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tv   Designer Sht  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 12:02am-1:01am CEST

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in preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran, you on our defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenario. both in defense and attack by the state of israel is strong, is really army is strong, public is strong. all right, let's cross live now to jerusalem, where dw corresponding tanya kramer is standing by for. it's tanya great to see you . so what do we know about this attack? as well as it does, may have been hearing from a wrong in a media there that the drones have been launched, as has been confirmed find is really military quoting. it, a dangerous and severe escalation as to speak. it is an unprecedented situation, and a talk from iran now is where the all me says that more than a 100 you a, these are drones are at this stage. that's what they are tracking and what they are in a closely following. now the total scope of that and also the targets it are not
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yet clear whether they will be targeting military and destinations or civilian like softer targets. there's some reports that they could go towards the south of his route towards the negative or also towards the north, but this is all at the, at this point, speculation and unconfirmed. now, there also has been reports that missile has been loans, but the army she of the military has so far not confirmed any of the know those drones, as you said, they are expected to reach as well in the coming hours. we know that the war cabinet prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, the meeting at this hour, if the q, the, this is the defense ministry, then the $45.00 rooms there. and of course the focus right now, as you understand from the army officials, he is on the interception of those uh drones. but also of course, as the question,
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how is rel danville a retail yet? many questions uh on answered at the moment to know atanya we understand that authorities are calling on the public to follow instructions of the home for him to come. and so have any instructions being given yet. and if so, what are they saying or well, there were instructions, instructions given like early evening actually saying that, you know, gatherings have to be limited also that no educational activities will take place uh from tomorrow actually. then where the latest guidelines, but also people of course, call to basically stay as stay put. and if air raid sirens will go off and we don't know how precise they are going to be depending on where, how those drones will come into israel. then they will have to a seek,
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a shelter. now we also understand that the airport will be closed. also several countries here in the region have closed the space for hearing, at least from jordan. and also that the gps has been scramble to make it more difficult for their students to come into the f space. and of course, as home phone comments will be updated constantly. and of course, this also impacts here in a way the who read beach and i mean this is really an unprecedented attack that we haven't seen yet, like this tonya, how would we reach this point as well as he heard from you, it's uh, this has been uh, pretty much and unexpected attack. it's not really coming as a surprise no, yvonne and it's about half been fighting a so called shadow war for many, many years with a cyber attacks, but also mainly through it's proxies. has gl uh,
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in uh, southern living on the who sees and yemen and malicious uh, in iraq. but that has been an attack on april 1st on the consulate in damascus. and after that, the supreme lead to yvonne and supreme leader coming it has said, this has been a crossing a red line for them. it was somehow expected that yvonne but it retired. and that comes, of course, now at the moment where we have a war between hum us and israel in garza for 6 months now going on, that has been very, very high tensions across the board to attacks for 6 months between a husband law in southern lebanon and in, and israel in northern israel and the have also being a talks by who sees mainly on the southern israel, the city of a lot. so this comes all together now. so it didn't really come as
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a surprise we've been seeing in the past days. you know, the lead up to this saying more and more indications that is where that iran will actually come through with its effects to a talk is right. but it wasn't quite clear will it attack from its own store or when it goes to its proxies. this is also still, of course, a possibility that we're seeing basically a multi front of we're developing from this with more, you know, with a ballistic missile is coming, coming in from, from different areas. so this is really a very um yeah, well attend small hunt is probably not the word for it, but this is of what we're seeing right now is how it will unfold in the coming hours. tanya, how prepared is israel to come by this attack from around well, it's, you have to say, i mean and be heard it over and over again from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. actually, the country has been preparing from the for,
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for this very moment for such a uh, escalation uh with uh, a wrong. so of course all the air defenses are in place. you have a different defenses. you have the patio, do you have the r in durham? systems uh, depending on, on what miss or what do i don't uh they have to, uh, put up against weighs, but also of course uh does indication the u. s. with also as done by a, with a israel together, we just had a visit of the send come ahead and israel it'd be hard to it also sonya as president joe biden. so we have this all the forces here on the extremely high alert on the highest in the country we can get. so there will be tracking of those drones and we understand that they will try to in, to set them even before the reach is rose. so this would also mean they would have to a collaborate or corporate with other countries in the region potentially could be
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from the jordanian side. but all of this of course is unconfirmed. but this is what we're hearing right now from the military. this is the strategy, but again then the big question, as i said earlier, would also be, you know, some of the drones might get through. we don't know the scope of how many drones will come through. and also what the targets are going to be. and then again, how israel with then basically also respond to to this attack. thanks tanya, as you said, as a tenses perhaps not the most appropriate word but of inventory. a very tense situation at the moment time your crime were in jerusalem and from jerusalem that's cross now to our correspondents in washington, dc. stuff on simon stuff and go to see you. so tell us what has the us publicly said about this attack as well? first off, the us president is as we speak a meeting with a security council with his national security council. and i would read my left on
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that they are actually linked into the work cabinet meeting. and israel trying to coordinate and trying to get really a clear picture of what is going on as iranian. and we have pointed this out wrong in media. now reports that iran has lost a 1st wave of ballistic missile. it's not drones, ballistic missiles, not christmas us ballistic missiles towards israel, that would be an escalation. and that's what the u. s said earlier that they are aware of what is going on from iran. that statement stems from when we were all talking about drones still, which are slow moving and making their way over to israel, allegedly, and which would have been or will be shut down. so the military says in israel as well as in the united states before it actually enters is or at least aerospace with a ballistic missiles. that's a different challenge. now we haven't heard anything from the us from the white
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house beyond the statement earlier from the national security council. we said that the u. s. world stands. i wouldn't gladly, sadie fast with israel in their effort to defend itself from anybody. and of course, from iran and from iran, then it techs on israel that the us has a confirmed in the statement with the national security council. yeah. that those draw, the tax from hours ago were launched from iran, from iranian sortland. that is as my colleague, tanya in jerusalem pointed already out, unprecedented and historic because that hasn't happened before. now we are, there we are allegedly, there's that it's not only drones but also miss alt, now launched against israel in the us. real, real hope soon probably come out same what the concrete and more concrete really do to help israel militarily speaking, and then intelligence matters to stem this attack. well the us stuff on insisted
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support for israel is, quote, are in class. so, you know what is not likely to mean in concrete terms this or do we have any indication? well, the pentagon and the us government is not really free giving with information in detail what that means. but the experts here in the u. s. a. and people who are looking into this for a while and say that this should be a reference and do a special uh, information radar information intelligence, which is shared by the u. s. promptly. like in real time with israel defense forces in air defense forces. remember, the united states has many assets in the region, the red sea in the eastern mediterranean, in the strait of home, was there a navy assets and all those navy assets have very, very sophisticated radar systems on board. so there is something possible. nobody
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said that this will happen, but there is on military side for military experts. and the observers in washington already talked about the u. s. perhaps even if necessary, launching us fighter jets to do what i just said. shoot down any threats in disguise before it happens to land or hit any target in, in israel, the judge jordanians have close their air space and their reports that they have said also that they will shoot anything down which will get into the air space. um, so that is what the us is actively probably doing right now. intelligence sharing military rate. i information anything which could protect and will protect israel from getting actually hit by a missile or, or a drone. and how concerned is the us about randy and proxy is also becoming involved is usually a huge concern. so we have 3 escalations here. the us is acknowledging and,
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and really, really not a happy with. with one is iran launching this retail atory tech on israel from iran, you in florida, that makes a raul and a party of aggression here. and not just a, not just a proxy saying his ball law 11 on or iranian assets in syria or in yemen. but now this has happened. now we have a 2nd escalation from drones to reportedly resolves and know a 3rd one would be and that would be constituting a huge, even bigger, a huge problem for the us. and for anybody else involved in the region there directly or indirectly, if proxies like his bola, in south, in southern lebanon, which is start to strike is your f more so then they have already done this time. you're pointed out earlier because days daily, back and forth, shooting across the border between some 11 on an israel. but hezbollah has report of a 150000. miss filed sport, eh, eh,
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tube and ready to get to be launched against israel. and his bullet has had time to prepare for any kind of progression against israel. his ball. i have fighters in, in syria, which are the battle harvey. they know what they're doing. there's are not beginners in warfare. there's assets in syria which could strike there. is she in yemen? so this is a huge concern and what make this conflict? put it to another level, type stuff on dw correspondence stuff, and simon's in washington. ok. all right, just to recap, here's what we know about the situation on solving right now. ryan has launched dozens of may 1000 drones against israel, and they could take several hours to reach their targets around says the attack is in retaliation for what it calls numerous crimes committed by his ro, including this month's attack on the rainy and concert in syria, is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel is prepared for a vote,
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direct attack from iran, and is ready for any scenario, both in defense and attack us presidential button, cut short a weekend trip to return to the white house to meet with his national security team . and monitor the situation. the white house says the us will stand with the people of israel as iran attacks. all right, well for more analysis, let's speak to marina moran from the worst of these departments at kings college in london, marina. great to see you. so what kind of drones are we talking about here? well, i suppose the only draining said you ran could use at least from both. we know that the wrong house and its arsenal more high chair, attend, ryans, which would have the necessary equipment and the reach to reach each road because the airline between israel and the brand is about 2000 kilometers. and so these are
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the long range drains, which can fly up to 24 hours. so i expect that we're talking about these more high chair, 10 brands marina. is it possible to shoot them down? well absolutely, it is possible to shut them down. of course, it depends on the quantities they are coming in, and the par on blue jordan has closed its air space and the rock as well. so as it could be that the, the jordanians will already try to intercept some of the drains, which are coming to israel. and of course, each roll is not on high alert, but as i said, it always depends on the number of drones they could potentially saturate. and it's really here a defensive. however, we, we don't know anything more about the quantity and what is to be expected of hardly, it's going to take several hours for the drones to arrive. as you said, there, you know, there's,
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there's information that we don't have. but is this time enough to prepare for the impact? well, i think yes, it seems to be that these drones happens, spotted very early on. they are fairly slower. so the idea is aware of the fact that they are coming. they have prepared their air defenses to interest up any drones and to avoid potential damage. and, and i think um, daniel hook our is a spokesman for the idea for made it very clear that they know they are approximate . the timing's advance will arrive, so it's not been unexpected. move. now, israel has the highly sophisticated are in don't air defense system is the spiritual too well, it is reachable and we have seen it all through the october silent attacks. every air defense system is to a certain extent,
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reachable. but as i sat in this scenario, depends on where there was a was, there will be another drones or missiles launched, perhaps from somewhere else. and maybe this is just um, sort of a decoy end. allegedly, ryan has all also launched missiles which will be much faster than the drains. and there is also a potential passable lie and thousands of on on might use it's missiles and where the to, oh well israel a here defenses and be able to destroy some targets inside each row. do you expect the drones to be the only kind of attack from around it is difficult to say. it is surprising that the ran, knowing the potential consequences has actually gone for an attack from its own soil. and it could be use at the ran um, kind of use this attack which is like an attack. but since there is this early
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warning and the drones are so slow, it keeps this route enough time to prepare. but potentially, and i, i think maybe from a military perspective, it would be more logical for you, ryan, to rely on his proxies or much closer to israel. they can act much faster and they would rob israel and of course the united states. so it's a possibility to launch a counter attack on uranium for. so i think there is a possibility that these drones not the only thing that we will be seeing here trying to hit is trial. i'm not sure what will be happening was those reported ballistic missiles, which ryan might have launched. we will have to wait and see what happens. all right, thanks marina, at worrying times. marina muran to thank you for having me around state tv has confirmed that the country's revolution regard have
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a launch drones. and to miss aisles at is around. it said the drones were launched in response to israel's attack of the uranian embassy antics in damascus at the beginning of this month. according to the statement, the residence of rainy and border towns of around under act. i've seen the drones flying towards israel with special ed on and is a mucus. right? we can now speak to hans yup, schindler, a senior director of the counter extremism project, a non governmental organization. welcome to dw. so what do you make of the events currently on folder? well, of course it is a escalation by your ronald series proportions, but always with the rain and reactions with the trust. it's not the normal thing to launch an attack and immediately and bounce this on statewide television so that the world knows what's going on. even if you don't have intelligence or to see what's going on, so we really have to wait and see how far the radians want to take it so far. it
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could be a scenario that it is a show force that they are willing to launch attacks from their own territory, but they do it in a way that gives maximum chances of israel. i'm the us to limit damage is well, how does this happen before that around far as dozens of projectiles towards israel from its own territory? is this the 1st time i know this is really the 1st time i mean that was a very serious attack with outcry or announcements and come by combination between the around it with these, against a strategic was facility in 2019 and saudi arabia, which caused significant damage. the main problem at that time was the drones were too slow to actually automatically trigger the defense system. and so i assumed the mall then public warning by iran, but it has launched this very slow moving drones. do you think that this, this drone attack is the only attack that we're going to be seeing? well, we have, according to the maintenance, now,
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drones and results. now i absolutely agree with the previous employee that i, these really a defense is a very good um, they are upholstered by uh, american ad defense systems at the moment. so these results, if they are not hundreds of them and there is no report that they are going to be hundreds of them, nor would i think you're wrong with that. we'd be getting it in a wave of attacks too deeply these or entire arsenal. and they should have no problem dealing with how do you expect these raise to react? yeah, that's, that is the question. yeah. so it will really depend on how many of these styles for drones actually make it to israel. joe dot jordan has already close the test page and says it's shooting down everything that's flies over the space and the direct line between your rom and israel in the middle is jordan. so it depends on anything, if anything, lands, and as well. it is also very high gamble for the maintenance because if they have now launch this attack and nothing gets through, it's a major embarrassment for their military capability and will make them look very,
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very weak. i do not expect that the maintenance off at this point activating their his full assets because these are meant as a response to an he's really attack over is being meant as a response door and he's ready to attack on a range. and so sort short is ready to retaliate, then the very likelihood of his pullout feeling really majorly drawn into this conflict is extremely hot. i'm check of what role does the us play in this situation? very important, they've seen the last couple of days that the us administration be on very, very is channels to very click on vacation by the president. diplomacy by ops dates, china, techie germany, the u. k. plus, of course, the classic find intelligence know is saying that they are seeing drones and results be moved in here on to shape the situational awareness of the range and saying not be careful what you do on this can get
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a major escalation. knowing that the reading and also understand they cannot with find a combined is really or us count jenkins. what do you expect around proxies in the region to to do you touched on hezbollah? there before, or this one, i scaly. controllable to 100 percent by the convenience. really, it's a reading and creation. they will attract, rand, you're on, asked them to, and they will not attack when you're wrong. austin, to the roots. he's in yemen. i find this controllable by the radiance. fine is predictable on how are they going to react? so i would expect if there is an x ray to count despite that to be definitely see is paula. but whether or not the who these are going to intensify that tax when he, the national shipping in the red sea as a response to what's going on right now. even if that is most rarely called attack, that is anyone's guess how much is really military speaking only as last. next in gaza. you haven't seen any real good texts from guys in
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a while. so i assume there's really no possibility for our mouse to strike again, about least the proxies in iraq and syria. they could have been activated for a couple of days ago, right? there were some right symbolic minor attempts to attack us installations. but they clearly haven't been activated by the meanings yet. honestly, i called thanks for your analysis hans eoc of schindler from the counter extremism project. thank you so much. all right, just to recap, here's what we know about the situation on solving right now around has launched dozens of myself and drones against israel. they could take several hours to reach their targets around says the attack is in retaliation for what it calls. numerous crimes committed by his ro, including this month's attack on the reigning and concepts in syria, is right. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel is prepared for a quote direct attack from around and is ready for any scenario,
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both in defense and attack us. president joe biden cut short a weekend trip to return to the white house in washington to meet with his national security team. and to monitor the situation. do i have says the u. s. will stand with the people of israel as around the tax a r i c as that's all we have time for this hour, but don't forget, you can stay up to date on all the latest developments on our website, dw dot com and we'll be back again in a little over 30 minutes with the latest. so for me on the team here in berlin, in the world, thanks for watching. the e mails is increasing every year. so many gone up watching online services. the
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only work that is holiday destination drowning cost wise. at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastics. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind. dw made for mines of the big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial capital times in the m,
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as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit. all that much illegal as a starts may said on d w, the
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of the we're not allowed to show their faces. just the chief ranger. being a game keeper here in south africa's kruger. national park is a dangerous job. poachers have struck again and they could still be nearby. the chief ranger looks for clues, suspicious or visual. but this one is the draft lead him to the animals carcass.
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but the rangers are too late. the poachers are gone. they have removed half the animal's head to get at the tasks the stench of decomposing flesh, smothers the area. the using a metal detector chief ranger run dining and attenuate is looking for a rifle bullet in the dead elephant's body. to something that you might do
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a shot from the other children limits of someone in the soldiers they open up the carcass to try to extract the bullet, a piece of evidence that will tell investigators a lot about the weapon that was used. that in turn, could help the authorities track down the poachers. as the bullet is launched, deeper than expected in the animal's body. nothing, nothing else. so the plan right now is to move these customer, decompose more. what is more decomposed, and then that is covered as well? it didn't lot of level fit. then we'll come back again from the bones, with them to take talk in. good they, they, they, they, the project time. for now, all the rangers have to go on are the footprints at the scene of the crime the
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a few kilometers away. so while on just on twan, marshall is just starting his day in search of a different animal. the . he's looking for wild dogs facing nation is a the see the most and then just on the ball and the 2nd most and there's so many question marks we see those so much about them to do and a very so shape the quite an amazing speech marshall is from belgium and has lived in africa for many years. here in the north of the park, the number of wild dogs has fallen sharply. lashawn wants to find out why
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the lions are the wild dogs natural enemy. one of the dogs has been outfitted with the transmitter, so researchers can track in this one is a busy, it's quite high already and it's gonna get tucked. it's one of these, some of these. so when ever it gets up to what does on the move anymore, so we must try to find them as the busy moving marshall that has been searching for 3 hours for the transmitter signal in vain. but he doesn't give up the so that, that afternoon marshall shows us an enclosure in which he kept a group of wild dogs until they were released into the park.
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you can still see some bones here. the dogs were fed until the man. yeah. the dogs came from different parts of the country, so the biggest challenge was to get the animals used to each other before they could be reduced. back into the wild. marshalls team recorded the progress we brought a tour adults from cause the renaissance for females from one puck and full female formats from another park. and then we put them together, but they didn't know each other. so while they were sedated, we rubbed them onto each other like that when they woke up gracefully, they could smell of their, their fence on the other dogs. and then they believed that they were part of the same back. what i to said grabs well at morning roll call. the chief ranger explains the next mission. as always
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he asks god to protect his men. he says there is war with the poachers. 146. tonight. he issues a rifle to each of them. all weapons must be signed for for security reasons. some of the rangers, neighbors resent the work that these men do the best do. some people literally doesn't like line just so those guys are even afraid to wear the uniform, a band equipment where they have faith. so they tend to be victimized as to people what preventing them to, to, to, to can come and get whatever they want in here. click on national park extends to the western edge of mozambique with a common border that runs for more than 300 kilometers. poachers often crosses to
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get to the park. that's why the rangers are here today. even though they are not allowed to cross the border. the the i took the fence along with the one of the rangers exchange information with their colleagues from mozambique. but there's not much more that they can do. they check to see whether there are any tracts here that match those near the dead elephant. but today they just find some animal tracks and their own footprints. the border fences are gradually being dismantled so that the animals can cross back and forth. it's not anything sensitive to us. it's not a problem because we, we know is the ability of tons frontier they move middle to any most in between the 2 parts. that's what we want. so the challenges in billing,
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but when i try to plug this to the villages, that's to post them into the village from you about 9 can. i mean tests from what was sending, let know that it's a village where people are still staying, but is had to put the the animals in the park are protected by humans rangers and wild life researchers. at the same time, humans are their greatest enemy. there's a new thread for the elephants in the park. it appears that when they come into contact with humans, they can contract the human form of tuberculosis. veterinary and peter bus is searching for elephant heard to try to find out how many of the animals have been infected. so you need to have
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a cup to actually just to control it and keep it in the area where you can access it from the ground. because january, once i doubt it, they want to take goals in the time it takes them to go to sleep. so it could be a few kilometers away from where your ground team is. the mission calls for an experienced pilot and a good marksman. the it takes real skill to hit an elephant with a tranquilizing dart from a moving helicopter. the, the elephant takes cover under some trees. bus tries to drive it back into the open . the door launches and the elephant's room. now his job is to keep the elephant
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from running away. the helicopter circles the animal for 6 minutes. then the sensitive kicks in they have to keep the animal's mouth open and that takes a roop and the strength of 2 men bus will now examine the elephant's lungs. meanwhile, assistants take blood samples and measured the tasks. but that's not all. they inserted tube into the elephant's ones so that they can take a mucus sample. stop there. okay, that's where the 2 main airways branch off into the lungs. the. this examination may provide some clues about how the animals have become infected. so we
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really don't know at this stage cuz you've only had the one case are we, we have no idea what, what the impact will be within the system. so that's why we, we get the opportunity to sample these guys. we take it just to, to do an ad hoc and sort of monitoring program, just to see if it is a serious issue or not. the samples are already on their way to the laboratory, as the elephant smoothly recovers from the sensitive the . meanwhile, antoine marshalls hasn't been able to find any wild dogs, so he returns to the office. he analyzes their last known positions, their migratory patterns, the number of animals and the state of their health. so we've recently reintroduced parker for dogs in northern could go. because something else
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happened to the population of, of what those include gap between the 19952000. the population broke from $430.00 to once to, to our adults. and if you asked me, what are the reasons for the decline, i would tell you that we actually don't know. so the fact that we've reintroduced to our dogs now and they all cut off and there, but someone like me following them every day. we actually want to answer these questions. the national park is one of the largest wildlife refuges in all of africa. the area was officially designated as a protective game reserve in 1898, before the park was established. indigenous peoples had been living in this region for about 700 years.
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who your national park covers an area of nearly 20000 square kilometers. the threat to the animals comes from outside it's borders. this is the village of joseph, about 3 kilometers from the park on the south african side. the most local residents are unemployed. they don't benefit from the parks tories trade. so summer attempted to turn to poaching to earn money. 8 the rangers are aware of the situation, so they often visit the village to talk with people they explain the parks purpose and try to win the support of the local elders. ranger and dining a 10 great knows that life is hard in the village. the local chief says he condemns
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poaching, and he agrees to notify the rangers if he catches any of the perpetrators. but the chief also says that among the 1600 families here, only about 10 people work in the park. it was like at the literacy and unemployment is high here. who invisible fences? no, i can speak out against the coaching all i want, of course, but people will still do it now or simply because they have to feed their families actually. ah, the way i show a visa of my mouth, the rangers. take the chief at his word after they leave the village, we find out how wide spread poaching really is. most people here don't benefit from the tourist trade,
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so they don't see how important it is to the national economy. only a few villagers have ever seen an elephant in the wild create a mental okay, has a job, but he's the only one in his family who dies. he makes just enough to provide for himself. his mother and his 4 siblings. cho okay, works as a driver for a safari tour operator. it's an honest job. he says that lots of the villagers just go to the park and poach. but he won't name names. yeah, i see. should people know just look around. some people have new cars and big houses with them on a, but they don't have jobs. that should tell you something right there. so well, a couple of she the park recently hired a few local women to patrol the outer fence, but that's just 5 new jobs. the
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2 days later in the early morning, we return to the search for wild dogs. there's still no sign of them. or the books and twan mushroom keeps looking. i've got the courses trying signature for the about 500 me to one to them at the top. that's encouraging news. now he's got to keep an eye out for them. it's a pretty tense situation.
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the . yeah, he's right, there's the rest of the pack. lashawn has way to days for this moment. the, the don't you have killed in antelope. they hunt as a team. after downing their prey, they tear into it while it's still alive. yes they're looking good and it's nice to see that actually feeding. so this keep the a new man and that's in the information that is very important to, to we called because we want to know what's out there. what is their projection? it's hard to do a head count here. so marshall take some photographs. he
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counts 13 dogs and they all seem to be in good shape. or that that's all they. they pay for days, not one the logging at the back. it's remarkable that the dog stay here, despite the fact that there's a high, you know, working nearby of the company, but they don't let the intruder get close. in fact, they drive the high, you know, into a hole. when the dogs have eaten their fill, they leave, and the whole unit ventures out again, if there had been several high eunice here, the situation could have turned out differently. meanwhile, the blood and mucus samples from the dead elephant have arrived at the laboratory
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in just their doing tests for tuberculosis. and the vets are surprised that elephants can become infected with the human form of the disease. 24 hours purposes, the sample. they fear that the animals immune system hasn't been able to adjust to this new threat. the results are in the elephant was not infected. but how many elephants are and how did they pick up the human variety of the disease? the most likely way that he picked up the, the bacteria is in directly through some type of contaminated food. most likely elephants are very good at going into some of the tourist camps and around the staff villages where there might be food this discarded. and it could have possibly
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been picked up by consuming something that had the bacteria on it from an infected human. of these things can happen when wild animals come into contact with human disease could also have been responsible for the decline in the wild. don't population veterinary and peter bus wants to find out more about this situation. he regularly examines and facts and h b, animals. and once again, his skills as a marksman, are required. he hits his target on the 1st try. diseases including rabies and distemper, recently wiped out an entire pack of local wild dogs. this one seems to be in good shape, but bus wants to make sure the
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. so what we actually going to do with this though, we're going to get blood samples and the blood samples we'll use for looking for tv . and we'll also use it for looking for antibodies, for the standby and rabies from the vaccines. and there's a number of other projects that are being run using the blood samples, looking at things like left parasites, that sort of thing describe this time. plus also wants to check the dogs lungs for any infections. the answer to tube and pours in a sailing solution. it's really just because the of of habitat destruction, they just not read to ryans as it is not habitat really less for them. they also have persecuted. so if they do get onto private funds and stuff, and i start getting domestic stuck. farmers that inclined to shoot them. so they're very pressed. persecuted, not enough range for them. they all vulnerable to diseases such as distemper,
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which is a, you know, an introduced disease. it's not the disease that occurs naturally in the system. so there is all these factors playing a role. this dog has now been vaccinated against distemper, and he seems to have come through the procedure pretty well. the poachers represent a major threat to many animal species in the par. rhinos have been targeted for years. powder made from their horns is widely used in traditional asian medicine. many people believe it has special powers either both is back in the year. this time to study the rhinos migration patterns. later his team will attach transmitters to the animals.
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there were drones, a lot of attention from tourists. the tranquilizer will soon take effect. one of the men tries to keep the animal from falling onto the road. tourists capture the rear sight. the transmitters are strapped to the rhinos front, legs, buses, colleagues, drill a hole in the rhinos horn and insert a micro chip. the animal is killed and poacher silva, horn. the authorities could use the chip as evidence in a criminal case. more than $1000.00 rhinos were killed in south africa last year. you know, and i look, this is this, the beautiful, the female and the, and the so the ones that we really should be protecting, you know, because these are breeding animals. and this is the future of the walk on it is
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increasing of these animals. peter bus will attach transmitters to 10 more runny nose today. the data from these devices will be used mostly for research purposes. but the rangers can also use the transmitters to keep track of the animals and perhaps protect them from poachers. and what was full inspection, please the ones oh, hold on. it's important for the rangers to know how to use their weapons properly done in a tank where it says that his men carry guns, mostly to protect themselves against predatory animals, but also against armed voters. he spends most of his working day trying to track down these criminals. so that sort of thing. it's almost to make you nervous when didn't hear things is because of the plant, because they also bring in big color before,
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before 58. we have seen it for the 7th or so brought in the so they've been a lot of paintings for us out on that one so that you can be able to imagine what those people are bringing. what let me know what part of this one good been done in a tank way and his man risk their lives every day to protect the parks wild life. and he hopes that others will find what he did as a child. as a deep appreciation for the natural majesty of kruger, national park, the
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. ready using mind power, the brain is paraplegics to walk again. is this the beginning of a new medical era? the research team is just getting started tomorrow today. in the 1st few minutes on d, w. and you tend to ration of farm is,
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is slicing to protect these, there are vitally important animals on this planet. and we all need, we literally could live without clothing foaming to guarantee. alas, each type thing, the next generation, the the same, 60 minutes on dw, who in good shape a child's health is the most important thing to parent support is good and what is bad for all the 2 ones. and when should grown up, start to worry in good shape and 19 minutes on the
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only way i can be on the top is to create my own. and i just got the stories to just to click away during the destination. right. find this document trees before subscribe. now. ok, name, treat cost about why does that? and i think a lot now i'm leave them under the new host to join us for an exciting exploration and everything in between.
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this is a video and audio production, 5 d w. i hope video with unit code name project cassandra re determined through our investigations that has below was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally seizures, organization. the objective to financially drain has and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean bass was another whole lot. they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and their own people wanted the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016 03 pod documentary series and most king has paula stats may, 4th on d, w. the
1:00 am
. this is due to be in use lie from berlin, israel under direct attack by iran. more than a 100. drones and missiles are in slight and sirens have been signed in jerusalem, and other locations across israel is ready. fighter jets have been scrambled under us military says it has shot some drones around has worked since he's being threatened to retaliation for a presume is ready air strike on it's considered in serious the .


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