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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news life from ballad us president joe biden promises steadfast, support for his specific guidelines. united states defense competitors to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad, the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines hold their 1st high land towards the summit as maritime disputes with china continued to see about paging says the meeting probably be stokes confrontation. also, people continue to flee me amount of the time, border up to the military, which is full sound of
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a key town finances. it's stepping up, it's forwarded defensive as border levels continue to rise when people ins how the process and concepts done. forced to leave a whole it's, it's a west flooding in decades. and one of the ways is most of the sports status of j. simpson passes away the celebrity mode of defendants, trial ritz, the nation in the ninety's, and much of the world. the i've been visible and welcome the president of the united states to abide and has bound to defend the philippines and japan, offering the staunch backing of his pacific allies. he's hosted the 1st tri latrell summit. china is growing military as though it is in asia topped the agenda of correspondent james trader to the prime minister of japan in washington. this week,
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a rupture as reception for the us is in the pacific allies, japanese prime minister mucous you to became only his country. second, leading to formally address the us congress, issuing stone warnings about the threats posed by bay. james, the china is current external stance and military actions present. i'm press the dentist and the greatest strategic challenge to shoot. this remarks came amid a flurry of diplomatic activity, reclaimed, galvanizing washington's asian allies shortly off to a historic 1st of a tri last real summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines. but the focus of that me thing, growing concerns in manila and so po, about maritime disputes with beijing, china in recent months, has stepped up progression against the philippine vessels in the south china sea. i got out of the summits washington's message to it's to mutual defense tracy allies
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. we will stand by our promises. i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense commitments to japan. and to the philippines, our iron clad or our clack, china has set the meeting, starts block confrontation, as in it was being submitted and attacked. major the us depend, relationship should not harm other countries, interest not undermine regional peace and stability. back in washington, beneath the diplomatic funds, the a sense of urgency, the question marks, hand over the coming us selection. and what's the victory for former president trump would mean? so he's countries commitments overseas. japan's lead a ones of washington's waning support, the ukraine, and its implications for asia. the leadership of the united states is indispensable. we to have the presence of the united states. how long
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before the the in the pacific woods phase, even has shown veritas. in his address case with the said to wells, was that the historic attorney in the face of such challenges, these really to sort of cost a vision of unity. one that will ensure the in the pacific security for use to come with washington expanding its footprint in the inner pacific. i asked professor steven naggie how much support there actually is in the region for a great to us prices. by large, what we see is that whether it's southeast asia, as a create a south korea or other parts of the in the pacific. there is a large degree of support for more us engagement within the region. at the security level, diplomatic level, at economic level. in fact, most of the partners within the region would like to see the united states return to the c t p to include them in the region, but also develop more of a diplomatic resource to the region to deal with some of the challenges that the regions facing,
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but it's not going to go as far as becoming an asian style nato is some people have been calling it know the regions to heterogeneous to establish the agents don't need to. and what we're seeing in view of an agency, nato is a series of mini lot or relationships. the problem solving ad hoc relationships that deal with specific issues within the region. we've seen this with the philippines, australia, japan, and the united states, and terms of the maritime cooperative activities initiative. and we'll see which house and the south side of c we saved off. we've also seen this with the cab david principles between south korea, japan and united states to deal with issues in the korean peninsula. it's a mini lateral approach to problem solving within the region. that's going to move forward. rather, the natal is steven, is that because everyone's tip toeing around china, which is actually painting this is provocative as well. i think most of the
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countries within the region do see china as a revision is power. that it's a sort of in the south china sea, across the timeless trades on the east, tennessee. but the same time their biggest trading partner is china. so how do they balance this important economic relationship that is the lifeline to the regions economy? and frankly, the global economy with it's a sort of behavior that's highly disruptive and that's the time is kasheila said in his speech to the congress. as a fundamental is it successfully? prosecuting is strategic in the interest within the region will fundamentally disrupt the regions, piece, instability. but the economically china is becoming less and less dependent on its neighbors and the rest of the world. uh and is managing to do things on its own and lead the way where, where do you see all this then leading what the state of china is still the center of the global production network. uh for it and uh,
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its biggest trading partners are within the region just with southeast asia. it has one trillion us dollars a trade with japan, about $390000000000.00. a trade is the biggest trading part of south korea and australia. it's still a critical part of the readings economy and even as it tries to recalibrate and re center its economy away from these economy. so it's more diversified, it's still dependent on these economies for uh, for, for consumption, for export. and i think importantly for technologies, and this is not going to change in the short term of 51020 years that the chinese government policies are successful. maybe it will be able to recalibrate this. but at this stage, i think most analysts like myself believe that the coupling by china or the company from china is really not likely or possible. so in the show 10, does china need containing?
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i think that's an interesting question. i think what china does need to do is, is work with partners within the region and really work within the current rules based order. or if it wants to read a go straight that rules based or work with countries through a consult with medical tourism. that creates new rules that are mutually agreed upon within the region. and at this stage, we haven't seen that with regards to the on costs agreement. that's the united nations clause sees in the south china sea, rather than a bang this. the agreement that china assigned it's ignored it and it's continued to expand its presence in the south china sea threatening to philippines and vietnam, and other claimants within the region, which has consequences. the south side of c represents about $5.00 trillion us dollars of trade. any kind of kinetic conflict within the region, which obviously disrupt not on the regions economy, but the global economy. talking to state and saving negatives. national question universe,
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they talked to you. thank you. some other stories now from around the world. the ukrainian problem interest us the controversial board to boost ami con scripts . that new measures include conflicts solving and high of payments to volunteers. ahead of the voted general, tow lawmakers. the russian forces outnumbered, keeps troops up to 10 times on the east in front, a day of the suspending of political activity. molly's willing one to his bench, the media from reporting on political parties and associations. it's not clear how the band will be enforced. it's already being rejected by journalists, but been molly in september election scheduled for february this year were cancelled in. definitely good. the thailand says it's concerned about the situation in me and my after the military junta lost control of a strategic the important town on the time board at the army has withdrawn from the trading hub of me. a body of the days of finding with resistance forces is being a steady stream of people trying to flee the country. as it's the latest set back
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for the mazda military regime, which is facing growing opposition from rebel forces. and to shop dropping support among the people as the ty border arrivals from u. n. mar, up by almost 50 percent for me here across the over from the town of my wadi, after fighting between the military and armed groups or villages afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified, so they moved to me. so i want to feel scared. yes, i do. there's no fighting at the moment. yes. no, didn't your what he told me. this type order check is a short ride from where mia mars military government has been pushed back by rebel improved. they've been clashing your constantly since october. when the rebels got together and a union of fighters to form a larger opposition force. it's
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a sign of the routing power and popularity. they are also at odds with civilians for the posing the m. r. democratically elected government run by on some sushi. moving to in 2021 to be here in the holland. but as the displacement and conflict had been widespread since the drawn criticism, but it's from the un, the democratically alexis, a 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military take over. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter, and safety, the who to risk losing additional credibility for a strategic loss of my wadi, a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise. and type forces to no longer rely on the home to, to secure the me in more side of the board of kristof again,
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this is executive director of the me in our accountability project group helping to build criminal cases against the regime. i asked him if the one to is losing its grip on pallet is very definitely is a need to understand what's going on. you need to go back to the 27th of october of last year when in the lines in the notes in a large area, you get a chinese boulder to control with chinese support. no books full, but certainly china is complicity. if you like, i'm not to spread rapidly to other people, the areas near india or bangladesh. and now in time with the last with me a while he is a significant other because a 1000000 a 1000000000 involved with a b. busy or a went through um from him to thailand. in addition, we've seen what makes it a test drive. it's not on the schedule, the capital just
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a few days ago and there are increasing the pool. so number 2 in the jones was injured in a trailer. so although i think there were real problems with the and coordination of the rebel, the opposition groups because they'll many i think it's very easy to say that they'll be significant at school. the jones, a study with me will be really since last october. and you mentioned china, they could pressure from the international community on badging change things. i think china is very angry with what's happened to me and they had a very good relationship with them. sounds like she, they saw her and whatever reasons they excited for the cause of stability and the to, against the ministers in the government did not go down when and aging in the, the big things. one of the stuff here is a, china has negative projects,
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highways also it's of interest structural projects. and what we will see now is stability. i'm the one thing we've not seen since the 2 of the 1st of february of 2021 is stability. so yes, the chinese role is absolutely set so long as i say it was the child's role which allowed this minute reaction to be successful in the north. and well, one of the reasons for that is that the memo joseph was allowing to scam instances, which staging site would be disapproved all to take coal. so yes, i think pressure on china to into the full, full sleep might well, but i don't see the chinese seeking to that kind of pressure as well. but certainly, i think what we're seeing is a device international community and the security council meeting just a few days ago, russia in china, clearly pits is against the west and delegation. so i think that division is being
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very skillfully exploring to buy the jones. so what we want to see is that on a vacation fuel, because with these minutes except that in the boston sales of well, jones, a, a doing and response is ariel the tax. that'd be the number of, of, of renders the taxes in our town states. and back on state, up in the know in particular it's be, it's very lucky. and the other thing to say is that in the last few months, the johnson has been implementing a full conscription policy, which i think again, is a signal of how desperate they all, that literally conscripting men suffice for for 3 years. daltons which also admitted to doctors of this full subscription. and again, i think this is a sign of desperation. i think the international community met by china needs to
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step up and make clear clear political program to stabilize what was happening inside me on christmas. like on this day of the most severe flooding in almost a century is getting worse in parts of southern blanca and context. on tens of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes. melting snow caused the old river to boast. its banks. officials say the river is now it's up to 11 because the russian city of own bulk, with flood defense has failed. local to say no enough was done to prevent the flats . in catholics done, authorities have declared a state of emergency in 10 out of 17 regents a wall of icy water rushing towards homes here and cause ex done tens of thousands of people has already evacuated and still more a packing up what they can to flee ahead of the record high floods stuff the high most of range and the consumer symbol with it. so i hope it'll and
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then will be say 0 to use the book. but the in my 57 years. but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so she lived up stream and russia, the euro river has best its banks flooding pots of our in bug home, to mold and half a 1000000 people of the issue i left most the morning. the watermark and the router was more than 10 enough off me does high and if it does the highest level of a measure, i don't know. let's see. we stood liberally daniels, her annual spring floods have been made worse by torrential rain and wrinkled high temperatures. that have melted ice and snow. the disaster has treated public anger is effected, residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's lead. is some residents of our in bug, say local officials could have done more to prepare the cc, the storage ease,
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say the flooding. c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia, they're wanting, the rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks. flooding in central asia. trout in southern africa is in bond way. 80 percent of crops have been destroyed. presidents m as in money and gunk was says the country needs $2000000000.00 to keep people from going hungry, dw corresponding privilege, most fund here, e, as this report, 9 to one year old page. and that is the key i'm pulled by me from zimbabwe as google show, and we're all community is inspecting what the lead to is left of these crops visa, hard times for the no, not doing that in is he contemplates the months ahead. you know, good years, he often harvested more than 2 tons of grain from this field, but this time he will barely get
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a 50 kilogram sick version is from now until the next tab just in february. what do you think we are going to suffer? we are going to stuff or you know, i see people die. what if we to 0 promise? i'm going to is easy. it is severe, dry spill is ricky hobbled across between baldwin and other southern african countries. the port range mean about 2700000 people will not have enough to eat on their table is the see it may is, is this type of food in zimbabwe? but when copes say you like this? it is tough for many families. people are now trying to figure out how they will survive in the coming months when the situation is expected to get west is in by was president, is appealed for you money, terry,
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and assistance to feed. the hungry top on our pile priority is securing food for o as in, but we ins knows and bubbling must succumb to or die from honda. but cold feet is like these are likely to get with scientists predict increasingly frequent droughts in coming years in the u. n food and agriculture organization saves countries must be invest in drought proofing the agriculture. but in most countries, investment in the product as again is locked in. so national, international resources partners need to invest in thought resilience because it is the most important, has at 1st sight enough. it got it out for almost like his i q. i'm a homebody old, tentative what that associates like these essential life saving improvements. what
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was in bob was traditional reign fed agriculture. let's go to some other stories making use from around the world. now. nasa has unveiled and interplanetary spacecraft to find life on the icy mood of jupiter. you are, the clay buys set once in october. it's target, it is about the same size is only the supporters of full met. ecuadorian, vice president was a loss, have demonstrated their support and demanded his release. loss was detained, of the police, still in the mexican embassy in kito, where he had been hold up since december is wanted on corruption charges and had been granted asylum by mexico. the right has raised diplomatic tensions between the 2 countries. to form an interpreter for japanese baseball, the show hate or tiny is facing charges, a bank forward in the us. the payment is lara. seen here on the right is accused of stealing more than $16000000.00 from the la dodgers stock to cover gambling. that's
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tiny self isn't suspected of any wrong doing the american football style turn celebrity mode of defendant o. j simpson has died at the age of $76.00 is family says it was prostate cancer. he died without having paid most of the money he owed the families of his that ex wife at mail friend. the public is now likely to get a closer look into the finances of the so called millionaire is a look at his rise to stardom and down full o. j. simpson gained fame and fortune as a football player and actor. but it was a double murder case that made him infamous. simpson was charged with killing his ex wife, nicole brown simpson. mother of his 2 children and her friend,
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ron goldman. in 1994 he tried to flee the car chase with police and california was broadcast, live across the us. as were the court proceedings, it was called the trial of the century. millions to didn't around the world. public opinion was divided. the police were accused of racism and watching the investigation of not comfortable. simpson was found not guilty that somebody is not over on solid jane simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder and violation of penal code section one that he was found liable for their death in a civil suit in order to pay more than $33000000.00 to the victims families date of october no. more than a decade later, she was convicted of armed robbery and spent 9 years in prison. news of simpson's death brought mixed reactions.
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at the time, he was assemble for the american court system and the due process. so a lot of african american people wanted him to be the case. they want it to believe that he didn't do it simply because he was almost like a matter of size for a but now living as an adult. i do think that unfortunately, he may have gotten away with the sorry past, but too bad. he didn't know at some point confess, cuz i think he did it personally. i hope he asked for forgiveness at the end. i really do symptoms. family says he died surrounded by his children and grandchildren. kara's and software as have been barking well pockets in the state. it's meant to raise awareness of the disease which affects the central nervous system as a cure. but it can be managed with medication and therapy,
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such as drumming to getting back into the groove with somber brazilian beads are helping these parkinson's patients stay mobile. the founder came up with the idea. well that a concert i suddenly sold me this cause i know when, when you hear something defending a street, you know you can't help going to do and that's a big issue for people with talking since they sort of lose that sense of reason. the news, the rhythm of working the disease, damages nerve cells in the brain affecting functions like motor skills and memory. the world health organization says cases are rapidly rising globally. but these participants say the drug classes are making a difference. before sound, but i was struggling to get out the chair. so they say i'm
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a bit more mobile now. not quite so stiff, which is part and parcel of talking since the assessments in their joints. obviously, that seems likely because she gives you moving, breathing talk isn't, doesn't feel you. but it's certainly paisley for the, for this. the project is drumming up supports researchers from card if university are planning to study. if it really can improve the lives of parkinson's patients. and the government is providing grants for more classes in wales, music to their years, raising hopes that more will be understood about this so far incurable disease. us are minded alice out of stories. they sell us president joe biden has promised to defend the philippines that japan made the pledge during the 1st time natural sellers in washington. china is going to military assertiveness in the south time.
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see, don't the agenda as the most to be of flooding in almost a century is getting worse in parts of something. bunch of concepts done. tens of thousands of people inventively they hard local sites don't have enough. it was done by of parties to prevent the flux of next complex so that you for that events as well. and i'll see you again
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the into the conflict. so phase riley, mrs. kenning, 7 for an aid workers in gaza strip in hopes of the humanitarian situation. my e, i'm a desperately needed food, can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands said risk assignments. but how realistic of those hopes, i guess there's yeah, mega and hadn't been the wage and refugee council for decades of experience and the humanitarian steel conflict of the next point on
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d. w to the point. strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. germany and china are sprinkling ties with rising tensions between china and the us are forcing germany and it's transferred to make some tough choices this week. onto the point we asked us the china trade, which side is germany? to the point in 60 minutes on d w, the name project, cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency
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they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pa documentary series. and most king has paula stats may 4th on d, w. is where i live, mr. king 7 for an aid workers in gaza. that'd be in hopes that the humanitarian situation, my ease, and the desperately need of food can begin to reach the hundreds of thousands of risk of funding for how realistic of those hopes, my guess is yeah. megan's head of them the wage and refugee council it for decades of experience and the humanitarian steals. he's also a former diplomatically, was personally involved with a low piece told between israel and the palestinians in the 1990. how does he think


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