders and says, this isn't about conflict with anyone country. rather this is about military readiness, but of course we can all read between the lines. of course, this is about china. you know, i want you to stand by say, with this we were to take a closer look. now what is at stake for the us and its partners in the, in the pacific in the south china sea this week show a force from the us and it's in the pacific allies, the us, japan and the philippines along side of straight here. in that 1st of the joint naval exercises designed to uphold freedom of navigation in the contested waters. the drills are probably to another fuss thursday's historic summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippine spots. the 2 countries with which washington has mutual defense treaties bringing these nations together, what some japanese officials call the most complex security environment since world
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war 2. including a more belligerent north korea, but mainly a more assertive china under president shooting paint. post manila and tokyo have more time to speak with badging, friction in the south china sea especially which china has recently fired was cannon's philippine vessels. as race phase, the us could be drawn into direct conflicts with badging. but there are even deeper concerns over the fate of taiwan the self, rhode island which china claims its own and his file to take by force if necessary . if ranging words take taiwan, they would radically shift agents, balance of power in favor of china. and for japan and the philippines which rely on smooth trade flows through the taiwan straits, they would have national security implications to you. and you have to look at to map to understand why move over to silence. the northern most points of the philippines is just 140 kilometers from ty ones, mainland, the nearest shopping. these islands you on a gurney is even closer around 110 kilometers away. japan recently deployed new
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military units that both so much closer to taipei, the neither manila or tokyo, increasingly japan and the philippines of working together in tools now for deal that would allow then, minute trees to be stationed on each of his territory. analysts say that, as well as the se summit, all parts of us efforts to bring their lives in the region closer together. the more you chris costing lines you have over the region, the more complex the strategic decisions, decision paying and the china would be. um it should it decide to to escalate tensions, for example of a title despite tactic conflicts in europe and the middle east, washington maintains asia is a long time foreign policy focus, the summit between the us and 2 of its most important to regional allies. the latest sign of the shifting cards in the inner pacific security picture. or,
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you know, you know, we're familiar with the republican log jam in washington when it comes to aid for ukraine. is there bi partisan support when it comes to taking a hard line against china when it comes to strengthening alliances with japan and the philippines? you know, ahead of this trilateral song that i actually asked the us, the us, the philippine ambassador to the us. whether he was at all worried about dwindling support and dwindling us support for the in the pacific. in case there was say, a change and that the presidency had changed and the occupant of the white house. and he said that no, he was not worried because he was counting on that bi partisan support for the shoring up of these alliances in the endo pacific. the fact is brent, that top visa alliances that have been a very popular policy. there is bipartisan support for them and there has,
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over the last 2 and a half years, especially there has been so much multi level, multi agency engagement to allow along these lines. and it would be very hard to undo them. it would not be impossible but to the likes of on a non alliance loving future president trump, for example, would have a hard time on doing them and you would have to expend a lot of political capital to do so. yeah, future proof decisions in washington correspondent, janelle reloaded with the latest tonight it is always janelle, thank you and for more on this to watch the biggest episode of the w news desk on youtube where our reporters and analysts answer your questions about china's role in the in the pacific, that's at the w news on youtube. the courts in the usa to arizona has reinstated the near total band on abortion under a wall dating back to the 19th century. the ruling is the latest set back for abortion rights campaigners ever since the us supreme court overturned roe vs wade
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. 2 years ago, the binding ministration has blamed former president donald trump for limiting abortion rights. but trump says the arizona law goes too far. the arizona low dates back to 1864. according to the state supreme court, there's no reason to con, once again for her bit nearly own abortions in the states except those that could save the mother's life. the revised ban extends to pregnancies that result from great and incest, arizona, as the attorney general, once the decision repealed when the supreme court upholds what is clearly an unconstitutional ban on abortion. and when there are still lingering and remaining legal issues to work our way through. no, i'm not going to allow any county attorney to prosecute abortion in,
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nor am i below can not be enforced for 14 days. after that, anyone who performs the procedure could face 2 to 5 years in prison. i always plan to follow the law and i will have to really weigh the rest and benefits and make that that's a personal decision that i'll have to make under counsel from, from lawyers rather than you know, making clinical decisions based on what my patients are telling me, i will be phoning my lawyers for guidance on what i can do. the ruling is the latest. i'm a series of state level abortion battle. 2 years ago, the us supreme court are both to 1973 ruling that women had a constitutional rights to obtain an abortion. since then, new restrictions have been sweeping comes over to us, states, almost off of the founding about something. here's a reminder deal of our top stories. it is really here's dry and gets killed. 3 sons
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of hamas is tough, political leader is male need. he is accused his real of acting in the spirit of revenge. and murder is really military confirmed with the attack and said that the 3 men were operatives in how much is military we and as muslims celebrate the end of the fasting, month of ramadan, pelham city is and gone to a marketing ead under the shadow of war. the last run health ministry says at least 14 people were killed. dozens injured by. it's really strikes on the eve of the holidays and lawmakers, you're in europe have agreed to far reach you reforms to the european union's immigration policies they back was being built as a fair system of settling new arrivals or costs all $27.00 members of the you changes include the tougher border checks, will force all countries to share responsibility for immigration. you're watching
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the w news after the break. i'll be back to take you through the day to night. the tough decisions for the us in japan as they plan to work against a rise in china and just how safe is boeing's dream. one will be right back the the, the
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margot friedlander is a holocaust survivor. at the age of 19, she decided to return to germany a country she never wanted to set foot in again. her home. she fights for remembering this year and feels like she belong to tell margaret friedlander. in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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and join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2024. the the us president is hosting the japanese prime minister in washington to renew and reprogram a 70 year old alliance. tomorrow, the leaders will be joined by the president of the philippines. 3 leaders who agreed that the future of the in the pacific can not and must not be written by a rising china. so what are they planning to do about it? well that's a question made less for a president or a prime minister perhaps even more so for the general i'm for golf and berlin. this is the day the .


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