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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the the, this is the deputy news life from silent japan as a stop warning on this thread from china, japanese prime minister for me appreciate, it tells us congress that by you shake is the biggest thing just to international faith, comes to balancing also on the program us president, jo, buys promises, israel and cloud supports, and there is a variety and retaliation for these regular stripe terms, errands, embassy in sooner. the control guy a welcome to the program, japanese prime minister for me to see that has won the us congress of the threat
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from china was with all the us, japan, on the philippines begin. the 1st joined the security summit in washington. mr. casita told us lawmakers advising presents the biggest threats to face as the benefits of the international community. is the 1st japanese data for 9 years to address both houses of congress. and he praised the american leadership on the world stage. the united states policy was based on the practice that money to does not want to live a press by then also retiring and state where you were tracked and surveilled and denied from expressing what does your heart and on your mind. you really that freedom is the oxygen of humanity to the world.
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these, the united states to continue playing this people told role in the affairs of the issues. that's guys not comfortable in the janelle, i do look at the white house. welcome janelle, so lots of a flows have been mistaken sheet assess page, go down as well. it would have been apparent to anyone listening just how much of an effort because she made to emphasize like mindedness to emphasize that the japanese connection to the united states. she's spoken link in english, that's not something that he always does. he called the u. s. and japan shipmates on a boat of democracy. but really his main message to you as long makers was. so u. s. is not alone. meaning, if you us does not leave japan to stand up to china alone in the in the pacific,
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then japan will not also leave us alone on the global stage to act as the world policeman. this is of course, happening against the backdrop of a growing skepticism, especially among us house republicans about. so you was to, is a role in the world about the us to support for, for, and wars offer support for its allies and void embroiled in foreign wars. and what's the expectation from casita here is, is that they should not give up on us leadership. and if they don't, japan will be there to help. now, to be fair, japan really has been putting it's money where it's analysis. it's an act and several key policy changes in the last few years that really did allow it to become a better defense partner. like lifting some of the curves on its defense. exports like increasing its defense spending to record levels. now there is also worth noting, of course, that japan is the biggest supporter of ukraine in asia. it stood by western
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countries on since day one as they enacted sanctions, again to rush out for its aggression against ukraine. and there is a phrase that casita has been repeating on his visit to here. it's today ukraine, tomorrow, east asian in that you can really read his motivation as he urges so us not to give up on his alliances. when the head of assess producers can see the said the world was athens historic, the turning point. what makes this summer? it's so important to know well, this troy lateral summit is historic in the sense that these 3 countries, the us, japan and the philippines have never come together in this format. but it's also important because it's the logical development of, of what the u. s. has been trying to do in terms of building a lie in structures in the, in the pacific. now, it would be going too far to say that we're looking at a future of a mutual defense structure and much like nato. but it's become very important to
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the us to have strong, capable allies. we're also strongly, strongly allied with one another, especially as the the threats of a multi seed or conflict is not impossible is not, i'm single. we already have ukraine. we already have the middle east, any escalation in the, in the pacific. what also challenge for us is ability to be able to serve its alliance as properly. as such, it's become very important for us to make sure that it has the allies, that it can count on as it attempts to walk and chew gum at the same time. that is to say, serve multiple alliances, even in the face of conquering crises. a quick look at the main issues, the 3 need is the hosting to got through. well, president biden is expected to issue some strong criticism against china for as harassment of the philippine vessels and philippine mariners. the 3 countries are
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also expected to make announcements on joint coast guard patrols. but a lot of what will be discussed today will also be economics. so the us in japan will also be announcing economic initiatives into the philippines involving port modernization, railway upgrades, and improvements to connectivity. sending china a message there that they are capable of shielding the philippines from economic coercion. and that the philippines does not have to fear the loss of investment from china as it stands up to being in defense of its territorial plants. thanks for that. i did a big correspondent janelle demo in washington so well, president biden is given israel, what he called an iron clad to commitment of support in the face of iranian threats . the us and its allies fed around no group sites and on his behalf could launch a significant attack within days that ron has promised retaliation for i presumed he's rightly strike when he runs embassy in syria,
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which 7 members of its revolutionary dogwood killed around supreme the that i have tama simon, i has renewed the threat st. israel and must be punished. it's all hasn't commented, but mister bite and says america's commitment is on wavering. we also want to address the radiance, right? to largest exist, they are threatening to launch a significant attack. and israel, as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security against these threats moran and as proxies as iron clad reset. again, our class we're going to do. all we can to protect is a secure. so what should be make of present biden's remarks? firewalls that gases is professor of international relations at the london school of economics to use the higher on that plus. so the president's statement is really a message at the time, so you're not just present and by that, but even the secretary of se blanket called the is right. you defense minister and
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reassured these by you defense knows that the us will stand with israel also the us defense secretary there is even is right. we have a news now that is riley, this have us that american counterparts to make public statements in order to deter iran from retaliating for these right to the attack on the wrong. and consulate in syria last week, which as you said, killed 7 senior at rodney in columbus and i, i, i might take on it is that you're on will retaliate. the question is not whether you're on will do so not the question is how, when and what targets that you're on. uh, we'll retire at back in the next few hours or next few days. the file was gadgets from the london school of economics. meanwhile, israel's military has presented a plan to get more aid into garza, the army says as many as 500 trucks a day could soon be delivering supplies. we are constructing the northern crossing
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in new land, crossing from israel into northern garza to enable more aid to flow directly to civilians in the areas that have been challenging for the trucks to access. we have worked with international partners to bringing more aid from the see via the port of ash door after which it will be transported down to the crossings into gauze. let's look at best with the bob kitchen, who's vice president, sorry, emotions this at the international rescue committee. the welcome to the w. and what sort of difference do you think of his science that will make thanks for having made him remains to be seen in short. we've heard this before that it will be any increase in a coming in. and over the last few days, we have seen a slight uptake, but it's gone from a trickle to a small flow. it's nowhere near the scale of humanitarian aid. the more than
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1000000 people now on the doorstep of famine urgently require. and it's not just the trucks getting in, it's the safety environment inside the gaza strip and the permissions the israel have to provide 8 organizations in the u. n. to be able to move around to transfer and to distribute the aid the solely lacking right now at the moment. they be that that's last week of those. i'm at aid work as a bass as baptist as damaged your face and a sort of sense when the idea of the attack on wells central kitchen was a tragedy. but it's not the only attack on 8 or what would, as i do the i, i see, and my case compound was, was boned in january as have many other organizations. so the trust in the d confliction system has been shaken many, many times. and it's not just that it's the day today, requesting commissions and them being denied even though the needs
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a massive last week as well also. and i said it would open thing at that time, noon crossing in the north of gaza. and today we have the idea of saying a new crossing will open in the north. so is it your understanding that this should soon be to aid crossing into the north of gaza as i was just doing dogs on just for time last night i spent 3 days on the ground talking to partners in the united nations. what i heard that while i wasn't permitted to go to the north, was that there is only one on the consideration to new crossing further to the west than errors. so none of them are open right now. we'll have to see my coming days. and what did you see when you are in southern casa, i saw the great destruction, but we both saved on the news that was a given, the level of destruction is severe. but what i also saw was a massive population that has been displaced from the north to the south, with multiple displacements along the way. now sheltering in reference to southern
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city, which pre war was 300000 people population. and it's now close to 1.5 that the burden on that small town with so many people now sheltering, trying to get away from the violence from the incessant and indiscriminate bombing is evidence. there are attempts everywhere there is no open land in the whole town as people have flooded in there's not enough a to give them flowing bad. never mind the rest of the gods, the strip. so the situation is, is desperate, as has been confirmed today by the us government, the fireman is now a thing in the north, it's a risk across the whole strip. so the situation really is desperate. my so that 1st time. so even if it is delivered, the rates are promised by the idea for spokes person. i'm not still not going to be enough. i don't think we've heard the scale that they're promising and we've definitely not said 500 trucks until so up to 500 trucks,
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trucks equals just about the number of trucks that were going in 3 conflict. what we've seen between that and, and now though, is a complete destruction of much of the infrastructure, the total displacement of, of a large portion of the population. and the, the total annihilation of any food security. so to say to, we're going to get back to pre conflict levels is woefully inadequate. we have to double triple, quadruple that level to catch back up to help people recover and, and for that to even be feasible and needs to be at least 5. we come help people stabilize, put back on weight, move away from, from an if the terrified every day and night of ongoing attacks which continued. i was working up on tuesday morning by a missiles being fired from battleships off sho onto rafa. it's incessant all the time. thank you for joining us in the painting such
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a vivid picture. bob kitchen from the international rescue committee will take a look at some most doors making news around the world. now former american football style, o. j. simpson, whose guide to the age of $76.00 with sensation is clear. the 1995, the madness of his ex wife and her male friends and center. i'm sense to present a decade lights with over a bundled drum rate. mister simpson's family say he died of cancer. israel has confirmed that he killed 3 sons. if a mouse is punishable, chief is smell honey. in an ass strike and gaza brothers were travelling in a vehicle when they were talking to buy drunk. israel's military size, the men get onto how much is military we saw them, is the landscape signed a 10 year secure to deal with lot via the agreement follows the borrowers of russian, the tax targeting energy facilities across the price. the training president says
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strengthening national ad defense is a top priority of a southern russia and catholic style, a baffling rising flood waters. tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave the homes. melting snow has cause a your benefits, a search and flood defenses to collapse around the city of unable rescue operation has begun, but local say not enough is being done to not enough was done to prevent the flooding. a wall of icy water rushing towards homes. hearing cause ext on tens of thousands of people have already evacuated and still more attacking up what they can to flee ahead of the record high floods. stuff. the 5 most of the range is a control, a symbol with this, and i hope it'll end and will be safe. the use of the weather in my 57 years, but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so she lived
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up stream and russia, the ural river has best its banks flooding pots of our and bug home to mold and half a 1000000 people lose the issue. i left the most the morning the watermark and the router was more than 10 enough off meters high. and if it does the highest level of a measure unless you restore to liberty, daniels or annual spring floods have been made worse by torrential rain and wrinkled high temperatures that have melted ice and snow. the disaster has treated public anger is effected. residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's lead is some residents of our in bug, say local officials could have done more to prepare the the storage ease, say the flooding. c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia, they're wanting that rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks as
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well. to mention upon the ovens following this story from uh, russia bureau in riga database been reporting from black vin capital. since russia close down on moscow bureau, oh, welcome, give us an update please. so to dave expirations continued, as mentioned in the report across the oregon, oregon several adjacent regions. that's the area, roughly speaking, about 1500 kilometers south east of moscow. this area adjacent to between, so let's say you were being part of russia and west inside be re. we understand that the local officials and experts are calling these floods the largest in the past 8 years. and the disaster that has been declared in the state of emergency and those affected regions have been declared as a nationwide state of disaster. so that's why the federal ministry of emergencies is taken care of the response. i mean, it says that it has enough resources to,
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to respond to, to the situation. but it remains, diary many parts of the affected regions. there is not enough drinking water, electricity is not working and they have been reports, numerous reports of looting. so people in those areas that will help doesn't come or come to little or too late. they say that quite desperate and understands f as in fusion hasn't been to the region, but has been speaking to governors of the regions affected as well. it is basically one of the carefully choreographed appearances used on state to be where puts in the sitting in front of the screens and talking to governors and ministers from the government online. of course today they promised compensations and some payments to people in those affected areas, but it remains to be seen how much of that aid we'll actually get to them. and what's interesting is, as you mentioned, that he's spokesman
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a mutual best upset on tuesday that which is not going to visit and is just another big event in russia that puts and chooses to ignore. and the last time we saw him speaking to common russians on the ground was after the mutiny by a private company, wagner and his bus. you have any precaution and dogs in, in russia last year when he met a people in august on so, so far as with the terra talk. in recent tara talking to moscow, he preferred to stay away from talking to people there. and so what are people saying about the way that governments as hand best crisis? well, the floods i'm not untypical for these regions. they have a lot of snow usually in the winter. so when the spring comes days, no mailed send. there was a lot of rain, so it wasn't a we expected what may have contributed. oh actually it was announced that was contributed the brought the down broke in the nearby the c divorce. that's the 2nd largest in the orbital or in the book region. it broke down over the weekend
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despite the old claims by the local government that it would, it would hold the line. so a lot of people in those regions say that the, these contribute. and so all 3rd is, may have prepared better for this disaster. and also they say they're not getting enough help, but for now we have seen that the criticism has been mostly directed at the local level and it seems like prison puts in for now has escaped widespread criticism as police. what do we see on the social media and comments? they are in the public ceilings, russia. ok thanks. dimitri dw is dimitri. plenty of in, in riga. so well here in germany, the government's undergoing its soldiers who served in molly until the old off shelves was paid tribute to 26000 trips were fucking a decade long un peacekeeping force employment and admin. molly's ruling john to the mind that the withdrawal of all the un peacekeepers, austria and the soldiers returned in defense. district political correspondent
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anita hossa is at the ceremony. a welcome needed. what is the chance of i've been saying well, i love so it's the gym and tons, the thing, the soldiers and the families for their involvement in the submission of. and also remembered all those who got killed and wounded in what he called one of the most dangerous missions. the un has of a mondays, if you stress the fact that back in 2017 germany gotten involved in the mission. because the molly and government at the time explicitly called for help in the fight against islam is tara, but he also said that it was due right to end the mission when the conditions changed when the soldiers were no longer welcome, which is of course, the case in molly, now the boat in despair will continue missions abroad. the gym, chancellor said, even though the focus has now shifted since rest is an invasion of ukraine. because of course it's now on the defense of the homeland and the lions. but missions abroad are still very important, he said, because the world is not going to become
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a more peaceful place any time soon. i'm was a ceremony happening now 4 months after the last gym, so just left body as well. the last german soldiers less the region in december. that's true, but they've had to bring back all the material since. and we'll have sort of said that this was a hockey lease task of the last couple of weeks and months. because of course, the situation on the ground was very vulgar tile at the gym, so just one no longer welcome. there were lots of discussions about slides, whether they could be done or not. they have to switch over ations tunisia where they then implemented a transport hub that is still there on the ground still being operated. but what he's going to happen to this help is now going to have to be discussed with the people in pilot and these. yeah. and so if this with the withdrawal, if it's true, is that 8 for german influence in the region? they say it's not tend to con fee,
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because russert is expanding its influence in the so health and europe simply can't afford to give up this region. now we know that russel uses migrants as a weapon against europe, and it was no coincidence. say experts that needs has signed a military deal with russia and on the very same day opened the migration route towards the north. so that is something where the gems of very much trying to keep that balance of home and aligns defense. but also those missions abroad, they want to be involved with development age on the ground, but they'll have to negotiate all of that with the people in power in these, you know, friends is not welcome in the region, a tool as a former colonialist power, which is why gemini, feels that it has to step up its responsibility. okay, thank you for that. so i need it. need a honda that's me. you're not. web agenda has been drawn from a busy trading hub on the board with tie about it. somebody to set back for the regime, which is facing growing opposition from rebel forces and to shop dropping support
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among the civilian population. as the tie border arrivals from me in march or up by almost 50 percent. for me here are crossing over from the town of my wadi, after fighting between the military and armed groups or villages afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified so they moved to me. so i want to scare yes i do. there's no fighting at the moment. yes, not in near what he told me. this time warner check is a short ride from where me a mars military government has been pushed back by rebels route. they've been clashing near constantly since october, when the rebels got together and a union of fighters to form a larger opposition force. it's a sign of the moving on post road in power and popularity. they are also at odds
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with civilians for the opposing mia mars democratically elected government run by on some sushi. moving to in 2021 to be here in the holland. but as the displacement in conflict had been widespread since the drawn criticism. but it's from the un, the democratically alexis, a 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military takeover. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter and safety. the who to risk losing additional credibility for a strategic loss of my wadi, a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise. and type forces can no longer rely on the who to, to secure the me and more side of the board. so you are paying the central bank here is to can you put the key interest rates on hold for and
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a half percent for the 1st month in a row, the bank wants to be sure, inflation is under control before costing interest rates to boost economic growth rates may, could credits cheaper and investments easier for businesses. finally, archaeologists of uncovered stunning artworks in the new excavation, the buried ancient city of pompei. the paintings depict to me some logical characters inspired by the trojan bull, including this scene of the kidnapping of helen by paris. and this image of apollo trying to seduce cassandra archaeologist believe the whole was being manufactured. but it was battered by volcanic ash when mount vesuvius erupted almost 2000 years ago. is reminder of our top story at best out. it definitely is 5 minutes. definitely. i think she has addressed the joint session of the us congress to move or the game subtract from china was before the us coupon. and the philippines have begun to get in that 1st joint security service in washington x on
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dw, i next on news advocacy earlier on life, barry has declared national emergencies of, of course, the drugs that's coming with that is that's in just the
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view. we'll tell you, we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d, w. old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency.
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the well, the largest, the military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses call beginning to show this from this new threat made in 45 minutes on the w, the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over the brazilian reprocess. $30000.00 hides a day 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter for luxury cost awesome comes from initial capital times in the m, as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process that
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must have a legal letter. the stats may said on d, w, the, this is need to be in use africa coming up on the program. how kind of west africa 5 back against the drug that's destroying it to young people. this won't be like effect of course the drug causing so much have or can sir, in the own that the president has declared it a public enemy. we look at how best has become such a huge threat library as also fighting cush, dw gains access to a drug house in monrovia with some of cushions victims go to get that high a drought sweeping across the.


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