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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, is it, the, the, the news life from diamond japan was that the threat from china, japanese prime minister for me appreciate, it tells the us congress and staging is the biggest danger to international peace and stability. also on the program. tens of thousands free the homes in southern russia and has expanded in the west flooding for 18 years. the feel good. you're welcome to the program, japanese prime minister for me because she to has one of the us congress of a threat from china was before the us. japan in the philippines begin the 1st joint
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security so much in washington is the can see the told us lawmakers advising presents the biggest threats the faces debility events of the international community. is the 1st japanese leader for 9 years to address both houses of congress and the praised american leadership on the world stage. the united states policy was based on the practice that humanity does not want to live a press by then also retiring and state where you were tracked and surveilled and denied from expressing what this your heart and on your mind. we believe that freedom is the oxygen of humanity to the world. we use the united states to continue playing. this people told role in
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the affairs of the issues like correspondent janelle, doom allowed in washington, told me how to use the can see the speech had been received as well. it would have been a parent. and so to anyone listening just how much of an effort, because she made to emphasize like mindedness to emphasize that the japanese connection to the united states. she's spoken link in english. that's not something that he always does. he called the u. s. and japan shipmates on a boat of democracy, but really his main message to us lawmakers was so u. s. is not alone. meaning if they you, us does not leave japan to stand up to china alone in the endo pacific, then japan will not also leave us alone on the global stage to act as the world policeman. this is of course happening against the backdrop of a growing skepticism, especially among us house republicans about. so you was to,
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is a role in the world about the us to support for, for, and wars offer support for its allies and void embroiled in for and wars. and what so the expectation from casita here is, is that they should not give up on us leadership. and if they don't, japan will be there to help. now, to be fair, japan really has been putting it's money where it's analysis. it's an act and several key policy changes in the last few years that really did allow it to become a better defense partner. like lifting some of the cards on its defense. exports like increasing its defense spending to record levels. now there is also worth noting, of course, that japan is the biggest supporter of ukraine in asia. it stood by western countries on since day one as they enacted sanctions, again to rush out for its aggression against ukraine. and there's a phrase that casita has been repeating on his visit to here. it's today ukraine
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tomorrow, east asian in that you can really read his motivation as he urges us not to give up on his alliances to help them alone in washington or tens of thousands of people and stuff. and by and catholics donovan slot did ask that holmes melting snow his cause. the old river, it's a surgeon flood defense is around the city of are about to collapse. rescue operation is on the way, but local say not enough. was done to prevent the flooding in the 1st place. a wall of icy water rushing towards homes. hearing cause ex, done tens of thousands of people have already evacuated. and still more a packing up what they can to flee ahead of the record high floods. stuff. the 5 most of the range of the control, a symbol with this and i hope it'll and then will be safe. the use of
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a but the in my 57 years. but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so she lived up stream and russia, the euro river, his best, it's banks flooding parts of our and bug home to mold and half a 1000000 people lose the issue. as of the most, the morning the watermark and the good was more than 10 enough off me does high and if it does the highest level of a measure, let's see. we stood liberally daniels, her annual spring floods have been made worse by torrential rain and wrinkled high temperatures that have melted ice and snow. the disaster has treated public anger is effected. residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's leaders. some residents of our in bug say local officials could have done more to prepare the cc, the storage ease, say the flooding c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia,
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they're wanting that rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks of the sugar down of is professor of climate science and the university of reading and the u. k. welcome to dw professor. what caused these rack would like and floods would cost us the breaking subs. uh would be, uh, quite metrics, very ability. uh, whether an clements odd sense. it was too late to make truly from year to year and some years are almost no way if you will. and then the others. so this year we have particularly lots of uh, snowfall and smoke ventilation. uh which exceeded the norm by 70 to 60 percent. so there was a lot of snow to begin with. and then was to gary rapid warming. so within just a few days, temperature went from some 0 values to something like $1718.00 degrees. and so
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would that cost be any video record mailed over these large? most of us? no, we accumulated over winter. okay. increase to rank full of rapid melting snow . but you said it's within the you said the it's exceeded the the, the no one. but you seem to imply that, that it's, it's much as you would expect for this time of year, within a given range. we expect floods in spring in russia and about 50 percent of all floods are related to snowfield. and now the 64 percent would be related to snow and you know, the 10 percent so uh i st. john's on luxury. there's so by themselves of floats in spring on milton user and but this year they were of extraordinary extends. so previously we had a similar floods in this part of the world in 1922. the in 1942,
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1957 on the highest. what's the level so far? what's up? so in 1942, but each year it was accepted by about one or one meter from the previous records. so floods on those extraordinary springs. but this one was extraordinary in this extends, right? so just to give what you've said, it sounds all but so many good. what's on that? tens of thousands of people having to leave at home says this is an area of a studies used to flooding, but it seems to have caught both are says, unaware. or what the full cost, when in place uh, high dimension, would you go services of both in russia and in kazakhstan, gave a good warning and good time that there is a lot of snow on. so we should expect these very extensive floods and they did forecast states the warming up as well. so where the warranty was in place,
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but translating with the warning up into actions will be inevitably difficult. so as far as i understand dumb didn't hold very the sofa because see what the stage what the levels was so so high and that's will cost a breach of time. and then these extra ones in there needs to be able to reach people experience and you talked about the extraordinary and the unusually fast rate to of, of melting snow this year at this. how does that relates to these? so these 10 months, i think it is of a continuing record breaking temperatures. so those 2 things go together. no projection open crease in floods for these parts of the world. but if we look at changing climate and climate,
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the core mean what we may expense stuff is flux will happen earlier. and if the temperature will be increasing early and sauce to lots throughout the years. but just in the spring time, then yes, we might be in a lot more danger uh, in years to come. okay, thank you for for that purpose uh, maria sugar down from reading university. let's take a look at some most doors making news around the world and we'll start in the us. as for my american football style, o. j. simpson, the style of the age of 76. using station we cleared in 1995 of the voters of its ex wife and her mail friend sent to prison the decade lisa over a bundled robbery mister simpson's family. say he died of cancer. 3 dutch skinny as have been killed in an avalanche in the austrian alps. another was rescued from florida to hospital. i've learned since that are becoming ranked in the lives mountain ranges and claim at dozens of lives. every year. a master's
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leader is smile, jaime ss. his medicine group is still trying to be interesting slide deal after and he's ready to strike killed. so if his sons is like the media side, the attack was carried out without your authorization to talk. tremendous families of hostages have expressed consent. a striking could be room efforts to secure their release. meanwhile, how is ralph manage? he is presenting a plan to get more a into casa. the army says as many as 500 trucks a day could soon be delivered supplies. we are constructing the northern crossing in new land, crossing from israel into northern garza to enable more aid to flow directly to civilians in the areas that have been challenging for the trucks to access. we have worked with international partners to bringing more aid from the see via the
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port of ash door after which it will be transported down to the crossings into gauze. well asked bob kitchen of the international rescue committee, whether he had any confidence in this new is riley initiative. thanks for having may have remains to be seen in short. we've heard of us before that it will be any increase in a coming in. and over the last few days we have seen a slight uptake, but it's going from a trickle to a small flow. it's nowhere near the scale of humanitarian aid. the more than 1000000 people now on the doorstep of famine, but generally require, and it's not just the trucks getting in, it's the safety environment inside the goal is to strip and the permissions the israel have to provide 8 organizations in the u. n. to be able to move around to transfer and to distribute the aid the solely lacking right now at the moment. they have a desk last week of those. i'm at 8 with cuz
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a basses baptist as damaged your face. and as you were to say is from the idea, the attack on wells central kitchen was a tragedy. but it's not the only attack on 8 or what would, as i do is we have, i see in my view case compound was, was bombed in january as have many other organizations. so the trust in the d confliction system has been shaken many, many times. and it's not just that it's the day today, requesting commissions and them being denied, even though the needs a mess of last week as well also. and i said they would open thing about time noon crossing in the north of gaza. and today we have the idea of saying a new crossing will open in the know so is it your understanding that this should soon be to a crossing into the north of gaza? i was just indoors on just return last night. i spent 3 days on the ground talking to partners in the united nations. what i heard that while i wasn't permitted to go
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to the north was that there is only one under consideration, new crossing further to the west than errors. so none of them are open right now, we'll have to see the coming days. and what did you see when you are in southern casa? and i saw the great destruction that we both seen on the news that was a given, the level of destruction is severe. but what i also saw was a massive population that has been displaced from the north, to the south, with multiple displacements along the way. now sheltering in rapper in the southern city, which pre war was 300000 people population. and it's now close to 1.5 that the burden on that small town with so many people now sheltering, trying to get away from the violence from the incessant and indiscriminate bombing is evidence. there are tends, everywhere. there is no open land in the whole town as people have flooded in there's not enough even flowing bad. never mind the rest of the gospel strip. so
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the situation is, is desperate. as has been confirmed today by the us government, the farm, it is now a thing in the north. it's a risk across the whole strip. so the situation really is desperate. my so that 1st time, so even if it is delivered, the rates are promised by the idea for spokes person. i'm not still not going to be enough. i don't think we've heard the scale that they're promising and we've definitely not 6500 trucks until so up to 500 trucks, trucks equals just about the number of trucks that were going and re conflict. what we've seen between that and, and now though, is a complete destruction of much of the infrastructure, the total displacement of, of a large portion of the population. and the, the total annihilation of any food security. so to say to,
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we're going to get back to pre conflict levels is wonderfully and adequate. we have to double triple, quadruple that level to catch back up to help people recover and, and for that to even be feasible and needs to be at least 5. we come help people stabilize, put back on weight, move away from, from an if the terrified every day and night of ongoing attacks which continued. i was working up on tuesday morning by a missiles being fired from battleships off sho onto rafa. it's incessant all the time. thank you for joining us in the painting such a vivid picture pump kitchen from the international rescue committee. to me and my what the military jones has withdrawn from a busy trading hub on the border with time. and it's the latest set back for the regime, which is facing growing position from rebel forces and to shop dropping support among the civilian population. as the tie border arrivals from me in march or up by almost 50 percent from you here across the over from the town is my wadi,
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after fighting between the military and armed groups or villages afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified, so they moved to me. so i want to scared. yes i do. there's no finding at the moment. yes, no, didn't near what he told me. this time warner check is a short ride from where me a mars military government has been pushed back by rebel improved. they've been clashing your constantly since october. when the rebels got together and a union of fighters to form a larger opposition force. it's a sign of the routing power and popularity. they are also at odds the civilians for the pose in yeah. maurice democratically elected government run by on sun sushi. moving to in 2021 to be here in the home. but as the displacement in
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conflict had been widespread since the drawing criticism from the un, the democratically alexis are 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military takeover. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter, and safety, the who to risk losing additional credibility for a strategic loss of my wadi, a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise. and type forces can no longer rely on the who to, to secure the me and more side of the board. do you cry my 2 years of war, taking that total on the population, especially on children. even if i haven't been caught up in the violence, many have been separated from the homes that families and friends experts say the stress and the chaos is causing the growing mental health crisis. w's. i. abraham
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met some children in key if we're using ox therapy to help them cope so much. no matter how hard you look, you won't see their injuries. stairs are deep within inflicted by 2 years of war. 11 year old match, we saw a russian soldiers occupy his home overnight when the full scale invasion began in 2022. he and his family had to run to 4 different places in and out of the country before settling in the capital. the reason i love travelling like this was probably the worst trouble of my life. my 13 year old style, the as hometown, are you full is also occupied and was heavily show by the russians. it was really have the place to live in and it would be great for more did installed. it would be
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more and more for this. sometimes you just want to run away from your problems and the free and happy like a little child here at the voices of children and, and you keep the try to offer just that for you, psychological counseling, art classes. and every once in a while, a literal escape from reality, like this role playing game. you look, hopefully this game is fascinating. yeah. because it has many possibilities. said then we'll just start the, you can become a lizard man room to will look on the or a giant this lean or bullet or a half plant, half man, measurable, the. you can have any weapon or no. some stores can build your own, so to speak. that's good. in the most history on the sensors to come a 100 or it's like playing a giant because his main characteristic of springs. you have the honey, i am the strongest character so far,
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the flash sale or who 9 ition in chas. nice yearly. it's a way to help the children regain a sense of control. they last when forced to leave home and everything they knew was that us. but i think the nowadays they are a lot of kids who just don't want anything. they are just tired and bored and they don't have a desire to do anything. but about these kids do. it is important that they express themselves, that they are not afraid to try something, change their plans, make mistakes, and look for solutions to these mistakes. and that's a formula from donna says she sees progress. many of the kids open up letting go of the barriers. they put up to protect themselves from fear and moss . i feel happy, i feel released from all my problems because it's really easier to sometimes forget that i need to do homework. i need to clean to this or just about the whole and
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right here it is. the safe place when i console, when i can play on a can smile or i can be set even though there are no signs, the war will end soon. children like my to be and then this does the, are not waiting for national victory. she are on their recovery journey. now. one session at a time will be several of the precautions have from say, the children and ukraine told us why it's important to intervene directly joining trauma. this is correct, that the state of cost and distress for children in your credit was becoming, you know, just because for one simple reason that trusted is since never sees the received a in a day out regular as drive some showing yesterday. or by the way, i've counted at least 3 news reports that said the children were either killed or injured and ukraine and just because their home towns or villages were shelled or
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hit by drains or miss aust, i'm this is what is keeping children co simply fearful for life of themselves or their friends and relatives. and what each may lead to is obviously a very atrocious optimize because once uh, when i was traveling to hockey bridge into a ton of zoom, i was uh, i met a wonderful 7 year old boy ilia, who unfortunately was too afraid to step outside of his own house because he was so scared of mines that might have related his neighborhood. i also was too afraid to stay alone in the job. but it is indeed useful to into being in the way of this type of social support. the children really require the sooner the better because up to just couple of months of engaging them with all the children into games, into crops. and you already see how this is helped with helping them to streamline
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their distress, their emotions, whether the positive or negative they are. and it really helps them to open up. just feel like children. again, this is the stuff i logged up for coffee from site the children. the government is honoring its soldiers who served in molly johnson, the old life sholtes pay tribute to 26000 troops for profit decades, long united nations peacekeeping. folks did the plugins and the hobbies routing john to demanded the withdrawal of all un peacekeepers lost the german soldiers returned into so you're paying central banks keeping it key interest rates on hold at 4 and a half percent for the 5th consecutive month. the bank wants to be sure, inflation is under control for cutting interest rates to try and boost economic growth the rates and make that cheaper make credits cheaper and investments easier for business, for main carriers and software as
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a marketing world pockets in the day. it's meant to raise awareness of the disease which affects the central nervous system. there's no q a, but it can be managed with medication and cetera, such as drumming. getting back into the groove with some of the brazilian beats are helping these parkinson's patients stay immobile. the founder came up with the idea. well that a concert i suddenly filled send me this cuz i know when, when you hear some defendant a street you know you can't help going to do. and that's a big issue for people with balkans as a sort of lose that sense of reason. the news is wisdom of wilkins. the disease damages nerve cells in the brain affecting functions like motor skills and memory. the world health organization says cases are rapidly rising globally,
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but these participants say the drug classes are making a difference before some but i was struggling to get out the chair. so at least i am a bit more mobile now. not quite so stiff, which is part and parcel of talking since the assessments in their joints. i see that seems likely because she gives you moving, breathing talk isn't, doesn't feel you. but it's certainly paisley way for, for this. the project is drumming up supports researchers from card if university are planning to study, if it really can improve the lives of parkinson's patients. and the government is providing grants for more classes in wales, music to their years, raising hopes that more will be understood about this so far incurable disease. and finally audiologist of uncovered studying artworks and then you excavation that
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they buried agents. if you have pompei paintings to pick them, it's a logical characters inspired by the trojan war, including this thinking of the kidnapping of helen by iris. and they say, major of apollo, trying to seduce cassandra archaeologist believe the whole was being renovated when it was battered by volcanic ashbrand. vesuvius erupted almost 2000 years ago as i get up to date. i'll be back in just a moment to take you through the big stories of the day in the day during the day. the
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industrial nations propaganda and fake news news, russia with an iron fist since the attack on ukraine suppression of defense as intensifying. the last members of the opposition in the country are being harassed or driven into exile. indoctrination of a nation to russia in 45 minutes on d w. the
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. sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. conflict crises around every single connection mapped out as the geo political reality. beyond the board is what makes things the way the way all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the donkey street. devastating colonial horrors infected by germany across up and he employed a score, farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression
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today? history? we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the . the problem is of it japan address the joint sessions of the west congress today with an appeal to america not to turn its back on world affairs, only okie, she told us it's leadership role was indispensable and world full of challenges. mr . can see the single that china as it's biggest, and the pledge that japan would be a partner in meeting that challenge so that the us will no longer have to play the role of sol protect the of the international space daughter. i'm forget, hailey and braelyn and this is the day the .


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