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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, to be in use live from berlin, israel under direct attack by iran. the israel says around launched more than $200.00 drones and miss times against it. but many have already been shot, siren sounds nationwide with the explosions heard in jerusalem. the us again, such as are in cloud support for israel to the united nations coal. it's an emergency meeting, often secured the
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problem for really yes, welcome to the program. we begin with the area, la souls launched by a run against israel. these ready armies size more than $200.00 missiles on drones were fired from around. most of the messiahs have been have been intercepted by israel, and the u. s. u. k. and jordan have also shot down drones. air raid sirens have signed it across israel and explosions. of being heard in jerusalem, the rainy and revolutionary guard says the soul is in retaliation for an attack on its concert, syria, which killed several generals. it's the 1st time around has launched a direct military attack on israel is by decades of intense as well as being widespread international condemnation of the rainy and attack us. president joe biden repeated america's are in plots of for,
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for israel secretary general of the un antonio contest has criticized a serious escalation by iran. the un security council has called an emergency meeting jeremy's foreign minister annually. and a bad luck also condemned the attack, saying it could plunge the entire region into chaos. and the british prime minister wishes to not cold the sold reckless and 5 to stand up for is ready security. while these ran, the army has lifted it's advice to people to go to air raid shelters. it says there's been little damage so far. if the shock along iran loans dozens of surface to surface missiles towards the state of israel, maybe not before the vast majority intercepted outside the boat is of the state of israel mcguire and had defend system for a number of missiles fairly now tara tree shooting. but we know one guy who was injured and destroyed because of bass and the cell is done without any minus the
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damage to the infrastructure. so but the home, the music car, let us do a bit of a so is riley authorities have given the all clear meaning people no longer need to stay close to air raid shelters. but our correspondents in east of says it was a tense and noisy night injury. so the air defense that was my colleague in is in jerusalem earlier. well, are corresponding atanya kramer in jerusalem has been following developments there and gave me more details of what's been happening as well as speech as surgery. got
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some more details from the is really military here, saying that about 200 students in miss hos were mostly intercepted as they put it outside of israel with the strategic partners as they put it. and also of through the ad defense as system. but there was some hits uh, identified their own. he told us about one on a military base in the south of israel. so some made it through the defense. there's also a one, a injured child, critically injured. we don't know probably from a shop. no. what happened there? now we can still hear a fight to just in the air because the army had also said, despite telling people that don't have to be near showed us. but this is an on going event, so to speak. and we can still hinduism, defy to judge, be heard a shortly before to a m a, you know, those explosions of, uh,
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potential to into sections that were really close by jerusalem. but they were all over the country and also, so that was being heard. and now we also had in the past half an hour. so again, in the north, some errands, i rinse a going off in a northern israel, also new york about golden heights. it's probably more related to the cross for the tex. we've been seeing that in the past couple of weeks between husband law and uh, is ro, but also we understand diplomatically uh, on that front that you as president joe biden and probably needs to be netanyahu. where on the phone um, of course. now the question is, how will is ro vitalia to that, or how would they respond to this attack? tanya, a briefly, if you could have her as riley is dealing with the current situation. i think
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everybody is aware that this is a very dangerous situation. it's an unprecedented situation of the 1st time that these, these, such an escalation directly from iraq. and there was always talk about that this could happen. but again, you know, now it's, it has become reality. and the question now that everybody is, of course, asking is, where is this going from here? there's already a war between is run her mouse and garza. we have the tensions and cross for the techs in the north of israel with a southern, with hispaniola and southern lip, and on also a talk some of the who season from, from yemen in the past week. so where is this going? can this be contained and is what had already said, if there's a direct attack from israel from yvonne on is ro, then they would retaliate. thanks tonya tonya kramer in new jersey. so all right, well joining us now is laura bloom and felt the best selling author and middle east
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list lower joins us from washington. d. c. thanks for being on dw news. so is ro has said it will strike back in the event of a direct attack by a run which has now happened. so should we expect early retaliation as well? i think the single word coming out of the white house, at least in relationship to the phone call with the prime minister netanyahu was the word disproportionate of the united states, has acknowledged that he runs a response to israel's assassination of those iranian generals. back on april 1st was far beyond when anybody expected israel wheel striking back. the interesting thing about natania who is attends with him not to be an eye for an eye, but 2 eyes for an eye. so i think that one thing that united states is very careful about is unclear, is to say that is all should be proportionate and it's response. they didn't coordinate that original strength on april 1st,
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but the united states and if nothing else american wants to be lived in this time. all right, well the us has recently been uh, that's a more critical am towards israel. yet bible has just restated his are in clyde support for israel. so where does this actually leave us policy that? well, it's fascinating. yes. as you say, you know, the united states and as well, we're fighting over humanitarian aid and other foxhole bodies. i mean, the nights it stepped in directly into the battle tonight. um to save israel from, from those that swarm of drones and missiles. the question is, can they use that for political leverage for diplomatic leverage down the line when they need some compromises from the is really government that remains to be seen. but i think certainly they're going to be closely coordinated in their response over the next coming days. and weeks and with regard to the wrong, there's no world consensus that way around. it was unprecedented and unacceptable. and so it's very different than the humanitarian issue down in gaza. this battle
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for israel is the one who actually been seeking. it's a long time coming, this confrontation with iran know, ron's representative at the united nations has told us to stay here to this so shortly. it's also in the interest of the us to avoid a regional escalation of all along they've been trying to prevent the original ex escalation. um, our national security priorities in the united states are focusing on a rising china and, and increasingly aggressive. russia opening a 3rd front with around really with the that just kind of depleted our resources and divert them into areas that we're not interested in. that said president biden, you know, a man of few words, but many warships. he said, don't iran did. and now we do have to respond, there has to be consequences, especially in that election year, where a former president trump is going to be watching every move, every action the united states takes and will likely accuse us was us a weakness?
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can this escalate into a full war between israel and the rough? i don't see that happening. i think for natania who this is a legacy issue for him. he's been very focused on iran throughout his career. you know, he, at one point he thought he might be part of that normalization deal. the saudi arabia peace between israel and saudi arabia. that would be his historic accomplishment. but now i think it's going to be just that kind of final blow to a ran. i don't think that it will be a full blown war, but i do believe that he's ready to escalate just a little bit. we're going to be looking at kind of diplomatic sheets and s latoria letters for the next coming weeks. thanks for your analysis, laura. laura boom, felt the best selling author on middle east list. thank you. well, d, w, correspond to my homage rate to is in the 11 east capital bay rude. he told us earlier, more about the reaction in lab and onto around launching that attack against israel
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. explosive, i just received a report on what appears to be the drums and the size of the independence coast. and the city is this, the needs for the verification, but live in on actually announced that it has closed it's s paste and presently due to the escalation in the region on the front, on the 1000 front with it as well. and this one has been active since october 8th, that nothing an unusual way over the past 2 days, i would say, but we just received reports at the cost board is showing between has blah and these were 80 or me as intensified. and the last a couple of hours, do you run the induct militant groups announced that it targeted the error defense basses into golan heights. meaning that this taught to some of the tennessee with the a talk that you're on launched against israel this night is the right. it also is
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using extensive a fire force to stride positions inside the cells independent. all right, is that then a further escalation of the situation and there in that region, i mean that as the law has already been enforced in, in this conflict since a told the 8 it's been trading fire with is while the since how much launched the unprecedented attack on this well, as on october 7th, the party is a key member, as, as you may know, of the so called resistance axis along the whole fees and the amount of the popular mobilization in the rock and how mazda and gus are. they all receive fund and, and logistics support from uh you don't know as well as need to repeat and reset that. it does not want for the escalation uh with this right. and that the, the to come. but that it's engaging with is right on this front is only in support
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to with us as, as he says. but the party is engaging in combat with these way the army on the, on a daily basis. so far, now, are they willing to escalate the situation further? this question is the remain that remains unanswered, but we would have to wait and see how is william the response to the unprecedented attack by your on tonight's also mohammed briefly. if you could, how are the general population there in lab and on dealing with what, what's happening at tonight? that's what it definitely disrupted the life of, of the been, he's a big definitely there's a sense of fee and things i see all over the country. bates nights are usually wide and busy. it hasn't been the case last night and tonight it's significantly calmer since yesterday as everyone was anticipating this attack. a couple of hours ago
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people have been rushing to petrol stations to fill their car tanks. i've, i've, i've seen the, they, the key was on patrol the station and this is all to fear of a possible escalation to coming a few days. everyone is watching the situation very close to the end up in a thanks mohammed mohammed straight to and they route here's a recap of what we know so far. these really army says more than 200000 drones were fired from around. most of them is also have been intercepted by israel and the us, u. k. and jordan, i've also shopped down drones, air raid sirens, have signed it across, is ro and explosions were heard in jerusalem. the arabian revolutionary guards, as the assault is in retaliation for an attack on its concert in syria, which killed several generals. united nations security council has called an emergency meeting. it's all right, you are up to date and that's what we have time for this hour. we'll be back in
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a little over 3 quarters of an hour. and in the meantime, you can stay up to date on our website dw, dot com. and you can follow us on social media for me on the team here in berlin and around the world. thanks for watching. take care the sometimes to best. all right, how about you? out to the highlight for every week, not to not conflict crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube.


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