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tv   Looking for Life on Mars  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 6:15am-7:01am CEST

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the hard work that went into the making of the perseverance rover mission to mars and taking that mission to success. remember in the mornings ago, you can always check out our website, w, w dot com. until then i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for turning in the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the amazon. yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal leather stats may said on dw the
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original in the indication that the stage preparation has been confirmed by the spacecraft refers to entering. it was powered on re receive single, single, and have confirmation entry interface preference is currently going $5.00 commerce per 2nd sheet of about a $120.00 for february 2021. the lender carry in the perseverance
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rover has entered the martian atlas pierre. the suspense of the control room is almost unbearable. the team has no control over what will happen in the next few minutes. we're starting to straighten up and fly right maneuver in preparation for parachute deploy images report for the engineers from nasa and c n e s. the french national space agency. this was what's referred to as the 7 minutes of terror. the 1st the veterans had to touch down as gently as possible on the red planet. the chairs are velocity for 2nd cut. her surveillance was carrying a dozen sophisticated instruments, which would be used by one of the most ambitious space missions to search for
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traces of past life on mars. the space and the heat show has been separated. this allows both the radar and the cameras to get there. first, look at the surface here the rover was less than 2 kilometers above the martians. this was the last stage of the landing and likely the riskiest of information that the national have separated the ground station. only watch signals took 11 minutes to reach earth. either the maneuver had been successful or perseverance had crushed the
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of the the, the 7 minutes i think was the shortest and the longest set of minutes of my life. for me, the really special moment is a few minutes after landing when we got the 1st picture of mars the wow, my robot that was here 7 months ago. it's been in space. this whole time is on the planet. congratulations to the mission. this image was
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a man the 1st to send from the martian surface. the perseverance rover was apparently intact. at fully operational the robot was tasked with uncovering the secrets of the red planet. the civilians was send millions of miles from earth to help answer the question is simple as it is exciting. did life once exist on mars? what would the rover discover and its 1st year of exploration? the mars how as long fascinated astronomers,
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but it wasn't until the 19th century when giovanni skip it and he discovered the suppose the martian canals that the question raised of intelligence life on our neighboring planet. first emerged, the american astronomer percival now will map these canals, mistaking them for artificial structures. built to irrigate cities that have long since disappeared. the midst of the martian was born, the starting and the 19 sixty's probes were repeatedly sent to explore the martian surface without success to david's thing. it says shutting 1976. i think the viking mission ran 3 experiments looking for organic life on mars. they found nothing, so they lost interest in mars for 20 years and they had been lost casually until
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the since then several of rovers have been sent to look so imagine. so l the pathfinder pro, carrying the small so general robot was the 1st in 1996, followed by spirit and opportunity. the last to prove that water must once have flowed on mars. curiosity, the big brother to perseverance landed in 2012. its mission was to find out whether water could one set facilitated the development of life on the red planet. the 3 ya city went to mars, to establish its habitability, was more as habitable, 33500000000 years ago. we found that yes, it could have been habitable, it had the right ingredients. so then per service takes it one step by up. right.
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and it says okay, well if it was habitable, was that life on mars? just like for curiosity, nasa commission, the jet propulsion laboratory to build several prototypes for perseverance. each have different sizes and different technological profiles. perseverance was built based on the idea of curiosity. we talked a lot of the systems that existed on for ya, city, and use that as all baseline. a full person or the they may look very similar, but the internal mechanics signal a new generation of rovers, the sophisticated high tech developments the specialized cameras,
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spectrometers, lasers, round penetrating radar and oxygen production instrument and a robotic arm for coring and storing broke samples. know so the d v cuter these are extremely complex robots who there are 200 to 300 scientists behind each vehicle. westoff shulty feature. so this, yeah, it took 6 years to develop, build it and, and launch it. and then, and those are 7 months to land on mars, the takes an incredible amount of time to design everything, build it and make it space rated, test it. because we also have to test and demonstrate that it's going to work in that market environment. the conditions on mars are hostile to life. the biggest problem is the extreme temperatures and perseverance also had to
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generate its own energy. the problem with using solar panels on mars is that you're so much further away from the sun, that you need a much bigger area to get the same energy as you would here on earth. we sometimes have dust storms on mars, and so that's often how rovers meet the demise. on mars perseverance are we using nuclear source which overtime creates heat and that he is transformed into electricity the this generator and would ensure that the rover and its instruments could function on the martian surface without disruption for years to come. the when we build missions like perseverance, it's not just an american mission. so when we build this rover, yes, it's built here at the jet propulsion lab. but pieces are built all over the united states all over the world. and so the super cam instrument for example, is
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a french instruments super cam acts as the eyes of perseverance. one of its features is a powerful laser vaporizes tiny block particles to analyze their composition. this allows chemical particles to be identified within a radius of up to 10 meters and the plasma generated by the laser. the warranty cannot develop it together with roger, we just from the los alamos national lab in new mexico in june. so we thought we were thinking about how to measure the chemical composition of martian rocks and soil deluxe. i asked about his labs capabilities and he said, well, we know how to make spectrometers and analyze light. what about, you know, i told them in france we know lasers there. so we divided the labor and 20 years later, we had designed the super cap. the
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suggest come see a super cam uses a system of lasers and spectrometers. i'm expecting is with this telescope, found that we can obtain extremely detailed images at the surface of mars long. they defined it onto a plane. you can see the details of around 20 microns for pick. so when the camera is close to the ground kind of voice, you have to put me. i mean, this is the 1st super cam image, the photographs come over to the counties and then these instruments conduct precise chemical and mineral composition analysis and can even detect the presence of organic material on and the non 0 to millions of use of l. cannick activity have shape this unique landscape the
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these geographic properties make it the ideal training ground for space travels, including the exploration of mars. the simulations help to train missions with robots and soon perhaps even with humans. the geologist chavez content is an expert on mars. that has taken part in several simulations himself. you see something that the visual cannick landscape and really resembles the martian landscape home personal now nothing units even aligned along the fold like the red planet in the oxidation is red, like on mars. go. so i'm going to come off the mass, see by law sidney,
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the 1st house of mars and earth. and you were very similar because they had the same origin in the book. and at one time there were rivers which fed the legs. the lock is holding and there was a magnetic steel to see them for a protective shield that stopped the atmosphere from being a road by solar wind live also a yup. but it changed to drastically about 3700000000 years ago. see the reason that net a field from the planets cor abruptly vanishing enough to see thought the mars was so small that its atmosphere disappeared into space. the field on the spot, the red planet became a freezer. i'm going to do that to you on this space. a sort of vice stage suddenly took over the keys, had it never recovered upfront next, turning it into the dead planet. it is today will do me up to the law implanted some of those on the house of mars, retain traces of it's past the scientists hope so. the
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solution begins to teams from refresh, national space agency or c n e s at nasa are adjusting tomorrow. some time, the days there are longer than on us, right? each martian day known as a song last around 24 hours and 40 minutes. so the clocks have to be synchronized differently. so the amount that to me, so that's what the mission has started. i mean, we have a reference period of 3 years, but was don't get the rover fails before that tomo but then we have also fail. oh, nice way or another thorough check to make sure all the instruments on board are working. our rover has an auto nap system, so we can self drive on the surface of mars. driving on mars isn't that easy,
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right? we don't have a map, we don't have a phone that we can just say, hey, sending that directions to what the river does is it takes pictures in front of it . it actually looks 5 years ahead. and so that way it can actually drive from 2 to 300 meters a day on a ton of his lease. so it will drive itself. we can say, hey, at the end of the day, just drive in that direction for an hour and a half and we'll see you tomorrow. and it will do that. there is a time delay in communicating with perseverance. although the signals travel at the speed of light, it takes them a number of minutes to reach the rover. a command from control center. then millions of kilometers away. perseverance starts moving the at night, the rover remain stationary. it transmits the information collected during the day
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to earth and receives a program with tasks to complete the next day on the mash, you know what the each point is assigned coordinates or the need. so when we tell the rover to target a point, it knows exactly how to turn it to had to fix on the point we want that problem then instead of 5 points in that direction with the laser, with infrared, and the camera, and as a i've had to knock on wood, i think this man the the plan also on the face 1st we ran extensive tests for 3 to 4 months, but we made sure the arm was working properly was that the wheels were okay, got the head turned correctly. you see a way be then we check of super cam, could fire it's laser twice, send the green laser of boots, then towards the sun, when does it and not at the sun, but at the sky. they got it. so they, we learned how to use our instrument, upkeep, know, cause people,
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the super can even to the motion solar eclipse for the 1st time, produced by the moon to buy the finally operations could begin. the 1st job was to study the martian soil. the rover landed on use of the crate or a huge depression created by a media right now. so chose it from hundreds of other locations because it was the most likely place to find fossilized. traces of past life,
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the english was easy to see. we chose the users side to because it's a very old impact crater and with traces of a delta, the costs. now they thought, well, now that we have proof that a river once flowed into a lake, there should be don't because to have a delta. do you need a river and the lake and gas? yeah, like the switching the price of the crater is about 45 kilometers wide, with a lake, several 100 meters of the enclosed by itself. so it'd be pushed down the lake, held about 5 cubic kilometers of water and extend a layer of settlements, re deposit 70 meters to the place that's on the amended assume the the, the whole seat of the hall. we want it diversity of always rocks from the bottom of the lake, some people from around the sides and from the delta sorted into. they don't want us. so we chose, aside with all this diversity in a concentrated area of pump. we said yesterday,
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1st serve veterans at park the. the rovers cameras have already shown that the area consists of very different geological layers. actual guy supposed to come one day, the camera person pointed out a hill in the distance. and we said, let's take a photo and use it as a reference point tv to do. now, when we saw the incoming data, we said that's fantastic. where at the bottom of a lake. so we had our 1st, the result was not there has the photos were revealing. but virtual exploration of the crater provides limited insights, sold a role for made its way to the delta for its own safety. it moved extremely slowly. or there seemed to 100 days, we moved about 2 and a half kilometers. so only
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a dozen or so meters each day. punctual enough to work at leisure, but not enough to explore the huge. he has a ro, crate or quickly, a little more speed was needed. the ingenuity, a small helicopter was brought along precisely for such tasks. the ingenuity as it is a technology demonstrated, there's 3 challenges to, to proving that your helicopter can function on mars. right. atmosphere is one of them. so you happens here of mars is one percent the density of this, the very, very st atmosphere. the other 2 aspects though is the temperature is very cold,
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negative 90 degrees celsius overnight. the 3rd aspect that's different from earth is the gravity. it's about one 3rd, the gravity of the way we test that here, it's a ppo, is we have a chamber that $56.00 stories tall. and in that chamber, we were able to balance the atmosphere, the environment, the temperature in the gravity of mars, here in the ingenuity ways, just under 2 kilograms. it's 2 counter rotating, rotors turn 10 times faster than those of a conventional helicopter on her. for me, one of the most difficult moments on mars is the day that we dropped the helicopter from the belly of the rover, where it was attach down to the surface of mars. i was in charge of these activities and it was i can tell you incredibly stressful to make sure that a little friend was on mars. carefully the
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top 3 meters off the surface of mars coverage for $39.00. so i can bring him back that we had that 1st flight. there were 4 remaining to run out or 5 total in our 30 days. and thankfully, at the end of those 30 days, ingenuity was still healthy. the preserves team and nasa decided there's value here and continuing to fly on mars and community connections is scale. we can fly to a quick, well, we can dive down into k, right? we can go to very high altitude and later or, or, you know, do a lot lower pattern over a region of interest as an engineer to today's already providing recognizance for, for the perseverance of the sent ahead is a scout ingenuity sent high resolution images to help perseverance find its way to
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the delta. the loan is $26.00. the reconnaissance flights ingenuity even found. the 1st heat shield found power issued from the rover's landing. the route was clear. now perseverance, good talking this real mission. the search for traces of life on mars is cool chef will go in fort worth looking for some macroscopic animal roaming around and that costs go up the keys, but either that would have been easy. i'll put the whole paper myself cuz it says no, we're looking for traces of light that already existed on earth at that time. he and maybe on mars, primitive dietary of the i put that. so mass a did back to he would pass on, the
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visa was a veterinarian and works as a scientific consultant for the french space agencies, c n e s. he is one of the world's leading experts in x. so biology go to doctors. when we talk about extra terrestrial life this, we focus on the simplest of micro biological form. you know, micro film. the pope usually didn't club. so if we find bacterial traces on mars, cause we found a new form of light. the one that's already works and that's when a new read, if we find a concrete trace of life even fossilized, that is evidence of another life form. and the universe was easy to get into that. that's what we're looking for during the day. even if it doesn't lead to martian sites, any tables. ok, so most of these for the most 2nd you
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don't create a book, but there was a period of 500000000 or perhaps even dealing in years when conditions on mars were suitable for like a specific issue. but was that enough or likely to actually develop the best a good week of school? and i tend to think so because chemical traces improve and that the 3700000000 years ago life emerge and for the socialized, the desk. so in the mall, i would like to believe that the same thing happened on mar lots and the blanks developed on mars. yup. where is it now? with technology, the, after a 5 kilometer journey perseverance, finally reached the 0 crater delta. the jun, me give you the origins of life evolved from some pre buy out of chemistry. you mean
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have you, it's been, it most likely would have been in an environment to the carbonate and claim minerals. so these are primarily what we're looking for on ships. the policies have thoughts of we think that certain organisms living in very particular places on earth today could also develop in a certain micro environment on monster. so they didn't know, pay show from us because he owns it. opens garcia, specializes in micro organisms steps right. and extreme environments, the hydro thermal damo area in northern ethiopia is certainly one of the most impressive examples of a bias system where life seems impossible. but despite extreme temperatures and a city levels, single celled organisms can be found in some areas. i'm close on, i'm going to do, you don't do that. no, no, the edges of dial 0 ecosystem sustaining lines to form that particularly care fee.
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they put the me called and he's gonna come direct to these. a unique cellular micro will be busy, unlike that material. particularly well adapted to very high temperatures of up to a 125 degrees and extremely fluctuation, ph level. like any smart criminal studies, things extra, more files. let's has better defined conditions in which life quoted the pit into assisted in an extra terrestrial systems. and unit, then the cushy stem on the fly, so much on mass could survive under such conditions. i could effectively exist on these systems as well. keep time provided, there was liquid water and an energy sold in place on the source. so the next sheet i'm like, these are the nurse and trust has never been received the plate tectonics. this
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allows perseverance to examine very old claim minerals, the if there was once nice on mars. these minerals might still contain its components like nitrogen or carbon, the food to find intact organic molecules. it's best to dig a little deeper because this and the rover's court can drill. holes is several centimeters beneath the surface, the kind of trade rock where they've been protected for millions on or even billions of years, such as i'd say, the pressure variance took its 1st sample of sodium that might contain traces of forgotten material. the, i would argue that that sample caching system is just as complex as the rest of the rover. it has to be able to take sample corresponding the surface of mars process
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and put them in the tubes, and then pass that you to another robotic on inside the rover. that then takes pictures. there's some certain life ease of the samples, seal them because the samples we're going to stay on mars for a long time, and then it has the ability to deposit those sample cashes on the surface of mars. a decision soon. we hope the samples will one day come back for lab analysis couple found to conduct a detailed settlement analysis. we need a laboratory with electron microscopes and high resolution chemistry that's not possible on a rover. i would say i've gotten a hold of the symbols, procedures only store some of the tubes and not all of them. so rather than make
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one big child with all the tubes and risk, losing them all of the mission of boards, we leave a trail of scattered piles. cancel in gretel leaving a trail of breadcrumbs the other to the they hope to eventually recover the samples from mars and bring them to earth for analysis. the it's an ambitious project, especially because it's not yet clear exactly how this would work. the if you thought of collecting those samples and dropping them on the surface of mars was already extraordinary and hard enough eventually we're going to want to go bring those back. and so the teams here, the jet propulsion lab and that nasa are already working on thinking as to how we might want to do that. that's the 1st time we're to launch something off of another planet. and then we have to bring it back home theater. and bring the samples back home safely and keep the container. there are any number of challenges here that
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kind of works. anything we've done before. the space flight system for the return mission should be ready, and a few years researchers are already working on the new assignment, the city so old, it could be that these folks will be recovered by a european build roller theater. you got any idea which will gather them with an arm of something, but you put them in a basket and deliver them to a rocket, which shoots the container, how that handles the tubes into orbit around mark, which is the, the citrus, even it is wrong. people probably need its own lander, you will need to learn very precise and you're the tubes. it won't work if it lands 100 kilometers away associated with temperature. sap or table lender have the concept that we're working on right now can, which allows the rocket that's gonna take those samples from the surface of mars to,
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to space, to be thrown up in the year. we tossed the toss the rock it up in the air and then fire it. it's kind of like an air launch the that's really the advantage is that we don't have to deal with any kind of production system. right? to put the, to put the rocket in some kind of positioning that we want. the to the rocket is almost 3 meters long and weighs 400 to 500 kilograms. you fired in the air, the rocket ignites and it's gone before it can come back down. on what's the us is up in mars orbit. we've got to find it with us, or turn over to or we're looking for something that's kind of basketball size. that's pretty difficult, right? it's not a very bright things, not very big. and we're gonna have to find it from uh, you know, tends to hundreds of farmers away, mid tom t holding a small white balloon into orbit around mars and catching it with an orbit or any of the not easy. let's copy it by sub for me. so we start by looking
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for the, the other parts of the rocket that have gone with it. and our bigger the upper stage of the, of the rock. it has a radio on board with the beacon that will kind of scream at us every now and then telling us where it is. you know, they haven't touched the container, gets loaded into a space capsule, which returns to earth 6 months later. and what the task it's all goes to plants, martian rocks, one day, be transported to earth. it is crucial to ensure the samples are not contaminated by organic molecules brought by perseverance from her. though the risk is low, the consequences would be devastating. the music's pronto, the response, the 1st space explores and the 19 sixty's remembered. one thing their own predecessors, lack of caution, to play questions the spread of disease following the exploration of the new world as a dark chapter in human history or mold in the contusions. when both ways of any d,
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i think these are shown as i have no interest in for distribution, biological contamination of emotion. my form would be a reputable, fucked up with showing the same is true in reverse. and i'm sure what would happen if an astronaut was contaminated by an unknown martian speech insignificant. i mean, what would you do with them corner? could they be brought back to earth? i will leave them there forever. as combined, should they be brought back to earth and as i put in confinement for the rest of their lives to continue. just kind of, it's like it's the stuff a science fiction in english and speak. hopefully. imagine it's such a wonderful the a huge number of questions remain unanswered, but the ultimate goal remains. one day humans will fly to mars the but how can they survive there? and return to earth, the
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sofa perseverance, in addition to establish whether there has been life on mars in the past. one of the other goals is to prepare for the eventual coming a few minutes on mars. and so we have a few instruments on board that allow us to prepare for that. there's the meta instrument, which is a weather station. it allows us to understand weather patterns on mars, not just winds, but also with dust pressure. these a ground penetrating radar cause of impacts that allows us to understand the structure of the ground below us. if we're ever going to build anything on mars, understanding the motion regulation is really important. the shelf plus swap, snap flush is a fringe engineer and asked or not. she has been involved with 3 nasa space missions and knows how important remote projects are. the for the 1st 2 wins
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traveling to mars. before we need to be able to remotely to lie to and return from our as before doing it with humans. so let me show difficulties . that's why this, it has a connection with 1st appearance is an important for deciding if we can talk to a human, he's like tomorrow as well, so that he doesn't have, would it be better to do that? me, you need to be able to mind as many local resources as possible for eating or drinking or some breathing single most in supplying the return trip. well, i mean tell you to so everything doesn't need to be sent from earth. i want to tell you the, the, the, it is impossible to land on mars carrying 30 tons of materials, including oxygen, and stay for several months. but perseverance is already helping to solve the problem. just to be honest, perseverance is not just studying martian. geology is preparing mars for human stuff. good. the rover is carrying a small box of the size of
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a car. battery called moxy. you said it weighs 17 kilograms and converts the martian atmosphere and a breathable air. there is less than one percent as much air on the surface of mars, but that air is 95 percent made up of carbon dioxide. so within each carbon dioxide molecule is an oxygen molecule combined with carbon. so the job of moxy is to take those apart the. ringback the most pretty much the moxy sucks and carbon dioxide from the martian atmosphere and passes it through and electrolyzer which separates the oxygen but these to see it and releases the carbon monoxide assumed excision or state or c panel. the oxygen atoms combined to form reasonable oxygen molecules looks that can be inhaled. oxygen has to be a 100. now your,
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i would take 20 to 30 grams an hour just to live and to go about our business. so far, moxy has run. 8 times on mars and it made a little more than 50 grams of oxygen, which means it would keep us alive for a couple of hours. we help with a larger version of moxy to make all of that ox engine institute to support a human mission on mars. the these you mess of humans will discover a lot more than robots once they land on site organizational intelligence, to be quite sophisticated. but it only does what is the program to do a robot and will never shout. oh, look at me. oh, i forgot the type
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of symbol i long for the day when humans with robots and cutting edge scientific tools will be able to answer the question of extraterrestrial life to as good as you stay here. the suggestion portion of alien worlds an extra terrestrial life. hans philosophers, theologians, and now scientists, are we alone. there are 2 distinctly terrifying possibilities. separate one is the fear of being completely alone deals. the shape of interest of the separate to be sure if we are, the responsibility is terrifying to despise. if life on earth vanish tomorrow, there would never be life and the universe again. there was
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a possibility that we are not alone is also scary because we are not alone. then we are perhaps not the most beautiful or the most intelligent incentive that would bruise our ego. so for some philosophies in some religions that's difficult to accept or something or you think if you see that i met the see not cas, i'm not sure what our dream is to go to mars one day and i hope it will come true. see if that's the challenge of the 21st century asian group. but this dream cannot be used to justify the idea, but what we do to the earth doesn't matter, because there's a plan that feed with what we know. there's only one earth and we need to take care of it to us. you know, it's just about exploring another plan and it's not just hard enough to do the inspection just indeed i don't know who named presidents i 6,
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but i think that's one of the most important qualities of a great researcher on continue shift for. so there is to be username basically menu scientific program and for lunch, i'll just take their just walk in without you the 1st the veterans will continue with search for life on mars. the loan robot is not just exploring, it will also help make one of humanity's greatest dreams come true. taking people to mars in tennessee i see in the seamless o the. ready the king the seems. ready ready
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ready a, the new will tell you the we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that for for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 30 minutes on the w. the
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