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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why from berlin? our top story sentence to death in vietnam. a real estate type june is found guilty and for her role in a multi $1000000000.00 financial fraud case. the biggest in vietnam's history. also coming up bite in promises, israel find flat support over fuser. ron could retaliate for a suspect. it is rarely strikes on the run in conflict in syria plus the us, japan and the philippines will hold their 1st flight lateral summit and advise intentions with china. in the south, china, so the
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warm welcome to the viewers around the world. i'm michael ok. the chair of a major property company in vietnam has been sentenced to death in the country's biggest financial fraud case, strong milan was on trial a long slide. $85.00 other co accuse for the embezzlement of 12 and a half $1000000000.00. the prosecutors calls the death sentence was seen as no usually severe punishment once arrest in october, last year was part of an anti corruption drive, which has reached into the upper echelons of beaten. and these poets i'm drawing now by journalism michael to starsky, talking to us from coachman city vietnam's financial home. michael, a little perspective here explained the magnitude of this case. a sure, so our mid right at the start that the numbers are been a little confusing at times. one,
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before the verdicts had been accused of embezzling 12 and a half $1000000000.00 from a bankruptcy, it was the controlling owner in today's verdict as a rule that she needs to reimburse the bank $27.00 and a half 1000000000 or $27000000000.00. so it's not entirely clear where the difference in those numbers comes from, but by the way, the dollar amounts are mass of a by far the largest financial private business history and indeed, and among the largest and world history. i believe the numbers are massive and the punishment is huge. you might say why the death sentence yeah. as you know that this is a rare, certainly, and financial crimes. vietnam does have the death penalty. it's not widely used and certainly not in sort of black and better phrase, white collar crime like this. but prosecutors recommended at late last month, a given the, the share of scale of the crime. and this morning the court said that they believed
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law deserve the highest punishment, which kinda made it clear of what the verdict would be. so it's, i guess clear that they want to make an example of her and given again the scale of this um took this kind of on trusted uninstalled with a verdict. michael, i'm curious. what in general is known about the other? 85 people accuse of some involvement in this case. so many of them are relatively unknown, but there are few other high profile defendants. um, strongly lines use for example, she got receive 17 years in jail. she was that the was another major company within the vantage side. echo system also loans, husband who is actually a hong kong national which will be interesting and got 9 years in jail for his involvement. the i think he kind of was trying to plead ignorance of the immune system in laws here, other processes. it'll be interesting to see the international reaction to that one . and perhaps you have the most notable one is an official from the state bank of
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vietnam was accused of receiving a $5000000.00 bribes from lawn to overlook per activities. she was the lights in jail, and then the other defendants range from probation cycles as to other a few other life services as well. i'm sure this is one of the few things people there in the region are talking about today. what's likely to be the political ramifications of all of this politically interface to be seen. i mean, this is, comes within the broader context of a church and campaign being also the president resigned last month uh, related to this campaign, not this trial, that this campaign. but this is largely in the private sector and the impact here in ocean city. it has been profound bantam side and its various subsidiaries control, something like a 1000 properties and the city, all of which have been seized by the police for investigation. it's not clear what
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kind of legal process those buildings will go through. this includes unfinished, skyscraper is a very high profile properties. um, so the political fallout at the moment appears to be relatively minimal, but certainly on the private sector side here in ocean city, which is going to be solved for a very long time. that's a journalist. so michael to starsky. michael many, thanks. thank you. to us presenter joe biden says the us commitment to israel is iron clad in the face of iranian scratch. the security assurance comes as the us and allies fear iran or its proxies could launch a significant attack within days to run his valve to retaliate for a suspect. it is really striking on the wrong in consul it in syria at the start of april. the killed 7 members of its revolutionary guard around supreme leader are totally come. they need renew the threat on wednesday. here's how president biden responded. we also want to address the rating and threat to large disagree,
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or they are threatening to launch a significant attack. and israel, as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security against these threats moran and as proxies as iron clad reset. again, our class we're going to do all we can to protect isn't secure. let's talk now to military analysts. i'm giving them a ron from king's college. she joins us now from munich readings, marina, let's start with president biden statement. the way you see it, what does iron clad mean, and what does it entail a good day? well, what president biden could mean is that the support for israel will be zone conditional. and we have seen a lot of criticism coming from the us side as far as a war against how moss is being concerned. however, in this scenario, if you ran specifically from its own territory,
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were to launch an attack against east ro properties on the united states would stand behind each row. and i do not exclude the possibility of deploying more aircraft carriers and us tried groups to support israel. i don't think that the us would essentially send annual fits trips to east throw in order to support each row. but i think one that comes to military aid, the focus will be on the israel side lining thereby taiwan and ukraine runs the supreme leader vowed to retaliate for the attack on the damascus console. it is a run likely to do so from iranian soil, or through the so called access of resistance. and i think for a run right now and giving runs past and how it responded to the assess the nation of consent, fully money. i doubt that iran at the stage is ready to launch an attack from
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its own territory on israel. i think strategically. it would be unwise for around. however, given the run has received an awesome big flap. they are not in a position not to respond which puts the around here in a very difficult spot. and therefore, i think that the next best option is to use the access or for assistance consisting of militias in iraq, in syria or foods in the young man. and hassle line cells in lebanon, in order to attack each route, and make it more difficult for each route to conduct its war against from us. and this role is already having difficulties because of international pressure to do so . so i think that in the attack will be a symmetric and another possibility is that it will not be an attack on east ro proper or not only there might be a tax on israel, the embassies across them, at least as well as attacks. and in the cyber realm and psychological
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operations, that's a military analysts moreno moran of kings college as ever. many thanks, marina. thank you for having me. let's take a look at some other stories making news around the world at this hour. israel has confirmed that it killed 3 sons of how boss is political chief is mile in the, in an air strike in gaza. the brothers were travelling in a vehicle in the gaza strip when they were targeted by and is really drowned. these really military says the men were operative soon who mazda is military when or at least 17 people have been killed, and as many injured in a bus accident in pockets on the bus was carrying 33 people. most of them pilgrims to a religious site on the 1st day of each celebrations, which is a public holiday in pakistan, south to be in media a reporting that president union. so your law has promised to renew his
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administration after suffering a heavy defeat and pull him entry elections. the countries prime minister in top presidential advisors have attended the rest of nations. with nearly all those counted in south korea as problem entry elections, the liberal opposition parties look set for a landslide victory. now, 2 years of war are taking their toll on the ukrainian population, especially children. even if they haven't been caught up in the violence, many have been separated from their homes, families and friends, experts say the stress and chaos is causing a growing mental health crisis. dw, i abraham met some children in key for using art therapy to help them deal with the situation. no matter how hard you look, you will see the injuries. there's are deep with them inflicted by 2 years of war.
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11 year old must be solved. russian soldiers occupies his home overnight when the full scale invasion began in 2022. he and his family had to run for different places in and out of the country like before settling in the capital to we love traveling, but this was probably the worst trouble of my life. 13 year old anastasio is hometown murray. you pull wasn't occupied by the russians. you have to be constantly shelves. it was a really happy place to live in, and it would be great. um warranty to install it if it would be more and more good this. sometimes you just want to run away from your problems and the free and happy like a little child here and the voices of children and n g o q. the tried to offer just to be got free, psychological counseling, art classes. and every once in a while, the literate escape from reality,
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like with this role playing. oh, look, hopefully this game is fascinating. yeah. because it has many possibilities. said then we'll just start the you can become a lizard man. i'm to look on the or a giant, misleading, or below, or a half plant, half man, multiple to the new. you can have any weapons or dollars. some story can build your own, so to speak. that's good. the most history and the kind of the rest of the words like playing a giant because his main characteristic of springs. you have the honey, i am the strongest character so far as the last sulu, who nation in charles, nice you the it is the way to help the children. we gain a sense of control they last. when forced to leave home best and everything they show up the car was that us the nowadays they a lot of kids who just don't want anything,
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but they are just tired and bored and they don't have a desire to do anything. but these kids do, it is important that they express themselves, that they are not afraid to try something, change that plans, make mistakes, and look for solutions to these mistakes. and that's a formula assignment says she sees progress. many children open up letting go of barriers be put up to protect themselves from fear and loss. and i still have the, i feel relieved from all my problems because it's really easier to sometimes forget that i need to do homework. i need to clean to this, or just about devote and right here it is the safe place. when i console, when i can play on a can smile or i can be set even though there are no signs, the words will end soon. children like monthly and understands you are not waiting for national victory. they're on their recovery journey now. one session at
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a time. i'm drawing the by the satellite because he adds a media manager for save the children in ukraine. it's nice to have you with us or why is it so important to intervene directly during ongoing trauma as we just saw in that report. this is a direct that the state of cost and distress for children in your credit has become and you know, just because for one simple reason that trusted is since never sees the we see day in and day out regular s drive some showing yesterday by the way i've counted at least 3 news reports that said that children were either killed or injured and ukraine and just because their home towns or villages were shelled or hit by drains or missiles. and this is what is keeping children co simply fearful for life of themselves. or their friends and relatives,
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and what each may lead to is obviously a very atrocious optimize because once uh when i was traveling to hockey bridge into a ton of zoom, i was uh, i met a wonderful 7 year old boy ellia who unfortunately was too afraid to step outside of his own house because he was so scared of mines that might have blinked since his neighborhood. i also was too afraid to stay alone in the job. but it is indeed useful to into reading the way as this type of social support. the children really require the sooner the better because of to just couple of months of engaging them with all the children into games, into crops. and you already see how this has helped with helping them to streamline their distress. the emotions whether the positive or negative they are, and it really helps them to open up. just feels like children. again, we understand 3 quarters of children in ukraine are suffering from post traumatic
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stress disorder. and the war has likely stress resources. then how can you ensure all children in need actually receive support? a pause in part of saves the children. we have subjects at least 30 uh what's what we call child friendly spice is basically safe and supportive environments where we provide this bundle psycho social support. when we provide a safe space for children to be children basically, but of course the, the capacity is lacking o capacity, the capacity to sort of try trump rice and she would determine organizations. and what the local officials has told us many, many times. it's is that they are running into resources to be able to train and to facilitate the sufficient number of those social workers of those trained psychologists that are able to work with families,
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especially in the renewed communities. because obviously it is a very large number of children and families in distress because of this rule. and it's not the season because of the atrocities continue in. and it's really important that international community supports and the house with funds. so we are able to continue training, for example, as we do teachers on social emotional learning. so they are able to maintain their own building and wellbeing of their students, but also train parents on positive printing. so they are able to help their children to overcome this potential. signs of psychological trauma. one imagines that children experiencing war trauma face unique challenges compared to other forms of childhood trauma. how do you address this specific anxieties and fears? stemming for more, there is nothing absolutely extraordinary about how
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we address this 1st streets or psychological distress and one children. it's quite simple. we have 2 basic programs. one is about helping children to unloved themselves because what we seen in the report, the annual report is that children because of who are becoming really withdrew and they are locking up inside themselves. and this is very unhealthy for them. so we are helping them to get along with all the children and to release the the we also really engaged into altering the sessions because different crusts drawing. for example, i went to a session, one of the villages and her son visions where we operate. when children were simply joining their dreams, one boy has formed a co factory that he brings of pony. not a girl, the truth herself and her friends swaying peacefully as imagine when the war is
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finally owed. but this is what helps them to release the distress to streamline their emotions and therefore become open and feel like children. again, i put one brother interest in that village in person region. that's after 2 months of those sessions. yeah. she has seen an entirely different child and competitive 1st month's support. many thanks there to love to set the elective for coffee f media manager for save the children in ukraine. us present new joe biden and japanese prime minister for me. ok, she to have value to boost defense ties and present a united front to counter china. the leaders held talks in washington, the head of their 1st try lateral summit with philippine president for non markers junior, they'll focus on the perceived threat from beijing in the in the pacific. you know, 3 leaders and a set of high stakes security challenges. president joe biden is hosting japanese
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prime minister who myoshi the philippine president bumble mark was in washington dc for a trilateral summit following on from an official visit with casita. according to the white house president biden prime and a circus sheet. and president marcos are meeting to underscore the alliances between the 3 countries to both are economic cooperation and to foster peace and security in the in the pacific. but there's a threat to that peace and security in the region. and this tre, lateral stomach is at least in part, a response to that. speaking after the bilateral meeting bite and encourage you to emphasize deepening defense ties between their 2 countries. obviously, for modernize, you come in and control structures. and during increasing the interoperability and planning of our military is the so you can work together in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrade in our line since the end of it says it was 1st established. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create
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a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up a tri, loud or military exercise which you plan in united kingdom. and our office defense partnership with australia, the united kingdom is exploring how japan can join our work. although both leaders insisted that the show of, of greater partnership is not about seeking confrontation with anyone in the country. the warning to try know over it's hostile behavior in the south china sea is clear. the chinese coast guard has repeatedly targeted philippine vessels with water cannons near the contested. second, tomba show raising fears washington could be dragged into a direct confrontation would be doing it for us to defend it's trinity allied. the philippines analysts say that means, but you west has become interested in making sure its allies are able to help themselves. and each other, the us wants to deepen inter operability with these partners and help them become more capable allies themselves. so that in any future contingency,
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whether it's the south tennessee, or eastern sea or taiwan or something else that we haven't even imagined yet. the us has capable modernized partners who can stand with it, and we have to recognize that the unipolar moment is over and the us is great. a strength is this alliances and partnerships. it can not do this stuff alone. ahead of the summit. the philippine and bassett, or to the west stress, the need to find a peaceful resolution or risk a wider conflict. and so that is the message that we give to one of our friends that anything happens in the philippines. you may want to stay away from it, but the fact of the mattress is going to become a major conflict that was not the that that's it, the survival of the real estate here and beyond the strengthening of the 3 way security relationship. tokyo and washington are also committing to increased infrastructure and industrial investment in the philippines and recognition. that's standing up to be jane collins at
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a cost both in defense and an economic terms. for the view from the philippines, the, let's talk to j. c. continue go. he's a journalist at rattler and joins us from manila j. c. i'm really eager to get your perspective that you've spent years covering the growing tension between china in the philippines. you've reported on the filipino fiction and clashing with the chinese coast guard. how exactly is the threat from china felt in the philippines or um, you know, is here in the philippines. um, there's a very strong anti china sentiment right now. and that is because the harassment of chinese coast guard vessels on philippine naval resupply boats and coast guard vessels has just stepped up in the last year. and here you see on the video and that's so a supply ship that's in bombarded by the water tenants from china. we did not see this, but this expense in recent years. in fact, the last one there,
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there were actual injuries and there was a threat. there is now a statement from the united states that, um, if, if the, if the violence escalates, if it leads to a death, then there might be, you know, that this is, the situation might escalate and as with management, then allies might be pulled into kind of have to intervene into the situation. the election of president marcos marked a clear break with his predecessor, rodrigo, do judge a reversing years of pro china policies. but what should we make of this diplomatic new turn? how far are the philippines actually ready to go to be back basing to right, so on the water we are far out class our, our navy is decades behind the us as china, defiance, which is really the reason why the philippine government, this media rallying its allies to get help to kind of push it back at the jing, um,
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you know, be the, even though the philippine steve with the lord sign under the therapy and the alliance with, with the united states has always been the undercurrent and right right now. um, you know, being aligning with china would have to go against the decades of an living, breathing relationship with the united states for better or for worse. the philippines and the united states already have the military's already have strong in their operability. their relationship is deep bill over decades of joint operations, doing exercises. so right now, if you look at it, if you zoom out, it's more as though the 6 years under that there's a rep row, which meant with china, what's more like a blip in a more overarching alliance with the united states. and walk us briefly through this alliance between japan and the philippines, or the 2 countries on the same page. in other words, is your enough trust between the 2, considering their painful and bloody history?
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interestingly enough, yes um. it was around 10 to 26 feet under the thermos. um, former president uh, being you know, up to you know, that he stepped up release of the partnership strategic partnership with somebody. um, we basically set aside woods from world war 2 under that there that he even called van chinese japanese by mr. single. i've a, a friend who speaks closer than a brother. so this is a relationship. the partnership between the philippines and japan is strong. in fact, many of our new west, most modern coast guard vessels were from japan. um it's an arrangement, it's id, but the terms are very, very friendly. and even now there's thoughts of even more milton, or at least coast guards, hardware that's going to be transferred from japan to the philippines. and along with that as well, a lot of economic cooperates on the subway. that's going to be built in manila as
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we speak by is through a cooperation agreement. okay, that is a j. c. good thing, journalist at raptor in manila and many thanks to you sir. a mike, look up. next we're going to take a look at issues in france for new use at the beginning of the next step the
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kids need to be looked at. why not predict kindergarten, old age might sound crazy. and they tried it out with great success. focus on your next on dw margaret friedlander is a holocaust survivor. at the age of 19,
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