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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, us president fight, and it gives a one or of warning to a wrong should it consider attacking israel. the president says the us is devoted to defending, as well as he raises concerns of a possible iranian strikes. also coming up on our show today, after months of violence, hate a formalize is the creation of a transitional council. the long delayed move could help restore order, but it leads many key questions. so on answers the,
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i'm clear, richardson, thank you very much for joining us. us president joe biden says he expects iran to attack israel it sooner rather than later. he warns tyrone against any attack, well, underscore in washington's commitment to defending israel. fears of iranian retaliation have been building since an error strike widely blamed on israel hit tyrone consulate in damascus on april 1st, as well has ramped up. it's a tax on a wrong link to target such since the october 7th terror attacks stairs biden, with a message for ron semerano. i'm expectation sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? it wrong in this moment. don't i? earlier as our correspondent, rebecca rivers,
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what information israel has on the likelihood of an iranian attack as well. the exact concrete information that either the us or is riley intelligence have is difficult to ascertain. we don't know exactly what they know, they obviously only want to give you that information publicly what they want to know what they want to be known publicly and everything that we have come from limited briefings leaks, reports and the like. but what we do know is that most iran and israel, as you've just reported their president by and both sides taking this face threats incredibly seriously. we've been, they've been now more than a week. these threats and they are a not, they're not messing around the us, bolstering defense. it's defense and deterrence in the region as you just reported there. and we've been a also have getting reports. so there been reports in the, in the us media to suggest that iran has also threatened us targets in the region.
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should they come in defense of israel, as they have said, they would do. so both sides taking the, these threats from iran incredibly seriously. what we all hearing from is riley intelligence, is that they are particularly looking particularly worried about targets in the south of the country around a lot on the border region there. and as well in the north of and night we saw some rocket fire and drones come in from his blood. they claimed responsibility for that . it was one of the biggest attacks we've seen in a while, though it is largely thought that that is a continuation of the tit for tat with thing, rather than some kind of escalation. when it comes to this a right in front, though, it could also be said in middletown unless i have been, you know, potentially some i think that that could also be trying to get a busy up the troops and the results as the israel have in order for a round to be able to attack. so, you know, still a lot unclear and everybody really waiting with bated breath to see how this will
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play out. rebecca writers, speaking to me earlier, ukraine's parliament has passed a new law making it easier to call up new recruits. it requires old men between 18 and 16 years old to carry documents, showing that they have registered with the military. new troops are desperately needed. a general told lawmakers ahead of the vote that ukrainian soldiers are out numbered at $10.00 to $1.00 in places of parliamentarians also dropped a clause from the law, placing time limits on service earlier versions that allowed for de mobilization after 3 years. and that emission is a bitter blow for battle weary troops, some of whom have been fighting since the war began. a were a training ground near keys in just a few weeks time. the soldiers will head back to the front lines where they've been since about shooting. they did 2 years ago. is the last year i got 5 days off. lots of guys in my units have families who have gone abroad. some have even become
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grandfathers and they've never met their grandkids hops. they never will. this is an alex on this 1st experience of will. he served in the army of to 2014 when ukraine was fighting russian bucks that protest and don't boss. he left in 2020 to start to business, the family, his wife, and his 3 year old to, to have barely seen him since he went back to his unit until after the full scale invasion. it also looked as though. yeah, if you it's hold to be serving until 2025. you'd know that if you survive, you'd be going home. if people come make plans, they get depressed and then they start making mistakes. alexandra tells us it's not a question of wanting to lead straight away. it's about feeling some kind of control being able to plan your life that he's convinced would piece morales, the mobilization of to 18 months on the front lines are a total of 36 months service with both discussed when this loan made its way through parliament. it was central to the russian now for the new pulling up the soldiers to give veterans a chance to recover. in the end,
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any mention of the mobilization was dropped with little pri, wanting me, returning prisoners of to get an exception. a richie, a good target, russia is preparing to mobilize at least 300000 man over the next 6 weeks a year. that's in addition to $150000.00 during that movie service. that could be another wave of mobilization. and the alternate was more to do in this situation, d, mobilizing experience, soldiers would be suicide or open a window solution. episode would be the soldiers, wives, and mothers protesting near parliament. don't expect the husbands to come home right away. what they want is clarity, making sure that y'all have a sense of being punished for the patriotism volunteering to fight when the war stones with my husband told me, i can't just sit around. i have to say is,
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and someone needs to defend this country. so if i don't go who will my husbands exhausted? he's only 29 and he's already gone. great. so anyways, for now, no one in new cranes, military or politics wants to make promises to these families that they know they'll most likely have to break. what they can do is make sure it's not just those who volunteered in the id days as the will. there's a left defending ukraine's front lines. let's get more on this from a mike martin, a worst of these, a fellow at king's college, london. any military expert? i good to see you again. can you tell us why ukraine has made this change to it's mobilization? lot, now at this stage, a lot of things, 2 things. one is, is you know the wars and getting a long time, and it's not obviously the number of killed, but it's pretty 3 times as many injured. and so they're running out of soldiers, and at the same time we can see that russia is mobilizing large number of troops
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continually, you know, the russian population is $43.00 times the kindly and population. so they're much bigger resides on the russian side. i'm what this law is doing is enabling ukraine to, to basically dig in for the long term. it enables it to know that it will have a pipeline of soldiers for the next few years, so that it can, can continue to fight. so tell us a little bit more about what exactly has changed here from previous policies on the issue, what, what are some of the key provisions of this new ukrainian mobilization law? this yeah, so it was pretty controversial is pretty difficult to get it through the cleaning entitlements. but essentially there are 2 or 3 key changes. one is too low uh, the age of which people have been scripted from 27 to 25. and previously they were trying to protect the use of ukraine, and obviously that's less protected. now. they also off the 3 years, you know, you will no longer d mobilize those discussion about whether or not should be brought in. so
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effectively when people get conscripted now you'll in indefinitely until the war ends with a few exceptions. and then they also slightly loosening the criteria, which people can be cold up some medical exemptions. and previously anyone with any criminal record will be exempted. but the serious crimes that exempted but it, you know, if you get cool effect or something you'll, you'll be going into the minute you that doesn't exempt, you can do that, you service. and what this does is it just boosts the number of troops that they conclude upon. i understand that some of these measures at work were quite controversial. and how effective do you think that this law will be in addressing ukraine's manpower capabilities on the battlefield? it will look because, coupled with all of those criteria listening, i just described to you that's great to enforcement. so people have to carry that papers. now when they leave the country, whether they get
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a driving license renewed and people will be checks much more often. so that admitted to registration status, and so there is a much greater level of enforcement going on in the 1st year of the war, i think $20000.00 ukrainians me sledge illegally to escape constriction. and that tried to stop that train going forward with some of the tightening measures that they put in place. mike, thank you. as always, that is a former british army officer mike martin. could keep it's turning out to some breaking news. coming in australia and police have declared a major incident in sydney after reports of multiple stoppings. we're going to take a look now at live footage from the scene. i've just been told unfortunately we are in fact not getting that, but we can tell you that this incident is happening at a shopping center in the bondai districts. we have reports of shots also having
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been fired and police have just released a statement saying that a critical incident has commenced following the shooting of a male at bondai junction. we do in fact have those images for you. now here they are, you're looking at live footage from bondai. now the police also advising the public that they are meant to stay away from the area. we're bringing more on that story as it develops. for now though, we will turn to some other news headlines that are making world news. and united states judge has rejected hunter biden's bid to dismiss a federal firearm case against him. by that is accused of lying about his drug use on a form in 2018 to buy a gun. the son of the us presidents has the charges against him or somebody motivated supporters or demanding the release of the former ecuadorian vice president jorge class. he was detained when ecuadorian security forces storms, mexico's embassy in kito, where he'd been granted political asylum glasses wanted in ecuador,
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on corruption charges. mexico has launched a complaints with an international court. one person has been killed and 7 others injured in a cable car accident in turkey. the kid, the cabin had a pylon and burst open, causing passengers to plunge to the mountain side. below. 2 children are among the injured, near the city of antalya, of the and to germany's parliaments has passed a wall making it easier for transgender intersects and non binary people to change their names and genders and legal documents. the self determination act and drops of blood to treat psychological and legal assessments. the law has also faced opposition from conservative and religious groups as well as some feminist. let's go to hate and now where the government has issued a decree, formalizing the creation of a transitional presidential council, but without naming any of its members of the movie is an attempt to quell the
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ongoing term while in the country caused by armed or criminal gangs. prime minister aria on re has promised to step down once a successor has been found. the decree as soon as the 1st step toward new elections in 2026 by 2026. but many questions surrounding the transitional council and who will be on it still remain unanswered. human rights lawyer and active. as brian concannon's old dw, it could be very difficult for hate to form a fully functioning transitional counsel. it's important to note from the beginning that there is no council and it also has not been appointed. everybody was expecting a council to be appointed. but if you look at the document that the current government has issued and prime minister ariel henry is still in office, he hasn't been able to come back to 80 since march 5th. but he is still in office and his government is still running. they said that the people designated for the council who had been designated after 5 weeks of negotiation,
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they can now apply to his government to see if they're eligible. once the government decides who's eligible the the council can be installed. when the prime minister makes the necessary recommendations, remember he's in california. um, after that happens, you still don't have a new government until a new prime minister has been, has been agreed on and named. and it looks like it's going to be at least more at least weeks. and probably months before the transitional council actually takes office if ever. so in the short term, you're certainly not going to be any progress against the gags because there's not going to be a transition in order to, to pursue the gangs. changing gears now as the fashion world, remembering one of its icons after the death of a tale and designer at roberto kamali at the age of $83.00. for his bold and colorful animal, prince devali founded his own label in 1970. it was popular among the international
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jets that and his clothes are worn by stars, including sophia lorenz, and jennifer lopez. and that is your needs update this hour and clare richardson in for lynn many thanks for watching the i sorry. one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide inspection and one time it is very, very difficult to find out about time on store info. my grands your updates innovation green trend.


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