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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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months to any peace accusing moscow of trying to influence the outcome of june's elections in the 2nd largest democratic electorate in the world. now this follows the discovery of a russian influencing operation in the czech republic. so what else should we be looking for? russians hiding in the shadows, i'm feel good or invalid, and this is the day the most go has approached european members of parliament as also page european members of parliament in order to promote the russian agenda here. gramlin. we'll continue using this information. my line interference corruption and any other data to 3, we must state a firm stands against this form of corruption and betrayal. laws, politicians, political parties, or governments,
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most probably could have been agents although democracy cannot be taken for granted . the goal is very clear. a recon, to repeat and support for ukraine serves russia on the battlefield is also coming up, fight until you die. ukraine's parliament scraps a propos time limit on soldiers service at the front. it's a bit of blow for families waiting to see them loved ones much. all have a sense of being punished for the patriotism, football and tearing, to fight when the war stones with my husband told me, i can't just sit around. i have to soothe him. someone needs to stay in this country. so if i don't go who will give you my husband's exhausted, he's only 29 and he's already gone. great. really welcome to the day in 2 months, people in 27, your opinion. countries will violets in elections that to be
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a huge problem and it should be a celebration of european democracy, but officials, arkansas, but russia is attempting to influence the outcome. my fears were aroused at the end of march when the check governments shut down a news side called voice of your products and beyond. that was being paid by russia to spread propaganda and final cash. just sympathetic lawmakers in the your p and problems with politicians from germany, france, poland, belgium, the netherlands, and hungry, allegedly given cash, and exchange for making pro russia remarks. well, today belgium's prime minister, alexandra decruz, that he's country, had a formal investigation into the obligations. you said russian spine that works for operating in belgium, on several of your fee and countries. according to our intelligence service, the objectives of moscow are very clear. the objective is to help elect more pro russian candidate studio preemployment. and to reinforce
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a certain pro russian narrative in that institution. the goal is very clear. a recons europe in support for ukraine, serves russia on the battlefield. and that is a real aim of what has been covered in the last weeks. if on christine is a research product would be international center for the defense and security in the stony and capital talent, he's an expert in russian foreign and domestic policy. a welcome to the day. i guess we shouldn't be surprised that russia seeking to influence your opinion, actions certainly there, there should be no surprise, a lot of process continued in times to interfere in democratic processes around the world rather. right now, europe and north america are particularly important targets because the governments in industry regions are giving help to ukraine, argument monitoring systems,
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financial support, and all kinds of political onto per month. okay, to your particular is important for us right now, because it is the com duty to a, to, to your, for your plan. so russia, intervening in the politics of europe is ministry disrupt, that's a supply of age. and us change the strategic environment where a rough size fighting gets to going to achieve what so because even they say they change a couple of votes that's not going to, that's not going to change the, the way them in your opinion, a union as a blog guaranteed the united states as a, as a blog up thinks of ukraine. is it? you start from the, to the point. it's not so much to have a breaking point to have a moment where it'll break sounds more true. continually continuously. the pressure on the societies continuously undermine the credibility of the surface in front of
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the brother population. that's what this information boss. it's meant to create a skepticism divided society. explain to the mission stuff already exist with time . and actually there will be a moment where there's a shift where our will to support ukraine on the will to defend ourselves on our will to stand up to russia or undermine. and that's the non time view, the rest of the house door towards the side of things. and we've also seen this happening in the czech republic. so should we presume that is going on elsewhere across the earth as well? i definitely do every come from europe is looked at ross up through this lens. so this hostile lens of undermining our institutions, of funding divisions of disseminating this information and promoting the vision of the war of aggression who goes to craig. and this is something that an all wheel
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can come 1st, must look into to, to see how it affects them and how to operate with all the or partners and allies to precisely defend themselves and to protect themselves against is constant hybrid or i'm so the back to drop to, to they said costs is your fee and problem entry elections in june in which themselves are expecting to see an increase in the number of right wing and pro russia candidates and passes. certainly, without thinking about specific markets, we come. when i turn with the rest of this information on rough on the subject communications is that is that roughly right, though it's not a legitimate participant in international relations because if it's a grass on against your crime, so it's message doesn't really have a wide spread purchased across the side it is so it really underestimates in different just on,
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on the margins of go spectrum which happens to be very awesome. and the far left on the far right. i'm right now with the shifts and orange politics. rushes particularly trying to capitalize on. that's nice and, and so just to be clear, is it illegal to pay you are paying that, i mean, pays and is it a legal for them to receive payment? this is something the, the don't many specific regulations. i don't want to mislead the audience and by saying that it's definitely legal or legal done differently. dark ethical questions when it comes to accepting payments for disseminating specifically best messages or not engaging in due diligence when it comes to writing the appearances when it comes to association. so i was going to start with ethical questions on the legal elements.
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it's something to be uh uh to review. okay, because it costs a lot of here and problem. it does have full when it comes to corruption, it's phone the vice president, eva kyle. he's currently fighting obligations connected to the so called katasha gate scandal. certainly this refers large under capable household power. you know, there are many other actors that are to be way maybe even without the as wide emissions as rough when it comes to international relations blocked or so there's. so you're trying to promote on the bus or agendas. so this expert doing this similar mechanisms. 18th, because of cost. i mean, i'm glad you're, you're right. so it's, it's not just russia ameris. i suppose the various, this tendency to, to suspect or to see russia or proteins, hon. behind pretty much everything that goes wrong. always is rush over to the brush. the do that did rest of course, this election to go this way. i'm not,
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i mean, i mean that's in your mind as opposed to some extent, that winning, or the most part indeed with the russell wants to be seen as a great power. and that's a major player in global politics on, in your defense who wants to be seeing us thought that said, let's russia it still stops out to because of its intent because the actors, you know, let me click upon marco they, there. i am sorry, not as a comprehensive on that they don't have of intention to completely redo all the your security arbor. right. you've written that this russian meddling is well fat without crossing the threshold into outright wool. so how difficult does that make it calibrating a response? it makes, it makes it quite difficult because indeed traditional secure, dumped additional defense. they assume that there will be some sort of open the
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possibility that the opponent. ready will the will make them themselves be seen and be evident that they are a spectrum against you. in this case, it is all through some version, it's smaller or something of the cold war. although fault with new instruments, in this case respond the best responses, ro, societal resilience. and we can go into the specifics but create in our society that is resilient in front of this information in front of active measures. some of this political work for it can also have an effect of the parents and the stopping cost collectors from engaging and just i'll give it to you when you're given as much to think about as we thank you for that event increased from the international center for the defense and secure se in time, thank you so much. thank or the ukraine is urgently appealing to its allies for more ad defend supplies as it
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struggles defend waves of russian. ms. sile and john strikes the call comes in response to a renewed rest of the sofa energy supplies and infrastructure. i've tried to strike has destroyed one of the few frames and major power funds to pill. skip plants, was the largest energy supplied for keys and 2 other regions. might mazda and as well studies senior fellow at kings coverage london a welcome back to the w mike. so you're training defenses brought down 57 of the i to to incoming mist 1000 drums. and what does this tell us about the state of new kinds and defense systems? what i look is always in a defense commander in charge of defending a city. i'd want to take out every enemy, projects, all wheel drive and they'll play in that came towards me. another thing is the lack of skill they've been doing this for months. it tells us that they simply don't have the missiles and all the projectiles to take out the incoming russian
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drones and planes and missiles. all right, i'm very suspicious. pain, a thing for our, for perhaps the last 6 months to a year of this will the lack of a temporary on the training side. this is, it has. yeah. and this is specifically about the at croft missile defense which is most specialist. and i'll tell her a alternately, i munition you producing great bulk and ship it to the front lines and then it gets part of the enemy. but as we've seen, you know, ac russian or either drains or pines or missiles came out of a last night. so that's not very many. you don't need very many defense missiles, but each one is, is more expensive, more testing, you know, it's in a heat seeking, so they're more technically complicated. then i'll turn around and, you know, we've seen in the news again over the last year this, to worry about, are they going to get the american patriot system? are they going to have enough themselves for it? this is part of the why the story in ukraine, which is the ukraine,
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doesn't really have all of the munition that it needs to put through the weapon systems that it's already been given. russian has been targeting energy facilities across the inc, trying since the beginning of the war, the rates of success appears not to be increasing. what has changed. mm hm. well absolutely. they've been doing it for about 18 months now, and that was uh, you know, it is a real crime. we do need to say that right, targeting energy facilities that civilians use is a will kind of. but, but what's changed is you'll, you'll view, as you probably know the over the last 6 months, ukraine has been starting to hit russian oil production, oil refinery facilities, and that's causing problems in russia. so there is a renewed russian focus on targeting a bit of a tit for tat, really targeting ukrainian supplies. and of course, as we've already mentioned, the kinds of running out sold the defensive missiles that they need. so this
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$60000000000.00 worth of a, a for ukraine that's, that's still being blocked by the us congress. anyway, the flag gets passed pretty quickly. how much difference tenants, how much time will it take to actually make a difference? this? uh well, uh, you know, some of some of what happens when appropriations get made is that it, it, it covers an order that goes into the us, some industry stocks and the us ministry is able to immediately give away once it has and it stops. and then the order that that is going from the appropriation will then restore the us military. so the question is really the balance between those 2 . but to answer your question directly, it's not going to make an immediate difference. we're talking, you know, a month, 6 weeks and was that goes on more and more days in russian drawings and planes and miss, how's it going to get through the defences and talking to her thoughts. products. like i said, that's a clearly ministry analyst, mike boston for kings college monday. thank you. meanwhile,
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ukraine's parliament has passed and you know, make it easier to call up new recruits. it requires old man age between 18 and 60, to carry documents showing that they've registered with the ministry. that will also provide soldiers with incentives like cash, bonuses, or money towards the cost of a house, or call. a new troops desperately need a head of the votes in parliament. a general told lawmakers that ukrainian soldiers ay number 10 to one in places. but that was bad news. both surfing the troops. parliamentarians dropped a clause from the little that would have placed time limits on the service versions the life of the mobilization after 3 years. the emission is a bits of blog for baffled, barely troops, some of whom have been fighting since the war big to wear a training ground near keys in just a few weeks time. the soldiers will head back to the front lines where they've been
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since about shooting. they did 2 years ago. the last year i got 5 days off. lots of guys in my units have families who have gone abroad. some have even become grandfathers and they've never met their grandkids hops. they never will. but this isn't alex on this 1st experience of will. he served in the army of to 2014 when ukraine was fighting russian bucks that protest and don't boss. he left in 2020 to start to business. the family, his wife and his 3 year old daughter have barely seen him since he went back to his unit, tells to the full scale invasion that the if you it's hold to be serving until 2025 . you know that if you survive, you'd be going home. if people come make plans, they get depressed and then they start making mistakes. alexandra tells us it's not a question of wanting to lead straight away. it's about feeling some kind of control being able to plan your life that he's convinced which piece morales, the mobilization of to 18 months on the front lines are
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a total of 36 months service with both discussed when this little made its way through parliament. it was central to the russian now for the new pulling up the soldiers to give veterans a chance to recover. in the end, any mention of the mobilize ation was dropped with little pri, wounding, from the me, returning prisoners of to get an exception. or to a good target, russia is preparing to mobilize at least 300000 man over the next 6 weeks. that's in addition to 150000 during that movie service. that could be another wave of mobilization. and the also, it was more to do in this situation, de mobilizing experience, soldiers would be suicide. well, if you put the solution before, based on the way the soldiers wives and mothers protesting the parliament, don't expect the husbands to come home right away. what they want is clarity,
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much really recal husbands of being punished for the patriotism volunteering to fight when the war stones with my husband told me, i can't just sit around. i have to say someone needs to defend this country. so if i don't go who will my husbands exhausted? he's only 29 and he's already gone gray. slavery's for now. no one in new cranes, minute trio politics wants to make promises to these families that they know they'll most likely have to break. what they can do is make sure it's not just those who volunteered in the id days as the will. there's a left defending ukraine's front lines and germany's chance of that is of the china this weekend on a 3 day visit that promises to be something on a tightrope, act as m. o. life shouts will be accompanied by a posse of german business leaders reflecting the fact that these countries investments in china is at record levels. despite the looming trade route between
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china, i'm the repeating union over subsidies. but the shelves is also expected to press page and not to support russia and is war against ukraine. it does show you hold the key to the outcome of russia's war against ukraine. as german chancellor will have sold heads on his 2nd visit to beijing prussian farm, and that's the 2nd left grove was already that, both on a mission to seek china supports over ukraine who loved ones. i wish certainly it wouldn't be that china uses the influence. it has on russia. good. mustn't come on his last visit, late 2020, to solve the claim to diplomatic when getting see, to public, the push back on the russian president vladimir putin, the new clients right now. solution has been ton to speaking of new cable, raising the question, cash sold gets sheet to speak out again. since the last visit germany has declared
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the risking. the cornerstone of its new china is trusting amount to the new which is tilting tough on satera trade. in europe, we have a very clear principle for dealing with china. the risk, not the couples talking to china clearly and hopefully is the right approach for jim and companies don't seem to be listening. instead, they've been investing more in china than ever before. a record 11900000000 bureaus in 2023 alone chinese prison. she sees the concept of risky as a threat to his country's development pointing. that's prime minister my router of confrontation over attempts to limit china has access to the highest level tip technology attends, backed up to sol since visit it's successful last week, the message by once he can achieve on ukraine. schultz also knows that any chinese support and branding in russia wouldn't come for free from today. definitely
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political correspondent, simon young. welcome, simon. so what influence does germany have on china when it comes to basins backing for russia in the ukraine war as well? so i think if you're talking about the influence, you have to see germany. i'm trying to raise impulse in for jim and a i think it's a bit more trade and then the other way around that. and last year, jim and he came up with a new showing strategy talking about that. so the tougher approach to hear about the risk getting this is i have a lever to use a fat bowling. feels that it doesn't have previous something china has done or, or might do. uh but uh oh thats schultz i think using college also. i see the point that the german chinese trade is really important for jobs here. and so the
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german economy is a whole, so, you know, it's a tight right? well, for him, when it comes to ukraine, showed says what he was going off, the chinese was to ortiz, to sort of act as a media to and in the, the ukraine will. well, that's going to be difficult because, you know, china has been supporting russia is economy. and so i think when you know, the gym and officials talk about it's showing is loss of reputation because it's aligned we've, we've most go, uh, you know, uh that to it may be difficult to, to really persuade them to change cost that might listen to bowling but that influence is difficult, stoker and the more about this job in a tight rope a was because we have the government invalidated, saying it wants to de risk its economic relationship with china. while at the same time, same record levels of jim and a business investment that i'm to lots of people that seem somehow all odd as
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well. yeah. what to what is the risking main? it means to reducing exposure in particular to political risks, but that is difficult. to do again, as i said, because there's such a close relationship between the, these 2 economies. and at the moment the german economy is wait. so a china remains deputies largest international trade in port and uh and uh, it produces cheap products for the gym and market gym and business. these things they can still compete on, on quality. and that's why that continuing to invest in china. in fact, of course, we're really talking about just a few small. i think big jam and a company is a, it's, it's the chemicals john b, i s f as the engineering john z minutes and the call makers, their role as thinking about their relationship with john. if i can prevent,
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the risking may may in fact mean moving some production into china rather than pulling out but small uh, a medium sized gem and businesses. i think of ready to change the approach end of already pulled some production away from, from join a quick. what about another contentious issue with china and that is taiwan. where is germany on that issue? or would you always go to friendly relations with taiwan and, you know, it has stepped top of things like corporation in the civil society and legal cooperation. a german government administer visited to i one last year for the 1st time and 26 years. and you know, there's a lot of good words around it, but when it comes to the relationship between taiwan and beijing gym and is a lot, vega, it says, you know, stability across the taiwan strait is important for the global economy for the
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european economy, particularly of course because of the role of taiwan and semi conductor production . but you know, again the concerns from the land on this issue a lightly to be heard, but in beijing, but i doubt they'll be very much taken to also make much of a difference. okay, and it's not so i'm in the data, but it will correspondence, simon. yeah. and that is the dice at the end of the week you can follow out same on social media at the w news, lasers that headlines, of course on dw, don't come on with the w. fernando from the tell you on today's time spending as part of your day with us have a good day, have a great weekend. the
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