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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, use my from the land in australia, a man, step 6, people to dance in sydney, a police officer, shoot state, the suspect that the soon to be attacked at a busy shopping malls. several people are injured some seriously, some critically a baby included and runs these is that kind of goes shift linked to as well in the strength of homeboys. it comes as you asked me to show a bite and gives of one word warning through t. ron should have considered attacking is when the president of the school is the
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width of agents to as well. tensions of the region are at breaking the bank visible and woke up a knife wielding attack. it has killed 6 people at a shopping center in sydney. paramedics have been treating patients at the same. several others were hospitalized including a 9 month old baby. shop is pulled out of the building, many and shock. other survivors, he didn't stores or whatever. evacuated bye stuff. a tom, it's police control the area as the injured i rushed to hospital. what began as the usual saturday afternoon and a busy shopping though, ended with fear. panic and death. eye witnesses recounted the scene.
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the go i come up, the history light is 3. should lead shots with a be like not getting say i just really calmly who was just talking about the was have your advice for him and a boss later. the police describe how the attack a dies lea. i single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended way into the sand and directed by a range of people she confronted defend who had moved by the stage to level 5 as she continued to will quickly be holland him to catch up with him. he turned size to rice and north cheney shots to far um and that person is there to
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say australia in 5 minutes. the anthony of an easy crazed police officers, bribery for all of us to not say devastating things of fungi junction beyond fluids or understanding today, bonded junction was saying of shocking balance that it was also a witness to the humanity and the heroism of that fellow australians outbreak, police have 1st responders and of course if we die, people who could never if imagined that that would face such a moment. the immediate danger is now over, but the shock from the certificate that still remains gentle as nick body has been reporting from the seed and joins us. what have witnesses and survivors been telling you? well this go speaking in a state of absolute adrenalin and shop people who have been exiting from the shopping mall today. the people who were forced to locate themselves within shops
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and slightly exits through the fire escapes. and the overwhelming sense is one that this is something that could never of happen to know location like fund i'd ask and usually sites, communities this just the data and palpable sense of shock anymore on the motive, i believe police has been ruling out terrorism. yes, the latest from police to city is a 40 year old man and someone who is known to police, they say that if they've got that the identification correct. and that don't believe that it's terrorist related. there are some accounts from witnesses who saw the man stooping through the soft shopping center, who suggested that it didn't seem as though he was all right. mind, but police haven't provided any further details on what was motivating him to commit these actions. and nick, tell us more about the aerobic officer managed to finally stop the suspect as well. she was a fairly soon the police officer attached to the local police station who just happened incredibly,
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luckily to be in the area. she was taken to it and that was like kind of by people who had been playing from him. she confronted him a lot. there with his accounts that she instructed him to drop his nice. all right, and he didn't show it to him. she's us with a name not to be released by police forces, but they have said that she's getting all of the support from her family and from the police that i can provide to. the very latest day from general is nick bonnie, heidi in sydney. thank you. thank you. look now at some of the other stories making use from around the world. well then, 40 people remain stranded in a cable kind of mentality of day of to one person died and several with injured in an accident. one of the cabins had a pilot and boast open passengers funds to the ground. 2 children are among the injured. they, the city of anti germany's parliament as possible,
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making it easier for transgender into sex and non binary people. to change the name agenda in legal documents, the self determination act drops obligatory psychological and legal assessments. the lower is based off position for conservative and religious groups and some kinds of feminist around the state media. se revolution regard commandos have seized the vessel related to israel. the report said that the seizure took place in the gulf near the state of almost just days after a revolution began, commander said that a run could close the straight, the owner of the ship identified as the m s. c aires. as $25.00 crew members on board, the incident comes as tensions of the region. keep mounting after our suspect it is way the attack on the uranium concert in syria earlier this month. the non has volume to respond off to then add a strike under consulate in damascus. loan the block, the block, then there,
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and how it filtered daddy. it is a still unclear along that of how that i drove him. god bless us president joe biden has volunteered on against attacking is right expectation sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? it wrong in this moment. don't as the threat of food on potential retaliation is growing. several countries including india, france, and russia have bogged their citizens against travel to the region. germany has bogged on its citizens to leave it on and does ride, sees it is prepared to defend itself. on the hello claim we often had in defense, oscar on the ground and indiana. i'm not sure who we are in close cooperation with
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neighbors and friends in order to prevent harm to israel club and we know how to respond to that. that gets out loud. do it on back. various proxy groups throughout the region, such as she militia has, will, which has frequently attacked not done. is ryan, from lebanon since the start of the cause of our or no, a possible confrontation between these. right. and you're on, been flooded. the increased the fear of so for the reason that it was in the middle east. russia has claimed capture of the ukrainian village of pebble mice. good, and the don't yet screech in the russian defense. but history said that the troops had liberated those living there. those days ago that ukrainian parliament possible making it easier to cool off new troops which desperately needed. a general told low make is the head of the vote that ukrainian soldiers are out of the $10.00 to $1.00. then you mobilization law requires old men between 18 and 62 carried
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documents showing they have registered with the military. it also drops at close placing time limits on the surface. earlier i talked to moreno ron from the wall studies department at kings college london. i asked her what branch has captured this village mates? good. they, well, what it tells us and we have to understand where a pair of mice k. yes, it's west of the you've got. so the russians have been pushing along the line west of, of the, around the, wanting get better, the cheaper will, mice getting out their own mice could, has phone. and if used to be a strong hold for ukrainian, um, forces there and it seems like so you is, the russian forces managed to push the 59th most rice, a mechanized brigade out off for my escape. meaning that the ukrainian forces have not been able to gain a foothold on the defensive line. so i assume that the slow push will be continuing westwards. and at the same time,
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we're seeing advances on the opposite direction, such as are bought in the ends up ratio, such as, again, trusting the, our, uh, sales of box mold. so it seems like the russians are trying to complete the capture of the net. so they're working very hard on the net sc region, but this is not a countable offensive by russia. it is here to come and it seems like they are preparing the ground for that. and it is, of course, very costly for the ukraine in the armed forces because in for my escape, you praying for the sources admit that it, it was very costly in terms of man power. and none of that sounds good for you crime. what are its prospects of the passing this new mobilization law? the innovation law still has to be signed by president of lensky. you possibly mid may as expected, and the problem was,
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the lawyers and all that everybody will have to care. every man will have to carry their military registration documents with them, and we'll have to update their details so they will have 60 days from when the little m is signed to a bates is details and that include souls living a brute. so there is a possibility that more people will be cold up. and of course are some penalties expecting. those who do not comply with the lower they could lose, for instance, their driver's license and in some cases can not be able to travel abroad. they will be denied past issuing passports. and again, the question is, how is ukraine is going to pay and is it able to outsets and was kept and train them on time in order to send them to the front in order to stop the russian advance. and an important part is what is not included in the law, and that is the mobilization of souls who have been fighting out the front until
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now. and some of them have been searching for 3 years. they prospect certainly don't look good either. do they or no, absolutely, no, not in the general service. can the status very well that and the brain on for says those fighting out the front need a rotation. there are huge losses for ukraine. we don't know the exact numbers, but again, from the reports and from the vicious fights that we have seen for of the of go, for instance. now tri city are and even was examples like such as cross natania and keep her with my escape. we're seeing that the ukranian armed forces are lacking troops and black and troops with experience. so what it means that even, even if the ukrainian armed forces get the western technologies, they are still having that many power gaps that needs to be a result. and just mobilization more will most likely have a negative impact on the ukranian society that seems not to have the same amount of
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will if used to have in march 2022 to 2 stops of russian. so that could also make the internal political situation much more complicated and create the crisis and that you create in command. the latest there on ross is war in ukraine from marina . we're on thank you. flood 7 go pots of southern russia and context on tens of thousands of people that being evacuated. despite reaching historic levels . the footboard is it still not picked the residents and the suburbs of or in book survey, the damage to the homes. trying to save their belongings from the waist high floodwaters i show for each or you can see the situation for yourselves, for the use of this is how high the water rows of the last 3 days,
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which we never expected it to rise so high. we took all the furniture upstairs on finishing up, but it's all floating now. others, the heating official cools to leave the area of the or she's one for the flooding is expected to have. yesterday they cut off. i like tricity. we heard the sirens. boom. we had to evacuate, so it's impossible to stay on the emergency cruise in neighboring conflicts. done a pumping the water away from populated areas while residents and neighborhoods where the water has already subsided, begin cleaning up and assessing the damage. to me was the house the bomb and everything was on the wall. so you can just, you can see the broken refrigerator, the washing machine as heater lying. the height, the water levels are expected to rise. the going into the weekend,
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the slots of the west and the region for nearly a century. now you're up to date on all the international use up next on dw, this search for life on mars. i've been resolved, and thanks for joining us. i'll be back with mobile headlines. thanks down. say, with the, do you big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry.


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