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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from balance. israel opens a new age crossing into gaza. it says the 1st trucks carrying 5 of supplies have now arrived is relo, but the new age route on the international pression, as reports of famine, are growing. also coming off, germany is parliament makes it easier to change your name and gender on official documents. we lost what there's controversial means for the transgender peers. sauce 10000000 people involve a tough price. walter rationing us scorching with the lives, colombia is rivers. hundreds of was at the lowest levels in more than 40 years. the,
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i'm good. how those as well come to the program. israel says the 1st a trucks have now entered guns of the newly opened northern crossing points is really military pictures, apparently show vehicles carrying desperately needed supplies, crossing the boat after being screened for the stuff the is ready. government has come on to international pressure to allow more aden to ease the human italian crisis is well controlled, the land and sea roads to gauze, up even before the war which began when hamas launched its tara tax on october. the 7th use, i'm in se in jerusalem told us more about the latest aid calmly as well. the i d. f said that these trucks were moved into gaza during the night time. you can see
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that it's dark in the videos that they've published. this is an unnamed crossing on garza's northern border. it seems that the trucks were 1st i uh, went through inspections at the southern crossing of care them so long, but instead of moving and the guys are there, they went back around the gaza strip and then entered through the north. now what's interesting here is this comes one week after a phone call between us present and joe biden, and it's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in which nothing yahoo promised to do more to get aid into gaza. and right after that announced that they would be opening a crossing and gathers causes northern border. at that point they said that it was going to be the air is crossing. but it seems that because of logistical reasons, they didn't open the arrows crossing and opened a separate crossing. this one a little bit closer to the c instead. although a journalist have not been taken there and shown around so we don't really know where it is or how they're doing this. and now i'm it. is this
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a sign that aid could regularly pass through the northern border from is around as well. the idea of in their statements. so this was a 1st uh truck crossing uh, truck shipment of humanitarian aid through that crossing. so implying that there is going to be more hopefully many more according to the 8 agencies and say there's a dire need there. but there's a lot of questions remain if, because of logistical reasons, the aid is not going through air as crossing which will before the war. the current war with i'm off was the only crossing on the northern border of gaza if it's not going through there because of logistical reasons. why is that going through this on named crossing instead. and our aid organizations able to bring in the mass quantities of humanitarian assistance, into northern garza, through what appears to be in the videos of dirt road. those questions remain and hopefully the idea for answer those in the coming days. now explain to us, why is it so important for a to come directly into the knolls?
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the will of course uh the un says that all of the people living in gaza are living with food shortages right now. but the, the emergency seems to be the most acute in northern gauze, but that's because as of last week, all the a that was coming in the gaza was coming through the south through the roof of crossing with egypt or the cancer long crossing an israel and making its way up through the gaza strip to the north was a treacherous journey. we know that an aide con boy was targeted by his where the missiles just a days ago. and so it does a lot of time, a does not get up to the north where some organizations say that the gardens are living on just $250.00 calories per day. so that's why there's this big push to get an aide through the northern gaza crossing the us as pushing israel. and that 8 organizations are doing so as well in order to assist those hundreds of thousands
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of guys. and so we're living in the north, unable to access the humanitarian aid as well as medication. i mean, if they're in jerusalem, thank you very much. i'm in and here are some more of the latest developments and because it will be up here in union, a sanction beyond wings of hamas over sexual violence during the october 7th attacks us says the threat of your ron attacking israel remains a real and viable in retaliation for the deaths of several rainy and generals and a presume is rarely stripe in syria. and several nations, including the us, have issued new warnings to the citizens not to travel to the middle east. as fields of a y, the military escalations are growing to germany's parliament as back to new, little making it easier for transgender into sex and on binary people to change the name on the agenda, the so whole self determination act drops up like a 3 2nd psychological lead legal assessment. the law has run into opposition,
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especially from conservative and religious groups as well as from feminist. but i'm trying to send them and told us about his experiences. oh the 5, the father, the 21 year old jamie williams seen him on the left. i'm with sharing pictures of his childhood with a friend. then he was a young go with it on hand as i was, and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child, we grew up together and there was never any difference. we've all the same clothes, we had the same hobbies and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years, jeremy dressed like a go and went along with society's expectations and then come at the moment and then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in this role, the tool that was being pushed into it. and obviously it's, and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfill this role. but at
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some point i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me. that's been, this is age 15. he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male. under the existing rule which has passed in 1980, the procedure for changing a person's legal agenda was lengthy, expensive, and at times invasive. until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda. is these only time off on the, at the moment you need 2 independent medical experts and a court order and an assistant. you have to pay money for these. if you don't get legal items, it's simply a very, very long process of jeremy size, then you know and makes the process for trends. people much easier to move that this little from some a self determination means that i know based who i am and can determine that myself . while the passing of the little remains controversial,
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especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark movement for gem and these trends into 6 and on binary community. government knox currently says from the german trans association and told me what the new law could mean for the daily lives front of people. has to imagine being not, not to be able to pay with your ac cards in a store, not be able to go to the doctor. and so your insurance without being accused of fraud or depending on the situation, having the police call them you. this is something that happens to transfer people very regularly in germany. now this, the new law people can change the name and gender mark how much more easily and the state today, just for me, nation situations will faint. now that law has been criticized. for example, for allowing people to change the name and sexual identity. every yeah,
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why is that necessary? this is emily. and 2 years ago the government started to talk about key points. the law will have. and then conservatives and right to bring parties, but afraid that people would change the name every 2nd day. so they wanted to have a timeframe in the law that says you can only change your name once a year. because they think we change our names every 2 days. if this, if this year is not the right rent and then the law, why not? we don't expect people to change the name more than once. and now why do you think they sound law has been criticized? not only by the far right, but also by a conservative democrats in the end with publishing the key points 2 years ago, a big this information campaign has been started around trans people and around the
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effects the law will have most of the public opinion believes in this, this information, so now we have a rise in print, it is just against trans people and also arrive and onto trans violence because of the test information. and many of the anxieties of the conservatives are also based on this, this information, for example, major feminist women's organization support the law. and also, false alarm don't allow us to do something against this information. now one of the concerns with security concern, some argue that the criminals could get their names easily changed or get new possible and therefore escaped law enforcement. when the person changes the name and attend america in germany, the birth certificate and all the other documents will be changed. but in the bus
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registry, the old name and the old under monica will stay the same. so down will be noted which name a person had before and which name a person has now. and the law enforcement also has access to these books registry. so there is no way to escape a criminal offense with a name or the more pertains. now the only 46 percent of germans are in favor of this new law. why do you think that is? i think it also has to do with this information campaign that we faced the last 2 years. and also many people just can't imagine how it is to be transgender. not many people are aware that we are as many people as we are. and many people i think just didn't have the information all close contact with the trans person and see that most of these things prejudices. thank you very much coffee and i'll finish off of the drum and trans association u. s. presidential by them as well to
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defensive philippines and japan, offering stones backing to a specific allies. he's hosted the 1st trial, actual summit, where china is growing military assertiveness an age up top. the agenda of corresponded james straight to possible the prime minister of japan in washington this week, a rupture as reception for the us is in the pacific allies, japanese prime minister mucous you to became only his country. secondly, that's a form of the address, the us congress issuing stone warnings about the threats posed by bay. james in china is current external stance and military actions present. i'm press the dentist and the greatest strategic challenge. keisha does remarks came and made a flurry of diplomatic activity, reclaimed, galvanizing washington's asian allies shortly off to
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a historic 1st step of try last rule summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines. but the focus of that me thing, growing concerns in manila and so po, about maritime disputes with aging. china in recent months has stepped up progression against the philippine vessels in the south trying to see out the summits washington's message to it's to mutual defense tracy allies. we will stand by our promises. i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad or our class china has set the meeting, starts block confrontation as saying it was being submitted and attacked. major, the us japan relationship should not harm other countries interest, nor undermine regional peace and stability. fucking washington beneath a diplomatic sensor, a sense of urgency. the question marks, hand over the coming us selection. and what's the victory for former president
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trump would mean for his country's commitments overseas? depends leader ones of washington's waning support for ukraine, and its implications for asia. the leadership of the united states is indispensable. we have the presence of the united states. how long before the, the in the pacific woods phase, even hash veritas, in his address case, you, the sub to wells, was the historic turning. in the face of such challenges, these really to sort to cost a vision of unity. one that will ensure the in the pacific security for use to come . don mclean. gill is a geo political analyst in manila and i, austin, what's at stake in the south china sea? now the south china sea, the most important, not just for regional states or its immediate residence,
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but the rest of the world. given that it is a vital show, one of vital area, vital maritime domain and the endo pacific. where we could see the bulk of a world maritime trades, of course, given the exhauster beating security conditions and the south china sea brought by chinese international actions that often come at the expense of international law. uh this uh, you know, this is catalyze, the response from like might have democratic countries of the in the pacific such as the philippines, japan and the united states to play a larger role as a incredible and of course important stakeholders of the rules. space ordering to reach, you know, physically going for a while. that's the territorial disputes in the south china sea could explode into an all out with china. do you think this summit has increased the low at that risk as well? we have to understand that the conditions of the south china sea have been exacerbating since the ninety's. and as we can see, there is
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a need to ensure that the rules base order is intact to ensure that those states finality driven interest. so would not be a would think twice before further provoking the situation. now what we can see is that this particular summit was a success in terms of not only ensuring the importance of $1.00 cost of 2016 arbitrary ruling and of course, institutionalizing defense cooperation. but you're also seeing now is a way forward and ensuring that all its members have that resiliency in terms of economic and political resilience. so when it comes to the philippines, for example, a bilateral bill introduced was introduced to provide the philippines with a $2500000000.00, you know, to boost its defensive, you know, the launching of the zones. you cannot be corridor which aims to improve the economic prospects of the country, and it's social economic foundations. now these things are very important in order
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to ensure that such a country, such as the philippines in south east asia, is able to leverage on its partnerships and ensure that its position is robust amid the challenges that faces with them. it's lawful exclusively economic zone. so what we're doing here is that we're not trying to provoke the status call, but we are merely trying to preserve what is left of it. now, many of said this mutual defense allies should not be viewed as many nights so, but why on countries? in the region, willing to take that step as well. there is, you know, a natural wearing that's towards the alliances, particularly in the, in the pacific and even within our immediate neighborhood of southeast asia, there are concerns over such terminology. but however, if you look into south east asia, it is more prone to flexibility and throughout proper socialization, there is more understanding towards what is actually at stake in this regard. for
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instance, the quad initially by the us, japan, australia, and india was viewed negatively by predominance, the most southeast asian countries. but understanding it's uh by policy and ensuring the stablished orders intact as eventually garnered positive views from southeast asia. what the philippines is doing is primarily protecting what is rightfully its own based on international law. and of course, while we understand that our immediate neighbors are quite hesitant in including extra regional, empower hp's and the main in the region. we have communicate that this equitably and fi profoundly, but at the same time we have to ensure that what we're doing reflects flip the national interest without provoking once again, but merely defending what is rightfully ours done with landfill. then geopolitical analyst in manila, thank you very much. thank you. tom. now to have a look at what else is going on around the world. german prosecute. the say 3
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teenagers i've been arrested on suspicion of planning is list tara tax. media reports say that 15 and 16 year olds intended to carry out fire bomb and 9 so tax in the name of the so called as lumnick studies. i major time, we've got them written in spain of discussing the status of the protests. they em to agree on whether the u. k. overseas territory should remain part of the, you know, the bridge and has left people to a lot relies on access to spain for jobs and for trade. i have the photos of the former ecuadorian, vice president called his glass reminding his release last was detained when security forces storms and mexican embassy and key to where he'd been given political asylum, losses facing corrections, factors, flooding in southern russians, and cars like stone as worse and tens of thousands of, i've been forced to leave the homes of melting snow,
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caused the your river to burst its backs, and now tops 11 meters in the city of orange. cause exxon has dict out of state of emergency. 2 bullets on which is not normally known for which is normally known for its heavy rains this time of year. but in spite of hot, dry weather has left the columbia in capital dangerously short or full time. for these have now sounded the alarm dividing the city into districts that take turns shutting off. for 10 people are urged a cup consumption to a minimum to keep reservoirs from running out the washing the dishes with a bare minimum of water. this is the new normal for many and full time a specific he has begun rationing the precious resource, the another. yet his family lives in one of the districts. that is the 1st to experience at 24 hour war to cut off. they tried to use as little as possible and have pills buckets before the outage months. i jesse's in. yeah,
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there is the fear that this could become a regular conference on bank of america meant they wanted to go to and the rest of was really drops from it. and they really will be know to left for us for i'm with water that are wallace. this is just one, look at one of the what has main reservoir shows that saving every drop of water is paramount. the sun drop a is a reservoir is at a critical low. this whole area here should be covered in water. but as you can see, i can easily walk through the middle of the reservoir here, outside bow tie. and it's actually that this water here supplies 70 percent of the population of over time surroundings. but currently, it only holds 16 percent of the water capacity. and if it doesn't drain and people don't reduce the water consumption, what is left could vanish in little more than a month? there are several reasons for the critically low levels. the usually strong regional rein full has been almost absent since last year to to the new phenomenon and
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climate change. but these haven't been the only factors leading to the current crises. in recent years, the consumption of walton and full time has risen as the city continues to grow. and the government needs to better plan and regulate its resources as well as taking care of the local ecosystems. so it's kind of those movies you edit out of the w, w, f clinton. but most those most that we need to understand our dependence on nature looking at that is what this crisis is basically showing on. when i put pics without management protection and conservation of the and the and for us and the wetlands we depend on the shortages will get worse just because it likes customized postcards. a certain measure of both tests may a catalyst that a mental guidelines as individuals will also have to do what they can to avert and impending catastrophe. so you don't know good, almost intrusive if we don't succeed in reducing consumption and then what we want, not only have to uphold restrictions in store credit. so we will need to tighten up the quarter to keep bass and shower. short seemed a maximum of 5 minutes. you can really do it in less time. and those are going to
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see if you just do it to come in. this is 58 percent of our water consumption to move unit base. it's all in outlook that makes the prints, if about his son's future. i can know it is one of the things that i asked myself when i looked at him. and why did i bring him into this? well, however, colombia is still one of these privilege place a to so i know that we need to do something similar to that our children can still enjoy the part of the paradise we have here. look at them in her son is learning to be mindful about his motive consumption, but the task force or crisis will likely last a while until much needed. rain comes again dropped as also having a devastating effect on southern africa. nearly old and bob was crops have been destroyed and the president says that at least $2000000000.00 isn't needed to stop people going hungry, dw correspondence privilege. and was when henry sent this report,
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9 to one year old page. now is that key? i'm a come by me from bob was global show and we're all community. he's inspecting what lead to is left of these crops visa, hard times for the not doing that in is he contemplates the months ahead. in a good years, he often harvested more than 2 tons of grain from this field, but this time he will barely get 50 kilograms sick or vision is from now until the next, toughest in february. what do you think we are going to suffer? we are going to stuff, or you know, i see people die if we try to use, you know, from us i'm going to is u. s. a v a dry spill is the ranking, hubble across between baldwin and other solid in african countries. the poor range
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mean about 2700000 people will not have enough to eat on the table is the see. it may is, is this type of food in zimbabwe. but when clubs say you like this, it is tough for many families. people are now trying to figure out how they would survive in the coming months when the situation is expected to get west is about was president is appealed for you money, terry, and assistance to feed. the hungry top on our pilot priority is securing food for o. as in by means knows, bubbling, must succumb to or die from honda. but quote, feed is like these are likely to get with scientists predict increasingly frequent droughts in coming years. in the u. n. food and agriculture organization sees
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countries must invest in drought proofing the agriculture in most countries. investment in the product as it down is lucky. so national, international resources partners need to invest in resilience because it is the most important has that before. so i don't know if it got it out. so some of the like is i key, i'm gonna come by the old tentative what that associates like these essential live saving improvements. what was in bob was traditional reign fed agriculture. and finally berlin zoo is celebrating the 67th birthday of a gorilla, felt to be the oldest of the world to fall, to tucked into the 13 freights to mock the occasion. she came to berlin when she was just 2 years old. these days she keeps a distance from the zoos of the guerrillas, unless in her own enclosure, let's say for 2 is the oldest gorilla in captivity. the life expectancy in the wind
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is actually sold and that's it from the end of the scene for now, my colleague feel good. we'll have an update for you at the top of the i've got the office for me on the, to the,
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to the points. strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. germany and china are sprinkling ties with rising kind in china and the us are forcing terminates, edits transferred to make some tough choices this week. onto the point we asked us the china trade. which side is germany to the point next. on the w, nico,
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they're not this property called me because call chuck dennis, take a takes old sneakers from the draft to sam. all this week is look the same. how could i make a difference recycled? fashion of cool statements against environmental pollution. that is how i'm giving people a space to express themselves through a secret customization. i've seen that in 16 minutes on d, w, the dig altima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest the, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in the ocean view, industry doesn't care about the supply chains, profit,
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all that much illegal as a stock may said on d, w, the germany and china are sprinkling ties, but the german chancellor is high level and high stakes visit to beijing will be a diplomatic and economic challenge. both countries can't seem to get a grip on their economic wolves. china is trying to export masses of subsidized goods to europe and america. the bad creates new problems. the us and it's treasury secretary john yelling are already threatening further terrace as a trade warning. meanwhile, germany is trying a new china strategy oscillates between co operation and isolated on to the point. we ask us china trip.


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