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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CEST

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stuff, and you really see the world as he's never seen it before. the dr. no to dw talking entry, the hello and welcome to focus on europe. how does the country best protect itself against threats? how do we safeguard our democracy, our freedoms and the lives of our citizens against criminals and terrorists? several european countries have been re evaluating their security measures following the recent attack near moscow. more than a 130 concert goers were killed by armed her as during
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a performance by the russian band picnic as croak of city hole. shortly after a slime except affiliates claimed responsibility for the attack, saying they had targeted the thousands of christians in the audience. to 4 people in france, the heretic images brought back traumatic memories of what happened in 2015. when i s carried out a series of attacks, killing nearly a 100 people during a concert at the bus, a cloth theatre. this year friends is hosting the summer olympics and experts fewer the major sporting events could be an attractive terrace target and response. the country has raised its security alerts to the highest level, and president mccall has assured the public that all necessary measures are being taken to keep citizens athletes and visitors safe. in 2024,
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it was from one giant celebration. that's what the organizes of the power silver olympics are planning a low the opening ceremony which will be the 1st ever to be held at the side of a stadium, is expected to 2 over $300000.00 people. but this mega events could make power as a target for terrorism. again, like on the 13th of november 2015. when this ms. terrace killed 130 people in several bars, the past con, concert, whole, and 3rd. so i the soccer stadium. the reason to talk in moscow has rekindled memories. here in paris, the experts are even calling dr. talk the russian boss a class the more to be able to. so it was so in both cases, terrorist attacked a concert venue. the death tolls were very similar. and both were carried out by the so called islamic state. i asked for short, i'll be very different off to it's the same all yes,
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off shoes is believe to have planned to foil the talking from the french government has now raised the terrorist threat to the highest level with ours. he's have the option to deploy an additional 4 tires and security forces nationwide. schools and government institutions are also guessing more security to that was tricky. so let's say the extent of the attack, it must go really shocked to it wasn't just a loan attacker that killed a few people with a knife. most of this was a large scale attack to which the police had difficulty responding to. as you are telling you in recent years, security services believe that the days of major attacks could be over. they were seeing loan attackers like in 2023 on a teacher in the northern city of a russ. as on the german tourist and the center of paris, little didn't was school, the must go attack, but also other recent attacks carried out by the islamic state show development that experts have been seen for months. now that is the terror organization is once
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again gaining power, young while the islamic state has regained its capacity to carry out devastating attacks and other countries, it will make if i'm just a push daddy coffee. french police believe they're no better prepared for this type of terrorist attack than in 2015 or not p o c didn't get for much 146 when you measure both of us know get special training that we didn't use to get on cell when you have those this includes special ed time training. we learn how to take out the attack is you were killing masses of people in closed room situations without injuring civilians couldn't but it's made us realize that both we on the civilians are in constant danger, pushes us through rule. he's got them and all the parts of the french security concept to main, contentious. the police unions are protesting. a large contingent of many tens of thousands of police officers. and john dorms will be working to guarantee security
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during the olympics. but they say there are still too many unanswered questions on say to who, okay, one is showing liberty said we still don't know where all the police offices coming in from the other regions of front. will we housed in paris? it better to. okay, that's adding more stress and we constantly under pressure to do to all the demonstrations, even from the critically the terrorist attacks on the unrest in the suburbs. homebuyers all be about is that that still is if we have all these extra here and i'll spell out the zimmet front, is also planning on deploying over $40000.00 private security personnel. they're guessing specialized training like this fire drill, because the tellers has no says at the highest level, this number could go up by several 1000. no, so far, any 2 thirds of the required personnel. how being trained like this room, what we're asking ourselves whether we can really train that many people in a short time available. but private security personnel are important. we keep her
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eyes open and alert the police if we see anything suspicious. so would be attacks can be foiled, let that they didn't with that. it's a race against time on a far as against the threat the company completes, the role dies, despise all precautions. suppose we know that will be some incidents during the olympic games. but we hope they'll be minor ones. in any case of security forces will be extremely vigilant, and other countries are also set to send security personnel to help protect the games. to try to ensure that this summer empowers will be a celebration of joy. the every parent has big hopes and dreams for that child, but unfortunately, life opportunities still largely depend on where they are born and for romani children growing up in the slums of yet of need to. in slovakia there are few possibilities of receiving
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a good education and of breaking out of poverty. and there are many people are the largest ethnic minority in europe and they have been facing discrimination for decades. our partners said how to hear about the struggles and readings and the pressure hospital and eastern slovakia. martina proudly hold simon in her arms. she could be his mother, but simon is her grandson. martinez. daughter nicholas is nervous. on the 15 she worries about how she will be as a mother bottles, i was afraid i wouldn't know how to take care of the baby and wanted him to go to school when he's big enough and then to work. so. but that won't be easy because simon will grow up here and yet of need say this is and one of many sloman villages and eastern stuff i q and majority of people here are romani, europe's largest ethnic minority as nothing come with
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a see children becoming parents here, just a few houses away from nicholas lives. younger who was 16 and 8 months pregnant. she and her boyfriend, tommy, have their own room in which to raise their baby. i don't know how they will finance life with a child. tell me, is you have to start an apprenticeship today. marshall says you want to work and it will. yes. so what i don't know is it easy to find what's called a sub pat suitable no. the most trauma here can only dream of finding a job. that side of the settlement. prejudice is common sense. social workers slapped underway now they themselves aroma and help presidents deal with the authorities, stevens there, roma often face a still as a the my, you know, the non room. i don't like us, right. my mouse and these thoughts and scroll when i was in secondary school,
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it didn't matter how well dressed i was. come, i looks my white schoolmates, only swore me. is the bad roman? uh we bought a few s just another bad roma. i was just thinking gypsy, but on the last finger, which such experiences, many romani, people prefer to keep to themselves and their villages it gets worse every year in the works hours. the 2 is going to give us what nobody. if a white person comes, they take him. so when we roam a come, they send us away the more than 200000 people into the back you live in appalling conditions. settlements such as schumann janski's vonny, growing with shak after shack being built, children are often without supervision to better understand
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development. within such places, we visited the school in gotta meet the principal and maria upon the co, the told is that only romani children come to the school, the few non roma children in the village. i triple to view other schools by their parents. classrooms were quite empty. the principal explain this have to do with the vacation starting in 2 weeks. meaning most children weren't interested in class anymore. school believes the state that should do something, not about the children, but their parents hung up on me those. the main problem is the parents don't help that children learn at home. they don't really take care of them, right? so we shouldn't be unable to do a 1000000 here at school school. i talk to him uh, they need much more time and attention to make progress to photo gallery supple one project that shows great promise was set up by an aide organization. the so
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called a minus provide help to rome, a families such as here and jo chava, sonya, and younger of both social workers. they show young mothers have to play with their children today. sonya will spend an hour with a 2 year old, some of the less than also starts with about j u. where is it? where is the red circle? look at it. no, because we already did it go very high, thereby helping somebody was concentration and motor skills develop is the aim or minus 2 with many parents with time got to do with their children to protest looking at maybe parents they often don't know what to do with that kid that nobody ever showed them,
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they're worried about getting food would say anything like that they have many children. so the old ones need looking after as well. i think they often just keep the young children in their arms. the parents don't know that you also have to talk with them, play with them and show them pictures because we saw most mother can see the results of him playing with the a mom us once a week. the old monitor, the mule us down to being with the mom is i can see the difference compared to my daughter on you. she's 4 years old. always on these 2 on i can and ready there more than she can. a little upset that the school teachers have also said that children do better when they have been mentors by a minus one months later, we were backing out of need to what there is no, mom. i project young cotton. tommy's family has grown with the birth of their
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son toby as a week ago. i have no wish to leave you out of needs. what's your dream younger? where do you see yourself in 10 years moistened my dream. my dream is still be here . i like it, it's good to be somebody to buy to the are ways of poverty, tier many fear and feel that would be marginalized elsewhere. the millions of tourists will visit spain once again this year, but the country is already facing water shortages. although the hot summer months have yet to begin, one of the most popular towards destinations is the region of catalonia, with its lavish beaches along because some grab. but here to water scarcity is
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a growing problem, much with the concern of tony quinton. i'm a farmer who is now hoping for a miracle to save his fields and animals of the these fields are green because it recently rained here that the tony can. thomas says it wasn't nearly enough. the farmer from to get us cultivates alfalfa spider for his cows. he says he's never experienced such a drought then the youngest bad for like the plan. so to be coming up to where he is at this point. no say 30 pounds february because there wasn't enough randall but a falls that they will be the spanish region of catalonia has declared a state of emergency because of the drought. water reserve levels have fallen below 16 percent. drastic water restrictions are already imposed and summer has not even
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begun yet. this canal used to bring water to tony can turn us fields to doubts that will ever happen again. lavelle, it's practically impossible. although only god can help us out anyway, hopefully you will have to, you know, try a, but otherwise there's going to be a fight here is when i get a, there's no life without the water. for now, the cows can still feed on the reserves. but stocks are running out, tony can ton and his nephew found on have to make tough decisions. but we now have to buy what we can produce affordable because the crops in the fields won't grow properly without the water at similar. i don't know. let's come 1st, but if you know the name was, how was it to the most of the table you have been and we don't know how it's going to pan out the water. we'll have enough water for animals. and so we're being careful with our investments. invest cns dried relief measures are putting
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a strain on the regional government's budget. in catalonia has called an early election after an initial budget proposal failed to pass. 20 can toner is not optimistic no such as almost a little know we make up just one percent of the electorate. but our tourism is much more important. why don't? because there's more money in a wash of, you know, usually and, but at the will, i always say that it's not politicians down here. it's money annual. what do you think was a little light came on the, is of the nato just a few kilometers further. eliza process on the cost of problem. the tourism sector here is preparing for the summer water consumption increases as visitor numbers rise. might have to send this runs a restaurant and says that politicians reacted too late to the drought. send me and most gets an issue that's happening. do you send the nation plans by now?
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don't bring up the land, but i don't think they'll come this summer maybe next year with a bit of a lot. which i sort of say like the minister in charge says the catalonia government does not have enough funds to solve the water crisis alone system some incomplete. when we have corporation projects with other regions suffering from the climate crisis in the mediterranean, the lucky scheme, i think i. e sort of, we want to raise more to policy to a higher level. but uh, you're the one lead the gosh, but a lot of stuff that we must understand. we can only solve this together. e circumstances, the future of your a goal. so it depends on the future of the mediterranean, but are for the waiting for your support isn't an option for tony can turn on his nephew, they worry about their animals and the ongoing drought. and i've asked themselves whether they should continue at all that
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a lot of lot without it would be easy to say we quit fatal, but to really give up the firm would hurt for gives my parents whole life, isn't it? to me, mind me, let me know also my nephew cl voice road unit, although i'm of somehow it's still worse coming up on the water for now, he'll keep hoping for more rain. there is still snow on the nearby tyranny's. and when that melts, there will be some water for his fields. for bill wall and having children around makes them feel like he's still part of society rather than lonely and isolated. luckily at his care home in western england, the old and young play, eat and sing together, making it a place filled with life. laughter and new friendships.
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having fun is easy when this thing in the senior citizens rest of the sounds can home belong. chester, elderly people, to mention patients and kindergarten, children live together. there's children. this is all please, all of these are all the people all together and we will get together. i think it's absolutely fantastic. i called a my god to be seen . wilton has at least as much fun playing as the children do. he used to be a truck driver at $84.00. he now needs assistance, and that's been living in this in to generational community for 2 years. to visual . go over our street. that's easy. all this out
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to a trip will piece fail with jim hughes used to be an engineer. he's showing 3 year olds, jacob, how to handle the trail. these joint activities are optional for young adult and 9th. joyce ashton takes part as often as she can. what's the way we come down? and i said that they all seem to enjoy it. came to me see her. the guiding principle here is that know who should feel isolated. many are on a 1st name basis. the old residents that also nothing. li, cold brand friends,
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and they're happy to share some of that in life experiences with the children at the end. and they just knew how to do it the same day to come to do that confidence. it stays. and i think she's like, i love to the residence and as a student's success and big thing as well as the communication skills for them to think towards them as well. so what, how she actually treats takes it from and we get to see the front of the project is almost 2 years old, but it took several years to plan it's intergenerational concept is new to person. the projects found is hope that community will serve as an inspiration to office. we look to influence on, we've looked at employers as an australian and kind of what, what can we look for university on, on models in china. because everybody is,
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is knows that there is a need for the bill, spend. ready afternoon with the kids, they call him abil stuff, say the children to come when he was that we knew it was what we have to leave today with what. but what we've seen in the last, almost 2 years now, as far exceeded expectations in terms of relationships in terms of 2 or i'm the last thought we have 3 to one see created for success. is that the elderly i'm the kids don't trust in to do quite a bit such as going for walks together. little children, children should be getting it. sadly, it's nature every day with the children is a new beginning for
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e and a and a good day. oh, we don't go down, don't you where we're stay a diamond, don't you go way a did like how to make the perfect kind of will not that and who invented the iconic this? now, the answer may seem obvious, but a heated debate has broken out on it. tell you on social media about that very question. restaurant owner, i better go math tele researched and believes that his family knows the secret of the true origins of this famous italian dish. but other claims have led to quite the uproar as to carbon r a is a classic lunchtime dish and it's a time when it comes to the recipe. well, you shouldn't mess with classics to ship set. look up an hour and room say they have been using the original recipe since the restaurant opened to 1912,
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with ag pecorino pepper. and of course, when charlie cheered pork and cheek, my grandmother always made it this way and the cooks pass down the recipe for him, there is no question that the dish is called carbon nara, because it was invented by wood columns, our car bony vendors in the upper 9 mountains. if you imagine the coal vendors came to rome from the mountain mice, possibly with horses, they probably had some food with honesty and eggs. one charlie and pecorino cheese were popular products that were easy for them to get ahold of the fox. a tale and food historian luke, which has a re recently posted a recipe in social media from a 1954 autonomy and food magazine, which he says is the 1st printed version menu are outraged because dispersion is with conic and swiss cheese. good point.
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yeah, no, no fees over insults have to be black. people said they wished i were dead and that i should be in jail gallia and jesus that they never reactions like this new loan is used. but the fact is that there is no 1st recipe left, the real one that says how it came about the but it set the call me stop back out. he has a zone theory about carbon iris origin story. nation for the main thing. maybe ya need the single probably during the 2nd world war, when us troops were stationed in rome to somebody today, and eggs and bacon, mit spaghetti, and cheese. i just plug it up. plugged alberto marcelli says his grandmother was cooking carbon or a long before then. but the same recipe as restaurants still use us today. and so the debate about the origins of this classic dish continues me. yeah. well,
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that's all from us here at focused on here this week. we hope you enjoy the show and i'll see you next time by the the, the,
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into the conflicts own phase where i live, mrs. kenning, 7 for an aid workers in gaza strip. in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e, i'm a desperately needed food, can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, my guess is yeah. mega and hadn't been region refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict. in 30 minutes, like on a d, w. old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency.
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the, well, the largest, the military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses. how beginning to show this from this new threat, a town in 75 minutes on d w. the 3 of you is you update the green innovations for green and green chimes, the holy grail of electron mobility and green revolution global. so listen to all loud climate problems. if it curious, i'm trying to tell the rest of those channels. we've got new videos every friday,
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tried to plan. it's a vis the shadows of jumping color. these odd costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools, farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, named project cassandra, re determined that has below was operating like a global drug. the objective to financially drain has grown up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series on mos king has. paula starts may, 4th on d, w, the business, dw, and use. and these are the top stories. it is right. it has confirmed that it has killed 3 sons of analysis. political chief, as matter of honey and an striking gaza, is rarely military assess the men operative send him off. his military wing media report say, some of honey is the grandchildren were also killed in the strike depends problem in the stuff in the case she is in washington, d. c. for a visit i am. that's a mentoring relations with abiding administration. to lead is hold talks about the
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was in ukraine and gauze as well as ation.


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