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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm CEST

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for now, when we say they're about never giving up every weekend on d w the this week on the 77 percent street debate, i believe the main uh the week. yes. being or f. i would say um independent, does that bother you? yeah. well, mine was based on this, it may even be a hot spot in the old. we sometimes take of them as babies. yeah. alpha as boss is already come on the babies we shouldn't allow weston us to impose. yeah. quadra understanding. that's what a family is. one, as african wasn't as not ready. okay cool. bought body bought i, i can't read it. enjoy. and when you find me x or the even holding have let me re
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a feeling so single today on this hello and welcome back to the 77 percent. strict debate this week, we are the library as capital of monrovia. now you might be familiar with the expression, strong african woman in this country. they suddenly having had a female president, elizabeth johnson, but the strength in women is sometimes discouraged when it comes to romantic relationships. particularly the applicant concepts such as everyone to find out why, who better to answer this question for me that some late periods and we're going to start with the couple on the panel. we have a couple this so loved up austin insurance. hello. thanks for joining us. so let's start with the basic question of your day to day when you wake up in the morning giving me a little clue about who does what in the morning, what's your morning routine like since how you are really citing? let me start. well, thank you. um in the morning i wake up around 55 like 530
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a get my kids ready for school wide. he's dead getting ready for work. okay, so what do you say that's your domestic responsibilities. uh sort of equally splits between the 2 of you. yeah, it is. yeah. but i mean, this is not something easy, right? a lot of couples have difficulties doing this even, you know, more than weld austin. how did you manage to strike this balance? i think it comes more with the level of education. i grew up before getting into the relationship. so how do we couple of books before getting married? how to go to counseling for like 4 months. so we kind of prepare me. so basically i'm able to wake up early morning and get hot water for the kids. i'm able to be beeping the little girl while she has to be ferrying cobra or something. so yeah, i think is good and i enjoy doing you abraham, where are you? i know that you have a biblical name and also an old fashion stands on the concept of equality and
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relationships. tell me a little bit about that. for me. i come with a african quarter background and they are. ruth described to me both men and women . so if you know your responsibility and you know you're right and you know your limit, we can have discussion and this can go on. all right, so that i'm not assuming anything. tell me what these responsibilities are based on your roles. and by the way, we're keeping it strictly headphone number 2 for the purposes of this conversation . yeah. so uh, for instance, um, i believe that most of your 1st choices, you know, are offered in context. uh uh, the responsibility of the woman. but the make them be of help. so let me tell you, i'm laughing because the women behind me really sighing, you substance something then? yeah, what i would like you to complete it please. so you started by telling me women's responsibilities in their relationship. i had turned over to one. do all the health
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choice? no, i said, most of the res response, most of the 1st choice is the woman's responsibilities. so what does the man do then? you know, i will i be when setting is the head of the home and he actually is the one who provide security for the, for the home, for the family, he's responsible to, to, to provide for the home. okay. well nick, yeah. who, who, who, who tell me, what's going through your mind because you were touching your fingers as he was speaking. i mean, i was, that's like that because we've got that when we disclose. you have like a equality relationship. my thoughts was low and i was like no, so now actually you, how are you? i'm defending what i stand for. that's what i'm even jeremy. oh. but it's just my breast. i christian nation for us this. so having a man and the woman in the home, that can be no, you quite a just so okay. just for clarity or nikia here, definitely believes in the biblical rules assigned in christianity. and so you
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think that the mind is definitely the head and the woman should submit. all right. tell me what you're thinking. the always a female is a feminist and an active is knowing that liberia was set on the basis of peach. iraqi just explains why they are a no saying these different things. but when you look at who said those rules who's, who gives the responsibilities of a woman take in charge of the firm and doing the choices. you wouldn't know that the men said those rooms and wish we believe was very bias, right? because women's potentially is way be your own, just taking care of home. so i think there is a very big inequality based on the foundation of picture i key that was set up, you know, society that sets our system to be very biased. all right, i want to hear from some people at the back, right. let me get some reactions. come close to, to me please. i want to in the mass and you'll get caught me. so hust with just
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cool take. you'll have somebody moving that mary slip with you did this just to stick to the house? i love your little punch will be the society. it's like it going to be what it would mean. yeah. okay, that's a good question that she's asked uh, let's have somebody else here. i'm gonna try the smallest. nice, then it gives the each low will mind having you go right, remain home. and i that is right. i'm here the monrovia to defend our culture and woman was based on mississippi. and nobody's still happened like that. the reason why we have is stimulus loving women, the i to visit it because of the other flat education. so would you rather be just stayed at home once educated like that's the role of the month. they have to be what they have to, to give the house of the woman that it has to do it is that that's, that's the best decent. that's all quite sure why. so that's just vision one as themselves was as you adopt of the book culture. okay. so quick question, i'm a woman here who's doing this job of asking questions, and moderating. i would say i'm independent. does that bother you? a?
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yeah, it, well ma'am, you know, african culture must not be dependent. indeed. been in the african question. what do you have on the day you'll see up in the many in the, in the village. what if i told you that in my culture, women actually the heads of the home by so culture in all gods. and that was said yeah, in the back onto the women that there was something missing. let's hear from the people who was nothing. oh, yes, i believe the minute the week. yes. being on f men of the weakest beings on us. okay. so they use those rules totally made. we mean, because we get more to the docs, we make up your professional. first thing, it can be a host wife. it can be a family person and then can do that. so the limit that you mentioned was seeing that you still, you are supposed to be on particular position for you to and so are you a marriage or release or she is not that. yeah. okay. uh uh, just just
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a 2nd. let me just bring this uh, group to back to order. yeah. so that we can get to rooted back in our conversation . so there are a few issues that have been raised, seal, which i want to just check with. the 1st one is that african culture dictates that the mind is the head of the home. but this is not true across most african culture . in fact, most of them are matriarchal. so what happens to your arguments then abraham? so it might actually be argued that it is an african to be patriarchal. what we see it is been taken out of context because um and no disrespect or feminism. a lot of people no, no disrespect. but that is a responsibility assigned to somebody. and that does not take away maybe a help or maybe a butler to my fiancee, but our african culture. it says that as far as reward to everyone,
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so that role should be respected. and we shouldn't allow west in us to impose yeah, caught your understanding of what a family is, one of our african. okay. so let me come back to the couple of the even holding hands. let me tell you we are feeling so single today on this this. so when you hear some of these a sessions, i can imagine that there must also be people in your family who also have quotes similar views. committed assess the letters, you work up and you know, washed the dishes, you're the man you woke up, just get ready for work and move on, you know? and then you start to follow that. i don't get a while as you do that. so i woke up early morning and what is going to shop people? is that on the moon you as a me, you benefit a lot if those equality in the home. so i thing was you have that. so our, we're grabbing was the shift is normal. it keeps, it keeps us happy. you know,
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from that is, is a lot funny to your mother goes to visit you and dentist, easy. washington dirty clothes. she's like, why is my phone rousing very close? okay. yeah. so shuttle, let me hear from you. did you get grief from the in laws you're making the sun? what this is, how day let, let's say this is quote to have or healthy husband in the home is very, very good. it helps you relax my wasn't, was my ready. oh, cool, cool. bought bought you bought i, i can read it in july and when he from e x i do read it. you saw it when you find me plenty. he's not ready. okay, cool. right. all right. let me just a minute. even the bible, i'm a priest that she is, even the bible says you should submit one to another. so it's not about the most. i'm missing to you, the man, but you guys got to submit to each other. i have to come to a nikiya bucks. so that's um, that's the last of so i may do one to another. is that the play as well?
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we'll talk about and then. sorry, let me just go back a bit. which on to it was plugged in. she mentioned, i bought my house more help in so that there was some way of i have this fax to do and i'll call you on all of that for that move. it's actually a my is let me go fill in when it comes with a list of met in the morning or in the home that she'll be hit. and that is the reason why. and that's not if we have precedence right at our there are work in place if we have bosses right, let me know who that should be a hit. okay, so because you mentioned president, i mean, if this is your position, right. how did you feel when liberia you left to the female presidents? did you feel it was also for kids that shows that women will also lead way? well, that doesn't mean that have the president info who is she had walked. it doesn't mean that watches the president of the republic of liberia, such as going to be the death of a who. okay. i know there's something that was mentioned regarding the choice of was, you know, and i think, or nick,
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you explained it really well. the use of the would help shuttle has said it's again, you know, my husband helps around the house. are we using the correct language here because of uh what you said. it implies that the job is yours and somebody is coming to us . yeah, i think we're not using the right words because it's not help right out manage projects. and one thing i know of a partnership is that you have 2 different people with different ideas and different backgrounds coming together to agreed on something that the one to do is she has similar values, right? and that's the same with partnerships. so there's no one coming to help the other because if you the other is down. so now like i will see it, i go back again to see that some side see what is foundation. allison site that was being buyers. and this is why you see education like you talk about west teen people coming. change is inevitable because of education, right. the things we knew 10 years ago have changed the way when we did things we
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no longer do with right. we've come to realize to put censure of women, especially looking at us having a precedent of seeing new price it in right. and looking at what she was able to achieve the hard term and how she approved the issue of in quality. and we may split sasha not just in like bureau, but regionally, and as well globally. so tell you that we may have more, we may have more potential and not just call us. so i see it having been cancelled . okay. let me hear from my duty for a 2nd because we haven't spoken to her. you just want to investigate this idea of the head of a home. because a, because no one has talked about partnerships in the contemporary. well that's we live in today. do we still need that classical head of a home where i have no interesting relationship anymore? it is because of what i went through when i was a relationship. so i had to quit 2019 because uh i had an a deal safe
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pregnant. well while it protective, and he was very abusive. so i went to it. i held my god like king. i have a look up in the morning in. what? so what sucks but bucks are in. what it bobby i'm with sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. sweet, i need to understand is what do you mean put stokes. but what, what, what help him dress up in the morning like a child was what when extra martin, you know, helping to buy relationship. okay. and to have a question for you as he was treating him as a king, as he was saying, which by the way, absolutely. was he treating you as a queen? well, he was abusive. he was really abusive. so he has actually the mid mutual lost interest in having relationship. and when i see people are like, you know, couples and you know,
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i feel like they're not being true to each other. yeah. okay. so obviously not all relationships which have that dynamic will end up in abuse. yeah, let's just be clear about that. however, it can, because these a power dynamic that has not been addressed. so how do you, how do you navigate this? so for me, people always put or have a negative connotation. when it comes to head, are we not saying that there will much would be there want to address you is not, is that it will most responsibility to address you if that is happening, that's abuse of knowing your rules is different from being abused. ok. but because you keep coming back to roles and responsibilities, right. and a question was asked, who gets to decide what the rules and responsibilities are? it's the head of the home, in this case, according to your argument, the man, how do you know when you're taking it too far?
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um, so we live in a society and we have our african quarter. so that's what i said. you need to know. you're right, that's the 1st thing i said is, you know, you're right. you can be, you can be in a relationship and you have values. so if someone is going, there's a value that's a no, no, i'm saying that the i ascribe this for men and women in there who hold them very clearly. okay. i mean, that's your position and that's perfectly fine. we've had many things, right? including the traditional is to think that's we mentioned, even be educated, right. these are realities in this country. so what are the consequences of such extreme viewpoints, right? we've seen in your case unfortunately, abuse. what are some of the consequences in your society? no. yeah, of course i was just going to point out of the issue of,
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of abuse. the issue of violent communication is then going to generate and get another generation of young people that will be very violent in their due for an actions. all right. have to guess a fabulous one, right? yeah, it's cool, but my point is if you're saying that it would be should be equal. why i submit to pay a diary why estimates say i wouldn't buy what evidence of automatic way you go to the wedding sit company that way, right? so why can't you pay them and dive it says you want to be. we'll see what you, what to pay the diary that we know you'll see something here. so if you pay the mans out of it, then we know the $1.00 quantity, but one of them is spare. your direct. yes, i see. uh, obviously it, but us on the control. let me let me. oh, comes on tell because because if bright price has been paid, then technically you'll under his control. do you agree with this or not? well, he has to pay money for his wife. that doesn't mean that the web should be on the
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why you are on top it both of you should be equal, because to both of you, i want to make you feel better or better, please. not all possible grow. ok, lisa, i want to hear from you because the question of right price is it time to perhaps get rid of some of these traditions? if we are getting in the way of quote unquote progress. i think it's time and there's no other turned in now because the issue you've asked to use award control . we in the fact that women should be called a court control. is it the men losing the masculinity? whereas the powers situate they know who is the rest of your brother's shoulder and they'll tell you i'm the main. there's one the moment is, is that he lost his his masculinity because he has no power for the fight that you're talking about. i have the control over this, i want to do this. i want to do that. i should do that. you lost, it's got the point you're talking to to come through. but if i die, one might have
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a level of understanding to knows what you need to do. she knows what she wants to do. so have your standing in a way that's the time you make the announcement. i'm the man here because you feel she has picking up the steps to be what she wants to be. if you have fred, they view rather to comply with you a many this place they were, i try to bring them down to the i agree because they will not understand where to put the 0 to complex. we do have to wrap up at some point and mugs, really, and i do want your opinion on this. when it comes to the professional space, we're talking about an inferiority complex here, lisa, alluding to men, perhaps feeling small, which is why they need to a set themselves overly. but what does it do to remain in a professional space when domestically at home? your husband or your father keeps telling you this is your place. this is your place. can you fully participate in society at every jews as your output in limits? you know, and it makes you to have no confidence in yourself. and i can tell you when i
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was going to all of those abuses, my output wasn't good at all. when i go to work, i transfer aggression. i was the happy i wasn't myself right now. i few. i feel good. yeah. yeah. yeah i'm, i'm really glad that you, your feeling much better now and really thank you for sharing. so as we conclude this additional list has left us, but oh, he's yeah, he's, yeah, we had requested at the beginning of this debate, which was why us wrong women for you had so in relationships and we've had quite a number of view points here. the question now to conclude is, is there a reason to change that dynamic? should we go back to our old ways? should we continue as we are? is there a needs to even standardize and why let me hear from, oh, i am so afraid to bring the microphone to you. but let's hear you. let's say your point is a need that will go back to our tradition. and the reason why we're having this
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debate is because we have to have someone else now, so we have it down to the western culture. and that is that, that is what all women are risk that hit that. yeah, we're using that voice and noise will happen. when we wait, no technicians who are part of the political us and that was happy when it was missing, but it was to the court to not have to do everything. and that is why we're having a debate. and that, as i'm probably assuming this and that it's all about why you want edit, cuz now we may just find a new home. okay, so let me just, are you working for example? and you must have female bosses. how do you respond to that? oh, is having a bus mean a female is going to come to get it because i really don't see her being submissive . sometimes she just, she just was point. know how to man and madison the high supposed to be so will not be in a bus that can be of them abusive to me. oh, okay i, i honestly cannot believe that i am hearing these words in 2023 but but, but i, but i mean you'll, you'll, you'll view points,
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let me get one last one. he had been abused with eagle and because of the eagle, the having games that you were born with, i don't know if it's a true, that's what i did on the 10. no, to assess 17th. does that mean when the latest mickey higher income than to mine, he feels belittle off without leaving that it'd be anything he feels i know i'm i'm the one was supposed to to mikhail incom then hor, so push us forward because when we me i am power we i educate telling me i learned this aside to become better because come on with carrier children in our rooms for 9 months, which is huge. so i mean, we're on dustin relationship because we've gone with them for 9 months when you come outside and we've been with them, it even be a hospitality. oh we sometimes think of them as babies. yeah, alpha as boss is what, when you come on the baby's man to support me, then we can be able to be a home and a society better than all right. let me hear from this gentleman who has been
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trying to speak with me the entire time, let's say your viewpoint. what about a big book my account? what am i? is that a love homer? i respect and took care of the home for my be now at a kid there. so you know, set up bringing money is sort of more respect a man and a more that will have locked up a lot. again, i'm going to go to feed on the air and it just like a man. but you're seeing shantelle here being super loving and she has a job and she's educated. i'm not saying, well, my don't work. that's not my point. my point is that she might still have the respect, see what she's sick and what to do as a woman in a home. all right, so let's draw attention back. you know, want to gets closing remarks. normally, at this point of the debates, i would be asking people for solutions. but after hearing all the diverse opinions, i'm not sure that there is such a thing as solutions. and so let's find out what your closing remarks as upon this, we'll finish with you guys. let's start here. just bought a one more point. you beauty in the room. it doesn't give a right that she and i met the i built equal the. right?
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so for me, i believe we just need to go back to what christian not says what bill. i'll push the foundation and many of us that just by being of few minutes or whatever, given different views. we are christian as west who knows. we want us to assess everything to bring to us and wish you disregard ours and i'm against the i m. let's sit down. men to understand are women's sure not as this are, women should not be. leaders will just sit and have a conversation. mean is that agreed are women should be equal or 5050. we just sit and have a conversation and the conversation with tape or forward. all right, so more dialogue, i like that uh from the side. let's do some conclusion of the month a. we did a bridge systems that were limits, we mean we need a workload system that will put me behind. we cannot have our tradition, our quotes are suppressing, we mean keeping that as a buyer, as a buy rocky, that women cannot move beyond this because these are the mothers, this in it. so i think that these are framework conversation. we help us. okay. and
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finally, we started with a couple i'd like to end with them. we've had so many view points here. do you think that the kind of relationship that the 2 of you have with some people might see us aspirational is on the threats? we work up in the morning as a man and getting ready for work. when you stand before that mirror, just see a human being. when you see your wife see a human being sheed her that way, man. you are going to be happy. if you bring the woman to that equal point, you're going to be happy. the one thing most of it done is yours. we have smalley on facebook. so the thing that we have a good relationship on feasible, but beyond facebook, we are really good and we've been good for 5 years. no complaint, not to anybody, because we are just equal and we have this agreement on odds and wish you went with the hip. it depends the idea that we're pushing we have up, which is a better idea. we go about that. thank you. that is
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a beautiful place to rock this debates. we have had some very controversial remarks today, but also what a nice way to wrap it up. think 1st and foremost of your partner as human. think you guys for watching the, [000:00:00;00] the, the,
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