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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw, use life from bullet brief and shocked at the highest levels of how much. and his wife is trying kills 3 sons of the palestinian militant groups talk political data is spent on here. use is way over the 10 percent. also coming up the waste japan and the philippines told the 1st tried landfill. somebody. i mean, rising tensions with china in the south trying to see the
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adventures of will and welcome israel has confirmed that killed 3 sons of homeless as top political data is male honey. yet the brothers were travelling in a vehicle in the kansas strip when they would targeted buying is by the drone homeless switch lite the terror attacks on his rounded october says for the lead. his grandchildren also died in the strike. and he is, children are among the highest profile figures to be killed so far in the school strike to the heart of how much, but killed 3 of the groups, most prominent figures, the sons of how much his leader is money. and the way they were here to visit the families of people who have been killed, look on him and to come at once. it could have been a terrible massacre because the streets are always busy. luckily, they are new talking to them. they're always so many children in this area is the is rarely army says the brothers had conducted military activity in the central
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gaza strip, describing one of them as a cell commander. their father is mine, honey is how much is diplomatic face? he lives outside of gaza and has acted as a negotiator in choose talks since the war began. the depths of his sons comments, news, these fire talks and type of drug own without sign of a break for the latest proposal, which i must, as it's studying reportedly includes. the release of 40 is rarely hostages, being held in gaza in return for hundreds of palestinians from it's rarely jails. near says the attack will not change the groups demands. but concerns are growing that it could tarnish months of talks, especially after they appear to be gathering steam. in recent days,
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dw correspond, atanya crane that has more of the story telling you the is ray, the army says, and he is sons, were operatives, and how much is military we? what more do we know about their roles? well, what you know is basically that they were driving in the shockey refugee camp. this is where the home of israel honey, they have massey. this was actually outside of casa, and they were hitched by an asteroid. go drone as dry. thomas said, also 3 grandchildren were killed in that strike. now we're hearing from the is really military enderson bed, the domestic intelligence agency that at least one of them was a squad colanda and the others were lower ranking. a military operatives in her mouth submitted to her ring the cause i'm for gates that has been your confirmation on that from us. what do you think this is going to do to cease find
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negotiations as well? i mean the hard it from the is man, honey, i must say to himself, reacting to the death of his sons, he said this will not change anything to thomas will stick to their demands, but it still comes at a critical phase. he also acknowledged that and he might not really help it, but you have to understand the thomas has always talked more in their long term strategy. you know, they, they playing also by the time. and, and the main sticking points, as we understand, are still that they are asking for a full faith far they're asking for a full withdrawal of the art is ready for says and to return to the um, uh for residents that where it displays to the noise but we also understand that now we're waiting for him us to give him the official response to that deal. that has been how much out by the media to is katasha and egypt. you don't,
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you correspond to tanya cream. i in jerusalem. thank you very much. let's take a look at some of the other stories making use equitable. as for the vice president, toy gloss has reportedly attempted suicide last was arrested last week after a police raid in mexico's embassy and quito way. he'd been living since about quarter just since emerged in which cost claims he was beaten by police during his detention space and corruption charges south korean media reporting, the president joseph jones, has promised to renew his administration of to suffering a heavy defeat impala man to the collections department, as the end of the presidential advisors have attended their resignations, legal votes counted in the countries parliamentary elections, liberals, opposition policies except for a landslide victory. at least 3 people have been shot and wounded as an official
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festival in the us city of philadelphia. police arrested 5 people in connection with the shooting, including a 15 year old boy. the incident happened as president celebrated the end of ramadan before the chief financial officer of donald trump's real estate in plants, as being said, is to 5 months in prison. for both jury island buys with bugs pleaded guilty to the line while giving testimony and a civil full lawsuit board against the trump organization. you as president joe biden and japanese private and stuff for me. ok, should i have vowed to boost defense ties and present the united front to counter china. the leaders help folks in washington, they have their 1st try latrell summit with philippine president photon. and marcus junior, it will focus on the perceived freight from badging in the, in the pacific. know, 3 leaders and a set of high stakes security challenges president joe biden is hosting japanese prime minister. assume your because she, the,
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and philippine president bumble mark was in washington dc for a trilateral summit following on from an official visit with casita. because according to the white house president biden prime and a circus, she dot and president marcos are meeting to underscore the alliances between the 3 countries to both are economic cooperation and to foster peace and security in the in the pacific. but there's a threat to that peace and security in the region. and this tre, lateral stomach is at least in part, a response to that speaking after the bilateral meeting bite and in cuz she to emphasize deepening defense ties between their 2 countries. obviously for modernize you come in and control structures and oregon increasing the interoperability and planning of our military so, so you can work together in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrade in our line since the end of it says it was 1st established. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile,
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and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a tri, loud or military exercise which you plan in the united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia, the united kingdom is explore and how japan can join in our work. although both leaders insisted that the show of of greater partnership is not about seeking confrontation with any one countries. the warnings of china over its hostile behavior in the south china sea is clear. the chinese coast guard has repeatedly targeted philippine vessels with water cannons near the contested seconds. on the sho raising fears, washington could be dragged into a direct confrontation would be doing it for us to defend it's trinity allied. the philippines analysts say that means, but you, west has become interested in making sure its allies are able to help themselves. and each other. the us wants to deepen inter operability with these partners and help them become more capable allies themselves. so that in any future contingency,
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whether it's a south tennessee or eastern sea or taiwan or something else that we haven't even imagined yet, the us has capable modernized partners who can stand with it. and we have to recognize that the unipolar moment is over. and the us, it's great experience, is this alliances and it's partnerships. it can not do this stuff alone. ahead of the summit, the philippine and bassett, or to the west stress, the need to find a peaceful resolution or risk a wider conflict. and so that is the message that we give to one of our friends that anything happens in the philippines, you may want to stay away from it, but the fact of the mattress is going to become a major conflict that was not the, that, that's it. the survival of the real estate here and beyond the strengthening of the 3 way security relationship. tokyo and washington are also committing to increased infrastructure and industrial investment in the philippines and recognition that's standing up to be. jane comes out of costs,
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both in defense and an economic terms the survival of the well, that's a couple of that we've journalist sonya plants cuz he's based in tokyo, is trilateral meeting is set to be addressing the security threat. china pauses to the region. what does japan fit? yes, it's a pan has had a long relationship with china, which has been dominated by the 2 kinds of issues. the 1st one is territorial issues. 12 years ago there was the same talk with conflict. and back then i would say the situation between china and japan was even worse than today because japan was nationalizing islands. that's china claimed. and because of that conflict, so were a lot of a big demonstrations across china and japan use products, smoke avoid cottage. so um they've had their classes in the past compared to that at the moment the relationship is relatively okay. i would say of course there are increasing china. it has been increasingly as such as in the reason. and japan has
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also showed more strengths than in the past has thought to, to work together with other countries to kind of show, okay. uh, we are not okay with, with what you're doing in the end of what is there. and so for japan, it's really like walking a tightrope, they need to make sure that on the one hand they show enough strength. but on the other hand, they're very into link economically with china. so that's quite tricky actually for japan. one of the fun just to add to the territory use if i, if i'm a, basically most of my apologies. japan also controls the access to the pacific. so for china, it's of course, very important to, to, to access the pacific spots. there's the japanese island change between fusion. okay nava. so they have been also some classes between ships and submarines in the cost or what concrete measures on japan that it's neighbors taking into account or what you call china is a service in the region. this was the philippines,
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for example, japan has we're quite closely together. they used to live with coastal radar systems to the philippines. casey, the travels to the philippines in november to talk about increased corporation. they've gone to the troops access to each of those territories, which is really the last step before a profile official military agreement, so to speak. so they are increasing their corporation on many levels. so sonya laska in tokyo, a quote in the us state of arizona, it has reinstated that needs total band on abortion under low the taking back to the 19th century, the ruling is the latest sent back for a boston rights campaign. and since the us supreme court overturned the nationwide and time went to pregnancy, termination 2 years ago, the bite and administration is blamed for the president, donald trump, for limiting abortion rights. the trump says the arizona little goes to find
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the address on the low dates back to 1864. according to the state supreme court. there's no reason to con, once again for her bit nearly own abortions in the states, except those that would save the month of life. the revised band extends to pregnancies that results from great and incest, arizona's attorney general once the decision repealed. when the supreme court upholds what is clearly an unconstitutional ban on abortion, and when there are still lingering and remaining legal issues to work our way through. no, i'm not going to allow any county attorney to prosecute abortion in, nor am i below can not be enforced for 14 days. after that,
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anyone who performs the procedure could phase 2 to 5 years in prison. a hey, always plan to follow the law and i will have to really weigh the rest and benefits and make that that's a personal decision that i'll have to make under counsel from, from lawyers. rather than, you know, making clinical decisions based on what my patients are telling me, i will be phoning my lawyers for guidance on what i can do. the ruling is the latest. i'm a series of state level abortion battle. 2 years ago. the us supreme court are both the 1973 ruling, the women had a constitutional rights to obtain an abortion. since then, new restrictions have been sweeping comes over to us states. the almost cost of the founding of both is something that brings you up to date on the all the world use. i've been because all that, a quick reminder about top story this hour on the w use. and is way the strike has killed 3 sons of how most of the top political lead it is by the has accused is
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rather of acting in the spirit of revenge and mode these by the military confirmed the attack and said to 3 men, for operatives and how much is military wake up, experts pun today? this week, the team is looking at solar powered cars and asking why there are more on the roads i've been visible. and thanks for watching the sometimes the best show, right. how that you out to the highlight for every week? nothing, not the discovery stories change your mind just a click away.


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