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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the the is the deputy and use of live from the grief and shell get the highest level of her mouth and is really as try. it has killed 3 sons of the palestinian militant groups . tough, politically the, it's my own honey. i. the accused of israel murder and revenge was the coming out who comes in and who stays out a sweeping over whole of the european union's immigration policy, which lawmakers say is farrah with some say it doesn't go far enough. lots, tens of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes amid devastating flooding and parts of russia and catholic stone,
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some of the was to hit the region. the ac is the last, like a welcome to the program. and it's really a strike has killed 3 sons of him. off chief is my of honey, a. in garza, the israeli military confirmed the attack and said the 3 men were operatives and have mouses, military. we need to report say, some of honey is grandchildren were also killed in the strike. the accused israel, of acting in the spirits of revenge and uh, and set him off would not give into pressure on his family area. we also dw, as i'm in ease of injury. so then what role is my of honey i place in the will on what the effect the killings may have, have on the ongoing ceasefire negotiations as well. he really is the top leader of
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hamas, but also the diplomatic face from us. he's been a leader since 2017. he lives outside of the gaza strip in could tar shuttling between to tar and turkey, as well as meeting a rainy and officials for talks. he's able to travel around because he's not inside the gaza strip. he's also safe from air strikes because of that. now it's really up to him what happens in the negotiations. of course he is going back and forth with other leaders or from us. but really, since he came out and he said after the strikes that this would not affect the negotiations. but really, as this is the biggest loss for him, since the conflict started this latest conflict, so it really remains to be seen whether or not this will have an effect on those negotiations, which for all intents and purposes, lie in his hands. i mean, he is, if the in jerusalem, not most of them surround the worlds have been mocking each the end of the holy
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month of ramadan. traditionally upset with, with 3 days of celebration. this is facilities are overshadowed by the israel hospital and gone. so with how the students are facing critical shortages of food, water and medicine, praying alongside the ruins. the white minarette is all that's left from this mosque. and rafa the rest of the building was destroyed during and is really offensive. in february, last year i was surrounded by my children. i'm looking at them with joy. but today i am injured unable to move or go anywhere. this palestinian mother has come to the grave of her son on the 1st day if i need it, it isn't really for me. i wish she was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, prepare my present for when i return and he's gone. everything good is
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gone. more than 6 months into the war. the hum us run health ministry and gaza says over 33000 people have been killed. most of them civilians, thousands remain on accounted for the occupied westbank worshippers also tip gaza and their e prayers dw spoke with the head of a relief organization in rome. all over the last 6 months and now we are entering the 7 the month. we are calling for for the aid sustained 8 and 3 to gaza. the needs are massive and every day that passes and go on, we see the more deeds that are growing. you and experts say 1100000 people, half the population are experiencing catastrophic food and security with the humanitarian crisis. getting worse. israel's closest allies are voicing more criticism by the day. us president joe biden told us spanish language
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broadcast network univision, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose approach was a quote mistake. i don't agree with this because i think it's our rate. there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people they should be done. now israel said it aloud, a record number of a trucks into gaza since the war began on the eve of the holiday. but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently insisted no force in the world. what stop is really troops for mentoring drop off? that's where most cousins have gone to avoid the fighting. but israel's military also insist, garza southern most city is harboring the remaining battalions of homos whose october 7th tier attacks in israel started the war. germany is left hand
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side says that has temporarily suspended it slides to and from iran capital to ron, due to the airline calls, the current situation in the middle east. lufthansa says it is in contact with authorities and monitoring the situation. israel and the united states are in highlights and preparing for a possible attack by iran against military and government targets in response to a suspected bombing by is, randy will planes off. the radian coincidence in syria 10 days ago. your p in parliament has approved a sweet thing reform to the blocks asylum policies. the changes set to kick in in 2026 will bring in tough of board checks and oblige full $27.00 countries to share responsibility responsibility for undocumented migration. many lawmakers have called at a fair system of a settling asylum seekers, but others disagree. the dia, tunzia,
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and coast guard buckling rough seas to rescue 37 migrants just some of the lexis arrivals. this area of the island of lump producer is considered one of the front lines in europe, struggle to control migration. last year, more than 1100000 people fired for asylum and the you, the highest number since 2016 basically has been one of the countries pushing for an over hold of migration policies to help share the burden. now those reforms are passed and the european parliament with a majority, 16 and 2 fox sports, followed by wrote, this is a historical decision is the historical moment when i took office 4 and a half years old, very few so that we could make it to actually have both parliament ended members face to agree on a new, comprehensive and solid migration and inside the policy the you migration and
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decide impact bundled together agreements that were years in the making. one of the chief aims is to synchronize procedures starting with the screening of non e u and national it's on arrival. and the collection of biometric task board or facilities will be created to accommodate the asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those ineligible to stay. most importantly, oh you members would be required to either take an asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. some lawmakers say it does not solve problems, it was meant to a, a bleeding. and also this won't be an automatic redistribution of those seeking. protection of the 1st country of arrival will still be responsible today. it's no real solid narrative. absolutely, nothing is being done to stop the depths in the mediterranean near the borders will become more and more close dolphin. we will see more brutality. and so people have to take more risks and more dangerous routes for you at least get needs to be the
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vote was also briefly disrupted by protestors who called the reform short sizes. they are concerned that is adults, a position often times it by the extreme right and leaves the lives of those in need. in even grace or danger to dw correspondent jack park has mole on the phones. this is being one of the most grueling complex, difficult, divisive pieces of legislation in new york. new news, especially for the last decade and a lot of the piece here in brussels in the european union have been very, very conflicted about trying to get this over the lines. many of them voted against certain aspects of the past, but have approved other aspects and those are a lot of the different elements of this package got enough of those were approved, meaning the overarching thing is approved and that will be
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a release for many of the people that have been heavily involved in the negotiations on this migration and asylum products because they were independent of one aspect to the, to a failed. the whole thing wouldn't have was that's because things like that, the tension and processing the use external borders in countries like it's a decrease on spain was reliance on another part of the vote which was to transfer people often to other parts of the european union. it's an approved that will be a sigh of relief, but as one of the p set to meet ahead of the vote, no one will be pumping buses or champagne in brussels this evening. check park, they're reporting for brussels. let's take a look now at some of the stories making use around the world. us president joe biden and depends prime minister in the case. you have pledged a united front to count to china, which you need is helpful in washington ahead of a 3 way summit with the philippine presidents, but in a macros. junior, the summit is set to focus on the perceived threats from china in the in the
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pacific region. equity was former vice president, jorge glass has reportedly attempted suicide. gloss was arrested last week after police right on mexico's embassy in quito, where he had been living since december 5th, which has sense of mashed and which gloss crime scene was beaten by police during his detention facing corruption charges. the south korea and media are reporting that precedent. you and so go, has promised to renew his administration office, suffering heavy defeats in parliamentary elections, countries prime minister until presidential advisors have attended their resignations. with nearly all votes counted in south korea's parliamentary elections, the liberal opposition party is success for a landslide victory. at least 3 people have been shocked and wounded as an ito fitz or festival in the us. city of philadelphia. police arrested 5 people in connection
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with the shooting, including a 15 year old boy. the incidents happened as residents to celebrate at the end of ramadan. flooding has forced tens of thousands to leave their hives in both areas of southern russia and catholic stone. melting snow has raised water levels along the euro river costing dikes and dams to collapse authority as have setup a rescue operation, but local residents and say enough's enough was done to prevent the search. the flooded area is getting bigger by the hour. the rising waters now threatening the regional capital of our in board. a city of more than half a 1000000 authorities are urging everyone in dangerous areas to leave their homes. mother and civil the. it's hard for me around but we have to stay strong vehicle. my son has come for that. i have to give an example that we will overcome may to deal with the floods he'd several regions invest in siberia,
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in neighboring cars like stone rushes emergencies. ministry launched a massive rescue operation, but they help from the federal center is often seen as too little or too late. a brief protest over the handling of the disaster broke out in the regions 2nd largest city of our school on monday. football game, almost the people in the city help each other regardless of some tensions we have, we can say the same about audit restriction. the administration should not just be a shame. they need to be sick and dude, for the waters became uncontrollable after a dam intended to hold just over 5 meters of water broke over the weekend. its level has since doubled, questions have been raised over whether negligence lead to the disaster, as well as the authorities response to a local residents. we'd also like to hear
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a word of support from the countries leader on the regions largest floods in decades. instead, they go to a message from the spokesperson teaching fucking teachers to also put in is not in the open book region. physically. he's constantly involved in the matter issue. he's dealing with these issues the entire day, which has which at the moment a visit to the region is not on the agenda. it's the most critical moment. now. we will monitor developments in the next few days and with the kremlin state control over the media and security services, it's unlikely that many people will be publicly questioning if the disaster perhaps could have been prevented. this has need over the news and has romando 5 top storage and it's really a strike has killed 3 sons of i'm also still politically that is my own honey. a has accused israel, of acting in the spirits of revenge, and mad is fairly military confirmed the attack. instead,
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the 3 men were operatives, and how must this military wait? i'm a little slack and i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news up next slide . that's a look at so low cost by the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube cost about why does that because not, not.


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