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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why? from berlin? israel says it's under direct attack by a run. the military spokesman says drones are on the way, but they could take several hours to a run. to run has repeatedly threatened retaliation after this month strike on it's called to live in syria, the i'm michael. look who welcome. we begin this hour with some breaking news. the is really military says that iran has launched an attack on israel army spokesperson
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daniel hagar. he says that dozens of iranian drones or headed towards israel, he says, that is really defenses are ready to shoot them down and told residents to take shelter if they hear sirens. you know, i'm sure on his launch drones from his territory towards the territory of the state of israel. i don't know where monitoring this threat in the air space. the it is a threat that takes several hours to reach to the territory of the state of israel . so the idea in the air force our carrying out the plan we have prepared. well, it also now just a short time before the attack was officially announced is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu released this video message. it is rarely citizens in recent years and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran or defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenario. both in defense and attack by the state of israel is strong,
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is really army is strong, public is strong. again, it bears repeating. iran has launched an attack on israel bly drone, according to the is really military. us dw, correspond antonio cream, and joins us now from jerusalem. atanya, what do we know about this attack? while as you said, it has been confirmed to where 1st a media reports or any round the drones have been launched and it has been confirmed by the is really military that those drones are on their way. apparently also in several ways. no, they're slow moving. so you have heard the scope is still a noun, but them rules and thousands as we are here in here from a sources also here in the is really media and of course also the destination, their targets, rather whether they will be destined to hit a military or stuff to targets like a civilian targets. know the army and the whole country have to say have been on
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high alert already a 4 days. and again today it, it has become known, the afternoon emergency got a new emergency guidelines were issued as well. and now of course, tonight this a talk has been known to the unprecedented, of course, to see this now unfolding here tonight. tanya, of course we've heard from some of the is really leadership, but how else is israel responding? while the country is on high alert, this is not in toilet entirely. a surprise attack, i mean, the threat spies. iran has been there since the attack on the consulate on april 1st, or with the supreme around supreme leader coming in saying that this has gone to saw a red line had been a crossed and that there will be retaliation. so the country has been put on high
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alert. you have to fight a jets and the naval forces are on highlight. and of course the arrow defense systems. now the question is, of course, how many of those drones is valid? 10 interceptor will certainly also get the health of the united states to also have moved some of the defense systems here in the region. and of course is also the question um will it be just drones uh, some military uninterrupted here. a thing that could be followed by a massage or ballistic missiles or other weapons. we understand authorities or calling on the public to follow instructions of the, the home front command. have any instructions been given yet and if so, what are they saying? as well as the home from this uh, later this afternoon or early evening issued a guideline on asking you know,
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people, 1st of all there would be no education activities in the coming days. that was already an indication that there was, you know, maybe something a coming, but they said as well that one's sirens will go off in the country. people have to take a shelter. i came you through a jerusalem this evening. um, it is a very empty at the moment. there's still some people of course, in the street, but there's a lot of, you know, very no of course what will happen here in the coming hours. but certainly people anticipate, you know, that they will have to take shelter when the sovereignty went, will go off. we don't know yet. again, what's the scope of this attack where there's a drones or whether will be going the targets. that is the hope that there will go rather to military targets, but this is a very, very tense situation right now here and as well very tense,
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we understand in the immediacy of this is the news right now, but i want you to indulge just just for a moment, tanya, and give us sort of a, a larger perspective here. how have we reach this point? where the reality on the ground is israel not facing increased aggression at the border from one of the runs proxies, but rather a direct attack from tehran as well. all of this came, i mean iran and israel house been involved in what was cold here, described to, often as a shuttle war. so through the proxies but uh, on april 1st uh the house being an attack and isabel has not taken direct responsibility for it. uh, on the consulate in a damascus, uh, killing uh high and high uh, yvonne in come on to and ever since, uh, the iranian regime has said, this can not go unpunished as will uh,
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there will be retardation for it. and ever since, that has been the anticipation that actually rhonda retired, but still it wasn't clear whether it will go through its proxies like the who sees from yemen, hospitalized from a southern lebanon, or from so malicious in iraq. and this would also still be coming that they could be a multi front war. but right now we're seeing these multiple drones of being on the way to israel. and we have to wait and see, you know, when they arise and how israel will intercept them. and how they will do with that . you've touched on this a little bit already, tanya, but give us a sense of how prepared israel is to combat an attack from iran to well, i mean, it says i have older plans ready, and the house being readying for this. uh certainly for a long time, but certainly uh since april 1st. uh, as i said it was, it's not entirely coming as a surprise. so it has its different of defense systems among them,
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the are windows but also others. and we also heard from us that is of a not standalone. so that indicates they will also probably get help in intercepting those drones. it will become more complicated. military under this here are saying when you know there will be a multi front for don't forget, be has a war in gaza. we also have border across for, to fire a and high tensions at the, in southern they've been on and northern israel between high school and israel, of course. and it could still, you know, go further than these drones, but that low and it's an attack from iran on is ro, this is unprecedented. it hasn't seen this. so we have to wait and see in the next hour how this will unfold. many thanks to tanya cream it in jerusalem, tanya, we may see you later. many thanks.
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let's cross over now to our corresponding in washington. stefan simons. this stuff on the us president joe biden has coach for a weekend trip to delaware to return to the white house. we also understand his defense secretary lloyd austin earlier spoke to his is really counterpart. what has the us publicly said about this attack thus far? steps right further and by ms way on his way back to the white house to meet with his national security council staff and their social security account council and advisors. as right also the defense secretary also lloyd has talked to the his is early counterpart but also to other partners and allies or countries and counterparts. the secretaries of defense in or countries over the last few our so us is and was as you may remember yesterday,
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warning that this could be happening very soon that iran could come to those strikes a rather sooner than later, the president said yesterday, we're doing a press conference, he also said don't, don't do it wrong, but of course, um, those calls for restrain have not been he, by iran now as know what is going to happen now here in the us, they will analyze what's going on right now. as of, as you said before, and as the guest said before, there is a drones tried going on. those drones are travelling very, very slowly. and is there l? is there any defense for us to should be able to take those out? if there is more, that's a problem, that's a problem. all of this is a major problem for the united states and for the white house, because it was the declared will of the white house to de escalate. to not let this happen and that iran now strikes directly direct stripe or effort to strike israel from iran and saw is and as unprecedented and historic it is and therefore,
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constitutes a big problem and chose for the white house. yeah, we've all been anticipating this for days, but it's in the details where things get sticky. washington has plates to support israel's defense. how will they do that as well in the last few days, i want to say weeks of us has moved parts military parts defensive in defense of nature in the region. a high ranking military official was in the last few days in israel to discuss actually exactly, that's what happens if, how are we prepared? how can we help? how can the united states help israel in case you wrong? the strikes is real and that's the problem there. is if, if it, if it's all drones and nothing else and it is, as we also pointed out before, well publicized by you wrong, that's a sign. and the us took it that way, assigned that the wrong want is are all to know to be prepared that some
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retaliation comes now. and how far these very tight rope they are walking you wrong with adding more retaliation measures. so that's a problem, and that is what the u. s. is prepared for with military assets. when i say this, that means defensive financial. that doesn't mean us troops on the ground, no boots on the ground, the president was acting on this. so i would say intelligence rate up early detection and all of those kind of assets. let's walk back a little bit, steph, on and, and, and get a full perspective on this. what steps has the us been taking to prevent this situation escalating into a wider regional war to let you know, do you uh, 9 states has no direct diplomatic licenses with the wrong suites handle this. but of course, there is a communication to back doors and back channels and you as was always very, very clear to say and to warranty, ron, from anything that could really blow this up,
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blowing this up means white in this conflict, make this a significant bigger, significantly, bigger regional conflict, now what have you as done in terms of being prepared? it is only in one direction and that is militarily defensive militarily and for the benefit of israel. so the president said, the winehouse said, despite the difference with benjamin, it's on your own. the current prime minister in, in, in israel and about what's going on and gaza and the like of age and so on. we will be iron clad as flatly support is. we're allow support where we are in glad we will stand by our ela, israel. nobody to watch them, but that's the gist of it. that's the most of it. so there is a declaration, us will help israel, whatever comes and we don't know what comes if the iran is launching more than just slow moving drones, which can be taken out. and it disappeared. it fairly easily by israel ali or even
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us assets. they are defense assets, and then this is a really different picture. and then we're, there is we have to all wait and see. and there's a time to pass before we can actually say like, okay, what is the us actually now doing bought to get right. it, it, it, it serves us all well to remember, and i'm sorry if i take an extra 2nd here that this is an ongoing situation that we do not have all the answers or a clear picture of what is going on. but again, us is whatever happens they're staying with these are l and will do anything they possibly can to defend israel from any attack by iran. anybody else? a deep things as always, to a dw correspondence step on simon's in washington. meanwhile in the occupied westbank and is really teenager has been found dead after his disappearance bought the rampage by is really sadler's. israel's military says, the teenager was murdered after the discovery. israel's defense minister warned the
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public not to take the law into their own hands. palestinian authorities say these really settlers killed one palestinian man an injured several others in an armed attack in the west bank. holmes greeted gars, burned, and residents on the fire. palestinians from this window in the west fancy, they were attacked by israeli settlers. these images appear to show the settlers storming almo. how are you near the palestinian part of the sea? they've strongly settler skilled one palestinian man an injured, separate other for the settler store and the town. they went into the houses and burned them. my son went with others to defend our landed honor and this is what happened. he is one of the martyrs on it. we thank god for every thing, although the palestine great christian society sees eat of.


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