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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. us presidential binding. welcome to the leaders of japan and the philippines to a 3 way summit in washington. top of the agenda, stepping up defense cooperation in the, in the pacific region to tackle of the perceived correct from china. also coming up in the program, tens of thousands leader homes and southern russian concepts done the worst flooding to hit the region for 80 years. and former us football star o j. simpson acquitted of murdering his wife and her friend in the ninety's dias at age. 76 will take a look at one of the life of one of america's most infamous man. the
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i'm here until in berlin. thank you very much for joining in the united states president has pledged to uphold mutual defense agreements with the philippines in japan and the face of a growing military sort of nest. by china job, i made the promise of some of the philippine president ferdinand marco's junior and japanese prime minister for me. ok shita at the white house. as the 1st such stomach between the 3 nations staging has made territorial claims on disputed waters in the south china sea between the philippines and japan. let's listen to some point binding had to say at that summit. i want to be clear to united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad or our class. as i said before,
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any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty or washington dc correspondent janelle, do milan explained what the upholding defense agreements and the event of a conflict with china. with concrete lee looked like as part of why this historical trilateral summit is happening in the 1st place, is to increase the likelihood that these parties that these countries will never actually have to find out what it means to have these commitments made reality. now it's important to realize that what they're trying to do here is really try and show china that attack, seeing that these are sort of defense a line says, mean that attacking the japan or the philippines would mean a great risk to china itself. now you really seem to think that china is actively
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seeking war. it's so behavior in the south. china sea has been coercive and bullying. sure. but they've mostly been employing what's known as greys own tactics . so tactics that fall just below the threshold of military confrontation. now in case there was an accidental escalation of the tensions in the, in the pacific. most analysts, so it seemed to think that the ceiling on such a conflict would be low just because of their, our mutual defense treaties and place doesn't automatically mean that these countries will be dragged into world war 3. the mutual defense treaties just mostly outline that washington and manila have to consult with each other in the face of a threats washington in tokyo would have to do the same as the japan where the aggrieved party in this case. so really what, so this summit is trying to do is up to act as a tear into china without the 3 countries actually having to lay down actual red
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lines. why is the money would say the 10s of thousands of people in southern russian conflicts on evan, flooded out of their homes, and over $100000.00 force to evacuate as well. nothings no, cause the river to burst its banks round the region, including around the city of orange brook, where flood defense has failed. for us, the operation there is underway, the local se not enough, was done to prevent the flooding and the 1st place. meanwhile and conflicts down the authorities have declared a state of emergency in 10 out of 17 regions of the country. a wall of icy water rushing towards homes. hearing cause ex, done tens of thousands of people has already evacuated and still more a packing up what they can to flee ahead of the record high floods. let's see if i'm of the range is
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a continuous symbol with this and i hope it'll and then will be say 0 to use of the weather in my 57 years. but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so it's seamless. upstream. in russia, the ural river has best its banks flooding pots of r and bug home to mold and half a 1000000 people left most the morning the watermark and the router was more than 10 enough off meters high. and if it does the highest level of a major issue we store to liberty daniels or annual spring floods have been made worse by torrential rain. in record high temperatures that have melted ice and snow, the disaster has treated public ganga is affected. residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's lead is some residents of our in bug, say local officials could have done more to prepare the the storage ease,
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say the flooding. c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia, they're wanting that rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks. let's take a brief look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. a day after suspending all political activity in the country, molly's ruling of winter has banned the media from reporting on activities of political parties and associations. it's not clear how the band will be enforced, but it's already been rejected by the group that represents journalism. molly, in september, the 1 to cancel the inc definitely election scheduled for february of this year. c, bringing parliament has passed a controversial lod him to boost army con scripts. the new measures require men to update their draft data whose payments to volunteers and allow some convicts to serve as well. i had to devote a general, told lawmakers that russian forces out numbered cubes, troops,
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$5.00 to $10.00 times on the eastern front. vitale and coast guard says it has rescued 59 migrants and recover the bodies of 9 others in the mediterranean sea in 2 separate incidents. the 1st of all, the smugglers boat, that headcount size and a storm just south of the island of one to do that, a 2nd operation was launched when a small looking boat was spotted in trouble south west of the island. mexico has filed a lawsuit against ecuador at the international court of justice over reed, on its embassy in quito. everett already authorities storm the facility last friday and carried away ecuador, as former vice president was, wanted on corruption charges, but had been granted asylum by mexico. it now wants the one to suspend the south american country over the incident. now we turned to me in march, where the military quantize, withdrawn from a busy trading hub on the board with tile. it is
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a way to set back for the regime which is facing growing opposition from level forces and to shop, drop and support among the civilian population. as as the tie border arrivals from me in march or up by almost 50 percent from you here or crossing over from the town of my wadi, after fighting between the military and armed groups for village is afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified, so they moved to me. so i want to scare yes i do. there's no fighting at the moment. yes. not in your what he told me. this time. border check is a short ride from where me and mars military government has been pushed back by rambling fruit. they've been clashing your constantly since october, when the rebels got together and a union of fighters to form
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a larger opposition for us. it's a sign of the moving on post road in power and popularity. they're also at odds the civilians for the opposing the m. r. democratically elected government run by on some sushi. moving to in 2021 to be here in the holland. but as the displacement in conflict had been widespread since the drawing criticism, but it's from the un, the democratically alexis, a 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military takeover. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter, and safety, the who to risk losing additional credibility for a strategic loss of my wadi, a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise. and type forces can no longer rely on the who to, to secure the me and more side of the board. a former american
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football star and hollywood after audrey simpson has dined at the age of $76.00. he was insatiably cleared in 1995 for the murders of his ex wife and her mail friend and send to prison over a decade later, over a bundled armed robbery attempt. simpson's family say he's died of cancer. o j. simpson gained fame and fortune as a football player and actor. but it was a double murder case that made him infamous. simpson was charged with killing his ex wife, nicole brown simpson. mother of his 2 children and her friend, ron goldman. in 1994 he tried to flee the car chase with police and california was broadcast, live across the us. as were the court proceedings,
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it was called the trial of the century. millions tuned in around the world. public opinion was divided. the police were accused of racism and botching the investigation of not comfortable. simpson was found not guilty. that's a over owens. all james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder in violation of penal code, section one that he was found liable for their debts in a civil suit in order to pay more than 33000000 dollars to the victims, families and date of october, no more than a decade later, she was convicted of armed robbery and spent 9 years in prison. news of simpson's death brought mixed reactions. at the time, he was a symbol for the american court system and the due process. so
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a lot of african american people wanted him to be the case. they want it to believe that he didn't do it simply because he was almost like a matter of size for a but now living as an adult. i do think that unfortunately, he may have gotten away with it. sorry past but too bad. he didn't. um, you know, at some point confess, cuz i think he did it personally. i hope he asked for forgiveness at the end. i really do, since family says he died surrounded by his children and grandchildren entertain the journalist, catering matthews, los angeles. as more in which he simpson will be remembered. i would say that o j is one of the most complicated figures to ever live in this world. his legacy is really one of before and after
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the double murder acquittal of his ex wife and her friend. you had old jay who was a football star. he had 11 seasons in it. bill. yes, excellent. acting career and a lot of popular films like make a gun. he was a sports person for a car rental company. he was really beloved. he was at all american hero until he was accused charge and then later acquitted of killing his is 2nd uh, ex wife and her friend. and that's when everything went down hill. and unfortunately, or fortunately, any way you want to look at it and you will not have all jay's name mentioned, i believe ever without the word murder and without the word acquittal in the same sentence. unfortunately, or fortunately. and finally, before we go, we levy with a little something different. audiologists have uncovered stunning artworks in a new excavation at the buried engine city of pompei. the paintings depicting mythological characters, inspired by the trojan war,
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including the scene of the kidnapping of helen by paris, and then another image of apollo trying to seduce cassandra archaeologist believe the whole was being renovated when it was buried by volcanic ash, when mountains to v. as a ruptured almost 2000 years ago. and here's a brief reminder of the top story we're following for you at this hour. the us, japan and the philippines have open security talks in washington. being to increase defense cooperation in the end of the pacific region to counter the perceived threat from china. it's the 1st step summit between the 3 park country so far and you're up to date, but to stick around up next business is up to taking a look at whether the european union can afford to expand further. and remember, if you need more news on the go, you can always check out our website for all your latest business and news
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headlines that com, or you can follow us on. social media or handle is of course, at the w news. i'm here until the berlin. you're very much for joining us. the you'll see about the video that goes enabled. other data media may global google. i've got that done by get, i will stop into that and i'll give you the order was, are you able to order that up? joe made any a dog covering key more people than the eval on worldwide in search of a. did you have you ever used them in a dig katie method the like godaddy? how do you find out about on the story in from icons? one of over 200 book kids across poland meant to shield the country from ukrainian products. farmers here on a collision course. this expansion of the europe.


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