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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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time they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature, the more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary, the back end of shopping mode. again. more and more, people want more and more things, which requires bigger and bigger ships. that's be more and more pollution into the air and see how can new technologies help this method all, for example, in alternative fuel for the giant ships also on today's show attacks on infrastructure or industrialized countries, easy victims, global or traffic is booming. no chinese aircraft manufacturers want to get it on
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the act and local public transportation for free. one example from friends. this truly is a giant in the kingdom of container ships. the world's 1st large method, all powered container vessel is 350 meters, long ways some 172000 tons and could carry 29000 african nav offense. captain steve nicholson recently took the mask on its maiden voyage from china to europe. it was a crucial day for the veterans sailor and clearly not his 1st experience with a ship of this size. it was, i think the 1st time i was on a big ship, the guys is like, oh, this is really big. this is really something else. but i think after, while,
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if you move from a smaller console, we could call you get this after a certain time you could use to the size. so you don't really think about it so much up on deck. the korean flag is still flying. so far, the captain could only observe had their ship registered in denmark, reacted on the week long sea trial conducted by the korean ship builder. hyundai the on a mask is the 1st of 18 large method. all vessels that will be built here over the next 2 years in the portable. so i'm in south korea, the largest ship yard in the world. here what you see is that a is basically the best of being assembled in bottles. so this is a home number 3 on the economic serious. this is a whole number 5 or a section i would say over over the whole number 5 and behind as we don't see it very well is the number of the secret to these new container ships is hidden deep
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below deck. this is the realm of the german chief engineer and today as bucks the engine is dual fuel, meaning it can run on both method all or traditional marine fuels. the says running an engine like this for the 1st time is a huge challenge. we've been out for our seats, right? that'd be around this engine on metal noise and still it's very limited, long time operational experiences. so it makes it very specialist or so it's technically a problem because that may be know people who can say, okay, we have experienced the same fe line in the past. a jew huge mess and all tanks are located next to the 8 cylinder engine, which could supply electricity for some 87000 homes. the consumption of method all is approximately double that of traditional fuel due to the lower energy density says, but all types and change have a special coding and r double walled method known as white top 6 for human.
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so to babe us, as well as the liquid is very toxic, if we get expos story for that reason, we have the whole supply system now out at the top is void piping system with gas and so. so that means when we have a light in the system they, they not the liquid leaking out because it leaks out from the, in the pipe to the voice space. and there will be detected by a gas sense or with green method, all in the tank. the heat of technology and innovation says the company hopes to save up to $280.00 tons of c o 2 per day pro ship compared to a vessel selling on heavy fuel oil. we can talk about 202425 perhaps 26 as ramp up year since. so we can during those years for see a cor existence that of a mental operation as well as a nation with some comments on the fuel. if they can get enough green method,
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all mask is about to change the shipping industry, which accounts for 3 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions around $125.00 container vessels capable of sailing on meth and all around for the world wide. the korean ship makers welcome the challenge, but here in those on the believe it's possible that in the course of the next few years, another technology will emerge. they are currently experimenting with hydrogen in the pit. so there is no, any one for me to meet on the floor, and then that tunnel, ammonia and hydrogen, even energy, et cetera. it is good. it depends on what you choose and whether she will nurse or praise on her tongue. may i ask, who's aiming to reach net 0 emissions by 2040 across its entire business with green fuels, but also other new technologies and new strategies. in addition to the different fuel, the vessels will all have the bridge and accommodation,
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placed at the very front that creates more space and see what is amazing on that one. and like for life compared to the previous generation of the same size, more or less. this vessel altogether would be around 12 percent more efficient than than the previous generation. it's a combination all of us hope to my so called form. so it's a combination of the meanings and efficiency. the combination of moving the accommodation forward and having a larger intake. because of their huge size, transporting $16020.00 foot containers at a time, just one of these ships will actually replace $5.00 to $6.00 conventional vessels and the fleet if all goes according to plan, these type of ship will be a significant milestone in mass commitment to a lower carbon emissions heading with $21.00 knots into a new era for the industry, or how
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vulnerable is our so called critical infrastructure? everything depends on servers, cables, roads, railways, and ceilings, all of which are very vulnerable. and it's not just about cyber attacks. it's also about acts of sabotage or the attacks we've seen so far. just a sign of things to come. one thing is certain, the modern world is under constant threat. who the rebels from young men have repeatedly attacked merchant ships in the red sea, bring the local movement of goods to a standstill. that's because shipping companies are avoiding this route. during one of these accidents, the damaged vessel ruby marks likely destroy the data cables on the sea bed with its anchor. a quarter of all the data traffic between asia, europe, and the middle east was effected. internet service providers had to react immediately. the way we could instruct though, and it worked global from an east and west coast perspective of the african
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continent, we've got access to 2 cable systems on each of the coast. so i'll need to a configuration allows us to release capacity on to alternative cable systems when you do so, a problem for them on, on one of the deep sea cables are part of the critical infrastructure. 1.3000000 kilometers long. they connect all of the world's continents with electricity, telecommunications, and data traffic. like a spider's web, they are interconnected and it's often possible to redirect the data. that's because cables are continually damaged or destroyed due to accidents or possibly acts of sabotage. kia, or a few examples from europe in recent years. the destruction of submarine data cables in norway. and in 2022, between norway and suave bar to september, 2020 to partially destruction of the god stream one and 2 gas pipelines. october
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2020 to $3.00 submarine cables are cut miramar say in between the federal and shetland islands. the consequences that an attack on critical infrastructure can have for companies were seen in march 2024. when the test, the giga factory near berlin was shut down for more than a week. the reason village and eco activists had from the power line to the factory in an arse and attacked that alexis depole went down and the factory had to close the at the end, the fire also put off the thousands and more like 10 thousands of households from the attic tricity great. just let estimated the damage at around 1000000000 euros, tesla c o u on most route on social media channel x. these are either the dumbest eco terrorists on earth or their puppets of those who don't have good environmental
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goals. the attack on the to russian gas pipelines north stream $1.00 and $2.00 in september 2022 was also spectacular. they had already been shut down after rushes attack on ukraine. the attack was possibly intended to ensure that they could never be used again. the perpetrators have not yet been identified. hybrid warfare, that means attacks without uniforms soldiers, and to attacks on infrastructure. those responsible can fairly be traced cause by the term secret services work secrets. so it's usually not what you can actually prove. on paper, there of also been repeated anonymous attacks on georgia bonds, power lines, and recent years. as a result, photography and documentation are prohibited. critical infrastructure is already being protected by the police and intelligent services. in was the critical infrastructure was attacked 1st. that's because civilian military communication
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only works with an intact radio networks and a g p s. this was also the case in ukraine. the russian army destroyed the ukrainian radio network 1st. tax the country. in february 2022. the russians obviously wanted to have a swift and decisive campaign both by going to charity capturing key of on the ground. but also the single thing is they buy does a letting you frame this communications and keep creating as much scales as possible. so they did attack both in the cyber domain, but also conventionally many submarines from neighboring countries are already patrolling the north sea and the baltic sea monitoring the movements of other submarines. these checks will increase as critical infrastructure is and remains via kelly's here of every country.
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what exactly is critical infrastructure and where exactly are the pain points that making it and us so vulnerable? there are more than you might think. the world is complex and protecting it effectively is originally and task. what's critical infrastructure? no, like no water, no electricity, and nothing to eat. the risk of these disaster movie scenarios actually happening is increasing worldwide. for society to continue to function with crises was a natural disaster strikes. one thing has to be protected, the critical infrastructure. but what does that actually involve? first and foremost, is the energy supply. because if the power goes out, almost all other critical infrastructures are effective. for example, food supply without electricity goods boiled in the supermarket shortage then
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causes panic. binding has happened during the corona, virus pandemic, to ensure food security, transportation, and traffic can be allowed to collapse either. that's another piece of critical infrastructure and clean water is a central for nutrition and interruption and the supply also paralyzes production processes and quickly causes illness. of course, this also includes medical care, like hospitals and medicines. the financial end insure in sectors also need to be preserved so the economy stays intact. the german government also counts information technology and telecommunications, media, and culture, government and administration, and waste disposal as critical infrastructure. but how do you protect it? all? continuous monitoring is impossible. instead, these systems need to become more resistant for ex simple, small self,
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sufficient power grids could be built that continue to function after an attack. although critical infrastructure protection is still in its infancy, it's becoming increasingly urgent. the whole world wants to fly everywhere in global air traffic is booming, like never before, especially in emerging markets such as india and china. this requires airplanes, lots of airplanes. the to top dogs are boeing and airbus the chinese suppliers. also one a piece of the pie. competition is getting fiercer and fiercer. more and more people want to fly. the industry measures this in passenger kilometers, like distances, times people on board. and that adds up to a lot since 2012 passengers have logged over 5.7 trillion kilometers in the air. and the trend is increasing. only during the pandemic. was there any noticeable
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decline? but forecasts predict the strong growth by 2041. humans, we left sloan over 20 trillion passenger kilometers. china is going to become the largest and transport market before the end of this decade. and what that means for china or line is it is going to be something like $1200000000.00 extra passenger jr. and these per year to from and within china, in 2014 compared with where we were in $29.00 saying air traffic is growing throughout asia including in up and coming to india the, you know, you have to. ready 100000000 indians to are now classified as middle class. that is a shock because one of the criteria for being middle class and the global economy means they've considerably you might fly, maybe even, you know,
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once every couple of years. that's extraordinary. due to this increasing demand for air travel, airports throughout the country are being modernized or newly built air india. he's getting itself ready from new uniforms and new connections to order a 470 new boeing and airbus aircraft. the big truck into your traffic had been going through other people's airlines into, you know, why it's, frankly, we're any good, but that has changed and here it is. now under new ownership. indigo, a very good airlines is expanding to international routes and all of them are ordering plans and hoping to get them soon. level demand for aircraft is increasing rapidly. airlines are expected to meet almost 41000 more
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aircraft by 2040 to boeing's engineer buses. water books are already pretty filled up for the next decade. that's also an opportunity for new competitors. chinese aircraft manufacturers wants to take advantage of this. i know, developing new aircraft they've got the testing with a pretty good market even though even of growth is slowing a lot of government resources. the only thing they could do to screw up this formula is to do what they're doing their strategy towards developing an airline industry. and airliner industry is kind of all wrong. there were demanding technology transfer with no intellectual property protection. the aircraft manufactured by chinese aviation companies are based on outdated western technologies, which has been updated china. however,
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this has only been moderately successful so far. so their 1st production jet, the a or j 21 was arguably the worst you had ever built as a consequence. and they're taking exactly the same approach with the c 919, maybe the next time they'll get it right. but there are so many problems with this . the c 919 was tended to be a potential competitor to western manufacturers such as boeing and airbus. it was recently unveiled at this single port international aviation conference via crypt concurrently only be used in mainland china and international approvals has still not been secured. every airline would be delighted to have another manufacturer, especially those in asia. asia pacific we think is going to be the fastest growing region the next 20 years. the population trends in asia suggest a young growing ending increasingly wealthy middle class. and it wants to see the
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world. it promises to be a gigantic growth market for the entire aviation industry. air quality is poor and many cities, and then somebody gets cities. you can no longer see your hand in front of your face. one reason there are still far too many cars on the road. how can we get more people on to public transportation to protect the environment? entertainment. how about making it free? in the south of france and mobile? yeah. they're trying to do just that. as multi year slowly wakes up this monday morning, high and shelby is on her way to work. since december 2023, she no longer drives a parents call. the 7 to oma to is to the office. the republic
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transportation is a really good idea, especially for people who think twice before spending 50 yours on a monthly pounds. i only earned 2000 euros each month. it's similar for my sister who now also uses public transportation on it for the program is funded by a 2 percent wage tax. that companies with at least 11 employees must pay such as the $1.00 where a guy in will acts as the manager's assistant for the company used to be in an area with pro, a public transportation connections. and so that's why we move to this location, which is just a 3 minute walk from a tron stop one, you'd actually do that in the well, once the taxes we pay are being used to something that benefits. so science, welcome. like been interested in the higher the mid sized company provides, easy to use, no code management software for businesses. it has 60 employees and an annual
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turnover of 1500000 years. it aims to recruit up to 10 most off this year and says that sustainability will remain a crucial element of its expansion tons. okay, and i software developer, we only use servers that run exclusively on renewable energy, and that's what we have planted fruit trees in the garden and we limits the electricity that we use for lighting and air conditioning. and last year we had our carbon footprint calculated, you know, kind of, we've been buying too much plastic for instance, on. so this to leeway from proof may not be me. what us the cities social is the government is pleased with such efforts it through a party to celebrate this thoughts of monthly use free public transport. in december 2023 of the
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step damage report, the heat free level of transportation, i give us citizen to some of the purchasing power about your, jeff, what's an ecological and a social measure of federal abuse and helps us fight little warming but doesn't punish people who need some brings everybody. yeah. and hopefully they're going back to it to you or the cars, the cleaner, the air, we breathe a left for his p o. the scheme costs $30000000.00 euros each year with the city's budget reaching 1000000000 years. economists agree that the money is well spent to satisfy the like every public service. this is a tool for income redistribution fee that you get out in fillings and it has a positive x terminal effect. and as you'll see to it, i'm hoping it lowers the city c o 2 emissions and pollution for example. so it also seems to be leading to new shops opening in more social diversity in the city center. as it's easier for people to get around mixed with people that to associated with but not every one a month, a year spends to benefit much from the fee, public transport system,
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the neighboring town of sounds, all does. he does part of great amount, but he has about 12000 residents and counting. you go to your lives in central month a year, but works in the suburb. he's part of the group that says the money spend should instead be invested in expanding the existing transport network the way it allows you to the son john, to that does only trans stuff. okay. uh, the trim only runs every 15 minutes. you can move, even though at the end of the workday when people need to get home telephone with us, see if the connection has so the local town hall is set up a shuttle in one district here. who is that quote that you have to pay for? uh, it would make a couple of transportation free. you need to make sure all parts of the city have access to the network, especially in a growing city like this one on a row. so you only please people in the walk and i could center and forget about those living on the outs, girl city city. the city is trying to change that by an additional timeline
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that were run through songs onto with us and you bus lines. the company also ends to become even corina, a new say single sunday or a year where there's a life changing event club where it's us, it's a new and really installed. so not 10. it's on the roof to become even more sustainable, plumbing your own car, and it's on the back to on the especially since energy prices have risen. because the, in any case, transportation is no longer the biggest che, and the companies carbon footprint. almost half of the employees here take public transport to look is mobility possible without the car or public transportation? how about the cycling in the fresh air? it's good for your health, but often exhausting and can be dangerous. a new bike could provide
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a remedy. cycling with artificial intelligence. this bicycle is equipped with cameras. a screen and 5 g. yeah, so you could watch videos so you can run the photo that would be dangerous. but the camera, the back service to alert the rider about dangers. we have a rear camera with a i for a vehicle detection. so if you're writing device and there is that you come in vehicle, he will give you a notification. we weren't allowed to test it though it's unclear how expensive it will be. would you buy one level logistics without tens of thousands of tons of pollution in the oceans or in
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the air? a major challenge for industrialized nations traffic in cities. how does environmental protection to hasn't henderson, ability and how do we counter the threat of sabotage? can paralyze our critical infrastructure in a flash? thanks for watching and take care. see you next week. the
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answer of the conflicts. so phase where i live, mrs. kenning, 7 for an aide. work is in gaza strip in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e. i'm a desperately need of food can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, my guess is yeah. mega and hadn't been region refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict. in 30 minutes on a d. w. old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency.
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the well largest, the military alone and has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses, probably getting to show this up from this new threat made in 75 minutes on d, w, the these big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the amazon. yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal leather stats may said on d, w, conflicts,
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crises. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the frankfurt international gateway to the best connection, solstio, road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and strongly alice services. be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd, managed by front, bought the
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the the, this is the deputy in use of live from the grief and shell, get the highest level of her mouth and is really as try. it has killed 3 sons of the palestinian militant groups. tough politically the it's my own honey. i. the accused of israel murder and revenge was coming out who comes in and who stays out a sweeping over whole of the european union's immigration policy, which lawmakers say is farrah with some say it doesn't go far enough. laughs tens of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes and mid devastating floods.
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