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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin is real says it's opened a new inc crossing into a goes up with the 1st trucks carrying vinyl supplies. already arriving in the territory as follows, increasing international pressure and warnings of famine and starvation on the ground. also coming up in the program. after months on the islands, haiti's government formerly calls for the formation of a transitional counsel to move racers hopes of an end to the turmoil and the trouble of caribbean country. and germany's parliament makes it easier for people to change their name and gender on official documents. we look at what this
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controversial means for transgender people. here the i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. israel says the 1st aid trucks have entered gaza through a newly open crossing point in the north of the territory. pictures provided by these really military of peter additional vehicles caring desperately needed supplies across the border, is really government is under increasing international pressure to allow more aid into the territory. to use the worsening humanitarian crisis, there is real control. the land and sea rose to gauze and even before the war, which began with a mazda attacked israel on october, the 7th. so could be a delivery through this new crossing indicate that these rules wrapping up a distribution the territory dw is i mean, assess, told us more well,
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the white house has comment on it. and so that they're pleased with the developments that what we're seeing now is, is real reacting to the pressure to bring in more age to gaza. but we don't know that much about it. a lot of questions are made about how much it can be brought in through this road without any infrastructure, whether or not they are coordinating that aid with 8 organizations. and especially since the truck, the deliveries are being basically processed in cam shalom and south before being driven up to the northern check point. how efficient this is and why they're using this instead of the arrows crossing, which it previously was there. although the arrows crossing has been destroyed, it was destroyed and fighting on october 7th. but the idea has been tight lipped about all these questions. here's
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a more of the latest developments in the war in gaza. israel has intercepted thousands of missiles fired across its border from london on the run back to militant group has been lost, as it carried out. the attacks in response to is really strikes and southern lebanon. israel is also preparing for possible attacks by run retaliation for an error strike on the ringing embassy and syria is really so let us have strong, a village in the occupies westbank setting fire to houses and killing at least one palestinian violence flared as thousands joined to search for missing was rarely teenager separately, as rarely forces shot dead to other palestinians in reigns in the west bank. and in other news, german airlines with tons of is extending the expand on flights to iran after withdrawing services this week because of safety concerns. increasing number of countries or warning their citizens, i can travel to the mid east and we turn to haiti now where the government has
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issued a decree, formalizing the creation of the transitional presidential council, but without naming any of its members. the move is an attempt to file the ongoing to rely on the country caused by arms criminal games. the prime minister has promised to step down one successor has been found. the decree is the 1st step towards the new elections in 2026, but many questions surrounding the transitional council and who will be on if we remain on the answer. earlier i spoke with human rights lawyer in active is brian cannon. he stressed that a function transitional council has not yet been established in a form in one could be very tricky. so it's important to note from the beginning that there is no council and eligible has not been appointed. everybody was expecting a council to be appointed, but if you look at the document that the current government has issued and prime minister ariel henry is still in office,
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he hasn't been able to come back to 80 since march 5th. but he is still in office and his government is still running. they said that the people designated for the council who designated after 5 weeks of negotiation, they can now apply to his government to see if they're eligible. once the government decides who's eligible the the council can be installed when the prime minister makes the necessary recommendations. remember he's in california, but after that happens, you still don't have a new government. ringback until a new prime minister has been, has been agreed on and named. and it looks like it's going to be at least more at least weeks. and probably months before the transitional council actually takes office if ever. so in the short term, you're certainly not going to be any progress against the gags because there's not going to be a transition in order to to pursue the gags. so there's,
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is there anything, at least at the moment that this council can do to help bring into violence, or is it going to be a continuation of the status quote for the next coming weeks or months? as you said, i mean, the council doesn't exist. it's like you would meet, can't do anything they, they have no power they, they will not be installed. and it looks like the government is trying to keep that from happening as long as it can. and remember, this is a government that has been documented to have collaborated with the gangs against political opponents. for years. it is dismantled, hades eighty's democracy in ways that made the emergence of gang inevitable. so what steps can actually the police or the military actually take tell brain in the violence that has crippled the government for so long? i mean, again, with these delays that the government keeps doing, there's not much they can do a police on a daily basis are, are very courageously doing their best without adequate equipment without adding
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direction. they will probably keep trying to do that, but they're really not going to be effective until you have a transition in 80. and it looks like the current government is, is dead set against that transition. well, it seems like we're really seeing desperate scenes there. so where does this leave the people of haiti? is there anything that they can do as we heard? 100000 people have already been forced to flee the capital. i mean, at least people to flee these people hide under their beds. this is really disappointing because people had felt that this, that this of presidential council did have some possibility of, of leading to better days for 80. i guess it's still possible, there will be better days, but it's not going to come for a long time. oh, it's only hope that it does come at some point that was brian canyon from the institute for justice and democracy in haiti. thank you very much for talking with us today. germany's parliament has passed a new law making it easier for transgender intersects and non binary people to use
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their preferred gender identity or legal documents or the self determination act, drops obligatory psychological and legal assessments support or say the current law violate and they can be of trans people, but the new bill has run into opposition from conservative and fluoride lawmakers. one strange under mental dw what the river revised law means for him. oh, the father, the father, the 21 year old jamie williams seen him on the left. i'm sharing pictures of his childhood with a friend back then he was a young go put it on hand as i was, and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child, we grew up together and there was never any difference because we've all the same clothes we had the same hobbies and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years, jeremy dressed like a go and went along with societies expectations and then come at the moment which
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and then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in this role, the tool that was being pushed into it. and obviously it's, and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfill this role. but at some point i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me okay. excuse me. it's been this is age 15. he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male. under the existing rule which is passed in 1980, the procedure for changing a person's legal agenda was lengthy, expensive, and at times invasive. until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda. on the top off on the, at the moment, you need 2 independent medical experts and a court order on this as a gift to pay money for these. if you don't get legal aid on it, simply a very, very long process of jamie says, then you know and makes the process for trends. people much easier to move that
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this little from some a self determination means that i know based who i am and can determine that myself . while the passing of the little remains controversial, especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark moment for gem and these trends into sex and on binary community. and there was a heated debate before the new vote on the new law was a member of parliament from the opposition christian democrats explaining why she was going to vote against it. and move this little enables every citizen to change the agenda without having to assess out the motivation on the and it causes problems for which no solutions were found in legislative consultations kind of do it on the top, there is no protection against possible abuse. and when 1st names and gender identity can be changed without conditions,
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thoughts that the state does not even ensure that people who change the agenda are really informed about what they are the siding and the most importantly, it disregards the states duty to protect children, the minus once you julie monroe is a trans active is here in berlin. we asked her to respond to some of those points. as we know from, for example, there was a survey from transferred to you if they examined all the countries in europe who have ever attempted to munition law actually. and these concerns that as abuse or something like this it's, it's not the reality because this is not known. any case russian problem strikes have destroyed one of ukraine's biggest power plants. as most scale launches are renewed assault and ukraine's national energy grid. the plan for 3 pills because the largest supplier to the capital, key of and to other regions,
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officials say more than 200000 people are now without power to create it has for peter to us appeals to allies for help and strengthening its air defenses. meanwhile, floods have engulfed the cities and towns across russia and cause its done after melting snow caused the river to burst its banks. tens of thousands of people and caustics done have been evacuated from their homes, and the state of emergency declared as authorities in russia urge people to leave affected areas. despite reaching historic levels, floodwaters have still yet not pete the residents and the suburbs of or in book survey, the damage to the homes. trying to save the belongings from the waist high flood waters. so you can see the situation for yourselves,
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for this is how high the water rows of the last 3 days, which we never expected it to rise so high, which i'll call the furniture upstairs. but it's all floating. now the others, the heating official, cools to leave the area of the door. she's one for the flooding is expected to have yesterday they cut off. i like tricity, we heard the sirens, boom, we had to evacuate. so it's impossible to stay. emergency crews in neighboring conflicts done a pumping the water away from populated areas while residents and neighborhoods where the water has already subsided, begin cleaning up and assessing the damage. nobody was in the house, the bomb and everything was under water. you can, you can see the broken refrigerator, the washing machine nc to allowing the water levels are expected to rise. the going
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into the weekend, the flood, to the west and the region for nearly a century. it's a very special day for one of the german capitals residents, the rolands who was celebrating the 67th birthday of what's thought to be the oldest gorilla in the world. not to mark the occasion by talking into a 40 treat. she came to berlin when she was just 2 years old. these days she lives in her own enclosure and keeps her distance from deserves other guerrillas. let's say 52 is the oldest girl and captivity, their life expectancy in the wild as far shorter the . and here's a reminder of the top story. well, following for you at this hour, the 1st aid trucks have entered garza through a newly opened northern border. crossing agencies have repeatedly warned of famine
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in parts of the territory and you're up to date, but who stick around up next are show her looks at how migrant women contribute to the countries of origin, transit and destination. thanks for joining us. the name is the calls back, saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud. you guys would have being nosy bay, like get everyone talking to healthy award winning called called don't call back why do humming dads not get drunk? why do good.


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