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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw, use life from bullet shock at the highest levels of palm us. and it is way the us frank kills 3 sons of the palestinian militant groups top political b that is found here. in houston, seas ran the motor and revenge. also in the show of tens of thousands, forced to flee is one step of state concept of russia and concepts on some of the boys to hit the region in 80 years past. the waste japan and the philippines will hold a 1st crime lab pulled summit pricing tensions with china in the south trying to see the
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benefits will and woke up. how much is the top political leader says the depth of his 3 sons and in this way be a strike. what influenced by adults and kyra is behind me is sounds were traveling in a vehicle in the gaza strip when they were targeted by it is by the drone of us which light the terror attacks on these violent october says at least 3 of the lead is jeff grandchildren also died in the strike, the latest amount of tools to agree, a temporary cease fire and gaza has been ongoing since sunday. i strike to the heart of how much, but killed free of the groups. most prominent figures, the sons of how mazda is lead, or is mo honey, you. a 100. they were here to visit the families of people who have been killed. one of the ones, it could have been a terrible massacre, because the streets are always busy. luckily they are new talking to them. they're
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always so many children in this area. the east riley army says the brothers had conducted military activity in the central gaza strip, describing one of them as a cell commander. their father is mine, honey is how much as diplomatic face he lives outside of gaza and has acted as a negotiator in choose talks since the war began the depths of his son's commerce news. these fire talks in type of dr. own without sign of a break through the latest proposal, which i must, as it's studying, reportedly includes the release of 40 is rarely hostages being held in gaza in return for hundreds of palestinians from it's rarely jails. and the says the attack will not change the groups demands,
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but concerns are growing that it could tarnish months of talks, especially after they appear to be gathering steam in recent days. but i also dw corresponded tanya cream of what signals as well as sending with this strike on . i need his sons as well. this really military didn't really go into details about it's operational tactics behind that strike. but they said that they were all protest within with the cause, some brigades, that's a homozygous military wing, other than being also the sons of the home, mostly to is no, honey. i know some you argue that this is, of course, part of israel's, a strategy of maximum pressure on us and also showing how much they can strike anywhere everywhere. but discharges sofa hasn't resulted in putting enough pressure . it seems on how much to come to a new agreement. they just heard it in the report. the negotiations are ongoing and
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they also heard from the how much data is money and saying that this would not change how most of the demands, but it comes, of course, at a critical time. the consequences for a hostage deal tell you or well, we've been hearing that how mazda is not expected to respond to a proposal that has been how much a, by the media test, katara, egypt, and also the united states. we have heard some officials and recent days from us rejecting this proposal, but how much has put out a statement saying they're still studying it. so this expectation that there will some sort of answer assume now the main sticking points from the point of view of thomas square and that they want to see a full seas far. they want to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces and also a, a return of displaced people in residence or of northern garza to the north of
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cause a israel has called some of these demands delusional in the past days. and they want to see at least 40 hostages of release the these will be mainly a women a as in the also the 2 children that are there, it's unclear with a 5 female soldiers would be part of it in exchange for palestinian prison. this husband is really of prisons and of course also this with mean a, a temporary, a seized by at least this took about 4 to 6 weeks, a temporary si fi. but again, we don't know all these details. we need a lot of clarifications on that. we would have to wait and see how these talks of progress. the ladies from dw corresponding tanya came in, joey, some floods of forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate, bought a ponce of southern russia and cars like stock. melting snow is seeing border levels along the you will river surge collapsing dikes and dams. a rescue operation
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is underway, but local se, nope, enough was done to prevent the flooding or the flooded area is getting bigger by the hour. the rising waters, no threatened. the regional capital of our in board. a city of more than half a 1000000 authorities urgent everyone in dangerous areas to leave their homes. mother and civil that it's hard for me around but we have to stay strong vehicle. my son has come for that. i have to give an example that we will overcome it to deal with the floods. he'd several regions in west in siberia and neighboring cars like stone rushes emergencies. ministry launched a massive rescue operation, but they help from the federal center is often seen as too little or too late. a brief protest over the handling of the disaster broke out in the region 2nd largest city of our school on monday. football game,
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almost the people in the city help each other regardless of some tensions we have, we can say the same about audit restriction. the administration should not just be a shame. they need to be sec, dude. store the waters became uncontrollable after a dam intended to hold just over 5 meters of water broke over the weekend. its level has since doubled questions have been raised over whether negligence led to the disaster, as well as the authorities response to a local residents. we'd also like to hear a word of support from the countries leader on the regions largest floods in decades. instead, they go to a message from the spokesperson peach and fucking teachers could also put in is not in the open book region physically. he's constantly involved in the matter issue. he's dealing with these issues the entire day, which is which at the moment
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a visit to the region is not on the agenda. it's the most critical moment. now. we will monitor developments in the next few days and with the kremlin state control over the media and security services, it's unlikely that many people will be publicly questioning if the disaster perhaps could have been prevented. let's talk about that with eugene 7, else, an international coordinator of the rivers without boundaries coalition. it joins me from the camera. what makes these floods different? this time of floods this time are different because uh this is a very um array area. well, the previous slot of this magnitude, let's say on the river, was observed in the middle of the previous century. of some experts argue it's related to climate change and we'll see more frequent floods like that.
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and what about these ones right now? did they get was given that they come from this? no males of they will get worse only we're we live more northern regions where the snow cover in the headquarters has not melted yet. so for example, in the world river, so it's not likely um and then the river is coming from the south. it's less likely, but in the river, it's coming from other directions. so they could get worse if there is an option. now studies showed proseries warming faster than other parts of the well, what's your take on how boss is adapting of russia
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has a very, let's say, mechanistic a habit of at the station, 2 of floods of very much re lines on large infrastructure. so it is building dikes to protect federal mens and it is in sometimes building the dams with fire control fi access function. reserve wars like it was a new router river, which eventually fail away and this lot is big enough and exceeds the capacity of these devices of this infrastructure and the in or in town of orange. we had the very clear picture on how it for, as the lab exceeded the capacity of the flap control reserve war. and it had to release old water read receipts into the orest. and then so the
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dyke which was protecting the town of worst, also was a yielding to the slides and basically was destroyed. and there is very little policy on encouraging people not to settle in the lowlands. and this policy is actually very new and even mature and not convincing. it started just let's say about 5 years ago when there was a new breast edition on a settling inside the 100 year flood zone around rivers. but there was already so much settlements built near the water. that policy should be much more proactive for helping people and helping municipalities to evolve into the more
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protected ones. uh, hardly concentrating new construction, upper upper and the hills and the upper stretches of land which are not accessible to the water is during the large floods. but this policy does not exist yet. unfortunately, and of course there should be much more directions between death or days and the citizens. i'm not, i don't okay, we'll have to leave with that. you've heard of from eugene segment of a lot more that russia could be doing that by the sounds of it. he joins us from camrys, from the bridges without boundaries coalition, thank you. thank you. and let's take a look at some of the other stories making use from around the world. chair of a map property company, major property company in vietnam could face the death penalty in the country's biggest financial 4 case strong my lawn, and
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a 5 other co accuse or waiting to validate over the embezzlement of 12 and a half $1000000000.00. non denies the charges and is blaming subordinates. the prosecute, his code for the death sentence is an unusually severe punishment. in such a case. south korean media reporting that president eunice oak hill has promised to renew his administration up to suffering a heavy defeat impala mentoring elections. private is done until presidential advisors attended their resignations. really all votes counted in the elections, the liberal opposition parties, except for a landslide victory. us president joe biden, and japanese prime minister for me. ok should are about to boost defense ties and present a united front to counter china. the lead is held talks in washington, the head of a 1st try landfill summit with philippine price of it, but not in marcos junior, it will focus on the perceived threat from badging in the pacific. you know,
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3 leaders and a set of high stakes security challenges president joe biden is hosting japanese prime minister. assume your because she, the, and philippine president bumble mark was in washington dc for a trilateral summit following on from an official visit with cuz she don't looks according to the white house president biden prime and a circus. she dot and president marcos are meeting to underscore the alliances between the 3 countries to both are economic cooperation and to foster peace and security in the in the pacific. but there's a threat to that peace and security in the region. and this probably lateral stomach is at least in part a response to that speaking after the bilateral meeting bite and encourage you to emphasize deepening defense ties between their 2 countries. obviously, for modernize you command and control structures. and during the increasing interoperability and planning of our militaries, the so you can work together in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrade in our line since the end of it says it was 1st established. i'm also pleased to announce that
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for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a try lateral military exercise, which your plan and united kingdom and our office defense partnership with australia. the united kingdom is exploring how japan can join in our work. although both leaders insisted that the show of a greater partnership is not about seeking confrontation with any one countries for warning to try now over its hostile behavior. in the south, china sea is clear. the chinese coast guard has repeatedly targeted philippine vessels with water cannons near the contest, and 2nd, thomas stole raising fears. washington could be dragged into a direct confrontation would be doing it for us to defend it's trinity allied. the philippines analysts say that means, but you, west has become interested in making sure its allies are able to help themselves and each other. the us wants to deepen inter operability with these partners and
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help them become more capable allies themselves. so that in any future contingency, whether it's the south, tennessee, or eastern, see, or taiwan, or something else that we haven't even imagined yet. the us has capable modernized partners who can stand with it. and we have to recognize that the unit polar moment is over. and the us, its greatest strength is this alliances and its partnerships. it can not do this stuff alone. ahead of the summit, the filipino baset or to the west stress the need to find a peaceful resolution or risk a wider conflict. and so that is the message to give to lot of friends that anything happens to the philippines, you may want to stay away from it. but the fact that the virus is going to become a major conflict that was not that that's it, that the survival of the real estate here and beyond the strengthening of the 3 way security relationship. tokyo in washington, are also committing to increased infrastructure and industrial investment. in the
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philippines and recognition that standing up to be jane collins at a cost both in defense and an economic terms. but while taiwan is not attending the summit, it's very much on the agenda. i asked dw, corresponded chide, straight to what signals type paper will be looking for as well. that's right. so it's one of course as no official diplomatic relations with any 3 of these countries, but it would be watching very closely because china as far as the two's high wonder, of course, the ominous shadow looms larger of any discussion of security in the, in the pacific and i think what's high pay will really be looking at is the strength really in the depth of the relationship between these 3 countries. because the 2 asian con, a specific age upon in the philippines would be very critical in a potential intervention. if the us did decide to intervene in any potential chinese invasion scenario, tie one year and you have to look at the geography where it is,
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understand why there's know the noise provenance of the philippines. a place where the us recently negotiates admitted to access to some bases. and then in those fall southwest and japanese islands like you on a given the island, just a few 100 kilometers away from taiwan. this is also a place which tokyo has been seeking to rebuild. it tries deploying more military units. uh, so really a recognition. and so i pay the if they were able to, going to be able to send off a chinese attack. it would not only take the place the support of the 3 countries, but the smooth co operation to and tie one trusts its neighbors would come to its defensive china. what to attack as well, this is a really important question. it's really the fundamental question facing lead is inside pay because despite all the fund further we're seeing in washington this week with the leaders of japan in the philippines. it remains a very different prospect's whether that see any kind of political, the kind of
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a sense and then send supports really would translate into concrete action should that was to venture, obviously rise. and then the other important points to make here is, is these 2 countries of japan in the philippines will, principally, you'd be looking at that on a national interest 1st before any possible scenario if it's high one. so for the philippines, that's going to be questions about the south china sea and then for tokyo, of course, concerns about the ongoing missile tests with north korea, we sometimes are flying, flying over japanese territory. so it's a very different proposition between the this united states and the importance of peace and stability across the taiwan straits and actually sending, for example, troops in, through a potential and intervention scenario with across the strait house. all these being viewed in china as well signer for its positive spoken ounce, the guns uh the uh, the leasing between the 3 countries. it says that these types of me things that was
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actually soaking what it was, blog confrontation. this isn't all human to beijing frequently makes uh again, so us send is uh, uh, engagements with countries in the region, but just in some way trying to limits in cub the influence and rise of china. and of course, china is paul, is taking its own action is drawing much closer to moscow over the last couple of years propping up the russian economy. many people would say, but also reaching out to more international institutions. i'm looking to, it's a, it, it basically into integrates and in great shape itself with international institutions which kind of creates a different type of wealth or to organizations. much like the brake switch. you're seeing china taking lead on in recent years to see james. and thanks for the analysis the european parliament is approved and of a whole of asylum policy. the changes kick in in 2026 domain tough a board checks and oblige all 27 countries to share responsibility. many they'll
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make is of cold at a fair system of settling asylum seekers, but others disagree. the autonomy and coast guard buckling rough seas to rescue 37 microns. just some of the lakes just arrivals. this area of the island of lump producer is considered one of the front lines in europe, struggle to control migration. last year, more than 1100000 people fives for asylum in the u. the highest number since 2016. basically has been one of the countries pushing for an over hold of migration policies to help share the burden. now those reforms have passed and the european parliament with the majority $16.00 and $2.00 fox sports, followed by rote. this is a historical decision is the historical moment would not to golf is 4 and a half years old, very few so that we could make it to actually have both parliament and the member states to agree on a new,
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comprehensive and solid migration and asylum policy the you migration and decide impact bundled together agreements that were years in the making. one of the chief aims is to synchronize procedures, starting with the screening of non e u and national. it's on arrival. and the collection of biometric task board or facilities will be created to accommodate the asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those ineligible to stay. most importantly, oh you members would be required to either take an asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. some lawmakers say it does not solve problems. it was meant to including and out of this won't be an automatic we distribution of those seeking protection. so the 1st country of arrival will still be responsible to diag . it's no real solid narrative. absolutely nothing is being done to stop the depths in the mediterranean. the borders will become more and more closed off and we will
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see more brutality. and so people have to take more risks and more dangerous routes for you at least get needs to be the vote was also briefly disrupted by protesters who called the reform short sizes. they are concerned that is adults. so position often times that by the extreme right and leaves the lives of those in need in even grace or danger. it's to use of war and taking that's hold on the cranium population, especially children. even if they haven't been caught up in the violence, many have been separated from their homes, families and friends. experts say the stress and chaos is causing a growing mental health crisis. you don't use a abraham met some children in keith through using up therapy to help them deal with the situation. no matter how hard you look, you will see the injuries. there's are deep with them inflicted by 2 years of war.
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11 year old must be solved. russian soldiers occupy his home overnight when the full scale invasion began in 2022. he and his family had to run to 4 different places in and out of the country like before settling in the capital to. we love traveling like this was probably the worst trouble of my life. 13 year old understands us hometown murray. you pull wasn't occupied by the russians, but it's being constantly shelves. it was a really happy place to live in and it would be great. you more didn't saw that it would be more and more good as sometimes you just want to run away from your problems and the free and happy like a little child. the stuff that there's here at the voices of children and and g o key of the try to offer just to be got free psychological counseling,
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art classes and every once in a while, the literally escape from reality. like with this role playing oh, look, hopefully this game is fascinating. yeah. because it has many possibilities. said the motor start the you can become a wizard. man. i'm to look on or a giant misleading, or bullet or a half plant, half man. with this, you can have any weapons or dollars. some story can build your own so to speak of the most history on the kind of service to come, a 100 or so like playing a giant because his main characteristic of strength. you have the honey, i am the strongest character so far. the flash sale is who learning ition and charles nice. you the it is a way to help the children. we gain a sense of control they last when forced to leave home best and everything they show up to her was that us the nowadays they
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a lot of kids who just don't want anything. they are just tired and bored and they don't have the desire to do anything for birth. about these kids do what it is important that they express themselves, that they are not afraid to try something, change that plans, make mistakes and look for solutions to these mistakes. and that's a formula sinuses she sees progress. many children open up letting go of barriers be put up to protect themselves from fear and loss. i feel happy, i feel really well. oh my problems because it's really easier to sometimes forget that i need to do homework. i need to put into this or just about devote and right here it is the safe place. when i console, when i can play on a can smile or i can beset even though there are no signs, the words will end soon. children like monthly and understands you are not waiting
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for national victory. they're on their recovery journey now. one session at a time. and that brings you up to date up ext complex victim sebastian interviews down a golan secretary general of an original refugee council section of the
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india 50 or 60. the quote is one way to haven't gone and that will come in. and this has happened in the last decade. this is not very long, the voltage, even in our life go based n g o is helping to protect endangered marine and fire. and that's how the, how the, the eco in the next on
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d. w. kids need to be looked out. why not for that kindergarten, old age? it might sound crazy. and they tried it out with great success. focus on here, right? and 16 is delta you, the data companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in the yes, the alternate view industry doesn't care about the supply chains,
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profit. all that much illegal as a starts may said on d w, the name one thing that is closer to our existence as you can take a moment to think of vianza. hello and welcome. i'm so i've got the body annual watching equal in depth. how many a few part of the oceans? as the answer to my question, not many, i'm sure. even though 71 percent of our planet is just water and a majority of this is in our oceans. so let's dive into this today and tried to one to stand the importance of ocean.


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