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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news by from sunday israel opens a new, a crossing into gaza and says the 1st truck scattering vital supplies have arrived . this follows monitoring international pressure and growing reports and also on the program. germany's powerless makes it easier for people to change the name and gender on official documents, you know, put what there's controversial things, but the trunk genta pete. the feel guy. welcome to the program. israel says the 1st a trucks event
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a gaza through a newly opened crossing point in the north pictures provided by these riley military appear to show the vehicles carrying desperately needing supplies. crossing the border after being screened for the south is ready. the government has come under increasing international pressure to allow more a into the territory, to ease the worsening humanitarian crisis. israel controlled land and sea routes into gaza even before the war which began with her mass attacked israel on the 7th of october. a correspondent, i'm in a safe in jerusalem told me will as well the idea of announced that they are opening a new crossing a northern crossing there, calling it is remains unnamed along the northern border of gaza. uh they circulated this video which shows the trucks. uh, during the night between thursday and friday, uh, driving down uh what appears to be a dirt road. uh. they also said that these trucks were not inspected there at that
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check point. but rather in carol shalom where most of the 8 is coming through anyway. but then were diverted around garza to come in through the north and better serve the population and the needs of on the northern side. what's interesting here is this comes about a week after a phone call between us present joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. which biden urged, nothing yahoo to do more to bring aid into gaza the day after that phone call. the israeli government and now so they were going to be opening the air is crossing on the northern border of gauze, or that was the only crossing before october. 7th, that was open. uh, well, the adf now is saying that that is not going to open, but instead they're going to use this on named crossing, which is actually closer to the see. okay, this all sounds good, quite confusing. somebody's unidentified that crossing is not open and functioning for a to pass through as well. the white house has comments out on it and so that they're
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pleased with the developments that what we're seeing now is, is real reacting to the pressure to bring in more aid to gaza. but we don't know that much about a lot of questions remain about how much it can be brought in through this road without any infrastructure, whether or not they are coordinating that aid with 8 organizations. and especially since the truck, the deliveries are being basically processed in cam shalom and south before being driven up to the northern check point. how efficient this is and why they're using this instead of the arrows crossing, which it previously was there. although the arrows crossing has been destroyed, it was destroyed and fighting on october 7th. but the idea has been tight. lived about all these questions and why is it so important for you to come directly into
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kansas mill? well there is a severe shortage of food in gaza, as most 8 organizations are saying. and all of the aid right now is passing through southern points and in order to deliver it to northern gauze, it has to go through a war zone. we've seen a tax on these convoys from mobs from militants, and also from the idea of itself, which has killed aid workers who are driving 8 along that route. so in order to serve the population, lives north who are currently living on about 250 calories a day. this 8 is better brought in through a crossing on the north. so that is what international pressure is urging israel to do. israel appears to be making the 1st steps, but again, a lot of the details still haven't surfaced about how effective this is going to be . okay, thanks. i mean, i'm in a safe, a junior. so now germany's parliament has passed a new low making it easier for transgender into sex and non binary people to use
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that preferred gender identity and legal documents. the self determination act drops of bigotry, psychological legal assessments. supposed to cite the current law by made tons of people take. the thing with a new law has gone into a position from consensus. i'm fine lawmakers on transgender mantle dw won't be revised low means for him. oh the father, the father of 21 year old jamie williams seen him on the last. i'm sharing pictures of his childhood with a friend. then he was a young go. it is on hand as i was, and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child. we grew up together and there was never any difference because we've all the same clothes. we had the same hobbies, and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point, the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years, jamie dressed like a go and went along with society's expectations and then come at the moment and
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then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in this role tool that was being pushed into it and obviously, and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfill this role. but at some point, i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me. that's been aged 15, he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male. under the existing law, which is passed in 1980, the procedure for changing a person's legal agenda was lengthy, expensive, and at times invasive until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda. on the top off on the, at the moment you need 2 independent medical experts and a court order on this. i think you have to pay money for these. if you don't get legal aid on it, simply a very, very long process of jamie says, then you know and makes the process for trends. people much easier that this little
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from some, a self determination means that all i know best to i and then can determine that myself. while the passing of the little remains controversial, especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark moment for gem and these trends into 6 and binary community. it's a floods having coast towns and cities across russia and catholic style. after melting snow calls the old river to bust its banks, tens of thousands of people and catholics down have been evacuated from their homes . the state of emergency decline has been declared that so far, just in russia urge people to leave affected areas. despite reaching historic high levels of flood waters have still not pete the residents and the suburbs of or in book survey, the damage to the homes. trying
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to save the belongings from the waist high floodwaters so you can see the situation for yourselves. this is how high the world, the rows of the last 3 days, which we never expected it to rise so high, which i'll call the furniture upstairs. but it's all floating now. others, the heating official cools to leave the area of the or she's one for the flooding is expected to representative. yesterday they cutoff electricity. we heard the sirens, we had to evacuate, so it's impossible to stay on the emergency cruise and neighboring conflicts done a pumping the water away from populated areas while residents and neighborhoods where the water has already subsided,
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begin cleaning up and assessing the damage with the house the bomb and everything was in the water, you can, you can see the broken refrigerator, the washing machine nc to allowing the height the water levels are expected to rise . the going into the weekend, the floods of the west and the region for nearly a century. southern africa, meanwhile, is facing the opposite problem. in the all, as in bob boy's crops have been destroyed in a drought, and the president says at least $2000000000.00 urgently needed to stop people going hungry. corresponding to privilege was on here. he sent this a 9 to one year old page now is i can combine me from zimbabwe global show and we're all community is inspecting what the lead to is left of these crops visa, hard times for the not doing that in is he contemplates the months ahead in
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good years, he often harvested more than 2 tons of grain from this feud, but this time he will barely get a 50 kilogram sick version is from now i'm to the next tab just in february where we are going to suffer. we are going to stuff or you know, i see a people die. if we to use you prove someone is u. s a v a dry spell? is ricky hovel, across the as in, baldwin and other solid in african countries. the poor range mean about 2700000 people will not have enough to eat on their table is the see it may is, is this tip of food in zimbabwe, but when copes say you like this? it is tough for many families. people are now trying to figure out how they will
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survive in the coming months when the situation is expected to get west is in by was president, is appealed for you. money, terry, and assistance to feed. the hungry top on our pile, piled a g is accumulating food for o, as in bob williams, a nose, but we must succumb to or die from honda. but cold feet is like these are likely to get with scientists predict increasingly frequent droughts in coming years. in the u. n. food and agriculture organization saves countries must be invest in drought proofing the agriculture. but in most countries, investment in the product as account is locked in. so national, international resources partners need to invest in product as it is because it is
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the most important has at 1st sight enough, it got it out for almost like his i q. i'm a home by the old, tentative what that associates like these essential live saving improvements. what was in bob was traditional rein fed agriculture. that's a heights a and it's been a month since the prime minister designed to joining widespread violent unrest reports that time for the government is ready to take over the main task. the incoming administration will be to set up new presidential elections and to write an ann haiti's rampant down violets. the sound of every day life and his capital porto purse, despite some police presence, gang fighting continues. meanwhile, ordinary haitians go about their business in their daily struggle just to get by gunfire all around. but i still have to look after myself. if you make it home from
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work a live, it's thanks to god. the insecurity is increasingly forcing 8 organizations and hospitals to suspend their vital work. adding to the difficulties the country's main airport remains closed. katie is the most populous nation in the caribbean. it has been plagued by violence for years. kings are still thought to control some 80 percent of the capital of porto price. one of the roof problems grinding poverty. haiti is one of the western hemisphere as pores, nations, with 60 percent of the population earning less than $2.00 a day. many hope whoever eventually comes to power in haiti will tackle the economic hardship, fuel and crime. well, this isn't my message. i give them who said they need to see this, what it is. the government has to see the gangs as the aggressor, less of my way, but also as a result of people's misery. you may,
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i ask you for the message about the social injustice that has caused all of this to me this, even if i gotta just relax, you know, but issues, this was the people in government need to understand that we young people need jobs to keep us from turning the other thing off the remote while hades political future hangs in the balance, lawlessness remains a fact of everyday life. restoring some degree of stability will be the 1st order of business for the next government and a precondition for economic development. it's a bad thing to do is celebrating the 6 day sevens. best day of what still it to be the oldest gabriella in the world. fox, a mock the occasion by talking into a sooty treat to change the building, which was just 2 years old. these days she lives in her own enclosure and keeps a distance from this is a good of us. that's say 5 to is the oldest given the inc captivity met life expectancy in the wild issue. i think you up to date of the world news
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at the top of the our next on b w. we have a documentary try some of the developments of the robots explorer perseverance which eventually landed successfully the the big ultima view. companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in get the supply chains does matter to the deal industry. the illegal as a starts may said on dw.


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