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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, what you use life from the live, grief and shock at the highest levels of hum us is rarely strikes, killed 3 sons of the palestinian militant groups. the top of it will be the smell. and yet he accuse this rounds of murder and revenge. the west japan and the philippines. old. they 1st try latrell summit. i mean, rising tensions with china in the south china sea. as tens of thousands full simply as flood step of state punts of russia and concerts done. some of the wants to hit the region in 18, hit the
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i've been visible and welcome. how about this top political leader says the depth of his 3 sons, internet's baby and strike was influenced by adults in cairo. is my, he has sons were travelling at a vehicle in the gaza strip. would that be targeted by, in his way of the drug home us, which light the tower attacks on his well in october says at least 3 of the lead his grandchildren were also killed in the strike. the latest round of talks to agree, a temporary cease fire in gaza, has been ongoing since sunday a strike to the heart of from us, but killed 3 of the groups. most prominent figures. the sons of how mazda is leader, is smile, honey. a henry guy, they were here to visit the families of people who have been killed. look on him and come at once. it could have been a terrible massacre because the streets are always busy. luckily they only talk is
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of them. they're always so many children in this area. the east riley army says the brothers had conducted militant activity in the central gaza strip, describing one of them as a cell commander. their father is mine, honey, is how much as diplomatic face. he lives outside of gaza and has acted as a negotiator intrudes talks since the war began. the depths of his son's commerce news, these fire talks and type of drug own without sign of a breakthrough. the latest proposal, which i must, as it's studying reportedly includes the release of 40, is rarely hostages being held in gaza in return for hundreds of palestinians from it's rarely jails near says the attack will not change the groups demands,
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but concerns are growing that it could tarnish months of talks, especially after they appear to be gathering steam in recent days, dw correspond to tire cream, it has more on this. what signals is well sending with this strike on how to use sense as well. this really military didn't really go into details about it's operational tactics behind that strike. but they said that there were operatives within with the cause, some brigades, that's a homozygous military wing, other than being also the sons of the home, mostly to is no, honey. i know some here argue that this is, of course, part of israel's, a strategy of maximum prussia on how the us and also showing how much they can strike anywhere everywhere. but discharges sofa hasn't resulted in putting enough pressure. it seems on how much to come to a new agreement. they just heard it in the report. the negotiations are ongoing and
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they also heard from the how nicely the is my opinion saying that this would not change. how may i assist demands, but it comes, of course, at a critical time. the consequences for a hostage deal tell you or well, we've been hearing that how mazda is not expected to respond to a proposal that has been how much a, by the media test, katara, egypt, and also the united states. we have heard some officials and recent days from us rejecting this proposal, but how much has put out a statement saying they're still studying it. so this expectation that there will some sort of answer assume now the main sticking points from the point of view of thomas where they want to see a full seas far. they want to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces and also a, a return of displaced people in residence or of northern garza to the north of
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cause a israel has caused some of these demands delusional in the past days. and they want to see at least 40 hostages of release the these will be mainly a women entity. also the 2 children that are there, it's unclear with a 5 female soldiers would be part of it in exchange for palestinian prisoners. husband is really of prisons and of course also this with mean a, a temporary, a seized by at least this took about 4 to 6 weeks, a temporary si fi. but again, we don't know all these details. we need a lot of clarifications on that. we would have to wait and see how these talks of progress. the ladies from dw corresponding, tanya came in. joey. so what we found an imminent in the gaza strip. the united nations says it has enough food to feed the population there either add to near its borders, but getting
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a into the besieged territory continues to prove extremely difficult. in theory, food and medical aid can get into guys of the land, air and see for now ships unload at ports that you didn't. egypt and freight trucks take it to the guys and border in many countries are air dropping aid. despite the depths of people had by packages or who drowned, trying to get to aid that fell on the mediterranean internet attempt to speed up deliveries the us plans to build a floating platform off the guys the coast. it's unclear exactly where it will be it's the same design as this one built in the united arab emirates. experts say it will still not be enough. overland routes are the most efficient way to bring food in, but inspections make it a lengthy process. a trucks are inspected by egypt, sions, and lariche. they are that inspected by his release,
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that the carry them shalom, or, and it's on the crossings and only then heads of the rough are crossing where they are often delayed. again, after coming under pressure from the united states is realize that it would allow it's part of i should dog to be used temporarily to bring an aid and open the arrows border crossing into the north of gaza. the arrows crossing was breached by a mazda militants in the october 7th, the terror attacks which led to israel's military operation and gaza. previously the arrows crossing was limited to people on foot and was not built for truck traffic. that means it's opening is unlikely to drastically change the flow of supplies into gaza saving the colder kids the you, when a coordinator for the occupied palestinian territory. welcome to the don't you use a pop from the arrows crossing israel as defense ministers announce the opening of another crossing closer to the coast to seek him and reckons is rebel flood garza
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with aid. what do you make of that to? well, i think the welcome any opportunity to get more than we need the 500 trucks a day. i'm gonna probably get in the moment of a 200 to 250. and as you mentioned, there's funding in the office and then and then other parts of the road, really deep and security and food wise. so he can, as many roads open it as many land routes as well as this proposed theater. then allow help by the right, know the humanity of communities only got the one thing which is the can i'm sure on the rough or you were in gaza just this week. what did you say? well, i've seen that going every week and every time you go in there is no different just gets more and more depressing. and people are worried very much. no because of the, the actual impact of a possible rough and caution. and the same time they're dealing with a day to day living there, which is really drastic people living and really school the conditions. very,
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very hot temperatures know the importance of the patient issues are problematic. the health, the health services don't work and we are struggling to get enough food supplies. and so there's so many areas of people's daily life, which the stuff in what you say it's getting worse and was from trip the trip. the do you sense any hope with the situation changing at least they did actually with more pressure coming from israel as big as allies, especially the west when it comes to a continuing this will to but we've been asking israel for a long time. those to have more supply routes and more possibilities delivering aden site and those down to less than 2 hours. and as you saw last week, they made a noise. and so of all of these things like the or the 3rd floor model, things in the know i call it are coming from jordan enter as well as receiver. and the theater was inside to the delivery of assistants inside on the north space. the north part of guys, a visa, things to this hole in the sense that that's done to move. we see more trucks come in. yes, they'll be in the day before than ever before. and i think that's part and parcel
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of what we're looking for from that is really authorities to low as a much more permissive approach to delivering more and more aides into this and positive guys. because of 2200000 people that are dependent on commodity and assistance. and there's only $250.00 trucks coming in. so that just doesn't make enough up there because there's usually usually 500 trucks to dates. and there's a mass of gap which has been in place for over 6 months. of course, another challenge is once you get that 80 in there, those trucks are being ransacked in some cases by people out of desperation, criminal gains. how do you deal with that? as well, i think it's 2 ways to do that. one was mentioned, the site to you for the place with the enough 8. so every gets everybody gets enough and then you'd be monetize the problem so that there's no value product. everybody has something in the desperation goes, and i think the other one is then to have the former blue policeman who was there before, but no longer able to do that. and it says, the security code controlled and the guarantees they used to give us because
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they've been targeted by 0. so is ro holding back deliveries is creating this desperation? is that what you're saying? well, i think the, we, we've asked for these model openings just those thought to happen. so hopefully the announcements why should come into actual operational is that implementation? right? and that's just an estimate says no extra trucks of come into our store or through a guy, the north part of guys that we're dealing with only basically with one road at the moment that is delivering assistance. and this included all enough and the doors were using to them are really badly damaged. the one on the coastal, the algebra sheets, and the one in the middle east. actually dean road, both of been chung, dealt through another check to the t and other facilities. we have to fly to retrieve those again for that to be used. and the only with the operational one is the military to do on the other side, which only allows you've only had a convoys over the last 3 or 4 weeks. so the, the supplies to north, in particular, very limited. jamie, what about the air drops? so they making a difference. well, you missing makes a difference if it comes in,
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but i mean, i think this very, very costly to have a have drops. it's about $300.00 times more per ton by evan is by root, and there is no guarantees who ends up having those who, who reach and that you've seen many people dying that in the water or getting hit by things that are following. and it doesn't go to the ones who have probably most need it most the ones who are strong this is able to run and catch these and categories back. and i don't know that what type of food they draw, but i'm not sure is this the food that people are looking for? so it's still just creating a, it's a state of desperation. but it also one is that is the bible of the fittest by the sounds of a you've dealt with many humanitarian crises in your time. how would you say this one compares? i think this one is different because people can't leave, you know, they've chopped in this space guys and piled into was in rough or right now, which is a ton of 250000 before the war. snow over a 1000000 and the conditions that are quite squalid are overcrowded and people are
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really facing a, you know, things like diseases. may i just have to tell you say the diary of diseases, all these things of how the services, the broke in the health services, the only tenant in the family sex was supposed base be barely function. there's no electricity. and the water supply sessions really we see this is very, a very rare you get a crisis that's being created to this depth and magnitude in a short period of time affecting the whole population. and then the area that's not normal in a crisis. and this is something that's been done through his mind made corporate the u. n. a coordinator for the occupied palestinian territory. thank you very much for joining us from jerusalem. okay. you as president joe biden and japanese private and stuff will be ok. should i have bound to boost defense ties and presenting united front to counter china? the lead is help talks in washington, the head of the 1st prize,
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actual some of the philippine president photon, and michael as junior. it will focus on the perceived right from beijing in the, in the pacific you know, 3 leaders and a set of high stakes security challenges. president joe biden is hosting japanese prime minister assume york is shita, and philippine president bumble mark was in washington dc for a trilateral summit following on from an official visit with casita. according to the white house president biden prime and a circus, she dot and president marcos are meeting to underscore the alliances between the 3 countries to both are economic cooperation and to foster peace and security in the in the pacific. but there's a threat to that peace and security in the region and does try lateral stomach is at least in part, a response to that. speaking after the bilateral meeting bite and encourage you to emphasize deepening defense ties between their 2 countries. obviously for modernize you command and control structures, and during the increasing the interoperability and planning of our militaries,
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the so you can work together in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrade in our line sense if and it says it was 1st established. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a try, louder, military exercise, which you plan in the united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia. the united kingdom is exploring how japan can join our work. although both leaders insisted that the show of, of greater partnership is not about seeking confrontation with any one country warning to try now over its hostile behavior. in the south, china sea is clear. the chinese coast guard has repeatedly targeted philippine vessels with water cannons near the contested 2nd, thomas stole raising fears, washington could be dragged into a direct confrontation would be doing it for us to defend it's trinity allied. the
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philippines analysts say that means, but you, west has become interested in making sure its allies are able to help themselves. and each other. the us wants to deepen inter operability with these partners and help them become more capable allies themselves. so that in any future contingency, whether it's the south tennessee, or eastern sea or taiwan or something else that we haven't even imagined yet, the us has capable modernized partners who can stand with it. we have to recognize that the unipolar moment is over. and the us, it's great experience, is this alliances and partnerships. it can not do this stuff alone. ahead of the summit, the philippine and bassett, or to the west stress, the need to find a peaceful resolution or risk a wider conflict. and so that is the message to give to one of our friends that anything happens to the philippines. you may want to stay away from it, but the fact of the mattress is going to become a major conflict that was not the that's it. the survival of the real estate here
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and beyond the strengthening of the 3 way security relationship. tokyo and washington are also committing to increased infrastructure and industrial investment in the philippines and recognition that standing up to be jane comes out of costs, both in defense and in economic terms. and the w correspondent, james, trying to is following the summit from type page type one, not attending, but on the agenda. what signals will it be looking for? well, that's right. so it's higher when, of course, as no official domestic relations with any 3 of these countries. but it'd be watching very closely because china as far as the two's high wonder, of course, the omen, the shadow looms larger of any discussion of security in the, in the pacific. and i think what's high paid will really be looking at is the strength really in the depth of the relationship between these 3 countries. because
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the 2 asian contents specifically japan in the philippines would be very critical in a potential intervention if the us did decide to intervene in any potential chinese invasion scenario. taiwan yet. and you have to look at the geography where it is on just on why there's no the noise provenance of the philippines. a place where the us recently negotiates admitted tracks us to some bases. and then in those falls south west and japanese islands like you on a given the island, just a few 100 kilometers away from taiwan. this is also a place which tokyo has been seeking to rebuild a tries deploying more military units. uh, so really a recognition and so i pay the if they were able to, going to be able to send off a chinese attack. it would not only take the place of support of the 3 countries, but the smooth cooperation to tie one trusts its neighbors would come to its defensive china where to attack or well, this is a really important question. it's really the fundamental question facing lead is
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inside paid because despite all the fund further we're seeing in washington this week with the leaders of japan and the philippines. it remains a very different prospect's whether that see any kind of political, the kind of sense. and then send supports really would translate into concrete action should that was to venture, obviously rise. and then the other important points to make here is, is these 2 countries, the japan in the philippines will, principally, you'd be looking at that or national interest us before any possible scenario if it's high one. so for the philippines, that's going to be questions about the south china sea and then for tokyo, of course, concerns about side one going missile tests with north korea, which sometimes are flying, flying over the japanese territory. so it's a very different proposition between me this united states and the importance of peace and stability across the taiwan straits and actually sending, for example, troops into a potentially intervention scenario with across the state has all these being
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viewed in china. i will sign up for its pauses spoken now to guns uh the, the leasing between these 3 countries. it says that these types of me, things that was actually stoking was block confrontation. this isn't all human to beijing frequently makes uh again, so us send its, uh, uh, engagements with countries in the region, but as in some way trying to limits in cub the influence and rise of china. and of course, china is paul, is taking its own action is drawing much closer to moscow over the last couple of years propping up the russian economy. many people would say, but also reaching out some more international institutions. i'm looking to, it's a, it, it basically into integrates and in great shape itself with international institutions which kind of creates a different type of world war to organizations. much like the brake switch. we've seen china take a lead on in recent years to see jobs and thanks for the analysis. a
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quick look now at some of the other stories making use. the chair of the major property company in vietnam could face the death penalty in the biggest financial full case. they hit the country from my lawn, and $85.00 other color cues are waiting a verdict over the embezzlement of 12 and a half $1000000000.00. month denies the charges and his blaming, subordinates. the prosecute as cold for the date sentenced is an unusually severe punishment in such a case. south korea media reporting that president jones of joel is promised to bring you his administration of to suffering a heavy defeat impala mentally. collections. countries finding as the until presidential advisors attended their resignations with nearly all votes counted in south 3 is problem entry elections the position packing slips sent for lance line victory. the include also the vice president for a class as report of the attempted suicide. he was arrested last week after
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a police raid on mexico's embassy in quito way. he'd been living since the sand, but footages since the most in which class claims he was beat in by police drink detention is facing corruption. johnson fonts, the fullest tens of thousands of people to evaluate border pots of southern russia and catholic stock. melting snow has seen water levels along the your river serge collapsing dikes and dams. a rescue operation is underway, but local se, nope, enough was done to prevent the fly. the flooded area is getting bigger by the hour. the rising water is now threatening the regional capital of our in board. a city of more than half a 1000000 authorities are urgent everyone in dangerous areas to leave their homes. material that it's hard for me around, but we have to stay strong vehicle. my son has come for that. i have to give an
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example that we will overcome h is deal with the floods he'd several regions in west in siberia and neighboring cars like stone brushes, emergencies, ministry, launched a massive rescue operation, but they help from the federal center is often seen as too little or too late, the a brief protest over the handling of the disaster broke out in the regions 2nd largest city of our school on monday. and go to football game. some of the people in the city help each other regardless of some tensions we have. we can see the same about audit restriction, the administration should not just be a shame. they need to be sick. and to start, the waters became uncontrollable after a dam intended to hold just over 5 meters of water broke over the weekend. its level has since doubled, questions have been raised over whether negligence led to the disaster,
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as well as the authorities response to a local residents. we'd also like to hear a word of support from the countries leader on the regions largest floods in decades. instead, they go to a message from the spokesperson teaching fucking teachers to also put in is not in the open book region physically. he's constantly involved in the matter issue. he's dealing with these issues the entire day, which is at the moment a visit to the region is not on the agenda. it's the most critical moment. now. we will monitor the developments in the next few days and with the kremlin state control over the media and security services, it's unlikely that many people will be publicly questioning if the disaster perhaps, could have been prevented. that proposed long dimitry on galvan who's in riga for us, the w as being reporting from the library and capital since profit closed down dw is most good bureau give us an update on the situation. dimitri,
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so this morning, the rising levels of the euro river in the capital region of our inversion, which was mentioned in the report has exceed, have exceeded all critical marks by more than one meter. and also a winder sent this morning more than 8000 people have been evacuated in this region of thousands of homes were flooded. so officials there and in the federal center in moscow say that these slides are the largest in the country. and in this region in the last 80 years, so treating them as an emergency of the nationwide level basically brings more help from federal center as usual. and today the vengeance is administered. who's leading the response will again slide touring board to assess the damage and to give further instructions to the people on the ground their what's known about the causes of the dam rates. i mean, is there any reason to believe negligence could be involved?
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exactly the plots of not have the scale but of a similar scale rather, not unusual for this region, which usually has a lot of snow in the winter. so when it begins to melt and there's a lot of rain coming, of course the floods the not unusual there, but some independent journalist and construction and experts say that the local to material materials that we're using, the constructions of a down the broken the region may have indeed contributed to the scale of the disaster. so uh, at the moment there is a very thin line between what authorities call are natural disaster and what people and experts say that there was a contribution from the human factor as well. yeah, we used to be cheap on the oven riga. thank you. or that brings you up to date on all the international news updates on dw, i look at france, which is issued its highest error and the following be is almost attacked in moscow
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. i paid for zillow and thank you very much for watching. i'll be back with more use next balance by the
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kids need to be looked out. ringback for the kids are gone all day, it might sound crazy and i tried it out with great success. focus on here right next on dw, or into the conflict. so stays riley, mrs. killing 7, for an aid workers in gaza strip in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e, i'm
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a desperately needed food, can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, i guess there's yeah, mega and hadn't been the wage and refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict of in 60 minutes on a d, w, the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy bird or your dining companion and says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retriever's. 2 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of adults with edible and all the rest of
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the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what's, you know, on youtube, dw documentary, the, the hello and welcome to focus on europe. how does the country best protect itself against the threats? how do we safeguard our democracy, our freedoms and the lives of our citizens against criminals and terrace? several european countries have been re evaluating their security measures following the recent attack and they were moscow more than a 130.


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