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tv   Beekeeping  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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this is from its territory, so definitely you know this towards the territory of the state of visit. recall i you, but most of you, we are monitoring the thread. okay, in the air space. so to that dealership, it is a threat that takes several hours to reach the territory of the state of israel on it. the fleet doesn't do all atlanta off. no. well, just a short time before israel officially announced the attack and started his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu released this video message, the 1st row, the citizens in recent years and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran or defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack by the state of israel is strong. but these really army is strong, public is strong. let's go to jerusalem now where dw corresponding atanya crime were standing by 1st time you go to see again. so what's the latest? you can tell us about the situation in israel. it was a reason i'm has gone
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a very quiet, but you can. so here are the some fight to, to scrambling in the air. and just over an hour ago we had the air rates are and screwing up not just yet in jerusalem, but also in other parts of the country. the south, the north here in the center. when there were incoming a drones or ballistic missiles, it hasn't been really confirmed that he could hear the but it sounded like the intersections and also a very, very closely and nearby. we understand that in terms of injuries, a 10 year old boy in the south was critically wounded. he's unconscious and was brought to the hospital. so this is the situation right now, and most people are of course know, following the advice of the home front command to take shelter or basically to stay inside. it's also very late. yeah, of course,
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but most people are waiting. what is the to come? tanya? tell us of ideas, ready respond to you, touched on it. they're already. uh well, uh, is obviously on the highest are lowered with oh, its forces and intelligence and also in close cooperation with other nations, especially its closest allies, the united states. no. all the arrow defense systems. uh of course, uh there, but you also have to fight the jets that are trying to intercept those drones. now the military has said earlier tonight, when there's drones very low, almost at least the 1st wave that they would try to. and to stop, most of them before they reach is rarely a territory the understands that other nations also hoping that's been reports, that the jordanians and also of course the united states are together in this effort. so it's,
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this is indeed an unprecedented attack. you have to say from iran that has been threats since this attacked on the consulate in damascus and syria and april 1st. and ever since, you know, they had this versus expectation that something like this could happen. but it could have also happen from through events of proxies, but now it's a direct attack and we're waiting to hear now what is where it is going to do? briefly if you could, tanya, how were people there in israel a dealing with this situation at the moment as well as think of something that was always in, you know, it was always talked about that this could happen the wrong in threat, especially related to events. a nuclear program and to have been always, you know, a sort of shuttle award between the 2 countries. but this is now somehow become reality depending on how this goes forward. and of course,
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is read has already said before, or now this retaliation by iran that they were retired if this comes directly from you wrong. so this is certainly not the end of it, and the whole region might be involved in that. thanks tonya. tonya kramer in jerusalem, all right from jerusalem. let's go to our correspondence in the lebanese capital bay route muhammad, straight to is standing by for us mohammed go to see you. so tell us what the reaction in the lab and onto around launching an attack against israel 6. well, i just received a report on what appears to be the drums and the size of the independence coast. and the city is this, the needs for the verification, but live in on actually announced that it has closed, it's fast paced and presently due to the escalation in the region on the front,
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on the 1000 front at, with the as well. and this one has been active since october 8th, that nothing an unusual way over the past 2 days, i would say, but we just received reports across the board of shelling between has blah and these were 80 or me as intensified. and the last a couple of hours, do you run the induct militant groups announced that it targeted the error defense basses into golan heights. meaning that this taught to some of the tennessee with the a talk that you're on launched against israel this night is the right. and also is using extensive a fire force to stride positions inside the cells independent. all right, is that then a further escalation of the situation and there in that region, i mean, as the law has already been enforced in, in this conflict since a told the 8,
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it's been trading the fire with as well the, the since how much launched the dentist, the dentist's, a talk on this well, and on october 7th, the party is a key member as, as you may know of the so called resistance access along the whole fees and the amount of the popular mobilization in the rock. and how much that in gus are they all receive fund and, and logistics support from uh you don't know what, let me do it repeatedly said that it does not want for the escalation uh with this right. and that the, the, the, the com, but that its engaging with it is right on this front is only in support to as a, as, as he says. but the party is the engaging in combat with these way the army on the, on a daily basis. so far, now, are they willing to escalate the situation further? this question is the remain that remains unanswered,
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but we would have to wait and see how is william the response to the unprecedented attack by your on to night. also, how much briefly, if you could, how are the general population there in lab and on dealing with that what, what's happening at tonight? so when the definitely disrupted the life of, of the been, he's definitely there's a sense of fee and things i see all over the country bates nights are usually wide and, and busy. it hasn't been the case last night and tonight it's significantly calmer since yesterday as everyone was anticipating this attack. a couple of hours ago people have been rushing to petrol stations to fill their car tanks. i've, i've, i've seen the, they, the key was on patrol the station and this is out of fear of a possible escalation to coming a few days. everyone is watching the situation very cross at the end up in a thanks. well, how much mohammed straight to and they read that speak
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know to hands, jacobi schindler, a senior director of the country extremism project, a non governmental organization. good to see you again here on the don't use. so tell us, what do you make of the events currently on folder? well, this is a very, very dangerous escalation of iran who apparently did do some things to make sure that the damage and history of this limited for example, it announced what it launched just off the launch giving these res hours to prepare for this. and then the remaining and mission payment mission after united nation, cnn york, where i am announced that with visit tax, the matter is, could be concluded. however, the problem is the wrong may be the one having decided how to stop this episode, it will not be the one who decides when this episode ends. well, how do you expect to use riley's to react them? or it's very difficult. i'm. there is one president on how you know is right. it
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got struck by iraq in 1991 at the beginning of the fiscal war. and george h. w. bush bush, 41, then dispatched the deputy secretary of state to convince these really not to respond. they did not respond because they knew that the american military shortly afterwards would take care of this got rocket blown sites in iraq during the goal. now we're in a different situation on the americans, on how taking care of the non sites in your, on this would be really then a regional war. so it's really tricky to see how these rated government is going to respond. that 2 ways to look at this as a absolute publication from iran spots also as an absolute maintenance of around because so far, nothing really been true or struck anything of any significance in this room. so it's a really tense situation at the moment. how's the echo of, let's talk about around proxies? what do you expect?
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and those proxies in the region to the, who's the rebels and you haven't, or his brother in 11 or as well after us media reports that will this date also known some longer range. me size and drones from human. it's not yet clear whether this was in coordination with the means or on their own volition, but it was around the same time as the reigning loan. so potentially this wasn't coordination. the fees in, unlike, is pulling up a fairly recent brooks. the, i'll be around really only becoming a true proxy. i'll be around after 2015, and the attack of saudi arabia, you, again, the coordination on them in human values. supplies are really you mean in creation, so that is 100 percent control always pulled out by your ron is not a 100 percent control of your on the, on the who speaks, i'm the rocky and syrian boxes off. you're on uh interesting. the quite silence tonight, so apparently iran is not yet decided to use this proxies potentially,
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to keep it back for a response to a even say the potential response to what happens to my how do you all got egypt as cold on old parties to exercise a quote oh to most restraint, i'm can this situation that we're seeing escalate into a full war between israel and around? absolutely, this is a very, very interesting possibility tonight. it really depends on how, how whole sites react, because one really dangerous president has been sent so far. the conflict between his route and the around was the shadow war. proxies of targeted attacks against fight is always outside is red and outside even. now if there's really government decides that this president is dangerous enough that from now on, every time they strikes, i'm giving him or his lot of fighters outside israel and that they would have to contend with the potentially rain and asked right then there's really government if
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that's the conclusion we'll have to respond if there is rain, a government response, only rain and territory, then be in a reasonable. okay, and worrying time, this and very tens. nice tonight. thanks nancy, echo pontiac of schindler from the counter extremism project. thank you so much. all right, here's a recap of what we know. so far, sirens have been signed in across the israel since iran launched and a sold with dozens of drones around says it also fired ballistic missiles. and israel explosions have been heard in jerusalem, which local media, se, our incoming drones being intercepted israel, the us and jordan of shot down drones around says the attack is in retaliation for what it calls is randy crimes. it's the 1st time iran has launched a direct military assault on his ro, despite decades of empty, are now the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has convened a war cabinet meeting in tel aviv saying is ro is prepared for any scenario. all
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right, you are up to date, we'll be here throughout the night. you can also start up to date on our website, dw, talk com for me, and the team here in berlin around the world. thanks for watching. take care. the robots contacting orchestra's author of being performed in virtual reality and generative a i helping create an entire about a how high tech innovation can revolutionize the stage. our topic today on ship the world robots really started replacing us in the us world. with the rise of a i and cutting us robotics the debate is definitely heating up. the roll bought all 3, made a name for itself in 2020, when it conducted an orchestra in the u. a. e. the reviews with this side of the
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makes the 3 is made to south korea, is giving the computerized conduct to another chance to lead an orchestra. let's take a look. this is no ordinary concept. today the korean chamber orchestra will be led by 2 conductive to 2 and eve. all 6, a humanise rowboat. the d o takes tons and conduct together. we don't think bridging the gap between 9 and machine. so we can take the table whose members by a conductor are very detailed. the robot was able to present such details much better than i had imagined. ease uh seats, men to mimic conductors, visits with motion, capture technology. but why he can set gene visions accurately? the human touch is missing the channel. yeah. yeah. make contact
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but by focusing on best string, the robot and human well, according to comedy, steve, all 6 focuses on structures, conductive to surfaces on improvisation. to have it on the i think it was a recital that showed the robots and humans conclude, exist, and complement each other regency rather than the one replacing the other man and machine quiet the team. indeed, a i to has taken to the stage recently, the fusion project, for example of features drummond, ballet company, british b books, and general they, they are in the fusion valley artificial intelligence turns artificial artist is considered the world's 1st p. i. valley choreography and music created using
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artificial intelligence. the 2nd questions are inspired by e. i to the fusion to the stage that lifecycle proffer this summer season composer harry, it uses a i to generate some static voices he can use and performances fine. i've collected hundreds of vocal techniques for on the walls and creating my own data sets my own collections of voice to then create new phrases, new expressions. so they were versions of me that are not me singing. and that is something i find very, very fascinating. the idea that we can create 2nd selves something that we can interact with and learn from that is from us, but not us. terry yet because worked closely with digital technology for 15 years for fusion, be trained as a i with over a 1000 hours of his vocals. live beat boxing melted with you digitally altered and looked vocals with the help of the eye. he explores the
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limits of the human voice, the i feel like my ability to unlock my voice. i've been able to control my voice in a way that has never happened before. and is that level of control and that level of expertise in my hype, especially it is, and i very much. oh, to how i embrace working with machines, the dancers of the live sleep valley, react to impulse is given by us with assignments. i think their bodies in motion the valley shows her in humans concrete art together. the, the systems are the $200.00 a human potential which can be beautiful and can be exciting. and it's very much, it's a stay. and i think we should lean in and understand and help younger generations know how to use this power appropriately. instead of covering our eyes and is and pretending it does not exist when it comes to experimenting with new text. the else
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book state data is a real trailblazer s t. a. you can see industrial robots as ballet, dances or entire operas in via or you can dive into or meant as reality. this q r code is concealing a world of serial adventure. leonora carrington's production and funnel knocked him, takes place and documented reality. also, book state theater is taking the stage to the city streets with this radical new production. the q arc which are everywhere on the streets, on postcards and online. spend anything, stay the same barriers while trying a ticket or choosing an access to this. you can just experience the theater in the city and benjamin. so i try to make that happen, is 3 d models make the stage for the actors were recorded in front of a green screen into d. that introduces an interesting challenge for them. the
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ones i get from the beginning as a 5 of you can call you can most really on the space in the studio, we had the challenges moving on a 2 d plane and we were acting with a green screening and had only ever seen the set is a 3 d model. been very manuel as id, more than to cause him and another project, ellsberg state theaters performing the opera of auto. but this time as an interactive game of items, the transaction will become a v. r game, even sorts of arnold sion. there is an offer of x because a 360 degree walkable environment on it says that the audience can experience in 1st person, you mcgee, by for them to show on the perspective changed, right. let's keep them and they have to sol tasks and that of the piece will be a completely different approach experience and a form for an open the 5 home. some of us know my love, isaac, and it's a new experience for senior sally. do want to reduce scans are used to create an
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avatar bench will be film singing using face tracking technology. the software will then project her facial expressions onto the advertising. the technology that we now have will change. i think a lot in the theater. i would prefer not to be too big because for me it's still important to have my connection with the audience. and it's nice. hopefully program of the future will continue with both conventional and digital productions. the possibilities are endless. coat and for me all works particularly well and seems that a huge seems that would wolf any normal stage having to fulfill it already? did we model the entire underworld for the actual realities on the capacity today? the theaters offering 12th productions and virtual reality dens. drama on concerts,
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the theater ship. so the, our goal is to audiences in germany, in australia. but you can also buy a download and watch performances on your own, your device. yeah, i live in the mazda as well. so there's a lot of interest and we have a surprising target group. influence is between 40 and 60 people. they get the vehicles delivered and give them to the parents who are around 80 and their own children who are around 21 the size. that means we're reaching a whole family and an incredibly wide range of people on some as close to bump side and as on all sports be our productions are reinvigorating theater and breaking barriers for audiences everywhere. i think it's a great idea for theaters to reach people who might not otherwise be inclined to go and it's a wonderful opportunity for those who kind come in person. next step is a theater in berlin, which has replaced is backed up with holographic projections. the felix is room
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project uses 3 d scans to bring a sole code using house on stage and the nazi era, jews who had been expelled from their homes with forcibly relocated to such houses . the play gives an insight into life. they have a holographic projection, recreate the room in which the jewish couple felix and an a gun lived before the deputation in the 1944 the place felix. this room tells the tale of the time here. the couple was expelled from the home by the nazis in 1942 and assigned a room in a so called union house. the projections show was it was like that. felix is great grand son, adam guns tells the story. it's belinda are in sambal fietta and that is from the protagonist, including
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a sketch of the rooms in spite of the walk to hold on plastic birthdays. and then i thoughts, wisdom. i need to rebuild the space. feet up on, on the 51st page, i knew it was impossible with light our scanning difficulties can technologies. so what's had such time the bridges studio scan lab project designed to the actual set. it took 152 months to recreate the expenses written using his sketches. they use long to technology to create 3 d models. from them. the scans all projected onto translucent cuttings from 5 angles. natural how's the route to be rotated as desired? but how does 9 to work to an instrument about this size? it sits on a trifold and over the course of between 5 minutes or an hour, depending on the resolution that you're off to. if 5 millions of lazy poses in every direction. so every point that that laser taught to use, we mock in space,
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and we end up with this really accurate 3 dimensional replica of the space which the scattering. spinning the piece gives a unique incentive selection and a dentist post as well as the match and. 2 watching the rehearsal today is a special guest sharing handbook and a and suite expensive brand nice is comfortable, and especially from australia they wasn't here. i've seen, you know, some of the scenes are incredibly powerful over the scene and the formula seen when they get smaller and smaller, it really cost to ship it to the nazi era. so millions of jews expelled past acute it, nodded phoenix in a dentist story. it's just one as many, 3 d projection technology is a tremendously powerful tool, giving the audience an intimate glimpse into this heart wrenching stories. the photographic projections and virtual environments allow for different kinds
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of personal interaction with theater, opera, and music. in this case, it adds a whole new dimension to a truly moving story. but what about a i? r is something intrinsically human. so should we be using a i for it at all? ultimately, it should be up to the artist. i think that needs to be somehow connected to our reality, but that reality today is one which is increasingly influenced by technology. so why not involve robots and generals if i want to? you think, can they, i add to the outward without taking anything away. we would love to hear from you. see you next time i
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the london underground. the cube is the oldest subway in the world. it's full of surprises. so everyone on board please. and of course then for guest 09. in 60 minutes on the review, the due date also in the video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazil union. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial capital.
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tom's in the m, as in. yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit, all that much or illegal leather stats may said on d w. the today on dw is health, so it's old about kids. we'll find out whether it's good to praise children constantly. what really isn't a breakfast cereal? what spokes updates for kids? and why these boys and girls walk around barefoot outdoors and much more because money induction teaching children about health during childhood makes for an ideal stuff tonight by to the.


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