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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news life of validate. israel opens a new, a crossing into gaza and says the 1st trucks carrying vitals supplies have arrived as follows. monitoring international pressure is reports of funding growth also and the programs gelani's. palmers makes it easier for people to change the name on the gen, the unofficial documents restaurant this controversial buildings for trunk, send the big 10000000 people in bunker tossed paste was a roster as punk dry weather leaves columbia as a premise and reservoir at the lowest levels for mobile 14 years, the
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launch ok, welcome to the program. israel says the 1st a truck says and to gaza through a new, a newly opened crossing point in the north. because provided by these right email, a trip to, to show vehicles carrying desperately needed supplies. crossing the border of to being screened for the south is trying to governments has come under increasing international pressure to allow more a, into the territory to ease the worsening humanitarian crisis. israel controlled london c roadside into the territory even before the war, which begun with ha, mazda attacked israel on the 7th of october. let's get more of a correspondence. i mean, i see injurious and welcome. uh i mean, so what more can you tell us about this convoy as well, the idea announced that they are opening a new crossing a northern crossing there,
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calling it is remains a named along the northern border of gaza. uh, they circulated this video which shows the trucks uh during the night between thursday and friday, driving down what appears to be a dirt road. uh, they also said that these trucks were not inspected there at that check point. but rather in carol shalom, where most of the 8 is coming through anyway, but then were diverted around garza to come in through the north and better serve the population and the needs up on the northern side. what's interesting here is this comes about a week after a phone call between us present joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which biden urged, nothing yahoo to do more to bring aid into gaza the day after that phone call. the israeli government announced that they were going to be opening, the air is crossing on the northern border of gauze that that was the only crossing before october 7th. that was open. uh, well,
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the adf now is saying that that is not going to open, but instead they're going to use this on named crossing, which is actually closer to the see. okay, this all sounds good, quite confusing. somebody's unidentified crossing is now open and functioning for a to pass through as well. the white house has comments out on it and so that they're pleased with the developments that what we're seeing now is, is real reacting to the pressure to bring in more aid to gaza. but we don't know that much about a lot of questions are made about how much aid can be brought in through this road without any infrastructure, whether or not they are coordinating that aid with 8 organizations. and especially since the truck, the deliveries are being basically processed in cam shalom and south before being driven up to the northern check point. how efficient this is and why they're using
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this instead of the arrows crossing, which it previously was there. although the arrows crossing has been destroyed, it was destroyed and fighting on october 7th, but the idea has been tight lipped about all these questions. and why is it so important for you to come directly into the guns as no? well, there is a severe shortage of food in gaza, as most 8 organizations are saying. and all of the aid right now is passing through southern points and in order to deliver it to northern goals, it has to go through a war zone. we've seen a tax on these convoys for mobs from militants, and also from the i guess itself, which has killed aid workers who are driving 8 along that route. so in order to serve the population, lives north who are currently living on about 250 calories a day. this aid is better brought in through a crossing on the north. so that is what international pressure is urging israel to
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do. israel appears to be making the 1st steps, but again, a lot of the details still haven't surfaced about how effective this is going to be . okay, thanks. i mean, i'm in a safe a gym so a lot of the nice developments and the guns of war, your pain union has sanctioned the wings of how much of a sexual violence during october 7 attacks. the us, as the threats of iran attacking israel remains that re real and viable invitation for the death of several iranian generals. and it presumed his writing, striking syria and several countries, including the restaurants in india, issued a new warning semester instance. not to travel to the middle east, a sphere. so why that ministry escalation, grow? problems here in germany has back to new law, making it easier for drugs transgender, into sex, and non binary people to use that preferred gender identity in legal documents. the
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self determination act drops, bigotry, psychological and legal assessments. suppose to say current law violates the dignity of times. people personally use bill has run into opposition from conservatives and 5, right? because on transgender mine has been cutting dw, what the revised level means by hand. oh the father, the father of 21 year old jamie williams seen him on the left. i'm with sharing pictures of his childhood with a friend back then he was a young go put it on hand as i was. and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child, we grew up together and there was never any difference. we will of the same clothes, we had the same hobbies. and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years, jamie dressed like a go and went along with societies expectations. and then come at the moment which and then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in this
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role, the tool that was being pushed into it. and obviously it's, and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfill this role. but at some point, i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me, as that's been, this is age 15. he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male. under the existing rule which has passed in 1980. the procedure for changing a person's legal agenda was lengthy, expensive, and at times invasive. until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda. on the top off on the, at the moment, you need 2 independent medical experts and a court order on this as a gift to pay money for these. if you don't get legal aid on it, simply a very, very long process of jamie says, then you know and makes the process for trends. people much easier to move that this little from some a self determination means that all i know best to i and then can determine that
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myself. while the passing of the little remains controversial, especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark movement for gem and these trends into 6 non binary community, a loveseat, a device before the vote on this news, on one member of parliament from the opposition. christian democrats laid out her reasons for voting against the rule. this lo enables every citizen to change the agenda without having to set out the motivation for miss d. and it causes problems for which no solutions were found in legislative consultations kind of new top. but there is no protection against possible abuse when 1st names and gender identity can be changed without conditions. thoughts that the state does not even ensure that people who change the agenda are really informed about what they are decide to own and the most importantly,
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it disregards the state's duty to protect children of. mine is seen that once you let's pick this up with the julie monroe. she's a trans activist, the here in the welcome to dw, i'm respond if you went to a couple of those points. um we know that lots of these talking points from find a ride rings on all kinds of parties because there's a big movement. conte general could you could move in day. they say they call themselves a feminist, but they don't include the trans rides in the feminist pipes. and so we call them trans exclusive radical templates. and the, i'll be talking to pause regardless of the way of talking points have come from perhaps you could just address that, but the actual points that were raised, as we know from, for example, there was
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a survey from transferred to you. they examined all the countries in europe who, who have a septic immunization law actually, and these concerns that as abuse or something like this it's, it's not reality because this not known any case, right. okay. i didn't show somebody before the state does, doesn't even show that people who would change the agenda a really informed about what they're deciding. which sounds like on a mission when you're considering something up. so a such a radical change to had to go be if you're to ensure that you know who you are, we have, uh uh, we have studies that for example, the trunk used people they, they have about a year from 4 to 7 years. when they, when they're looking for,
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they sent the searching for themselves. they, uh, they know who they are and it's this and they need this area in this space that they find themselves. because, um, i'm just, i'm sorry. and they want to, they know who they are because there's, uh, they are the 1st coming out the, you know, coming out to the ultimate, coming out. this is the time they need to to know where they are, then they are safe. they know what they want and they don't need any anymore twice . right. so people don't come to this decision, likely. yet less than half of germans support this. there's no change. why do you think bosses i think it's because there's that these talking points from, from colorado springs say they,
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they are in taking inferencing on the media. and they are finding that this information does this. but it's not reality. we have lots of organizations from civil rights organizations, for example, from church organizations, women's rights organizations, use organizations, all psychological organizations. they all support this law and it's just a small number of, of people and organizations who criticize this law. and yeah, some, some parties they take these talking points to make um voices to raise the voice against it's not, but it's not reality control. and this has been joining us transacted. we start, julia monroe. thank you. we'll take a look at some of the stories making news around the world gym and prosecute to say
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3 teenagers have been arrested on suspicion with the timing is limited to 10 attacks. media reports say the 15 and 16 year olds intended to carry out fire bomb and 9 protects the name of the circle this lumnick states. so the britain expanded because discussing the status of chip rolled. so that's a trying to agree on. whether for you, kyle, deceased carrick should be 90 parts of the year. after britain has left the block. a jeep rolled to the lines on access to spain for jumps and try what's the level of osteo rising in flooded regions of russia and catholic stance? tens of thousands have been forced to leave homes as melting snow calls you, vivid to best expense in october 11 metres and the rest of the city of auburn. but as extensive declared, a state of emergency to russian drug and strikes have destroyed one of ukraine's biggest power plants as most got a launch is renewed as sold on the national energy grid. the font at tech chick fil
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scott is the largest supplies for capital cave and 2 other regions. officials say more than $200000.00 an hour without power. ukraine has gained appealed to allies to help strengthen its defenses. mazda and as it was, studies senior fellow at king's college of london, a welcome back to dw mike. uh so ukraine defense has brought down 57 of the i to, to incoming mist 1000 drums. and what does this tell us about the states? if you cranes air defense systems what i like is always in a defense commander in charge of defending a city. i'd want to take out every enemy, projects, or drive and apply. and that came towards me. another thing is the lack of skill they've been doing this for months. it tells us that they simply don't have the missiles and all the projectiles to take out the incoming russian drones and planes
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and missiles. all right, and this is sufficient spring. a thing for us, for perhaps the last 6 months to a year of this will the lack of a temporary on the training side or has it has. yeah. and this is specifically about the croft missile defense which is most specialist. and alternately, if alternately, i munition you producing great bulk and ship it to the front lines and then it gets part of the enemy. but as we've seen, you know, ac russian or either drains or pines or missiles came out of a last night. so that's not very many, you don't need very many defense missiles, but each one is, is more expensive, more testing, you know, it's in a heat seeking. so that more technically complicated than all temporary rounds. and, you know, we've seen in the news again over the last year this, to worry about, are they going to get the american patriot system? are they gonna have enough themselves for it? this is part of the why the story and ukraine, which is the ukraine,
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doesn't really have all of the munition that it needs to put through the weapon systems that it's already been given. russian has been targeting energy facilities that across that ukraine, since the beginning of the war, the rates of success appears not to be increasing. what has changed. mm hm. well, absolutely. they've been doing it for about 18 months now, and that was the, you know, it is a war crime. we do need to say that right. targeting energy facilities that civilians use is it will con. um, but, but what's changed is you'll, you'll view as you probably know the over the last 6 months ukraine is been starting to hit russian oil production, oil refinery facilities. and that's causing problems in russia. so there is a renewed russian focus on targeting a bit of a tit for tat, really targeting ukrainian supplies. and of course, as we've already mentioned, you can use a running household, the defense of missiles that they need. so this $60000000000.00 worth of
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a for ukraine that's still being blocked by the us congress. anyway, the flag gets passed pretty quickly. how much difference tenants, how much time will it take to actually make a difference? this? uh well, uh, you know, some of some of what happens when appropriations get made is that it, it, it covers an order that goes into the us, some industry stocks and the us military is able to immediately give away was it hasn't it stops. and then that order the, the guns and the appropriation will then restore the us military. so the question is really the balance between those 2. but to answer your question directly, it's not going to make an immediate difference. we're talking, you know, a month, 6 weeks and was that goes on more more days, the russian drawings and planes. and there's also going to get through the defenses . i'm talking to, thanks for that. so i guess that's a clearly ministry unless mike boffin from king's college monday. thank you.
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i us president joe biden, the has offered storage backing to the philippines and japan as he hosted the 1st summit between the 3 nations. top of the agenda was china's increasing ministry assertiveness in the asia pacific region correspondent, james chase, that reports the prime minister of japan in washington, this week, a rupture as reception for the us. as in the pacific allies, japanese prime minister mucous you became only his country. secondly, that's a form of the address, the us congress issuing stone warnings about the threats posed by by james. the china is current external stance and military actions present. i'm press the dentist and the greatest sort of challenge case it is. remarks came and made a flurry of diplomatic activity, reclaimed, galvanizing washington's asian allies shortly off to a historic 1st of a tri last real summits between the leaders of the us,
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japan and the philippines. but the focus of that me thing, growing concerns in manila and so po, about maritime disputes with beijing, china in recent months, has stepped up progression against the philippine vessels in the south trying to see out the summits. washington's message to ritz to mutual defense treaty allies. we will stand by our promises. i want to be clear. the united states, united states defense commitments to japan. and to the philippines, our iron clad or our clack, china has set the meeting, starts block confrontation as saying it was being smooth and attacked. maybe the us depend, relationship should not harm other countries, interest, no undermine regional peace and stability. fucking washington beneath a diplomatic sensor, a sense of urgency, big question, marks, hand over the coming us selection. and what's the victory for former president trump would mean for his country's commitments overseas. japan's lead
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a one's of washington's waning supports, the ukraine, and its implications for asia. the leadership of the united states is in just a simple way to have the presence of the united states. how long before the the in the pacific woods phase even has shown veritas. in his address, casey, the said, the walls was the historic turning. in the face of such challenges, these really distorts the cost of vision of unity. one that will ensure the in the pacific security for us to come. it's a hate so yeah, it's been a month since the prime minister had resigns during widespread 5 and done rest report. say a 10 pre government is ready to take over. the main task for the incoming administration will be just as up a new presidential elections. and so right in the countries rampant gang violence.
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the sound of everyday life in haiti's capital, porto price. despite some police presence, gang fighting continues. meanwhile, ordinary haitians go about their business and their daily struggle just to get by gunfire all around. but i still have to look after myself. if you make it home from work a live, it's thanks to god. the insecurity is increasingly forcing 8 organizations and hospitals to suspend their vital work. adding to the difficulties the country's main airport remains closed. haiti is the most populous nation in the caribbean. it has been plagued by violence for years. gains are still thought to control some 80 percent of the capital, bordeaux price, $1.00 of the route problems grinding poverty. haiti is one of the western
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hemisphere, is pores, nations with 60 percent of the population earning less than $2.00 a day? many holes lever eventually comes to power in haiti. we'll tackle the economic hardship, fuel and crime. well, that's not my message. i give them who said they need to see this, what it is. the government has to see the gang since the aggressive i said my way, but also as a result of people's misery. you may, i ask you for the message, but the social injustice that has caused all of this. give me this. even if i gotta just, you know, but it was, this was the people in the government need to understand that we young people need jobs to keep us from turning the other thing off the remote while he is political future hangs in the balance. lawlessness remains a fact of everyday life. restoring some degree of stability will be the 1st order of business for the next government and a precondition for economic development. a bug,
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a top would normally be experiencing heavy rains at this time of year, both extended heat devices left to columbia and capitol. the dangerous new shores of water with ours is of now introduced was a saving measures including dividing the states into zones where supplies can be regularly turned off. people i mean to cut consumption to a minimum, to washing the dishes with the bath minimum of the water. this is the new normal for many and full time a specific has begun rationing the precious resource, the on of the others family lives in one of the district. that is the 1st to experience a 24 hour water cut off. they try to use as little board as possible and have pills buckets before the outage months. i just isn't. yeah, there is the fear that this could become a regular conference on bank of america made the rest of was really drops from it. and there really will be no water left for us for i'm with water that are wallace.
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this is just one. look at one of the what has main reservoir shows that saving every drop of water has power around the sun roof as a reservoir is at a critical low. this whole area here should be covered in water. but as you can see, i can easily walk through the middle of the reservoir here outside full time. and it's actually that this water here supplies 70 percent of the population of over time surroundings. but currently it only helps 16 percent of the water capacity. and if it doesn't drain and people don't reduce that water consumption, what is left could vanish in between more than a month? there are several reasons for the critically low levels. the usually strong regional rein full has been almost absent since last year to to the new phenomenon and climate change. but these haven't been the only factors leading to the current crises. in recent years, the consumption of walton bull time has risen as the city continues to grow. and the government needs to get to plan and regulate its resources as well as taking
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care of the local ecosystems. so it's kind of those movies you edit out of the w, w, f. canton the most those most that we need to understand our dependence on nature, looking at that is what this crisis is basically showing up on when i put pics without management, protection and conservation of the and the, and for us and the wetlands we defend on the shortages will get worse just because it likes cuz it's discoveries must remind you that little tasks may have gotten lost that and then look at lenses. individuals will also have to do what they can to avert and in, pending catastrophe. so, you know, get almost the receipt of if we don't succeed in reducing consumption and then we will not only have to uphold restrictions in store credit. so we will need to tighten up a quarter to keep patches and showers short see mobile, a maximum of 5 man angles. you can really do it in less time and poses, are going to say that if you just do it take, i mean, this is 58 percent of our water consumption to move unit days. it's all in outlook that makes the prints, if about her son's future any. there was
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a scandal. it is one of the things that i asked myself when i looked at him. and why did i bring him into this? well, however, columbia is still one of these privilege place a to so i know that we need to do something similar so that our children can still enjoy part of the paradise we have here that the member whose son is learning to be mindful about his motive consumption, but the whole task water crisis will likely last a while until much needed rain comes again building. so it's kind of basing the 6th day, 7th day of what's thought to be the oldest that the in the world fall to a mock the occasion by talking into a fruity treat to change about adventure, which is 2 years old. these days she lives in her own enclosure, keeps a distance from the series of the gorillas, yvette se foster, who is the oldest gorilla in captivity, life expectancy in the wild issue of the
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next on z w. i. fremont yourself colors of fashion icons that the south african style of boards. i'll be back at the top of the hour with the
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unique of the not just practical sneak cuz off call chuck dennis, take a takes old sneakers from the drab to them all. definitely because look the same, how could i make a difference recycled? fashion of cool statements against environmental pollution. that is how i'm giving people a space to express themselves through customization. on the dw, the miss rosa
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landing on neighboring towns. here's the field as a huge success. for instance, then it's personal veering on in 45 minutes on d, w. the manuals engine. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't and 65 full was while all those top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so talk to you from campbell, fixed a new culture. i'm in 15 minutes. left side of our
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community life on the research is now on the way it's a style awards. and so the for tests on this individual is to exemplify the pissing me of who in the past and world it's on the spot type on celebrities and emerging icons, recognizing their influence on, i'll connect to the states of styles, but 1st face the rich savings of india with ship. jessica, when you saw me in janice bed, discover how the new set to all the same size, uplifting its people in zambia, then explode the functionality of a close to anybody's problem solving architecture in nigeria. i'm finding that day and you're watching, ask remax.


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