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tv   Putins Russia  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2024 11:15pm-12:01am CEST

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tons of bankruptcy steps in china. it's a 1st such summits between the 3 countries. the film is next taking a closer look at that functions, russia and how the country has changed since it seems agents on the my name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it's loud. you guys would have being nosy, bay like get everyone to king to check out the award winning called com. so hold back. the good news.
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news. news, news, all of the hi, my name is olga stuff on. i run the patriotic ministry support send. so with the used on me, the pictures are russian soldiers awful sending med judy to them up and then while they're defending the russian world, we're training out children and i was to prepare for the difficulties. i had just stick with the period. see, i'm going to be for firing, so you have to release the safety and then hold your breath in the with your calling tense. what did i just tell you? i'm beginning to lose my patience. how many times do i after 10 am on those things
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can go wrong if you don't follow the safety rules that you come here. those supposed to just watch with teaching them here will shake them later in life . the last couple they should know how to use a gun, which is interesting. they need to be packed with the physically more or less, the larger you should see the actual, the share and how do i see the future of my homeland? i see from the powerful russia if any
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assistance simply about 30 minutes rising and d notifying ukraine, the whole western world is hostile and backstabbing. it has to be fundamentally reformed. russia will destroy it, but i see that the on the 24th of february, 2022, our world changed. the tanks rolled into ukraine, and farms began to rain down from the sky. the aggressor is russia our homeland. many russians support the attack unconditionally, the others are absolutely horrifying. what is going on?
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the we are kasanya, both dakota and veronica dormant journalists with russian roots who grew up in the west. at the end of 2022, we decided to travel across our parents homeland to try to understand how the russian people could have fallen into this madness. by night. by night, the bullshit the, what we documented is a closed off russia full of hatred and violence where young people are being sacrificed for the suppose it good of the country. and fantasies of empire building have clouded people's minds. the
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i'm old school at the soviet union gave me everything to a good education. unbelief in the future. i was 20 in 1991 when the us this all collapses. i didn't want to accept it at the time. it seems, it was very painful for me. it just came with the bulk of software and grew up in the land sc region. and what was then the ukranian, soviet socialist republic, after the collapse of the soviet union,
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she initially worked as a lawyer in russia. but when war broke out and don bass and eastern ukraine in 2014 son joined the pro russian separate test, the she was tasked with delivering humanitarian a to fighters and civilians on the front lines. or if it's stucco busy me up a little below. what shouldn't i was todd in the don't last for over 10 years. i assume. but once the situation that was saved and i, i knew i needed to do something else that was made 2016 right. when our defense minister sat a showing who created this movement is a little bit confusing. now, narnia as a ministry patriotic use ami. um,
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any of those in a, you know, near cadet must be a role model for the every one of the patriots. pretty good. so it is the, you know, army of recruits, children and young people between the ages of 6 of 18. it's a sprawling organization which dozens of local groups throughout russia. in 2016, the movement had just 25000 members. today, you know, army accounts over 1200000 members the its top cadets march in the annual may. 9th military parade in moscow is red square . it does if we've gone back in time to
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a dangerous past with their red and bays uniforms and indoctrinated mines these marchers remind us of nazi germany's hitler used feels yearly like the 1930 under the pretext of promoting patriotism. normally, a has been firmly embedded in the public school curriculum. the, the, the, we find only one russian school willing to open its doors to us. school number 36. like many other schools. it's had its own, you know, army a unit since 2019 the
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young cadets have special privileges and they get the honor of marching with the russian flag in front of the assembled student body. the the in september 2022 with russia as war of aggression against ukraine raging. this ceremony was made compulsory for all schools in the country. the, the goal is for all students to be aligned with the safe side, the elegy, and internalizing symbols. the
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what are the good, good morning children. i welcome you to a conversations about important things today. december 5th, a country is celebrating volunteer day. we're going to talk about the people making our well right to and happy every day. we always do an officially the one our lesson is intended to instill value such as comradery in these youngsters, and teach them about the history of the country here. i think i will keep this phrase in mind while you watch the video to live means to act. but really, it's brain washing. the issue is in lots of these videos are put out by the education ministry. this one seems pretty harmless . but the very 1st one was definitely not yet. let's go with
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him at them today. we want to make sense of what's going on, students that will be talking about the events in ukraine up with, you know, great data. there's this video shows sophia, to mexico, a 12 year old school girl interviewing a journalist from russian state tv and a russian historian with close government ties. the segment is intended to explain what vladimir putin calls his special military operation. but in this conversation, the roles have been reversed. russia is portrayed as the victim forced to defend itself after being attacked by ukraine. we knew what the queen was, we don't attack residential buildings. i mean, we never strike civilians. we knew we don't destroy social infrastructure like kindergarten use or some rules or water or power networks on see keeping up when you might know, i understand that i need to be, i just can't tell about the news. i want this down from now on chat. i will double
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check everything over the date. the video was published on march 3rd, 2020, to only 8 days after the war. at the con, within a very short time, 20000000 russian school children had watched it. and some schools responded with their own performances and supported the propaganda, the or the search. so is it easy to see what the letter z 1st appeared on russian tanks and has since become known as a propagandist symbol for the russian war of aggression? the weather in saint petersburg, the tamara
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more noble, it's appears. principles all over russia have their pupils pose and z formation. social media is filled with post, showing schools trying to outdo each other in their over the top shows of patriotism, the use of the 2 interview. my name's tatiana choosing co, and i'm a teacher at most. go school number 1747. as long as i'm able, i'll keep speaking out on behalf of all the teachers who disagree with the system. the goal is to succeed. similar, tatiana knows she's taking a big risk by talking to us, but she's determined to speak openly on camera, about her convictions. your i know the content of these conversations about
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important things that were supposed to talk about the special ministry operation and teach 9 year old children that they shouldn't be afraid to die. so that homeland or is that what i can't teach something like that? sure. she understood what really needs the yeah, the road work in the 1st time the kids was supposed to have patriotism lessons to fit you. i stood in front of the class and said that we should all be patriots as well. and since this is actually a mass, less than the most patriotic thing to do now is to solve a few math problems because that's what you want to go. but most of the chests, we're just going to direct to the governor's electric. as a member of russia's only independent teacher's union, tatiana decided to go public. and i mean, i guess today is catchy on that. you're being cool cuz math teacher at school, 1747. on september 7th, 2022. she gave an interview on dish and opposition tv,
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channel band and russia. this is a very serious issue because it concerns our children. this conversation resulted in a written reprimand for tatiana, which was sent to the principal. the document was titled violations of professional duties by a teacher enlisted her legit violations. in january 2023, tatiana was dismissed from misconduct. it was it still later there was a very strict hierarchy in every state institution, but anyways, this development has been particularly noticeable in our educational institutions in recent years skim. oh, but as long as at the throughout the day you are towards that you are was to assist an individual. that was the faith. you are just a tiny coke in the wheel and that there are many, i've been difficult just like you couldn't use. and none of us special in any way because of these are some persons who most of it's
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w tiny colleagues in the great big state machine. under vladimir putin. russians have become submissive citizens. but that wasn't always the case. the, the, in the winter of 2011 anger boiled over in russia's major cities as the russian middle class learned of the massive voter fraud that helped putin's party when the parliamentary elections, the
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ability to go with it. and to be sure, you know, when the elections were stolen from officer such as citizens in december 2011 loop loop demonstrate to hold onto the streets and squares of the cities moving incidentally, even though media that's presidency, had only been characterized by off, halted liberalization. that was still some relaxation during those 4 years a little that the even calling the phrase to freedom is better than lack of freedom . oh my god. home beforehand isn't that woke russians office ultimatums brave enough to develop that political right. this media news is a frontier to protect interest at the time, we were working as moscow correspondents for french media outlets and reporting on the protests as franco russian citizens. we also believed in the people's uprising,
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especially the anti movement with its care as matic. leaders. like forest ma'am, saw the oh yeah, yeah. i've seen i've seen the, the, the, who was the government was only the come with fear. it was somebody that sold that the protests could potentially turn into a revolution if i knew that to kick the whole russian machinery of repression. that, you know, it's a gas really email to reach the after his re election as president in march 2012 vladimir putin consolidated his authoritarian regimes power state violence became the norm in russia.
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the last major opposition demonstration in the country took place on may 6th, 2012 resulting in clashes were riot. police beat up demonstrators and arbitrarily arrested dozens of people. in addition to this obvious repression, the government pursued a strategic plan to crush the uprising and make russians forget any dreams of over throwing the reason, the losing both the regimes, trying to scare the population and when their support simultaneously did you immediately after the year of spring, the regime had a clear message for russian society just looks to you really want such a bloody revolution on the streets of your cities. so people find equipment may not be good enough, but at least he's keeping order in the country. pitching like which led to more and
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more demonstrators distancing themselves from the liberal opposition to the lowest . that all of the threat of a revolution also brought back painful memories. of the chaos that are up to the 1991 after the cool ups of the soviet union, the afraid of losing what little progress had been made. in the 1st years of the new millennium, most russian citizens decided to submit and trade their freedom for security, the little by little a whole arsenal of repressive laws was enacted. demonstrations were gradually band and g o's dissolved, and the free press muscle, the
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slowly a shroud was being lowered over our country. meanwhile, the opposition leaders who spearheaded the 2011 revolt, were now in exile, dead for in prison. in november, 7th, 2020 to one of the final hearings in the trial against ileo dashing was held in a most scale court room. the opposition leader was on trial for violating a new article of the russian penal code. he faced up to 15 years in prison for
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defamation of the armed forces. he was accused of posting a video on the internet in which he denounced the war crimes committed by russian soldiers in boucher ukraine. on december 9th, 2022. only a few weeks after his last hearing, ilya was sentenced to 8 and a half years in prison without per all. this was the top of the sentence ever handed out under the new law, and it came as a big shock to us. 8 and a half years just for sticking out the our country has been plunged into dark times since the start of the war against ukraine in 2022. fascism has been on the rise in russia. and even children are now being persecuted for dissenting. the
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10 year old vari, a gal, kina is a 5th grade student in moscow suburb. in september 2022, various teacher reported her to the police for offense. having this picture on her cell phone or a st with a rocket launcher under the banner glory to ukraine. and having drawn this picture, showing a russian and a ukrainian child under the words. yes, a mere meaning. i'm for peace. on october 5th, sorry is mother elena was called to the school. it marks the beginning of a terrible nightmare for the family then that i was in a russian class and had no idea what it was all about. i thought it was because i
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had got a bad rate in my on a j a but when i sold a police woman, i quick, he ran nice but he wasn't about biology. no. i was waiting outside the school for various and then i saw her come out of the door with a police woman saw by the police woman said to me, barriers coming to the police station near folk. i was in shock and various don't to cry just she screamed to start kissing me mommy, mommy, mommy. but they wouldn't let me see my daughter the to the other month, but the details done is young way. we were surrounded by mothers and fathers waiting for the children. i shouted to them, someone has to film this, i'm going to say. but they just stood there staring at the ground and pretend that they hadn't seen anything. the stuff at the police station,
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laria and her mother were questioned by the police and an agent from the f. s. b, the russian security service. the duties support politically. what tv shows do you watch at home? can you give us your cell phone and show us the news? your posting on social media? the police search the family home without a warrant. they ransacked every single room and went through alaina's computer. the only incriminating object they were able to find was the souvenir from keith of the issue cover that this, which was in the evening off. it was, it was uh, i sat down with valerie on off to what's on your mind. what was because she looked at me and said, should we need to get the hell out of here, mom? what about that?
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i had to last and i knew she would be fine. what's the bunk of something by march 15th 2023. 19000. 586 people had been arrested for making statements critical of the war. the proceeded by just in russia. any form of activism that hasn't been initiated by the authorities is considered suspicious. and as soon as something is critical of the government, it's immediately banned because the ship, the alexander, to your cost of had to flee russia. he's the leader of memorial, a russian human rights organization, working under constant pressure from the russian authorities. until it was finally
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shut down by a russian court. for more than 30 years, memorial has documented the crimes of the soviet regime and was awarded the nobel peace prize in 2022. they also criticized pollutants constant efforts to rewrite russian history for his own purposes. store to know what's up to him in the history of our country and the 20th century is a series of tragedies out of scope revolution. the civil war deter under stolen and the famine. yep. the current government presents all of these as individual catastrophes that just fell us out of nowhere is it, the political leadership had nothing to do with it. they should see the 1st 2 indians to so this was less than that. that's ridiculous because the terror was politically motivated or but the state and it security services have managed to whitewash the story so that they appear in a sense of last,
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according to them. everything was for our own good to me, even if they may be over step. if you boundaries in the process with a specific one, you've 6 busting the a benefactor states that always emerges victorious. that's the idea that vladimir putin has instilled in the russians by exploiting a key historical event. the victory over nazi germany in 1945, the when we arrive in moscow, red square is unrecognizable soldiers and world war 2 uniforms are marching here. in commemoration, 81 years ago, the red army marched into battle from this same spot, courage, and to row us of them are glorified, personal sacrifice for the motherland portrayed as the highest honor. but the
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horrors of the war and the 27000000 lives it claimed are largely ignored by the temporary near the remembrance of war. and victory has always been associated with the terrible memories of human loss. but now this part of history has become distorted in people's minds. it comes for we've gone from never again to we can do it again for some studies. the images from 19412022 are being shown side by side on giant screens. we feel a deep sense of unease. the commemoration is a clear attempt to justify russia's war against ukraine. these 2 arrows have become so intertwined that people are left with only one thought. the 300000 russians call to serve their country and the war against
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ukraine must live up to the sacrifices of their ancestors. this narrative has russia fighting the same old enemy, nazis who have invaded ukraine, and want to attack russia. who will sit down little crazy. russia is fighting nazis and ukraine. you've gotta be kidding me. crazy attempt to put it bluntly, the president of ukraine is on your go, a jewish annuity. consider ukrainian is really candidate named her benefits, receive more votes and the last election on his arrival from the right wing nationalist party. ok in that system. and yet the kremlin constantly claims that ukraine is keeping with nazis. lucas, this nimble doesn't make any sense. there's no logic to it, as long as the customer doesn't renew and it can then again, why bother with logic when your goal is to turn people against something. the soldiers being sent to ukraine are being glorified. russia's new heroes are
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watching over us on every street corner and they keep being sent to the front by the thousands. it's estimated that by 2023 more than 200000 russians were killed or wounded in combat. our country has become in human, a cannibalistic regime, as the russians say, a country that devours its own children, the books just it's in russian society and that most men aren't allowed to be cowards, schumann anymore. so they have to be real warriors and big machine, a boy and the largest file. yeah, my name is pablo flat, the f for this, i felt as
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a member of the 56 sample on a soap regiment for the 1st 2 months or more new crime is a because i criticized the ball with lights, at least the original some fremont countries but since you have the right to move that out, so the but i could go on and talk about my honesty, my moral values and my upfront current. but honestly, i couldn't imagine going through another 6 months of pool. i don't know what kind of person i would be to die. you know what kind of atrocities already committed? raping bombing of residential areas, looting, torturing and killing civilians. in december 2022, the ukranian prosecutor general's office stated that it was already investigating 40000 cases of russian war crimes the way. yeah.
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through jakes, almost the colors around me really believed in the stories about known season fascist. and they split the they were full of hatred against the crime. so what are the russian army has special offices who are responsible for the origin? logical education of the true story. this just doesn't seem to come under up all the. ready related to like school, that would be just cutting, but then one hour a week, all the soldiers accounted and launch really well, you know, and the lessons are based on the documents passed down from on high end. but like i bought a windows in place design. yeah. we have one of these documents. it is dated 26th of february 2020, to $2.00 days after russia invited ukraine. the $48.00 page report is titled the whole truth about ukraine's crimes and the done boss. it sets out the reasons for russia's military intervention,
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reason number one for russia's actions, state directed naziism persecution, and murder of russian speaking people. it goes on to say, in ukraine, people are beaten up for speaking russian, fired from their job for speaking russian. this persecution is sanctioned by the ukraine authorities. the document also contains a series of unbearable images, photos of dead children and chart corpse as depicted as victims of the genocide of russian speaking people allegedly taking place in ukraine. the report states that ukraine with the support of the west is preparing for an attack on russia, possibly including a nuclear striking. this distortion of facts, often using in authentic or falsified images, contributes to the dehumanization of the enemy. the resumes prop again to measure as have taken on new dimensions since the beginning of the war and ukraine and not
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just in the military barracks. the war mongering and conspiracy theories have also taken root in the minds of ordinary russian civilians. the show, my city is surrounded by mountains of cliff. it's like living in the cold water. we spend our last night in russia with ludmilla. she is 83 years old from the way she built on us and loves her tv shows. she could just as easily be one of our own grandmothers daily news just by what you all the reports from the war and political programs. as is the case for 75 percent of russians, state television is our only source of information. and that's the
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best that they need to. i should have changed into a new used to f e, liberates even just a tiny piece. if you crane, you will go down in history is affect tucker, but be due to the other grades as well. that's who is he supposed to liberate it from black to stuff? no up to date from minolta sees from the people who bombs don't and can new hands because the h. yes. before. who was doing the bombing? they did. you don't believe it. we can see it with our own eyes on the tv, couldn't we see how the people there are cheering in the streets of its the lead me low wasn't always such a big fan of flat america, though, but she's angry with him for having raised the retirement age in 2018 for changing the constitution in 2020 to keep himself in power in definitely for enriching himself on the backs of the russian. people so useless where you meet, you don't know if he had done his job properly. country would be doing well. now,
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so not that my daughter always says to me, mom, he doesn't give a damn about you or anyone else, and he doesn't need the russian people know. what do you think of him? what's going on, what you're likely woke up when the war broke out. it brought him a new kind of respect of the world as against us, but he refuses to back down. some was the strongest countries in the world have done dep on him and want to white brush are off the mac and i'm another still but i see you use how are we supposed to respond to that? sure, we nature more than a cruise saying that the television why can why and why one, what can you go? my mother is a smart woman who has worked in management positions or her life. she's full of energy and joy as much and doesn't just believe everything she's told you because on the truck,
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because i tend to do the same for you want. yeah. or suffice. beautiful. looking on the work one morning, she said to me on the phone deep down, everyone knows what's really going on. but we don't want to admit this to you, please need some immediate your model just and i was happy to hear her say that and even sent a message to my friends saying it was a small success you can use. but the next time i called her, she started talking about the nature threat again about ukrainians having to be saved from the oppression of fascism. the propaganda had his family and its good again. natasha markovich, ludmilla. his daughter has been living in london for several years. as a psychologist, she says she recognizes the phenomenon that's affecting the russian population. her mother included the,
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according to her, the whole nation is afflicted with a mental illness. indeed certainly must, which it's called a shed psychotic disorder. as soon as the war started, i saw a typical science of russians being thrown into a coach. the way it works is you don't have much self confidence and state your life has no meaning. you bought then someone comes along who offers you some external structure and that for a reason to live, you enter the 10 digit because according to him, you are not a good for nothing but a representative of the great russian nation did not seem to resend all the people who say otherwise and try to get you to leave the cult of the bad guys or the, the evils and you and they will, will parish in the file. what i need to cause little, you know, on you for giving me your to convince someone to leave a cold. you 1st have to distance them from. it says natasha. a seemingly impossible
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task when the whole population of a country with 140000000 inhabitants is effected. natasha talks to her mother on the phone several times a week. she tries to snap lewd mueller out of her propaganda induced hypnosis. only for a few minutes. to me a favor natasha. stop saying bad things about russia and bringing shame on me. dress ma'am. what are you talking about? there's every shame supporting the russian war against ukraine. and that doing what to care is there is mom there, and the date is terrorist. don't listen to your old neighbors. they believe everything that told it's a nightmare in russia cruise has been turned on its head toward the court. and that was that despite their differences,
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mother and daughter still talk to each other. but that's not the case. and many russian families, russians who are against the war. people like natasha and like us, are having an identity crisis. our mother tongue has become the language of weapons and lice. it causes us pain. we never knew before you and you all have to day to switch. i feel guilty. i'm ashamed to be russian. of course i'm not throwing problems, but i can't completely absolve myself of what's going on. i feel really miserable coming from the aggressive state. but at the same time i have no right to complain. i'm not the one who's suffering the ukrainians, all the consequences. let's end with a toast. just as a soviet dissidents used to push a toast to victory in the fight between life and death. when things are going badly,
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i always think back to the discipline as that came before us. they give me hope that all is not yet lost. in russia, even the longest periods of horror have always come to a very abrupt and distribution noon, you know too much. but i hope the russian stuff is that the people song part of the country is forced to question itself by them. so the futon is arbitrage of law and russia can reinvent itself from within. because in its current state, when the russia is not compatible with the 21st century, good the
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to the points, strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. germany and china are sprinkling ties with rising tensions between china and the us are forcing germany and it's transferred to make some tough choices this week. onto the point we asked us the china trade. which side is germany? to the point in 30 minutes on the w. answer of the conflicts own phase, riley mrs. killing 7 for an aid workers in gaza strip. in hopes of the humanitarian
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situation, my e, i'm a desperately needed food, can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, i guess there's yeah, mega and hadn't been the wage and refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict. in 19 minutes on d. w, the change of income for a station in the rain forest continue carbon dioxide emissions, squares. and again, the, the, the world i can listen to kind of we what impact because change doesn't happen on the
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make up your own mind. me the, this is the w news, and these are our top stories view. it was present joe, by themselves the united states defense commitment to japan and the philippines is quote, iron clad. she's been meeting philippine president sandra and marcos junior and japanese prime minister for me because she to the white house. i mean, it's growing concerns over china's military's action into the into pacific region. it's a 1st of or try lateral stomach between the 3 countries. former american football star and after odor simpson has died at the age of $76.00. in 1995. he was insatiably cleared of.


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