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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, you can use life from bullet shock at the highest levels of palm us. and he's way the us try kills 3 sons of the palestinian militant groups. top of the political lead dispense idea, the accused disease wireless motor and revenge ad, tens of thousands forced to flee as floods devastate tons of russia and catholic stock. some of the west to hit the region in 80 years. the been visible and welcome the top political leader of hamas claims the death of 3 of
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his sons in and is one of the strike warrants compa ceasefire. tolten kyra is money as children who are travelling in a vehicle in the gaza strip when targeted buying these by the drawing. thomas, which led the terror attacks on his railing. october says at least 3 of the lead his grandchildren also died in the strike. the latest round of talks to agree, a temporary cease fire and gaza has been ongoing since sunday, astride to the heart of from us, but killed 3 of the groups. most prominent figures. the sons of home office leader is mo honey henry guy. they were here to visit the families of people who have been killed, run, look on him and come at once. it could have been a terrible massacre because the streets are always busy. luckily, they are new talking to them. they're always so many children in this area. as the east riley army says, the brothers had conducted militant activity in the central gaza strip,
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describing one of them as a cell commander. their father is mine, honey is how much as diplomatic face he lives outside of gaza and has acted as a negotiator intrudes talks since the war began the depths of his son's commerce news, these fire talks in type of drug own without sign of a break to the latest proposal, which i must, as it's studying reportedly includes the release of 40, is rarely hostages, being held in gaza in return for hundreds of palestinians from is riley jails. and the says, the attack will not change the groups demands. but concerns are growing that it could tarnish months of talks, especially after they appear to be gathering steam. in recent days,
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by us dw corresponded tanya cream of what signals as well as sending with the strike on how to use sense as well. this really military didn't really go into details about it's operational tactics behind that strike. but they said that there were operatives within with the cause, some brigades, that's a homeless military wing, other than being also the sons of the mostly to is no, honey. i know some here argue that this is, of course, part of israel's, a strategy of maximum prussia on how the us and also showing how much they can strike anywhere everywhere. but discharges sofa hasn't resulted in putting enough pressure. seems on how much to come to a new agreement. they just heard it in the report. the negotiations are ongoing and they also heard from the how nicely the is my opinion saying that this would not change. how may i assist demands, but it comes, of course, at a critical time,
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southern russia and conflicts done a bad thing, rankled slots. as water levels continue to rise, tens of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate from the homes of the major rivers bows that banks. melting snow is seen water levels along the your river serge collapsing dikes and dams. a rescue operation is underway, but local say no enough was done to prevent the flooding or the flooded area is getting bigger by the hour. the rising waters, no threatened, the regional capital of our in board. a city of more than half a 1000000 authorities are urgent everyone in dangerous areas to leave their homes. modern and civil that it's hard for me around, but we have to stay strong vehicle. my son has come for that. i have to give an example that we will overcome. i had to deal with the floods he'd several regions in west in siberia and neighboring cars like stone rushes emergencies. ministry
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launched a massive rescue operation, but they help from the federal center is often seen as too little or too late. a brief protest over the handling of the disaster broke out in the regions 2nd largest city of ours going monday. and go to football game, some of the people in the city help each other regardless of some tensions we have, we can say the same about audit restriction. the administration should not just be a shame. they need to be sec, dude. store the waters became uncontrollable after a dam intended to hold just over 5 meters of water broke over the weekend. its level has since doubled questions have been raised over whether negligence led to the disaster, as well as the authorities response to a local residents. we'd also like to hear a word of support from the countries leader on the regions largest floods in
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decades. instead, they go to a message from the spokesperson teaching fucking teachers to also put in is not in the open book region physically. he's constantly involved in the matter issue. he's dealing with these issues the entire day, which has which at the moment as visit to the region is not on the agenda. it's the most critical moment. now. we will monitor developments in the next few days and with the kremlin state control over the media and security services, it's unlikely that many people will be publicly questioning if the disaster perhaps, could have been prevented. that proposed from dmitri punjabi who's in riga for us. the double use being reporting for the lafayette capital after budget close down dw is most gave you a give us an update on the situation right now. this morning the rising, the level of the rising waters in the you are all river in the regional capital. a
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foreign board has exceeded all critical marks of forcing many more people to leave their homes. we understand that more than a 1000 people worry about creates that across the region just this morning. thousands of homes especially not in high rise buildings, but in the private sector like one or 2 floor buildings uh, thousands of them were flooded. and uh, officials and experts uh, calling these floods in this region, the strongest in that least the past 8 years. so the, the federal ministry of emergencies has taken over the response to the disaster. the emergency has misplaced risk line again to the region today to oversee the response. and so far as we understand, at this stage, no casualties have been reported in or in bulwark or nearby areas. but we also have to understand this is just one of several regions on the border with cause exxon as well as inc, as i started that had been affected by the strong floods. and any more on this
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point you brought up in your report about negligence, involved in the causes of stan breaches to well, the floods are not unusual saw for these regions. uh, they usually have a lot of snow in the winter. so when the spring comes, uh, the snow begins to melt and there's also a lot of rain happening before happening was before in the lead, up to the, to the disaster. but some independent journalist and construction experts claim that the down that broke near the city of wars, that's the 2nd largest in the or in the book region. the low call it the materials that the down was built with may have contributed to the disaster. so at this stage, we heard today from the minister, the federal minister of construction in moscow denied all of his claims and saying that the dam was built only to hold 5 meters of water and then nearly double of that game. so he says that no construction of its kind could have prepared the
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region for these kind of disaster. but again, that's the view from the federal center. the credit on facebook and board visit the affected area. what are people saying about the governments has like a crisis as well? it has also been quite typical for president boynton to stay away from communicating with the origin. the russians, the last time we saw him talking to people on the ground was up to the mutiny by a private company wagner by you have given you progression. of course, last year he spoke to people in doug as done since then puts in of though he appears, of course, in public it rarely goes tvs and then talk to come and russians. but for now, the anger on the ground in northern board and other regions was mostly directed. local officials, people there, blame them for inaction, for being too late for being too slow with response to having reports of looting. and that the authorities are they apparently know doing enough to stop it. so
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there's a lot of accurate, again, at the local officials. but for now it seems that of course they have been some coming 3 on put things response as well. but so far, i think he's stand away from this in terms of p r from the bad image, in this case, mitree on the oven in re good. thank you. you as president joe biden and japanese prime minister for meal case, you have found to boost defense ties and present a united front to counter china. the leaders held tools in washington, the head of the 1st presidential summit with philippine president ferdinand macos junior. it will focus on the perceived threat from badging in the pacific. you know, 3 leaders and a set of high stakes security challenges. president joe biden is hosting japanese prime ministers, whom york is shita, and philippine president bumble mark was in washington. d. c. for a trilateral summit following on from an official visit with casita. according to
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the white house president biden prime and a circus, she dot and president marcos are meeting to underscore the alliances between the 3 countries to both are economic cooperation and to foster peace and security in the in the pacific. but there's a threat to that peace and security in the region industry. lateral stomach is at least in part, a response to that. speaking after the bilateral meeting bite and encourage you to emphasize deepening defense ties between their 2 countries. obviously for modernize you command and control structures and during increasing the interoperability and planning of our military so, so you can work together in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrade in our line since the end of it says it was 1st established. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a tri, loud or military exercise which your pan in united kingdom and our office defense
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partnership with australia. the united kingdom is explore and how japan can join our work. although both leaders insisted that the show of of greater partnership is not about seeking confrontation with any one countries. the warning to china over its hostile behavior and the south china sea is clear. the chinese coast guard has repeatedly targeted philippine vessels with water cannons near the contested seconds. on the sho raising fears, washington could be dragged into a direct confrontation would be doing it for us to defend. it's trinity ally, the philippines analysts say that means, but you, west has become interested in making sure its allies are able to help themselves. and each other. the us wants to deepen inter operability with these partners and help them become more capable allies themselves. so that in any future contingency, whether it's the south tennessee, or eastern sea or taiwan or something else that we haven't even imagined yet, the us has capable modernized partners who can stand with it. and we have to
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recognize that the unipolar moment is over. and the us is great, a strength is as alliances and its partnerships. it can not do this stuff alone ahead of the summit. the philippine and bassett are to the west stress, the need to find a peaceful resolution or risk a wider conflict. and so that is the message to give to one of our friends that anything happens to the philippines. you may want to stay away from it, but the fact of the mattress is going to become a major conflict that was not the, that that's it. the survival of the real estate here and beyond the strengthening of the 3 way security relationship. tokyo and washington are also committing to increased infrastructure and industrial investment in the philippines and recognition that standing up to be jane collins at a cost. both in defense and in economic terms. is breaking news. the chair of the major property company in vietnam has been sentenced to death in
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the country's biggest financial 4 case from my lawn. and $85.00 of the co accuse was on trial of the embezzlement of 12 and a half $1000000000.00, but denied the charges blaming. subordinates the prosecute his coals, the death sentence was seen as an unusually severe punishment in his life. more than that, the next hour is a reminder of our top story of us. as the top of political leaders says, the death of these 3 sons introduced by the striking marketing fluency spine towards cairo. is melanie is sense with traveling in a vehicle in the gaza strip. wasn't able to targeted by any, by the trunk and floods of full tens of thousands of people to evacuate for the parts of the southern ground. shane cars like some rescue operations or underway, but local say over enough was done to prevent the finding updates that documentary
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types of look at the russia and how the nation has changed since its invasion of ukraine. i've been puzzled in, i'll have more news headlines for you. 610 and the why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need per day? press stop hans praying for help find the on says get as much on dw science and outtake talk channel.


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