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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. our top story biden promise is israel, iron clad support. that flag can be appears or ron could retaliate for a suspect. it is really striking on the wrong in constable it in syria, plus sentenced to death in vietnam. a real estate tycoon is found guilty for her role in a multi $1000000000.00 financial fraud case. the biggest in vietnam's history and tens of thousands forced to flee as floods, devastating parts of russia and constructs done some of the worse to hit the region in a year. the,
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and welcome to the viewers around the world. i'm michael. okay. us, president biden has says, the us commitment to israel is iron clad in the face of iranian threats. there security assurance comes as the us and allies fear, or ron or it's proxies, could launch a significant attack within dates to run his vow, to retaliate for a suspect. it is really striking on the run in consequence, in syria, at the start of april, that killed 7 members of its revolutionary guard. around supreme leader, i are totally come to need renew the threat on wednesday. here's how president biden responded. we're also want to address the rating and threat to large disagree, or they are threatening to launch a significant attack on israel, as i told prime minister netanyahu. and our commitment to israel security gets the stretch moran and as proxies as iron clad reset. again,
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our class we're going to do all we can to protect is secure. so when joe biden says, iron clad, what exactly does he mean? here's the view from military analysts moving up. we're on. well, what president biden could mean is that the support for israel will be conditional. and we have seen a lot of criticism coming from the us side as far as a war against how moss is being concerned. however, in this scenario, if you ran specifically from its own territory, were to launch an attack against east ro properties and the united states would stand behind each row. and i do not exclude the possibility of deploying more aircraft carriers and us try groups to support israel. i don't think that the us would essentially send annual fits trips to east row in order to support each row. but i think one that comes to military aid,
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the focus will be on the israel side, lining there by taiwan and ukraine runs the supreme leader vowed to retaliate for the attack on the damascus consul. it is a run likely to do so from around in soil or through the so called access of resistance. i think for a ryan right now and giving runs past and how it responded to the assassination of consent, fully money. i doubt that iran at the stage is ready to launch an attack from its own territory on israel. i think strategically it would be unwise for around. however, given the run has received and also a big flap. they are not in a position not to respond which puts the around here in a very difficult spot. and therefore, i think that the next best option is to use the access offer assistance consisting of militias in iraq,
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in syria or foods in the young man. and hassle line sauls in lebanon, in order to attack each route and make it more difficult for each route to conduct its war against from us. and this role is already having difficulties because of international pressure to do so. so i think that in the attack will be a symmetric and another possibility is that it will not be an attack on east ro proper or not only there might be a tax on israel, the embassies across them, at least as well as attacks. and in the cyber realm and psychological operations, that's a military analyst moreno moran of kings college as ever many thanks. marina. thank you for having me. meanwhile, the top political leader of a mos claims the death of 3 of his sons in is really air strike. won't scuppered ceasefire deals in cairo. is mile honey, as children were travelling in
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a vehicle in the gaza strip when targeted by and is really drown astride to the heart of how much but killed 3 of the groups. most prominent figures, the sons of home office leader is smile. honey, you a 100? yeah. they were here to visit the families of people who have been killed. one of the comments was it could have been a terrible massacre because the streets are always busy. luckily they only talk is of them. they're always so many children in this area is really army says the brothers had conducted militant activity in the central gaza strip, describing one of them as a cell commander. their father is mine, honey is how much is diplomatic face? he lives outside of gaza and has acted as a negotiator in choose talks since the war began. the depths of his sons
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comments, news, these fire talks and type of drug own without sign of a break to the latest proposal, which i must, as it's studying reportedly includes. the release of 40 is rarely hostages, being held in gaza in return for hundreds of palestinians from it's rarely jails. near says the attack will not change the groups demands. but concerns are growing that it could tarnish months of talks, especially after they appear to be gathering steam in recent days. was a brief look now at some of the other stories making news at this hour. ukrainian president, the lot him is the lensky has signed a 10 year security deal with lock via the agreement follows a barrage of attacks by russia targeting energy facilities across ukraine. so lensky says, strengthening the national air defenses is a top priority. at least 17 people have been killed and as many injured in
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a bus accident in pockets done the vehicle was carrying pilgrims to a religious site on the 1st day of each celebrations, public holiday. in pocket stone, the south korea's president union. so your has promised to refresh his administration following a heavy defeat in pull him entry elections. the prime minister and senior advisors have offered to step down. the liberal opposition is on force for a landslide victory. a property tycoon has been sentenced to death over vietnam's. biggest financial fraud from milan was on trial, alongside $85.00 other defendants for embezzling 12 and a half $1000000000.00. the death sentence is seen as unusually severe loans arrest last year was part of an anti corruption drive, which has engulfed the top levels of beat and these politics. journalist michael to
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tar sky spoke to me about the magnitude of the case. sure. so our mid right at the start that the numbers are been a little confusing at times. and one, before the verdicts had been accused of embezzling 12 and a half $1000000000.00 from a bankruptcy, with the controlling owner in today's verdict, as a rule that she needs to reimburse the bank $27.00 and a half 1000000000 or $27000000000.00. so it's not entirely clear where the difference in those numbers comes from, but by the way, the dollar amounts are mass of a by far the largest financial crime interviewed me is history. and indeed, and among the largest and world history, i believe the numbers are massive and the punishment is huge. you might say why the death sentence as yeah, as you know that this is a rare certainly, and financial crimes does have the death penalty. it's not widely used and
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certainly not in sort of the black and better phrase the white collar crime like this. but prosecutors recommended at late last month and given the, the share of scale of the crime. and this morning the court said that they believed law deserve the highest punishment, which kind of made it clear what the verdict would be. so it's, i guess, clear that they want to make an example of her and given again the scale of this tom took this kind of on trusted uninstalled with the verdict. michael, i'm curious. what in general is known about the other? 85 people accuse of some involvement in this case. so many of them are relatively unknown, but there are few other high profile defendants. um, strongly lines use, for example, she got receive 17 years in jail. she was the ceo of another major company within the fountain side echo system. also, mine's husband, who is actually a hong kong national, which will be interest. i got 9 years in jail for his involvement. the,
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i think he kind of was trying to plead ignorance of the system in laws here and processes. it will be interesting to see the international reaction to that one. and then perhaps you have the most notable one is an official from the state bank of vietnam was accused of receiving a $5000000.00 bribes from lawn to overlook per activities. she was the lights in jail, and then the other defendants range from probation services to other a few other life services as well. i'm sure this is one of the few things people there in the region or talking to what's likely to be the political ramifications of all of this politically intermediates to be seen. i mean, this is, comes within the broader context of a, a man contempt. and then also the president resigned last month. uh, related to this campaign, not this trial that this campaign with this is largely in the private sector and
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the impact here in ocean city. it has been profound bantam side and its various subsidiaries control, something like a 1000 properties and the city, all of which have been seized by the police for investigation. it's not clear what kind of legal process those buildings will go through. this includes unfinished skyscrapers, a very high profile properties. political fallout at the moment appears to be relatively minimal and certainly on the private sector side here at ocean city, which is going to be solved for a very long time. that's a journalist. so michael, to to our ski, michael, many things southern russia and constructs done or battling record floods as water levels continue to rise. tens of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes after major rivers burst their backs. melting snow has seen water level serge along the euro river, especially around the city of orange or a rescue operation is underway, but local say not enough was done to prevent the flooding. the flooded area
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is getting bigger by the hour. the rising water is no threat, the regional capital of or in board a city of more than half a 1000000 authorities are urging everyone in dangerous areas to leave their homes, mother and the to the it's hard for me around we have to stay strong vehicle. my son has come for that. i have to give an example that we will overcome. i had to deal with the floods he'd several regions invest in siberia and neighboring cars like stone rushes emergencies. ministry launched a massive rescue operation, but they help from the federal center is often seen as too little or too late. a brief protest over the handling of the disaster broke out into regions 2nd largest city of our school on monday. all guys,
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almost the people in the city help each other regardless of some tensions we have, we can say the same about audit with station the administration should not just be a shame. they need to be sec, dude, for the waters became uncontrollable after a dam intended to hold just over 5 meters of water broke over the weekend. its level has since doubled questions have been raised over whether negligence led to the disaster, as well as the authorities response to a local residents. we'd also like to hear a word of support from the countries leader on the regions largest floods in decades. instead, they go to a message from the spokesperson teaching fucking teachers. q also pollutant is not in the open book region physically. he's constantly involved in the matter issue. he's dealing with these issues the entire day, which is at the moment a visit to the region is not on the agenda. it's the most critical moment. now. we
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will monitor developments in the next few days, but and with the kremlin state control over the media and security services, it's unlikely that many people will be publicly questioning if the disaster perhaps could have been prevented. here's a reminder of our top stories. us present new joe biden says to us, commitment to israel is iron clad in the face of iranian threats to ron has failed to respond after a suspect. it is really striking on the iranian conflict in syria and a property tycoon has been sentenced to death in vietnam's biggest fraud case. strong milan was on trial alongside $85.00 other defendants for investment, 12 and a half $1000000000.00 blended. their business takes a look at whether they even can afford to expand the block. a michael look in
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berlin from me and the rest of the team. and thanks for watching. and by the name is the calls back said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about saying it's loud. you guys would have being nosy, bay, like get everyone talking to me. check out the award winning called call. don't call back one of over 200 lucky it's across poland meant to shield the country from ukrainian product. farmers here on a collision course. this expansion of the european.


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