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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw and use lie from berlin, israel under direct attack by iran. more than a 100. drones and missiles are in flights and sirens have been signed in jerusalem, and other locations across israel is ready. fighter jets have been scrambled under you. estimate of 3 says it has shot some drones around has were threatened to retaliation for a presumes is ready air strike on it's considered in serious the
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unpopular phone in the us. welcome to the program. we begin this hour with some breaking news around has launch dozens of drones and to me solve against israel. the rainy and revolution regard says, the sold is in retaliation for an attack on its concert in syria, which killed several generals. it's the 1st time around has launched a direct military attack on israel despite decades. and dozens of his writings, fighter jets have been scrambled to intercept incoming missiles, and the army says its defenses are ready. steve, on chic lock, ron launch drones from its territory. maybe not this towards the territory of the state of israel. i your moment of your we're monitoring the thread, okay, in the air space. so to that get to show that there's a threat that takes several hours to reach the territory of the state of israel on the wall. atlanta of us know we'll just a short time before as well officially announced the attack and started is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu released this video message for the 1st row,
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the citizens in recent years and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from around our defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack by the state of israel is strong, is really army is strong, public is strong. all right, let's cross life now to jerusalem, where dw correspond to tanya kramer is standing by for his time. you can you give us an update on the attack? it was just or shortly before a 2 o'clock or a local time sirens went off, mostly all over the country, but also he in jerusalem. and because he had the impact of whether these were drones, oh, ballistic missiles, this is still not clear. so this was of all the nearby. but somewhere in the jerusalem, you'll see other assignments went off in the, in,
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niggas also or in the north, in the center of the country. so that corresponds approximately what the army had said that about 2 and the 1st some of the drones could actually reach the territory or so hearing from multiple sources that some of the drones that have been launched . at least the 1st wave. where into septic a outside of his route in other places like in the dane and as space, this is to unconfirmed but know there's an effort to you to get those uh, drones before they reach is or was it clearly could tiers in the past 2 and half an hour or so into sections from those strikes. and of course people are here immediately. you know, you could hear some paper industry it's, it's very, very late to of course, most a hunkering down know and seeking shelter for what days to come. tanya,
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we're going to leave it there. um do stay safe? tanya kramer, injury so well. marina moran from the worst studies department of kings college london, gave us more information about the drones launched by around. so the only writing said you ran could use at least from both. we know that the wrong house and its arsenal um, well hi, chair, attend ryans, which would have the necessary equipment and the reach to reach this road because the arrow. busy line between israel and the ryan, there's about 2000 kilometers. and so these are long range drains which can fly up to 24 hours. so i expect that we're talking about these more high chair, 10. brightens marina. is it possible to shoot them down? well absolutely, it is possible to shut them down. of course, it depends on the quantities that are coming in and the par on blue jordan has
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closed its air space and the rock as well. so as it could be that the, the jordanians will already try to intercept some of the drains, which are coming to israel. and of course, each roll is not on high alert, but as i said, it always depends on the number of drones they could potentially saturate and use rarely here in defenses. however, we, we don't know anything more about the quantity and what is to be expected of hardly, it's going to take several hours for the drones to arrive. as you said, there, you know there's, there's information that we don't have, but is this time enough to prepare for the impact? well, i think yes, it seems to be that these drones happens, spotted very early on. they are fairly slower. so the idea is aware of the fact that they are coming. they have prepared their air defenses to interest,
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stopped any drones and to avoid potential damage. and, and i think daniel, hook our is a spokesman for the idea for made it very clear that they know they approximate the timing's advance will arrive, so it's not an unexpected move. now israel has the highly sophisticated are in don't air defense system is the spiritual well it is reachable and we have seen it of through the october 7 attacks, every area defense system is to a certain extent, reachable. but as i sat in this scenario, it depends on whether it's a was, there will be another drones or missiles launched perhaps from somewhere else. and maybe this is just, um, sort of a decoy end. allegedly, iran has or also launched missiles which will be much faster than the drains. and
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there is also a potential passable law and thousands i've been on might use it's missiles in or that too old. well in israel area defenses. and be able to destroy some targets inside each row. do you expect the drones to be the only kind of attack from a row? it is difficult to say it is surprising that you ran, knowing the potential consequences has actually gone for an attack from its own soil and it could be use at the ran. i'm kind of use this attack which is like an attack, but sensor is this early warning and the drones are so slow. it gives us route enough time to prepare. but the time shall we? and i, i think maybe from a military perspective, it will be more logical for you, ryan, to rely on his proxies or much closer to israel. they can act much faster, and they would rob israel and of course, the united states. so it's
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a possibility to launch a counter attack on uranium for. so i think there is a possibility that these drones not the only thing that we will be seeing here trying to hit is trial. i'm not sure what will be happening was those reported ballistic missiles, which ryan might have launched. we will have to wait and see what happens. all right, thanks marina at worrying times. marina moran. all right, let's cross over now to our correspondents in washington stuff on simon's at steph . um, what's the latest you can tell us from washington? no new official announcements here except one that the us apparently has actively shut down some or one drone. i don't know the number of us not saying this by us. officials now confirming that the us was engaged in for us wanting a,
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a threat to israel, informs, in, in the form of a draw on your, on your draw on sent over. how many i can tell you the all other news is that the president is still in the situation room meeting with his national security council members and staff. it is assume that there is a straight line of communication established with israel. you counterparts. that means the work having that in to leave in, in israel, but that is also not confirmed by the so no man, however, the point is that apparently the u. s. is as it has promised in many, many statements before today as well as is in all the days and weeks that it will stand with these or else so called iron clad at least stand by israel. whatever the threat is to defend is or else. and apparently the us is doing it in form of defensive measures towards, for israel's benefits and towards an attack or against the tech of
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a wrong. alright, how is the us now working with israel as it is, is it, do we have any concrete idea of, of what that means? this iron clad at support for israel? yes, this is on 2 fronts. one militarily speaking. and that is the us, as assets, as you know in the eastern mediterranean, in the red sea, in the strait or for a move. all those navy assets are fairly sophisticated and top notch and they will be used to help is, or at least in defending themselves. in defending their air space, but also in the funding of the air space of our apartments, for example, or george, george john, jordanians have declared to close the air space and also promise to shoot down any iranian drones which make it towards or try to make it through it's here it is or else. so the military cooperation and health is
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a half the us problem is there and is ready to be extend that that does not mean any active troops. us troops on the ground anywhere there the other front. the us is trying to, i wouldn't flatly stand by israel is on the diplomatic front. of course, there will be calls made and have probably already made to every european partner, nato partners and every apartment in the region the, our partners. this is comforter, saudi arabia jo dania, jordan egypt, is that for us to put pressure on iran? it to stop walk there, started because it is seen in the us as clearly an escalation that those drones were launched. maybe mr. alex, who knows now were launched from iran for the wrong and sorry, that is an escalation. now the biggest worry for the u. s. is in all of this, which is still developing that the proxies, the so called proxies. iran, you proxies are getting into the game, meaning his ball are shooting at
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a vast array and massive amount of ready to shoot ms odds towards israel or she, i'd assets in yemen and helping the wrong and cause to retaliate against israel. same goes for assets in iran and s, as in syria, not one of thing. i want to say the wrong and permanent me wrong mission at the u. m. has published a statement on x, formerly known and twitter saying that the drones send by iran would actually conclude the retail. you ation. that's a quote, it would be concluding, retail yeas, if measures by iran and another quote you all us must stay away and quote, in the sense that it has been one reaction from a political 5 in the us. and that is from a republican senator from tennessee marshall black for and she has also posted on x,
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formerly known as twitter, that we meeting the u. s. quote, must launch progressive for a total truth strikes on you wrong. i can tell you that this is absolutely, as we understand now, not happening, the u. s. has and the white house has declared often and is not getting tired to declare over and over again. there will be no return, your tory or any action from the u. s, against iran, as of now, even when their problem is on the other hand, to stand by israel in the region and to support is running their defense against any or iran integration stuff on. we'll leave it there. do you to view corresponding stuff on simon's in washington for us? are all right, and just to recap, here's what we know about the situation unfolding right now. sirens have been sending out across israel as around launches me styles and drones explosions have
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been heard in jerusalem, which is really media say are the sound of incoming drones being intercepted around? says the strike is in retaliation for what is called numerous crimes committed by israel, including this month's attack on the a rainy and concert in syria is ready prime minister then you mean a 10 yahoo convened a war cabinets meeting in tel aviv after saying israel was prepared for any scenario, as i say it's uh, a very fast moving and fluid situation at the moment. we'll be here trapped in ice or evening or morning wherever you are in the, in the world. and don't forget, there's plenty more news on the information on our website, dw dot com. and we'll be back again in a little over 3 quarters of an hour for me on the team here in berlin and around the world. thanks for watching. take care. caesar, the
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