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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the base is dw news live from balance us presidential byte and promises that foster vote for his pacific out tonight says to parents, rivers, to japan. and to the philippines, our, our class fleet is off the us, japan of the philippines. hope that 1st trial, actual summit as maritime disc juice, with china continued to sit by, by doing, says the meeting only stokes pump insights. also, people continue to flee me a mazda thailand. after the military junta that is forced out of a key town thailand says and stepping up its board of defense. and one of the most
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infamous us boats, stars, o j. simpson process of way is the celebrity mode and trial gripped the nation. and maps of the world in the 1990 i'm good. how those as well come to the program? us president joe biden has vowed to defend the philippines and japan offering stones backing to his specific allies. he's hosted the 1st trial. actual summit with china is growing military as such as nursing is a top. the agenda of correspondent james tried to has more to the prime minister of japan in washington this week, a rupture as reception for the us. as in the pacific allies, japanese prime minister mucus, you became only his country 2nd, needed to formally address the us congress issuing stone warnings about the threats
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post by, by james china is current external stance and military actions present. i'm press the dentist and the greatest strategic challenge. keisha does remarks came amid a flurry of diplomatic activity, reclaimed galvanizing washington's asian allies shortly off to a historic 1st of a tri last real summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines. but the focus of that me thing, growing concerns in manila and so po, about maritime disputes with beijing, china in recent months, has stepped up progression against the philippine vessels in the south trying to seek out the summit. washington's message to it's to mutual defense tracy allies. we will stand by our promises. i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense commitments to japan. and to the philippines,
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our iron clad or our class china has set the meeting stalls, block confrontation. i think it was being smooth and attacked, made when the us depend, relationship should not harm other country's interest, not undermine regional peace and stability. a vacuum. washington beneath a diplomatic sunset, a sense of urgency, the question marks, hand over the coming us selection. and what's the victory for former president trump would mean for his country's commitments overseas? depends leader one's of washington's waning supports, the ukraine, and its implications for asia, the leadership of the united states. it is in just a simple way to have the presence of the united states. how long before the the in the pacific woods phase even has shown veritas. in his address, casey, the set of wells was that the historic attorney in the face of such challenges,
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these really distorts the cost of vision of unity. one that will ensure the in the pacific security for use to come. now that spring in the mclean deal, a geo political unless both the electra at the department of international studies at the sell university invalid monday. i don't remind as a getting lots of stake in the south china sea right now. right. first of all, thank you. so much for having me now. the south china sea, the most important, not just for regional states or it's immediate residence, but the rest of the world. given that it is a vital true one, i would like to area vital maritime domain and the endo pacific, where we could see the bulk of a world maritime trade. so of course, given the exhauster beating security conditions in the south china sea brought by chinese human natural actions that often come at the expense of international law.
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uh this uh, you know, this is catalyzed the response from like mine, of democratic countries of the in the pacific such as the philippines, japan and the united states to play a larger role as a incredible and of course important stakeholders of the rules based ordering the region stuff is have been going for a while, that's the territorial disputes in the south china sea could explode into an all out with china. do you think this summit has increased the low at that risk? well, we have to understand that the conditions of the south china sea has been exacerbating since the 19th. and as we can see, there is a need to ensure that the rules base order is intact to ensure that those states finality driven interest. so would not be a would think twice before further provoking the situation. now what we can see is that this particular summit was a success in terms of not only ensuring the importance of $1.00 cost of
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2016 arbitrary ruling and of course, institutionalizing defense cooperation. but you're also seeing now is a way forward and ensuring that all its members have that resiliency in terms of economic and political resilience. so when it comes to the philippines, for example, a bilateral bill introduced was introduced to provide the philippines with a $2500000000.00, you know, to boost its defensive. you know, the long shooting of the zones. you cannot be corridor which aims to improve the economic prospects of the country, and it's social economic foundations. now these things are very important in order to ensure that such a country, such as the philippines in south east asia, is able to leverage on it's partnerships and ensure that its position is robust amid the challenges it faces with them. it's lawful exclusively economic zone. so what we're doing here is that we're not trying to provoke the status call,
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but we are merely trying to preserve what is left of it. now, many of said this mutual defense alliance should not be viewed as a mini nate. so, but why on countries? in the region, willing to take that step as well. there is no a natural wearing that's towards the alliances, particularly in the, in the pacific and the even within our immediate neighborhood of southeast asia. there are concerns over such terminology. but however, if you look into south east asia, it is more prone to flexibility and swap, the proper socialization. there is more understanding towards what is actually at stake in disregard. for instance, the quad initially by the us, japan, australia, and india was viewed negatively by predominance, the most southeast asian countries. but understanding it's uh by policy and ensuring the stablished orders intact as eventually garnered positive views from southeast asia. what the philippines is doing is primarily protecting what is
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rightfully its own based on international law. and of course, while we understand that our immediate neighbors are quite evident in including extra regional powers and the maritime domain in the region, we have communicate that this equitably and fi profoundly. but at the same time, we have to ensure that what we're doing reflects flip the national interest without provoking once again, but merely defending what is rightfully ours done with landfill. then geopolitical analyst and manila, thank you very much. thank you. as the most severe flooding and almost essential is getting worse and pos pots of southern russian cause it's done . tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave the homes. melting snow calls the euro river to burst its banks. officials say the river has now top 11 meters in the russian city of oregon, bug with flood defense has failed, local se, not enough was done to prevent the floods and conduct style authorities have
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declared the state of emergency in 10 out of 17 regents a wall of icy water rushing towards homes. hearing cause ex, done tens of thousands of people have already evacuated. and still more a packing up what they can to flee ahead of the record high floods. stuff. the 5 most of the range of the control a symbol with this, and i hope it will and then will be se the use of, of the night, 57 years. but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so she moved up stream in russia, the ural river has best its banks flooding parts of our and bug home to mold and half a 1000000 people. the issue i left most the morning, the watermark in the wall is more than 10 enough off me does high and if that does
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the highest level of a measure unless you restore to liberty daniels or annual spring floods have been made was by torrential rain. and record high temperatures that have melted ice and snow. the disaster has treated public anger is effected, residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's lead. is some residents of our in bug, say local officials could have done more to prepare the the storage these say the flooding. c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia, they're wanting that rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks. let's have a quick look at what else is happening around the world. so then the day after suspending old political activity, molly's root included has found the media from reporting on activities, political parties and associations. it's not clear how the band will be enforced on
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what it has already been rejected by the group that represents journalist embodiment election scheduling for february this year with row cancelled indefinitely. supporters of the full month ecuadorian, vice president clark, a gloss, have demonstrated the support and demand that his release loss was detained off the police store, the mexican embassy in kito away. he has been hold up since december. he is wanted on perhaps some charges and had been brought to the asylum by mexico. the race has raised diplomatic tensions between the 2 countries. ukrainian parliament as pulse the controversial or to boost army conscription. the new measures requirement to update the draft data increase payments to volunteers and to allow some convicted criminals to the head of the votes of general, told lawmakers that russian forces now number keeps troops up to 10 times in the east and from to ukraine has also made an urgent appeal to its allies,
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the white ad defenses, as it, as it struggles to fend off waves of rush, missed all and groaned strikes. the coal comes in response to the renewed russian soul from energy supplies and infrastructure rushing drones fuck has to support one of the ukraine's major pop products to build the plant source, the largest energy supplied to keys and other regions. it's uh, being in military on less than ready to move on from king's college london. marina ukraine's efforts come on to set at defense. this took down 57 of the incoming 82 missiles and drones. what does this number tell us about ukraine's ad defense capabilities? good thing, well, as we know from also previous reports and russian attacks on ukrainian electric toll grid, the air defenses, if you crane has its disposal and not enough to protect the critical infrastructure
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. and so that's a one problem. the problem is that the russians a hunting down ukrainian and defenses, for instance, an older model, s 300 has been destroyed in your desktop. and quite recently, therefore, he needs your defenses at least do for a fact. it's critical infrastructure because the fact of destroying it keeps capabilities to provide electricity and heat to its citizens. doesn't only have an effect on the population, but also on the capability of the military. now russia has been a target energy facilities in ukraine since the beginning of the war about the rate of success is now increasing, was changed as well. for one, what has changed is their approach of using long range vision. the other thing that has changed and will have to understand that um ukrainian electrical system was
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built during the soviet times. so it was built in a very robust way to withstand a nuclear strike. and the other thing is that the russians had the difficulty with where are you korean wrong, be based air defenses and the range of some munitions that the russians could use on these electric stations. now what the russians have done is adapting their them booms. um the old soviet fobs, they upgraded them was a guidance kit, converting them essentially into precision munition, which is similar to what the americans, how to g. i'm strong, direct attack munitions, and these glide bombs, the county bade area defense is because they have an electronic warfare component, protecting them from any interference, was there glowing this signal. they also increase the range, meaning that the russian,
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as soon as $234.00 do not have to be as close in order to launch their attacks. so in a sense, um, these are difficult to intercept. they create a lot of damage. and the russians on the tracking losing their aircraft. now there's a last u. s. h, a package on the way. if it's a pos, is at, will it arrive on time to make a difference to the problem was a package. and firstly, as you pointed out, we don't know when that will arrive and the 2nd issue, due western allies have enough here a defensive to send to ukraine because it's not just the arrow defenses that you need to send. you also need to send a very expensive missiles, and these expensive missiles will be wasted, as we have seen on the number of shahita drones or geranium drones, which are fairly cheap. so it's an expensive endeavor, but the availability of these systems is
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a huge question. because the take about 2 years to get produced and do the allies have enough and will they make a difference by the time the gap to ukraine? certainly it's better to get some layers and never. but the problem is that the russians will continue their era campaign until then, and how much will be left to protect is the question, the minutes around those, my number on that. let's london. thank you. thank you for having me. thailand says it is concerned about the situation in the amount of to the minute to look into that loss. control officer teacher important town on the tie border. the army has withdrawn from the trading hub of me. a lot of to days of fighting with resistance forces, that's been a steady stream of people trying to fleet the country. it's the latest setbacks, 4 for mazda military regime, which is facing growing up position from rebel forces at the shop,
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draw up and support among the people as as the tie border arrivals from u. n. mar are up by almost 50 percent from you here across the over from the town is my wadi, after fighting between the military and armed groups or villages afraid of the situation. these people felt terrified so they moved to me sort of scared. yes i do. there's no finding at the moment. yes, not in your what he told me. this type order check is a short ride from where me a mars military government has been pushed back by rebel improved. they've been clashing your constantly since october, when the rebels got together and a union of fighters to form a larger opposition for us. it's a sign of the moving on post road in power and popularity. they are also at odds
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the civilians for the opposing the amaris democratically elected government run by on some sushi. moving to in 2021 to be here in the holland. but as the displacement in conflict had been widespread since the drawing criticism. but it's from the un, what kind of to call the alexis or 2800000 people have now been displaced, 90 percent of them since the military takeover. many of these people require urgent access to food, shelter and safety. the home to risk losing additional credibility for a strategic loss of milady. a major trading point that links myanmar to bangkok by highway rebel attacks on the military and civilians are on the rise. and type forces can no longer rely on the home to, to secure the me in more side of the board. that's bringing the lane person. she is the director of human rights sports age division joins is from
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a bunk. hockey line. we're hearing about more and more, voted tons and meet them all that the government no longer controls is still the ones that losing his grip on power. well, yes, i mean, it certainly seems that way. i mean, the loss of me a while the town is a major blow to the me and my military. i mean, this is a very strategic border point. there are 6 border controls between thailand and meanwhile, this is probably the most important one. a lot of trade goes through milwaukee. and you know, this is coming off to a series of defeats that of the me and my military had space on various areas of the periphery. whether it's in were kind states the border with bangladesh and india on the border of thailand. and even to the north, it's been very fee of spicing. so i think we see that the me in my military is really under a lot of pressure. they've introduced the conscription a little before is not popular and it really feels like they are losing piece
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battle. you mentioned a conscription that your organization says that the military is not forcing real hinge a men and boys to fight for it. tell us what you've been hearing. yes, that's right. we put out a release earlier this week where we documented about a 1000 range of men and boys have been abducted. they've been rounded up and were kind sites and they being forced to fight on the front lines. now the ethnic range are not even allowed citizenship in the in law, and they have fled to bangladesh because of campaigns of ethnic cleansing and acts of genocide by the me in my military. so it's really sickening to see they and now being forced to fight for a military that committed such atrocities against them. they've been picked up in not time rates boys as young as 15 years old. they promise money. they promised sex of rice, but they also don't really have an opportunity to refuse this fighting. so this is really concerning, but i think it also shows the extent to which, you know, the meanwhile military has been forced into this position because of the heavy
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losses on the battlefield. well, you know, report, we've seen of shoes of people's leading them off of thailand. tell us more about the humanitarian situation as well. that's right. i mean that we've seen more than a 100000 people leads over the past 3 years since the crew. and now i think there are concerns about what the counter offensive will look like. we've seen in the past as strikes that have resulted in very heavy civilian losses. so i think it's really important that the time government keeps that border open, that it allows people to flee, and then it doesn't pull people back into homes way. and certainly we've seen some positive steps by the time government in that respect, a commitment to allow, you know, a 100000 people from me and, and my mom to, to come to thailand. but we want to see concerns governments in the region also step up. and also offer support to thailand and we don't want to see anyone being
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forced back to me in my office. you can leave right now when we seeing, you know, these atrocities happening on multiple fronts, you know, all across the country. now the united nation says poverty writes us, or i'm going to be a month at the middle class is collapsing. that's always a bad sign. what are your thoughts is telling you? well, that's right. i mean, the un heather new report out this week which just showed the economic devastation that the military junta has put the country on the over the past 3 is since the crew. so you know, the middle class has really hob, do you have nearly half of the population of me in my living below the poverty line? you've also seen a lot of people playing to other countries playing the fighting level. so looking for economic opportunities and recognizing that, you know, those opportunities just simply don't exist in the country. so, you know, i think the people have me in my, you know, not only is they, the risk of will, of the atrocities of extracts and certain parts of the country. but even the
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economic desperation is causing people to flee and seek opportunities elsewhere. or thank you very much. elaine pearson from human rights swaps is a division. thank you. the american football stop turn celebrity motor defendant. older simpson has died. he was 76, his family says he died from prostate cancer and he passed away without having paid most of the money he owed the family's office dead ex wife and a male friend. here's a look at older simpson's rise, and the full o. j. simpson gained the fame and fortune as a football player and actor. but it was a double murder case that made him infamous.
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simpson was charged with killing his ex wife, nicole brown simpson. mother of his 2 children and her friend, ron goldman. in 1994. he tried to flee the car chase with police and california was broadcast, live across the us. as were the court proceedings. it was called the trial of the century, millions tuned and around the world, public opinion was divided. the police were accused of racism and botching the investigation of not comfortable. simpson was found not guilty that somebody is not over on fall. jane simpson not guilty of the crime of murder in violation of penal quote, section one that he was found liable for their depth in a civil suit in order to pay more than $33000000.00 to the victims. families today of october. not more than a decade later,
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she was convicted of armed robbery and spent 9 years in prison. news of simpson's death brought mix reactions. at the time, he was a symbol for the american court system and the due process. so a lot of african american people wanted him to be the case. they want it to believe that he didn't do it simply because he was almost like a matter of size price. but now living as an adult. i do think that unfortunately, he may have gotten away with it. sorry past but too bad. he didn't. um, you know, at some point confess, cuz i think he did it personally. i hope he asked for forgiveness at the end. i really do symptoms. family says he died surrounded by his children and grandchildren. and before we go something
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a little different archaeologists stuff on covet starting off blocks. and then you excavation at the very anxious city of pompei, the paintings to pick mythological characters, inspired by the trojan war, including this scene of the kidnapping of helen by paris. and this image of apollo trying to seduce cassandra archaeologist leave the hall, was being renovated when it was buried. viable county, ash montezuma is erupt at almost 2000 years ago. so you're watching dw new. this is a reminder of all the top stores. us president joe biden has promised to defend the philippine central time. he made the pledge during that 1st trial. actual summit in washington. china is going military search this south china sea, palms. beautiful. and the most severe, plodding in almost a century is getting worse than problems of southern russia and cars like style,
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tens of thousands of people a past typically that homes still say not enough was done by the 14th to prevent those flooding. that's it from me at the loose team. don't go away up next to the point where germany stands of the us, china trade the
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to the points, strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. germany and china are sprinkling ties with rising tensions between china and the us are forcing germany and it's transferred to make some tough choices this week. onto the point we asked us in china trading, which side is germany to the point next
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on the w indoctrination. propaganda and fake news rules. russia with an iron fist since the attack on ukraine. suppression of defense as intensifying. the last members of the opposition in the country are being harassed or driven into excellent indoctrination of a nation to russia. in 45 minutes on d, w, the west page. i mean obviously i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs. thank strength amounts,
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but it's actually about move join us as we travel around your, facing the history of everyday. i'll set something right around the wells. no need to talk to you back. just a subscriber id. listen to pop, gosh them will take you along to the right. the germany and china are sprinkling ties, but the german chancellor is high level and high stakes visit to beijing will be a diplomatic and economic challenge. both countries can't seem to get a grip on their economic wolves. china is trying to export masses of subsidized goods to europe and americans that creates new problems. the us and it's treasury secretary john and yelling are already threatening further. terrorist asked the trade warner. meanwhile, germany is trying a new china strategy oscillates between cooperation and i solution on to the point we ask us china trade war, which side is term.


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