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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm CEST

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the, the, you watching the w names coming to you live from berlin. 5 people are stopped and killed in sydney, australia. multiple people also injured and an attack and a shopping mall in the city. police killed the suspected attacker at the scene. stay with us for the very latest the . i'm quite richardson, thank you very much for joining us. police in the australian state of new south wales, say an attacker has killed 5 people in the knife attack, any shopping mall, and sidney. several others were injured. some critically,
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an armed police officer at the c shop, the suspected attack or dead authorities are urging people for now to avoid the area. and the police have said they are not ruling out terrorism as a possible motive. they've also said that they are content. if there is no continuing threats here, let's listen to the police as comments after this incident about a ted password this afternoon. i might have walked into what sort of bundle or junction he's left to say to very shortly after and retained about 20 past 3. as he moved through the center and guys with about knowing people it is see that during that engagement a close to those people they believe bought and stabbing them with i went and he was caring. i single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended
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wait enter the soon a directed by a range of people. she confronted the santa who had moved by the stage to level 5 as she continued to will quickly be hauling him to catch up with him. he turned face to rice and off shady shots to far um and that person is there. and so he's not from really mentoring for is it would appear that this person has acted along and contains that there is no continuing for it. and australian prime minister albany is he has expressed shock at the rampage and sidney, but he's also singled out about police officer on the scene for special praise. today ponder junction was saying if shocking bones, but it was also a witness to the humanity and the heroism of that belo stylee and the pride for a of the police officer who she entered
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the proceedings that were taking place. so they say very dangerous by herself. she's certainly here, there is no doubt that she sighed lots of through the correction. and it is a reminder that those people who are away uniform, the people who rushed to dining to not a wife from it was prime minister of an easy speaking there. and let's bring in now it rachelle harris and a plaza journalist following that story for us from sydney. let's start with, with what we know about the victims. what more can you tell us at this stage? well, not a lot. so now what we do know is us at least 6 people have been killed 5 on the scene on one laser in hospital as
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a result of that. so shocking stabbing spray at westfield shopping center, in bone. the junction, which is a, a saw the about 5 kilometers has to the east of the downtown, of the central business district. about 2 clinics is west of uh, cities, famous phone died, beach uh, at least 8 people were taken to hospital in a serious or critical condition, including a 9 month old baby. a local media reports have eye witnesses, the re counseling the, the horrific scenes that they were confronted with as a, as people sled, the shopping center, as people fly to safety and, and in some cases, some bystanders helped those victims. and we do want to hear from soon as i witnesses in just a moment, but 1st crucial as well. can you tell us about the suspected attacker in this incident? is it clear what motive there was behind this? i know we did hear from the new south wales police uh they gave
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a press conference a short time ago. they actually said that there was they had no installation at this stage to give about the alleged offender. apart from that said, they are confident that they were acting alone. um the authorities are still investigating to identify the offender, but there was plenty of video footage. uh uh, going around that shows uh, the male alleged attack a, a joking through the shopping center wielding and nice. as i said, you all going through the shopping center during a very busy sasha day off to noon here. first day of school holidays. uh, thousands of people would have stayed in that shopping center at the time. and yes, so as i said, lots of videos circulating of him a sort of carrying out the attack, forcing people to, to sleep or so i'll stay with us for just
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a moment. we know hundreds of people were evacuated from that mall and we do have some eye witness testimony from the scene that we'd like to share. so i was hiding in the back room. here got shots. of a lot to people. it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it was what was going through your minds were trying to get out. i thought i was going to die. i saw people running but quite clearly in one direction and behind them was a man with an ice running towards them. and people who is running up to them will, you know, trying to. i don't know what he was doing. i just said 111 song being stubs, and so we were inside the all that close the door that we saw, the guy come up with his light is green, shut of its short with a big black north be the same. i just really calmly who was just walking off. he was having an ice cream in the box.
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and then we had a gun air show and these are obviously a shocking and disturbing accounts what we're hearing there, what kind of a public reaction have we heard to this incident in australia which will amongst the public. i mean is there's just been a lot of shellcare because this is not something that we would expect to happen here in australia. i know you recently played a early a play to sound but from australian prime minister anthony alban easy. who said that he, he signed the 1st responders in place for their bravery. but he also said that the that his thoughts with the, with the victims and absolutely can to condemn this horrific act of violence. i also do have to mention that to as the,
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the emergency teams defended on the shopping center gunshots with hood and police confirmed and not really a press conference that's the ledge defend was facially shops. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is a journalist, rachelle harrison plus and sidney. many thanks for your time. and we can bring up to speed now with some other world news headlines. and us and judge has projected hunter biden's bid to dismiss a federal firearm case against him. by the end is accused of lying about his drug gifts on a form in 2018 to buy a gun. the son of the us president says the charges against him are politically motivated. one person has been killed and 7 others injured in a cable car accident in turkey. the cabin had a pylon and burst open and causing passengers to plunge to the mountain side. below . 2 children are among the injured, near the city of until you to and us president joe biden says he expects iran to
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attack israel sooner rather than later. he warns tyrone against any attack, while underscore in washington's commitment to defending israel. fears of iranian retaliation have been building since in error strike wisely blamed on israel hit tyrants consulate in damascus on april. first is rel, has ramped up. it's a tax on iran link to target since the october 7th turbo tax. and here's the president joe biden with his message for ron semerano expectation sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? it wrong in this moment. don't are. i spoke earlier to our correspondent in jerusalem, rebecca betters, and i asked her what information israel has about the likelihood of an iranian
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attack as well. the exact concrete information that either the us or is riley intelligence have is difficult to ascertain. we don't know exactly what they know, they obviously only want to give you that information publicly what they want to know what they want to be known publicly and everything that we have come from limited briefings leaks, reports and the like. but what we do know is that most iran and israel, as you've just reported their president by and both sides taking this face threats incredibly seriously. we've been, they've been now more than a week. these threats and they are a not, they're not messing around the us, bolstering defense. it's defense and deterrence in the region as you just reported there. and we've been a also have getting reports. so there been reports in the, in the us media to suggest that iran has also threatened us targets in the region. should they come in defense of israel, as they have said,
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they would do. so both sides taking, they, these threats from iran, incredibly serious they, well we all hearing from is riley intelligence, is that they are particularly looking particularly worried about a targets in the south of the country around a lot on the border region there. and as well in the north of a night, we saw some rocket fire and drones come in from his bluff. they claimed responsibility for that. it was one of the biggest attacks we've seen in a while, though it is largely felt that that is a continuation of the tit for tat with thing rather than some kind of escalation. when it comes to this a right in front, though, it could also be said in middletown unless i have been, you know, potentially some i think that that could also be trying to get a busy up the troops and the results as the israel have in order for a round to be able to attack. so, you know, still a lot unclear and everybody really waiting with bated breath to see how this will play out are here in germany. the parliament has passed a new law,
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making it easier for transgender intersects and non binary people to use their preferred gender identity and legal documents. the self determination, active drops, obligatory psychological and legal assessments. supporters say the current law violates the dignity of trans people. but the new bill has run into authorization from conservative and far right. mob makers, one transgender man told dw what the revised law means for him. oh, the for the, for the 21 year old jamie williams seen him on the left. i'm with sharing pictures of his childhood with a friend back then he was a young go put it on hand as i was, and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child, we grew up together and there was never any difference. we bought at the same clothes, we had the same hobbies, and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point, the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years,
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jeremy dressed like a go and went along with society's expectations and then come at the moment and then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in this role, the tool that was being pushed into it and obviously, and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfill this role. but at some point, i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me. that's been, this is age 15. he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male. under the existing rule which has passed in 1980, the procedure for changing a person's legal gender was lengthy, expensive, and at times invasive until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda. is these only time off on the, at the moment you need to independent medical experts and a court order on this as a gift to pay money for these. if you don't get legal items, it's simply a very, very long process. so jamie says the new little and makes the process for trends.
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people much easier that this move from some a self determination means that i know best to i and then can determine that myself . while the passing of the little remains controversial, especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark moment for gem and these trends intersects and on binary community. out the fashion world is remembering one of its icons after the death of a tale and design it roberto corvalle at the age of $83.00 known for his bold and colorful animal, prince cabal. we found that his own label in 1970, he was popular among the international jet set and his clothes from one by stars, including so few laurenne and jennifer lopez to just before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story. f s. our 6 people have been killed and others injured in a nice attack at a shopping mall in sydney, australia, police,
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shopped at the suspected attack or at the scene and say, they are not rolling anything out, including terrorism as the modem. and that's all i have for you for now. i'm claire richardson in berlin for me and the whole team here. thank you so much for watching the one of mankind's oldest ambitions to be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researches and scientists all over the world for you know, race against.


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