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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, the news coming to you live from, for atlanta, multiple people stopped and killed in sydney, australia. police killed a suspected attack or an a shopping mall in bondai junction. hundreds are evacuated after to stay with us for the very latest. the welcome to dw news. we begin with some breaking news police saying an attacker has killed a 5 people in a staffing incident that a shopping mall in sydney, australia,
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several others are critically injured. on arms police officer at the same shot the suspected as hacker, dead authorities are now urging people to avoid the area. police say they are not ruling out terrorism as a possible motive. and inquiries are ongoing in relation to the incidents about 10 past right this afternoon. i might have walked into what sort of bundle or junction he's left to say to very shortly after and returned about 20 past, sorry. as he moved through the center and guys with about knowing people it is see that during that engagement a close to those people we believe by stabbing them with i went and he was carrying very clearly a range of reports. we might have the incident police attended properly. i single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended went into the st,
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directed by a range of people. she confronted the santa who had moved by the stage to level 5, as she continued to will quickly be hauling him to catch up with him. he turned flies to rice and off shady shots to far um and that person is now deceased. i'm advised that there are so as victims who are now deceased as a result of the actions of this offense. there are more than several of the people who had been confined to hospital a number of those are in serious annual critical conditions that besides, you know, i do not have the information in relation to the descriptions of those people. i know one of them is i smoke as ease. but
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tyson, in those instance i critical incident has been displayed on investigations in relation to them that i have 2 mates. and i'll continually buy at the same number of the hospitals in the neighborhood area from truly mentoring far as it would appear that this person has acted alone and contains that there is no continuing through police. as i've saved some insight investigations into the matter which will continue through the evening. as i said, i do not have the details of victims who have been killed or this individual know those who have died to hospital for treatment. so i cannot provide you the
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information in relation to then i finally decided that very clearly i've had so yeah. so i size do a one touched light is terribly incident this afternoon. i do not have the information in relation to the same that i do not know at this stage. so if you would be you would understand this is quad roll. a car is very new and we are continuing to like attempts to identify the offender in this matter. so we just heard there from the new south wales police. let's bring in a journalist, roger maynard standing by for us in sydney. roger, thank you for taking this time. can you tell us what is the latest that we know about this incident? yeah, well, this attack is left. australia is shocked by the sheet of severity for which no motive has been established. either at least 6 people have died,
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including the attack a several more, including a 9 month old baby was seriously injured. a penny broke out shortly before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. local time when the shopping center at bone died, junction is that it's busiest eye witnesses spoke of a man with a large knife randomly attacking members of the public, including a mother and child. they spoke a casual to his line, bleeding on the floor and shop is running for the lives local media here. the father who was with his 2 children at the time. anyway, 2 gunshots, it was frightening. you said it was harrowing with a caring and a stool with hundreds of other people. another guy with this scudding tag was looking scaffolded and counting, brandishing a knife and chasing customers. so i really horrendous situation. other shopping mouth, which is that is busiest on saturday afternoon. so very little information about the victims there and, and it does seem we do not yet have from police a motive from the suspected attack, or is it clear whether he was acting alone the police of rudolf any uh,
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2nd person uh in this uh drama. uh certainly that appears he was uh, acting alive and the police have confirmed that they also spoke about the wound and put the police officer who, who sold the attack and ordered him to throw down his weapon when he failed to do so, she reportedly showed him 3 or 4 times. now i'm going to tell you the caribbean seemed running up and down escalators lashing out as people as he went. many customers with whoever and show them separately from their friends or family. and we're waiting outside the the showing of earlier today. hoping to be re, re united as quickly as possible. really, really well, we'll talk meant horror, this major incident and why it happened. does he have to emerge coming? is it a, on a sunday weekend as thousands of sit beside is, went about the set to they have to go shopping. so is it now safe to say that the situation has been brought under control? and do we have a sense of where things might go from here in terms of an investigation into this?
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well, the police have said that there is no ongoing danger. the situation, the drama, the threats is over. and they've not raised the possibility of terrorism, although they have been suggestions that to terrorism might be on those you, but i certainly know confirmation of that at the moment. so it's still pretty much an ongoing investigation. and i suppose you suspect would have wait some hours before we get a much clearer picture of what really went on. well, thank you so much for joining us with the latest there. that is journalist or roger maynard and sydney as to some other news now and us president joe biden says he expects iran to attack israel sooner rather than later. he warrants tyrone against any attack while underscore in washington's commitment of defending israel. fears of a ronnie and a retaliation have been building since an air strike widely blamed on israel hit turbulence consulate in damascus on april. first. israel has wrapped up, it's
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a tax on iran link to target since the october 7th, tara tax. and here's biden, with a message for iran. from the wrong expectation sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to a ron? what is your message to around right now? iran in this moment don't are. earlier i spoke to our correspondent in jerusalem, rebecca rivers and i asked her what kind of information israel has on the likelihood of an iranian attack as well. the exact concrete information that either the us or is riley intelligence have is difficult to ascertain. we don't know exactly what they know. they obviously only want to give you that information publicly what they want to know what they want to be known publicly and everything
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that we have come from limited briefings leaks, reports and the like. but what we do know is that both iran and israel, as you've just reported their president biden, both sides taking this face threat incredibly seriously. we've been, they've been now more than a week. these threats and they are a not, they're not messing around. the us bolstering defense. it's defense and deterrence in the region, as you just reported there. and we've been a also have getting reports. so there been reports in the, in the us media to suggest that iran has also threatened us targets in the region. should they come in defense of israel, as they have said, they would do so both sides taking they, these threats from iran, incredibly serious they what we all hearing from is riley intelligence, is that they are particularly looking particularly worried about targets in the south of the country around a lot on the border region there and as well in the north. over night we saw some
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rocket fire and drones come in from his blood. they claimed responsibility for that . it was one of the biggest attacks we've seen in a while, though it is largely thought that that is a continuation of the tit for tat with thing, rather than some kind of escalation. when it comes to this a writing in front. though it could also be said in middletown, unless i have been, you know, potentially some, i think that that could also be trying to get a busy up the troops. and the result is that israel have in order for a round to be able to attack. so, you know, still a lot unclear and everybody really waiting with bated breath to see how this will play out to rebecca rivers there. and let's move now to some other world news, or united states judge has rejected hunter, biden's bid to dismiss the federal fire on the case against him. biden is accused of lying about his drug use on a form in 2018 to buy a gun. the son of the us president says the charges against him are politically motivated. one person has been killed and 7 others injured and
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a table car accident in turkey. the cabin had a pylon and burst open, causing passengers to plunge to the mountain side below. 2 children are among the injured, near the city of antalya. germany's parliament has passed a law making it easier for transgender intersects and non binary people to change their name and gender and legal documents. these self determination act drops obligatory psychological and legal assessments. the law has faced opposition from conservative and religious groups and some kinds of feminists and you, cranes, parliament has passed a new law, making it easier to call up new recruits. it requires all men between 18 and 60 years old to carry documents, showing that they've registered with the military and new troops are desperately need at a general told lawmakers ahead of the vote that ukrainian soldiers are out number 10 to one in places. parliamentarians also dropped a clause from the law,
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placing time limits on service earlier versions that allowed for de mobilization after 3 years. the emission is a bitter blow for battle weary troops, some of whom have been fighting since the war began. a were a training ground near keys in just a few weeks time. the soldiers will head back to the front lines where they've been since about shooting. they did 2 years ago. the last year i got 5 days off. lots of guys in my units have families who have gone abroad. some have even become grandfathers and they've never met their grandkids. perhaps they never will. but this isn't alex on this 1st experience of will. he served in the army of to 2014, when you crane was fighting russian bucks, that protest and don't boss. he left in 2020 to start to business. the family, his wife and his 3 year old daughter have barely seen him since he went back to his unit tests to the full scale invasion. it also looked as though, yeah, if you were told you'd be serving until 2025, you'd know that if you survive,
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you'd be going home. if people come make plans, they get depressed and then they start making mistakes. alexandra tells us it's not a question of wanting to lead straight away. it's about feeling some kind of control being able to plan your life that he's convinced which piece morales, the mobilization of to 18 months on the front lines are a total of 36 months service with both discussed when this little made its way through parliament. it was central to the russian now for the new pulling up the soldiers to give veterans a chance to recover. in the end, any mention of the mobilization was dropped with little pri, wounding, from the me, returning prisoners a pool, get an exception. richie, a good target, russia is preparing to mobilize at least 300000 man over the next 6 weeks. that's in addition to $150000.00 during that movie service. that could be another wave of mobilization. and the alternate was more to do in this situation. de mobilizing
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experience, soldiers would be suicide with the open window solution. the saw based on the way the soldiers wives and mothers protesting the parliament. don't expect the husbands to come home right away. what they want is clarity, much as you are account, husbands of being punished for the patriotism, football and tearing, to fight when the war stones with my husband told me, i can't just sit around. i have to save someone needs to defend this country. so if i don't go to the who will my husbands exhausted, he's only 29 and he's already gone. great. slavery's for now. no one in new cranes, minute trio politics wants to make promises to these families that they know they'll most likely have to break. what they can do is make sure it's not just those who volunteered in the id. days is the will. there's a left defending ukraine's front lines. a quick reminder for breaking news at this
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hour. police say 5 people have been killed and others are in critical condition. following a stopping incident at a shopping mall and sidney police shot dead, the suspected attacker and say, they are not moving out terrorism as the motive for the attack. that is your news update. thank you so much for watching the rules. we say they're never giving up every weekend on d w. do you big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter will actually cost awesome. comes from illegal capital funds in the m as
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in the yes, the altima view.


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