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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news walk from berlin, a lifeline for ukraine from germany. fairly and says it's sending a 3rd patriot air defense system to keep whose forces are struggling to shield ukrainians from russian air strikes. also coming up a man stab 6 people to death in sydney, a police officer, shoot dead, the suspect at a busy shopping mall, several people or injured some serious with the
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unlike look who welcome. in germany's defense ministry says it's supplying ukraine with an additional patriot air defense system. it said this system comes from german military stocks and would be handed over immediately. russia has been stepping up its missile and drone attacks on ukrainian cities and infrastructure ukraine's president. thank berlin, saying the delivery comes at a critical time. earlier i spoke to marina moran from the war studies department at kings college london. she explain why at this moment germany has decided to send another defend system to hello michael. well, cancel or phrase. so partly how to call was president the lensky, in order to agree on sending and as are patry it. if you're a defense system to ukraine, specifically because of the instance of fight, a russian strikes on ukraine and critical infrastructure. we remember a couple of days ago, russia managed to destroy one of the biggest power plants and ukraine's entropy,
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the power station. so i think that a for germany, this is a way to get out of this diplomatic deadlock about the tourist missiles. so at least germany is doing something and sending a patry, a battery to print, you could use right now in word. you're kind of to normalize relations with ukraine, specifically because of this issue that trans flush holds doesn't want to provide a taurus missiles to ukraine, as you well know, this is now the 3rd patriot system. berlin is supplying. what difference does this system make and ukraine's defense? and so overall, it's better than nothing but the ukraine said that it needs some $25.00 pack treat systems in order to cover the entire area and to protect it from russian air
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strikes. we'd have to understand that the coverage area of one packet system is estimated to be um 15 to 20 kilometers when it comes to ballistic missiles. so you can imagine that it's just a very, very small area, considering the fact that keeps still has a lot of critical infrastructure left. so the question is, where will system be placed on the as a question is the missiles impacts re, um, or even impact to missiles that the system uses. they are also costly and who's going to provide some of the long term to ukraine. so it's not just the system that you send, you also need to supply you. bring was enough missiles, again, ukraine's president says the delivery comes at a critical time. how critical well, the time is very critical, both in terms of production, air strikes on critical infrastructure, and they are being very successful, especially in the past months and on the front. we're seeing
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a lot of movement westwards and buys of russian forces because the ukrainian armed forces relax at technology lacks artillery shells and black men power. so they are not able to hold the russian offensive or is the menu offensive. so i would call them, i'm the, i'm not able to do that. and so it is a critical juncture for ukraine, but was there one air defense system is able to change that dynamic is questionable . it bears repeating, this is a defensive system. and one imagines more patriot systems won't help. you can get back to an offensive position. so absolutely not. well, you can certainly use the system close to the line of contact. the russians will certainly be hunting for the full path trip system safe. been hunting for iris to you and the 300 and have managed to destroy some and allegedly, some patry
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a battery is according to reference sources. that being said, um there is a risk of having that system so close to the line of contact. and obviously the line of contact it will look at the front, it's over a 1000 kilometers. one patrick system is not going to defend against russian glad booms, for instance. so it's not going to be a substantial difference. it's more often diplomatic gestures than anything else. that's so moving to moran from kings college london as always moving in a manufacture. thank you for having me. it's we have some breaking news coming in at the moment. israel says it has put all of its forces on alert. in response to the threat of an attack from around the country is chief military spokesperson says that dozens of war plans or air born in a state of readiness. both israel and the united states have been preparing for
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t ron to attack since in air strike on its embassy annex in syria. earlier this month, israel is thought to be responsible for the april 1st attack, which killed at least 7 members of a round revolutionary guard, including 2 generals, we will keep an eye on that. meanwhile, the fear attack has yet to occur, runs the net revolutionary guard commandos. have she's a vessel connected to israel. the seizure took place in the gulf near the strait upon move is just days after commander said t. ron could close the global shipping quarter. the vessel is a container ship with a crew of $25.00. it's owner has confirmed it was bored. video released on social media from on board the ship, shows a helicopter hovering over the vessel and soldiers lowering themselves onto the deck. and it's really teenager who's disappearance sparked a rampage by is really settlers in the occupied. westbank has been found dead.
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israel's military says the teenager was murdered after the discovery as well as defense minister warned the public not to take the law into their own hands. palestinian authorities say the is really settlers killed one palestinian man an injured several. others in an armed attack in the west bay homes rated gars, burned, and residents on the fire palestinians from this village in the west fancy, they were attacked by israeli settlers. these images appear to show the set of storming almo, how are you near the palestinian part of the sea? they've certainly set the skin to one palestinian man an injured separate other for the settler storm the town. they went into the houses and burned them. my son went with others to defend our landed honor and this is what happened. he is one of the murderers. we thank god for everything. although the palestine great christian
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society sees eat of the injured were hit by life, fire from the fittest. it strikes military seas. it's looking into the reports, the attack game doing a search for the 14 year tours. it started the settler, who went missing on friday. according to the start of utilities, the teenagers board, the was found on saturday. that started defense for the screen. the boy was murdered instead of just attack more glass ships have adopted since the news of his that is right the minute to seize dozens of people, ballast indians and is there i these were injured on saturday in the occupied westbank. roughly 500000 is dry. you said there's live along side, about 2700000 palestinians that is sort of the settlements are considered illegal under international law. the latest class has gone with tensions already high due
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to the starting from us wanting casa, according to the un, more than $400.00 palestinians, and 15 is released, has been killed in the occupied wristband since the homos that are attacks on october 7th, to and to australia, now we're a knife wielding attacker, it has killed 6 people at a shopping center in sidney. paramedics, have been treating patients at the scene. several others were hospitalized including a 9 month old baby shoppers port out of the building. many and shock, other survivors get in stores or were evacuated by staff comments, police patrol the area as the injured rushed to hospital of the fast such a day of school holidays and a busy shopping law ended with a panic and dec. i witnesses recount to see the
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utility bill. i come up the history light is 3. should lead shots with a be like not getting say i just really calmly who is just for the lot be was have your advice for him in the box later. the police describe how the attack a dies, single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended way into the sand and directed by a range of people she confronted defend who had moved by the stage to level 5 as she continued to roll quickly behind him. to catch up with him, he turned size to rice and north katy shots so far. um and that person is now deceased australia in 5 minutes. the anthony of an easy,
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crazy police officers bribery for all of us to not. they gave us setting things up on the junction beyond fluids or understanding. today, bundle junction was saying of shocking violence that it was also a witness to the humanity and the heroism of that fellow australians outbreak, police have 1st responders and of course a blue di people who could never if imagined that that would face such a moment. the immediate danger is now over, but the shock from the so basic attack still remains what's going on by dw reporting tool tool. roy in sydney, joel police say at the moment there are no signs of terrorism. what else have they said regarding a potential motive? the police has said that they believe this to be a random attacks and they are still searching for the most you,
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but they've pretty much ruled out terrorism. so it appears to be just out person going on a rampage and a very busy and popular shopping more just to give you some context. i'm quite familiar with this location because it's been my local shopping center since i've been based here. it's as a very popular shopping center. it's huge. it's 6 between the sidney cbd and the standards. bondai beach, anyone going to the beach, you so that area will toss through funder junction. and i was actually just in the shopping mall a day earlier, i was going up the st. escalate is that we used by the attacker was going to the gym where people took shelter during this attack. it's a relatively wealthy area safety really just kinda imagine this kind of thing happening in location like that. so this is a centrally located area. what do we know about the victims? we also saw that 6 people have sadly died. several others were injured including a 9 month old baby,
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which is just really just shockey. that's one of the things that i think my sister is waking up today. thinking well, why has this occurred? why would a man talk a 9 month old baby and sadly, the mother of that baby has passed away. it could've been a lot worse to where people in the shopping center. you're trying to stop demand using strategies on the shopping center. and a police will be one of the 1st to react on the scene to follow the man. and then she shot him and killed him when he raised his not. she then stopped and tried to revive the man. you can see the identity of this officer has not yet been made known, but i'm certain that she's going to be regarded as a hero. when a recent, when she is identified to what you say, people are asking themselves, you know, why has this occurred? give her some perspective. our senses, incidents of mass violence like this or pretty rare in australia are very rare. uh, the last one that i could think of was a mass is that it is a 19 nineties, which has
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a mass choosing in tasmania. and that was so shopping that have come to the whole country. uh. and they told me to bring in a gun buyback scheme and a gun, a band on 70 automatic width is which has been very successful. let us prevent any kind of mass shooting since then. now that's not to say that there are, these are this of crime in australia just a day earlier. there was another savvy in certain, yes. idle staffing of a teenager without a few to be in some kind of side situation. so these lots of incentives, they really don't care and it could have been a lot worse, had a start of the not an active. there's some gun laws that we have. this could have been a mass gun shooting, had the attacker had access to guns, but that also makes it so more risk and away because this man was able to go on a rampage to 6 people in such a group way. and just, just with a nice, it really is something that is starting the 8th. i know asking why is this happening? i want to read on a sobering news from the down,
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from the land and under that central door. really in sidney. many things stroll and we will end it there up next. the stories of net police version or is risking their lives for russia, and it's war against reprint michael, look back at the top of the next out. the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota to look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have a one to delete it from port, click on it, please go to the spot on the on expected side. so slide this is shadows. these pop costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools farms and destroy
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lives. what is the mega.


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