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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw, his life from the us president joe biden welcomes the leaders of japan. i'm the field of page 2, a 3 way. somebody in washington, top of the agenda, staffing of defense corporation in the, in the pacific region tackled with a cd right from china, also on the program. tens of thousands, 3 that homes in southern russia and catholic stine and the worst flooding from the
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feel. gay, welcome to the program to accept the gun in washington, focusing on increasing security comp pricing in the in the pacific region to tackled link the saved threat from china. us present jo bible welcome to the philippine president ferdinand macos junior and the japanese prime minister formula sheet to the white house. its 1st time such a summit between the 3. it's a 1st set summit between the 3 nations leaders. the aim to strengthen defense ties to counts at china is drawing visual military, acetic was addressing congress out of the japanese parameters and facing presents the biggest threat to the peace and stability of the international community to which welcome rock corresponding. janelle, i do mallow, who is at the by time, so welcome to now, what does the president fight and hope to gain by inviting these 2, these as well. so this, of course, it is
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a historical summit, as he pointed out, the 3, the 3 leaders have never gotten together in this way. and there is a phrase that we've heard here all day. and that phrase is that this is a gathering of maritime democracy. so meaning of the philippines, japan and so you, us and what byte and really wants to be able to show is that there is an indo pacific alliance in place. that is able to stand up to china. these aggression in the, in the pacific, in the contested areas of the south china see that this is an alliance that is really able to defend the rules based order in the region. defend a freedom of navigation. but what the summit also is, is a manifestation of the by the in administration strategy, in terms of alliances in the region. it's very important for the biden administration, not to just have strong and capable allies in the region, but to make sure that those allies are allied with each other in this case. so japan and the philippines, especially if we imagine
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a world where it is possible that there could be multiple theaters of conflict. if escalation in the endo pacific is added to the mix, where we already have ukraine and the middle east. but you west wants to be able to know that it has the allies that you can count on that are also able to help each other. so it, it comes to these events. but tell us more about the main issues facing the b 3 man, as well as what we said the, the, the concern over time. those aggression in the south china sea is top priority for all 3 men. and we're expecting them to announce still in the course of this trade lateral summit joint initiative like a joining to coast guard patrol that is to be run by the 3 countries. but just as important as those security commitments are also the economic commitments that they will be able to provide to the philippines in this case. so japan and the us are
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promising a raft of economic initiatives in the philippines that include high end investments into modernizing modernizing ports into upgrading railways into improving connectivity. and with that, they also want to be able to send china, a message of that economic co version of the philippines will not work. and in that respect a give, bought out for you, the philippines from any fear that it might have that it could potentially lose out on a chinese investment. as it stands out, as it stands up to be doing in defense of its solver and territories. in the south china sea, thanks for that to now i corresponding to, to now demo the wind a tens of thousands of papers, southern russia and catholics down have been flooded. acrobat homes melting snow. it was because the oil rivets a search and flood defenses around the city are about to collapse. rescue operation is underway, but local site not enough, was done to prevent the flooding of the 1st place. a wall of icy water
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rushing towards holmes cheering causes ext on tens of thousands of people has already evacuated and still more a packing up what they can to flee ahead of the record high floods stuff. the 5 most of the range is a control, a symbol with this, and i hope it'll and then will be as a 0 to use of the weather in my 57 years. but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so she lived up stream and russia, the ural river has best its banks flooding pots of r and bug home to mold and half a 1000000 people lose the issue. i left most the morning, the watermark and the router was more than 10 enough off me. does high have it? if it does the highest level of
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a measure unless you restore to liberty daniels or annual spring floods have been made worse by torrential rain and rent cold, high temperatures that have melted ice and snow. the disaster has treated public anger is effected, residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's lead. is some residents of our in bug, say local officials could have done more to prepare the c t the storage ease, say the flooding. c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia, they're wanting that rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks. the money i shut down, it is professor of climate science at the university of reading in the u. k. you told me more about the floods we expect. floods in spring in russia and about 50 percent of all floods are related to snow mailed. and now the 65 percent would be related to snow and you know, the 10 percent so uh,
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i st. john's up on lot triggers. so by themselves of floats in spring, i'm older than usual and but this year they were of extraordinary extends. so previously we had a similar floods in this part of the world in 1922. the in 19421957 the highest. what's the level so thought was observed in 1942, but these year it was accepted by about one or one meter from the previous records . so floods on those extraordinary spring. but this one was next to all generic, and this extends, as i said, the rear shock it down about from reading university in the u. k. israel has kind of got new as strikes against hamas, which several countries consider a terrorist group, as well as against the iran. a lined has belonged to the shop, in levin on claims of smoke could be seen in gas or safety. and these valves ami
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also attacked in new has blocked targets. in southern level of this comes is the how much run helpful. 17 kansas, as the conflict was not claimed the lives among 30000 people in the town. meanwhile, jordans and other countries and 8 organizations have delivered food and medical supplies to gaza. on thursday morning, thousands of a trucks passed through the raft of crossing in the south. israel has been facing growing international pressure to allow more humanitarian aid into the territory. this comes as a sales manager who has presented a plan to get more supplies and into the into casa. the army says as many as 500 trucks a day could soon be delivering supplies. we are constructing the northern crossing in new land, crossing from israel into northern garza to enable more aid to flow directly to civilians in the areas that have been challenging for the trucks to access. we
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have worked with international partners to bring in more aid from the see via the port of ash door after which it will be transported down to the crossings into gauze. so how much difference would this make as pub kitchen from the international rescue committee, who's just returned from casa up to 5, hundreds of trucks, trucks equals just about the number of trucks that were going and re conflict. what we've seen between that and, and now though, is a complete destruction of much of the infrastructure, the total displacement of, of a large portion of the population. and the, the total annihilation of any food security. so to say to, we're going to get back to pre conflict levels is woefully inadequate. we have to double triple, quadruple that level to catch back up to help people recover and, and for that to even be feasible and needs to be satisfied. we come to help people
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stabilize, put back on weights, we've away from, from an if the terrified every day and night of ongoing attacks which continued. i was working up on tuesday morning by a miss. i was being fired from battleships offshore onto rafa. it's incessant all the time, so it's may and model of the ministry. johnson has withdrawn from a busy trading hub on the border with thailand. it's the latest set, that's the regime which is facing growing position from grapple forces and the jump dropping support amongst the civilian population. as the ty border arrivals from u. n. mar, up by almost 50 percent. for me here across the over from the town is my wadi, after fighting between the military and armed groups or villages afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified so they moved to me sort of scared. yes i do. there's no fighting at the moment.
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yes. not in near what he told me. this time warner check is a short ride from where me a mars military government has been pushed back by rambling fruit. they've been clashing your constantly since october, when the rebels got together and a union of fighters to form a larger opposition force. it's a sign of the moving on post road in power and popularity. they are also at odds with civilians for the posing the amaris democratically elected government run by on some sushi. moving to in 2021 to be here in the holland. but as the displacement in conflict had been widespread since the drawing criticism. but it's from the un, the democratically alexis, a 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military takeover. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter and safety. the who to risk losing additional credibility for
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a strategic loss of my wadi, a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise and type forces to no longer rely on the home to, to secure them in more side of the board, the people with parkinson's disease and that can, has a mocking world parkinson's day. it's meant to raise awareness of the condition, but its effects, the central nervous system. there's no cure but it can be managed with medication and therapy. so just from me, getting back into the groove with somber brazilian beads are helping these parkinson's patients stay mo bile. the founder came up with the idea. well that a concert i suddenly filled. send me this because i know when,
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when you hear something by the street, you know, you can't help going to and that's a big issue for people with buttons as a sort of lose that sense of reason. the news and wisdom of wilkins, the disease, damages nerve cells in the brain affecting functions like motor skills and memory. the world health organization says cases are rapidly rising globally. but these participants say the drug classes are making a difference. before sound, but i was struggling to get out the chair. so at least i am a bit more mobile now. not quite so stiff, which is part and parcel of talking since the assessments in their joints. you see, that seems likely because she gives you moving breathing boxes and doesn't kill you . but it's certainly paisley for the, for this. the project is drumming up supports researchers from card if
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university are planning to study. if it really can improve the lives of parkinson's patients and the government is providing grants for more classes in wales, music to their years, raising hopes that more will be understood about this so far incurable disease. and finally, archaeologist of uncovered stunning artworks in the new excavation, the buried ancient city of pompei paintings to fix them as a logical characters inspired by the trojan war, including this kid. nothing of happened by paris. and they said that each of apollo trying to seduce cassandra archaeologist believe the whole was being renovated when it was buried by volcanic ash. with mount vesuvius erupted any 2000 years ago. is reminded that top story, there's all of the us depend on the philippines of us and security adults in
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washington aimed to increase defense corporation in between the pacific region. the council being perceive step from china. it's a 1st step summit between the 3 countries. the film is next, taking a closer look at that functions, russia and how the country has changed since it seemed patients of you today. my name is elizabeth, i'm the calls back. said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that, it's all about saying it aloud. as would have been nosy de la, good. everyone to king check out the award winning called called the called back the .


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