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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. israel says it's opened, the new 8 crossing into goes up. the 1st trucks carrying the final supplies, arriving to the territorial reading as follows, increasing international pressure and warnings of famine and starvation on the ground. also coming up in the program after 5 months of violence, haiti's government formerly calls for the formation of a transitional counsel, to move raises, hopes of an end to the tomorrow in trouble in the troubled caribbean country, the
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america and ruling. thank you very much for doing. and israel says the 1st aid trucks have entered garza through a newly open crossing point in the north of the territory. pictures provided by these really military pure additional vehicles carrying desperately needed supplies across the board. are these where the government is under increasing international pressure to allow more aid into the territory to use the worst mean humanitarian crisis, there is real control of land and sea wants to guys even before the war, which began when her mazda attacked israel on october. the 7th so could be a delivery to the cross it through this new crossing indicate that is real, is wrapping up a distribution the territory w. as i mean s of told us more than that as well. the white house has comments out on it and so that they're pleased with the developments that what we're seeing now is, is real reacting to the pressure to bring in more aid to gaza. but we don't know that
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much about a lot of questions remain about how much it can be brought in through this road without any infrastructure, whether or not they're coordinating that aid with 8 organizations. and especially since the truck, the deliveries are being basically processed in cam shalom and south before being driven up to the northern check point. how efficient this is and why they're using this instead of the arrows crossing, which it previously was there. although the arrows crossing has been destroyed, it was destroyed and fighting on october 7th, but the idea has been tight lipped about all these questions. we turned to haiti now where the government has issued a decree, formalizing the creation of a transitional presidential council, but without naming any of its members. the move is an attempt to quote the ongoing
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turmoil in the country caused by an armed criminal gangs. the prime minister has promised to step down once the successor has been found. the degree is the 1st step towards the elections of 2026. many questions surrounding the transitional council and who will be on its remain on the answer. now earlier i spoke with human rights lawyer and active as bryan concannon's, the stress that a functioning transitional council has not yet been established. and that for me, one can be very tricky. so it's important to note from the beginning that there is no council and eligible has not been appointed. everybody was expecting a council to be appointed. but if you look at the document that the current government has issued and prime minister ariel henry is still in office, he hasn't been able to come back to 80 since march 5th. but he is still in office and his government is still running. they said that the people designated for the council who designated after 5 weeks of negotiation,
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they can now apply to his government to see if they're eligible. once the government decides who's eligible the the council can be installed when the prime minister makes the necessary recommendations. remember he's in california um after that happens you still don't have a new government. ringback until a new prime minister has been, has been agreed on. indeed, and it looks like it's going to be at least more at least weeks. and probably months before the transitional council actually takes office, if ever. so in the short term, you're certainly not going to be any progress against the gags because there's not going to be a transition in order to to pursue the gags. so there's, is there anything, at least at the moment that this council can do to help bring into violence, or is it going to be a continuation of the status quote for the next coming weeks or months? as you said, i mean, the counselor doesn't exist. it's like you would meet,
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can't do anything they, they have no power they, they will not be installed. and it looks like the government is trying to keep that from happening as long as it can. and remember, this is a government that has been documented to have collaborated with the gangs against political opponents. for years, it is dismantled, hades eighty's democracy in ways that made the emergence of gangs inevitable. so what steps can actually the police or the military actually take tell brain in the violence that has crippled the government for so long? i mean, again, with these delays that the government keeps doing, there's not much they can do a police on a daily basis are, are very courageously doing their best without adequate equipment without adding direction. they will probably keep trying to do that, but they're really not going to be effective until you have the transition in 80. and it looks like the current government is, is dead set against that transition. well, it seems like
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a really thing desperate seems there. so where does this leave the people of haiti? is there anything that they can do as we heard? 100000 people have already been forced to flee the capital. i mean, at least people to flee, it leads people to hide under their beds. this is really disappointing. because people had felt that this, that this of presidential council did have some possibility of, of leading to better days for 80. i guess it's still possible, there will be better days, but it's not going to come for a long time. was the only hope that it does come at some point that was brian canyon from the institute for justice and democracy in haiti. thank you very much for talking with us today. so here's a brief look at some more stories making headlines around the world. are united states the judge has rejected 100 biden's bid to dismiss a federal firearms case against them. by them is accused of lying about his prague use on a form in 2018 to buy
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a gun. that some of us president says the charges against him are politically motivated. supporters are demanding the release of the former ecuadorian vice president for hagen gloves. he was detained when ecuadorian security forces storms, mexico's embassy and kito, where he'd been granted political asylum. bloss is wanted in ecuador, and corruption charges, mexico, as launch a complaint with an international court. britain and spain have resumed talks about the status of gibraltar and hoping to agree on whether the u. k overseas territory . for main part of the, you know that person has left, the block realtor lives on access to spain for jobs and freight one person has been killed and 7 others injured in the cable car accident and turkey. the cabin hit a pylon and burst open, causing passengers to pledge to the mountain side below. 2 children are among the injures and you have a city on top of the in southern africa,
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persistent drought is threatening to destroy some 80 percent as in bob waste food crops, the countries present. emerson, buying, they've got one says at least $2000000000.00 originally needed to prevent people from going hungry, or dw can support responding privilege. most of the few re sent us this report. a 9 to one year old page now is the key. i'm a come by me from bob was global show and we're all community. he's inspecting what lead to is left of these crops visa, hard times for the not doing that in is he contemplates the months ahead. you know, good years, he often harvested more than 2 tons of grain from this field, but this time he will barely get 50 kilograms sick or vision is from now on to the next tab just in february we really think we are going to
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suffer. we are going to stuff, or you know, i see people die. what if we to 0 prove someone cuz he's u. s a v a dry spell is ricky hobbled across. the, as in, bob went and others sold in african countries. the port range mean about 2700000 people will not have enough to eat on that table. as the see, it may is, is this tip of food in zimbabwe, but when copes say you like this? it is tough for many families. people. i'm now trying to figure out how they will survive in the coming months when the situation is expected to get west is in by was president is appealed for your money, terry and assistance to feed. the hungry top on our pile priority is securing food for them. by millions, a nose,
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but we must succumb to or to die from honda. but quite feels like these are likely to get with scientists predict increasingly frequent droughts in coming years. in the u. n. food and agriculture organization saves countries must be invest in drought proofing the agriculture. but in most countries, investment in the product as again, is locked in. so national, international resources partners need to invest in thought resilience because it is the most important and has that foresight enough for got it out for almost like is a chemical imbalance or tentative. what that associates like these essential live saving improvements? what was it about? was traditional rein fed agriculture. earlier i spoke with robert mclean and professor of geography and environmental studies at the will for lower university
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in waterloo, canada. i began by asking him to tell us more about the only annual weather phenomenon in white africa is silver honorable to it. or sure, it's so naturally occurring climate phenomena that happens once or twice each decade. uh, it started about 10 or 11 months ago and it will be at being later this year. it's initiated when trade winds over the pacific ocean. we can allowing really warm water off the coast of asia to migrate across the surface of the pacific ocean where it cools on, on the west coast of the americas. when this happens, it starts to have an effect on global temperatures and precipitation patterns. so we've seen record high temperatures globally over the last 10 or 12 months. we're also seeing changes in precipitation patterns, particularly in southern africa and western africa. for example. this is a part of the world in southern africa where there is a distinct rainy season that runs from november until april will this year, what happened because of bell nino is that the rainy season started later than
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usual. and there was not as much rain, especially in february, as would be in the normal year. and now the range of pretty much finished for the year, leaving the seems that we saw in the earlier a segment where crops are failing over half of the mays, crops in southern africa have failed. and things look very dire right now for food supplies. and we are seeing some pictures right now, which do i give a feeling of that dire situation there in right now. but africa has often had long periods of prolonged road is a continent especially vulnerable to climate change. so it is and not just grow, but also the impacts of extreme storm events and flood events. in fact, last year, at this time, there were severe floods in many parts of southern africa. and there's a few reasons for this one and said again, that very seasonal precipitation regime, where most of the rain falls in one period of the year. and then there's no rain for months afterwards. so that makes the, the southern part of africa in particular, very vulnerable to either
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a poor monsoon season, up for a rainy season, or conversely, a very heavy rainy season as well. we also have large numbers of poor people and people who are farmers, or have subsistence livelihoods much higher percentage than in other parts of the world, which makes those people especially exposed and at risk to drive it sends whether extreme weather events. i will recall also that in 2018, the city of cape town in south africa almost ran out of water because of the success of years of low precipitation. and we also have a very large young population. so of the 20000000 people in southern africa were right now who are facing food shortages. a very large percentage of them are children who obviously are much more at risk for health, implications for during periods when there's not enough food to eat. i'm afraid we have to leave it there. that was robert mcclendon. thank you very much for your
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assessment. thank you. and finally, it's a very special day at the berlin zoom with us, celebrating the 67th birthday of what's thought to be the oldest carrillo in the world to mark the occasion by talking into a fruity treat. she came to berlin when she was just 2 years old. these days, she lives in her own enclosure and keeps her distance from deserves other guerrillas. let's say 52 is the oldest girl in captivity. their life expectancy in the wild as far shorter. no good for her. and here's a quick reminder of the top stories we're following for you. at this hour. the 1st aid trucks have entered garza through a newly opened northern border. crossing agencies have repeatedly warned openings and in parts of the territory and have these government has issued as decrease formalizing recreation or transitional presidential council. but without leaving any of its members to move is an attempt to close the ongoing turmoil the
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country caused by armed criminal gangs. and with that, you're up to date produce sticker round up. next rep takes a look at one of your most successful vehicles. the volkswagen golf car with a cult following around the world. i'll be back in the hours with another bolt of thanks for joining us. the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in get the supply chains, does matter to the automobile industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw vw go, the most successful call in the world explored and.


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