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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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in the service of revenge and magic is mainly military confirmed the attack. instead, the 3 men were operatives and had most of the military waiting. i'm a little slack and i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news up next to minus a look at solar costs by the can you see what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. now on youtube cost about why does that? because now i'm liza the new host to
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join us for an exciting inspiration. and everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope that you will tune in the holy grail of electron mobility. solar power is cost for you fuel from the sky gigabytes, worries about range and charging time, a simple but brilliant idea that let $2.00 companies who proceeded into bankruptcy. so now motors in germany and like in the netherlands to be seen does a lot of ways to ruin the concept. they put everything into building their own sort of cost ends phase. so what's the big deal breakout about solar costs?
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first we need to understand how they work. that's why we hit an acetone, germany with a solar ice team that's on guard. so this is one of the most efficient electric vehicles in the world. yes, i can look at it right. it looks like a ping pong table basically, so it doesn't have too much in common with the normal car. this is and we'll do it back back in 2017. he was one of the founding members of teams on barton, in awesome 18 to participate in solar racing competitions across the world. for example, in australia, i mean that it looks a bit like a soapbox. like you. yeah. like a desktop you could say, and it's, and a little bit it writes like that too. so how many kilometers do you care of? depends right. depends totally on the sun, right? if you're driving without the sun, it could be around 600 kilometers. that's a rather small 6 kilowatt hour battery. but if you have
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a good sun direct sun like then you can drop and definitely fix it. you can just keep going. of course, it's depending on the speed then, right? if you don't have too much sun, you have to go slower. yeah. and it has a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour and it's covered in full square meters of solar cells. and it has only 3 wheels with the engine sitting directly in the wheel in the back, while the cost will be sufficient as possible. aerodynamics key. just to give you an idea of how light this is when i do this, like the whole cause taking or how much does it weigh? it, it depends little bit on the battery chemistry, but somewhere around a 160 kilograms. yeah, yeah, it's just fuel be made of the carbon fiber. uh everything is, is mills out of titanium or allow me medium car or fiber. so light weight is, is definitely the way to go because everything else is more rolling resistance.
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rolling resistance needs more energy. the 1st on the car was even the lights are in 1955, william g called at general motors design, the son mo bile, about the size of your hands. in 1962, this 50 year old model baker was equipped with solar cells in 1980 research at til of university gave the best to the ugly duckling, a tiny call with solar panels on the roof and put but building. so the cost is a bit more complicated than just slapping solar cells onto a tiny com. the 1st big challenge is the sun's angle. so let's say let's generate most energy when the panels perpendicular to the sun, that's why some sort of pox even ton from out the day. but everything on the cost is fixed and round. that means so it's the operating in the less ideal conditions. unless you own a competition car during the mandatory stops while the racing,
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they can pop up there. but so you stop pop up the hood and then you basically have the perfect thing for the sun. just sign on the yeah. i don't see that with any normal kind of happiness. the 2nd challenge is that you need to use special solar cells. these cost about $35.00 grand on the top. we have. busy all across the crystal and silicon cells, right? how efficient are these? so these are around 25 percent, right? and it was 4 square meters, so it gives you roughly a peak. i'll put off a kilowatt hour. obviously the same sales that are on roof these days. for example, this one you can find on your, on groups, for example. but the difference, here's the encapsulation, right? this is a very efficient, a calculation that trucks the light a little better. then you find the stuff on the route because the stuff in the roof and, and also commercial seem to come, solar cars has to be more doable. right? don't scratch so fast. and because, as i said,
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we don't want to get into touch them and that is not feasible for, for commercial vehicles. but the real crux of commercial solar cost is that they are much heavier than they raise costs. and so i can only produce so much power. that's why making them run only on solar poa is really, really hot. like every other electric vehicles. they also have batteries that can be recharged on the grid. but the solar cell is actually where bankruptcy started for solar cost offs like so much as from germany and light, you know, from the netherlands because manufacturing the cell is quite complex. usually, panels are straight part in solar costs. they need to be carved. the electronics become more of a challenge when the, the surface is quite curved. this is less hoss slot, co found out flight. yeah. he also comes from so that's how racing. because in one sort of cell is a looking at this on, in a different way than the other side of the cell. and then you need complex hydronic to, to still get most of the yield of soto. but that's not the only challenge the cells
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should be robust and shouldn't spence out if the car crashes and integrating them into a cop out isn't easy either. so you started the floss then uh what you add is a kind of a conductive back sheet. it's gold, so basically it's a printed circuit board, but then flexible, and then you pick and blaze the solar cells on top of that up in the circuit board . buying the machines, buying the materials, developing manufacturing processes. and after you did all that, you need to get your newly developed so the cop pods certified for every day streets. all of those costs a lot of money sign motors would have needed 2 to 300000000 euros. just to go into mass production. know pocket money for stop but solar sales are only one part of the puzzle. the other one being how many kilometers you actually get out of it. and the why the lot of things to consider the size of the solar rates bigger
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means more generate to the energy location on the globe. some countries get most on then, others time off a year of course shading dust on panel of solar panels aging which makes them less efficient. and more. i know there are studies that fact it in some of the things but not old and it's mostly calculations and not real. will long term tests keep that in mind. so how many kilometers do you get out of this? well, it's varies. anything from 293 kilometers at the low end to $3400.00, up to 5100 kilometers per year. a problem is that all these studies assume different parameters like size off the soda res. possible power allows foot, whether the shades or not just an example of how much of a difference that makes that only increasing the p v area. by half the square meter you already get 2078 kilometers, instead of 1444 kilometers per year. that's what so no motors and like you did,
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they increase the size of the solar rate. so know when for 6 and like you full 5 square meters, projected ranges with $34.00 or 70 kilometers per day, both promises that couldn't be kept. so no, it couldn't raise enough cash. the company is restructuring and selling off that. com and you factoring capacities like your underestimates of manufacturing costs. they plan to sell that like a 0 full 120000 bureaus, but increased it to 250000 bureaus, due to expensive comp pots, they follicle bankruptcy in 2023. it is a very low volume exclusive. can you go that when financial markets change and a lot of focus comes on the actual margins of the products generating, then this debt project is not the perfect fit for the market, right? so that's why we'd have to restructure. they are now trying to build a cheap, a cock cold like you to buy us. still looking for partners and investors. the us
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start up at tara motors which shut down in 2011 due to lack of funds, but came back in 2019 with new bacchus looks also great on paper 600 right and 43 kilometers, a range. 60 for additional kilometers per day. costs below $40000.00 us dollars. bots. when nbc tested the prototype, our test model had some obvious flaws and it could barely make you to appeal without over td hours. i think you're the 1st person ever drivers on groups, not a good look. bought the actually already so the cost on the right, well kind office sold the cost. they don't die. so not for example, hybrid car with the solar car roof, which under ideal conditions will give you 3 to 4 extra kilometers per day. yeah. not that much. it's more of a nice to have design future talking to industry experts and costs supplies. the common factor is most looking at so levels as optional. so it's really hard to
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predict how many vehicles will be actually equipped with it if we don't fundamentally change cause of parents of solar panels. impact will always be quite limited. but what happens if you blow one parameter completely out of proportion? something that is being tested right now by the truck manufacturer, us scan yet in sweden, in collaboration with folks that are university. are you what's while the has been going on since september the 20, 23, instead of 2 square meters like most cost, the hybrid truck has 113 square meters of solar cells that charge a battery in the trailer for an estimated 5000 kilometers of edit range per year, we expect maybe somewhere around 5 to 10 percent of the energy that that can come from so not in the gym. and that's why i should say that that is also is we've done, which is um, maybe not the best place to test this. this is eric johansen. he leads the trial
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and is in charge of the scientific data collection. what book you have seen so far? it looks to be your other segment or what the expect experts so that is um, what most surprising similar they even ran the numbers for southern europe and that could turn out twice as much energy or so there are some great use cases for solar . when vehicles are very light and they are deployed in sunny regions that can soonest with these deliberately tries that goes all these small boxes for public transport and nigeria that mainly run and so the power so the cost to manufacture is almost when's boss we don't know how much energy we're going to get out of it? at which point today you can already put a solar panel on your roof and power. your electric vehicle. it's through your cost roof is that way that can be used otherwise, but until that has an impact, it's going to take a lot of time. the
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if you did like the video, please share like and subscribe to our channel. we personally, if it is on the environment every friday, the on the inside of the conflict. so phase where i live, mr. kenning, 7 for an aide. work is in gaza strip in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e, i'm a desperately needed food, can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes i guess is yeah. mega and hadn't been the wage and refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict of next door opened on dw old friends. new front is made so still
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prepared to defend itself. in case of an emergency, the world's largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. now, some weaknesses call beginning to show this from this new threat made in 45 minutes on d w, the names cassandra re determined that hezbollah was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has come and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series. i'm asking has paula starts may 4th on d, w. the it is rarely mr. kenning, 7 for an aide. workers in gaza rep in hopes that the humanitarian situation, my ease, and the desperately need his food can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of famine. for how realistic of those hopes, my guess is yeah. megan's head of them, the wage and refugee council for decades of experience in the humanitarian field. he's also a former, diplomatically, was personally involved with a low piece told between israel and the palestinians and the 1990. how does he think the savage, more connected and 6 months the war must be old,
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but i hope it's over in.


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