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tv   Beekeeping  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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in london's underground, the british capital's metro system is the oldest in the world. in the drag, seeing how does your rock alias hungry is considered an international style icon. and in regensburg, you are a max reporter honda, hulu reveals the highlights of this picture risk bavarian city. all this in more coming up on your own ex. the, the, one of the most famous landmarks of the british capital is the london underground, or simply the tube, as it's affectionately known by londoners. at 161 years old. it's the oldest subway in the world. come underground and find out what makes it iconic. it covers 402
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kilometers of the track with 272 stations on 11 lines, 10 serves up to 5000000 people as a the london underground. the oldest underground and the world is a treasure trove of surprises. in this video, let's get to the bottom of it all with and gab, again, a spokeswoman for the transport for london authority. there's so much that makes the tube iconic. every time i take a journey on the to something about it makes me smile. parents originally from philadelphia in the usa, and she's been a to send since her 1st visit to london. she's been working for transport for london or t, f, l for short. since 2012, the maiden voyage took place on january 10th, 18. 63. back then steam powered locomotives, pulled the gaslight carriages through the tunnels. in the beginning they were only barely under the ground. a welcome to baker street station. it's one of the oldest
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stations on our network. it was opened in 18. 63 as part of the original root of the metropolitan railway, the old list metro system in the world. the metropolitan railway, originally at 7 stations running from paddington to ferrying didn't baker street was one of them. and these platforms were restored in the 1980s to look like they were in 18. 63, although it's officially called the london underground. only 45 percent of the line actually runs underground. outside the inner city in particular, trains run above the ground. the data station is located in the shilling north of the city. at hampstead station, the tracks are 55.2 meters down. this is by no means
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a world record are sonoma, and key of ukraine is the deepest underground station in the world. it's a $105.00 and a half meters below ground. the root map design has been copied by many of the world's underground systems. the special thing about this map is that it's not based on the actual root or distances . it was originally designed in the 1930s by an electrical draftsman named harry back. so harry back came up with this map and he actually experienced a lot of resistance. and it took the underground 2 years to kind of except it's, they ended up using it. and now it is an icon the, these old map show the actual roots of the london to. and it's often very curvy. the underground was stopped the tube because of the shape of its tunnels. this
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smith named stems from around 1890. the tracks were laid to follow the roads curving overhead. and since the carriages are long and straight, this created some dangerous gaps. these are especially large at the bank meant station, the famous automatic warning mines. the gap was sounded here for the 1st time in 1969. ringback equally famous is the logo known as round old 1st installed at saint james's park station in 19 o 8 to help people find their way around all and mind the gap are very popular souvenir slogans. so a couple of things you should remember when you're writing the to you want to use voice store contactless rather than a paper ticket. oyster contact listed, it's just a better value and it means you don't have to stay on the line. you can simply just
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tap and go. you want to stand on the right and walk on the left. when you're using an escalator, make sure you hold the hand rail. be conscious of other people because we're all trying to move through the station and don't make eye contact with people don't talk to people. my dad is from the united states, he's a friendly guy. he will talk to people in the train and we have to say no, not here, just people, people have their b time, their space, the okay, so we're coming out here on the station. if you look up, you'll see there's a big green pipe across the station and that is actually where we've got one of the last rivers of london, the river west one. and that's one of the great secrets of slowing square station. and so a lot of people don't know the, we're actually are just kind of underwater at this station when we're standing on
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the platforms here. and if you look closely, you might notice that this station used to have a roof. it was destroyed by bombs and world war 2. and i really just want people to know that every tube station has something special. an interesting about it. if you keep your eyes open, they're going to be things that you notice on which make your journey interesting and special, and you just have to keep an eye out for them. so now you've done some homework one i've had to london to discover the oldest subway in the world for yourself. but don't forget, mine's the gap from an altar boy in a small conservative town in bavaria to an internationally acclaimed drag queen performances by your highness. your rock a k hungry, really stand out, even in the extravagant drag community. see for yourself.
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bizarre, eccentric, and yet artistic. that's a fantasy figure. you'll harness your room, rocks, drugs that have a very and festival. what's the motivation behind it? is it does i want to inspire others to question what they regard as beautiful johan is the a rod grew up and back this thing as small, deeply catholic town and lower bavaria where he was an altar boy. but even at a young age johan is realized with homosexual. how could he reconcile that with this function in the church? been human is tons, is going to alter boy, here i go to church every week of a vice out at the same time. i know my lifestyle would do this, and actually my whole identity isn't allowed into ted or mr. l. health is
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the more johan is begin. living is queer identity. the more he felt alienated by the church and its restrictions, but he still feels irresistibly drawn to the rituals rhodes and big questions of face. think man to come back to a message. and just as a whole celebration of mass is a truly fascinating spectacle. and i think if you grow up with it and really take part in it every week, but it affects you and becomes a part of your way of thinking. the a good time. read at age 17. johan is your right to left his stuff? he bavarian town for berlin to study fashion design. he found a new home among the capital's gay community, both privately and artistically better than suppose he embodied on coming here to berlin in 2012 straight out of school and off to the big city was definitely an inspiring step for me to take and but also an extreme staff and so,
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but it's too much to it, but it really gave me the opportunity to see how much potential i had with my creativity. nicholas tighten still for me steeped in my neck the tv tad. johannes, immersed himself in berlin's drag queen world and developed the persona called hungry. he puts all his creativity into it. he himself labels the result distorted, drag and unsettling variation on the already extravagant drag seen. currently he's collected over 560000 followers on instagram, who like his creations and effects last i know that shown at 1st. it was a very nice surprise because of course i wanted people to see it and appreciate the amount of work i put into it. and that service abbot is 9 stick a of us by mia unfinished. but when i wasn't really aware just how popular it actually was, july, it and how it was seen as something inspiring that's about the another and video to
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the makeup artist as photos and performances have also inspired international stars like iceland, exterior, bjork working together with her and her team hungry developed the other worldly figure on her utopia album to them a bite missy. i could finish them, and i still see the collaboration with derrick as a very special, even a very important point in my life. visiting opponent in mind because that's when i actually realized that there was an appreciation for what i do. i think it's a content that's a bad thing. it definitely is my head from alter boy and bavaria to the internationally successful drug, or it is hungry, a personification of diversity. in practice, the city of lincoln struck in southeastern germany is known for its well preserved medieval center, which wasn't destroyed in world war 2, euro max reporter hunter home. it takes us on a day trip through the charming bavarian city today and expo. 2 the
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very in city of readings for medieval times with 2000 years of history. doesn't it look like something straight? i took a fairy tale. the cathedral spires the river, the red roof. it's giving medieval court to the max. the regensburg lies on the danube river. and here's why it needs to be on your bucket list. firstly, the whole, the whole time is listed as the unesco world heritage site. i'm starting my day here in the old tide, the st. peter's cathedral, which is under construction. okay, but we're working with it, at least this one we get to use to our advantage, the ip access system. when i, as an architect, working on the upkeep of the coffee shop, when he suggested we take the elevator to the top, this wasn't exactly what i was expecting. i'm not gonna lie. i never thought of
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myself as being afraid of heights, but this is pretty scary. at least the view is it get destruction. so this is quite a huge, unimpressive cathedral for a fairly small city. can you tell me a little bit about the history of it? yeah, so, so the can see it all you can see today uh installed its, its work and 1273 before sir was a roman s cathedral. but it broke down and you're right so, so considerable is pretty big for reading support. i'd like to shop more to christian when i bought this amazing building, but the height is honestly becoming difficult. yeah, i think i'm ready to go by got like a speed on the boat as of today. so we take
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a look inside the look at the state piece. most of these valuable stained glass windows were installed in the 13th and 14 centuries. they were all taken out during the 2nd world war for protection. so what you see here today are all still originally the, just around the corner from the piedro is another one of the stone bridge, 900 years old on the legend has it. that the bridge builder made a package with the devil to finish to fridge. the devil said he would help in exchange for the 1st 3 souls cross the bridge. when the bridge was finished,
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the bridge builder sent adult head under rooster. and the devil was so enraged that he tried to smash the bridge apart. and that's why it's best. indeed it does look somewhat crooked. across the bridge, there's the tiny island of shutdown. it was once a separate, medieval village and now all of these colorful buildings are protected by unesco. let's go for a wander through the narrow lanes of readings towards old time. there's so many historical details like clocks, euro stores, and signs this whole time feels so steep in history. i mean, unlike many places in germany, things broke survive world war 2 with almost no damage. and you can really tell everything is silver useful. next to sweden, they have many delicious dishes, but when it comes to pastries,
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the sweets clearly have one favorite cinnamon buns. the east pastry is so popular. there's even a national holiday dedicated to it. we want to stop home to see how it's made. the canal or sentiment done is the favorite pastry of the swedes. its popularity spans from scandinavia to the us and beyond. but in sweden, it's integral to the coffee break, but more on that later. first things 1st tired of a taste for more elaborately crispy sentiment. e soft and sweet. go ahead. the andre a. and today i'll show you how to make the perfect sweeter set them in. vine, and come you burn on a flour sugar. saltwater. used a joke, butter, ingredients for the dough or simple. everything has to be needed by hand or with a mixer until in the last to do was formed. on the calendar, i used cold water because the friction caused during the meeting generates heat. i
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mean money, the bigger and i don't want that to affect the way they used rises. the now chose the finish doing the fridge for a few hours. time for the filling, the but it's not, it's just butters, sugar and send them. and then tell me you can modify it a little and add ground allman's seats are not spell on this. no, that's ok. you can also use brown sugar. but the most important thing is dumas butter and not mar during that is because the flavor is in the butter. it should be soft for the fillings next. now rolls out the child, the floured surface, the timing so, but i definitely may then take my feeling and spread a generous layer on top. you should and skimp here because the feeling makes all the difference is developing that. she then folds the coded to rules. it out even
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the and shapes it into a rectangle. ok, i'm just glad to know you know how to go into portions or the nice pizza cutter or something like then pick the slice and then so i use one of these to speed up the process. i so, so you just have to roll it across the doe, the linear, then those are to know the into the classics. now shape the and the paste. there's so many ways to the like in your book, in the, of the my account. in addition to the classic shape hemley, you can also do it like this. can you add up some height and can it make a not of clickable integrity. and then wrap another piece around it. okay, there you go. male body and there are can able, in the i started failing simon, miles, but my dad has some body of that. that's probably when i developed my interest in
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baking all tour. i remember i was about 2 years old, the oil took back then it was just about having fun and being creative, and i thought it was great to take that and will you now the funds are ready to rise for a good half hour somewhere in right before baking there, brushed with a joke and sprinkled with pearl sugar for a distinctively swedish finish. this we'd love to connect with us so much that the pastry even has its own day october 4th. but the birds are eating on other days to drink pico or coffee break, which can in fact take place several times a day. it's not really a meal, it's more grabbing a coffee with somebody. and having some type of bakery on a site and supposed to be very calm, relax to, you know, social social, got it. what's a nice during the day i have a coffee and i think it's a,
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it's part of being swedish. now i opened up a shop in a suburb of stock home in 2021. just 19 years old. she is mostly self taught a passionate baker since childhood. she now makes connect, but are almost every day, the ceaseless and now for the final image. i cooked them with their sugar glaze and equal parts, water and sugar. and then i've also added a vanilla pod for that certain something. i think it tastes better. so the village, this is lisa lupins, deep golden brown, and it smells fantastic lives of a man and a touch of vanilla. perfect, perfect cinnamon buns can be found in many places, but nowhere and they loved as much as in sweden, the aroma, the flavors that freshly baked cannot blot feeling. it can be summed up in
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a single word, simply what this sentiment button is for swedes, champagne and oysters are for the french, at least according to cliches. what fact is it has become a popular sport to search the atlantic beeches at low tide for a delicacy or 2, euro macs, reporter him like veiling, decided to join in on the fun a couple of days. what about this was that this to you? and at the beginning, i am walking along the french atlantic coast near that goal shed on the door level . i haven't come to the beach for the waves, but for this delicacy here is where i'm now going to try to gather my dinner. could you imagine finding anything edible here?
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i actually con for let's see if i go to bed full to the biologist and conservation is, is all about teeth. burnett is going to help me with this. he knows where to find the best seafood. at that low tide. we go in search for it, the only for this, so i unplugged, okay, i see the either the whole sits on a plateau that is quite gentleman slot. at low tide, almost to columbia, to beach is exposed on each side of the island to the north of the island, where it's much rocky. you can find crabs stream in spite of crabs, c hutchins, and killed the value and to the south. there were cocoa was then raised the clans, the mud features are i do for finding clans with, with us the more they probably want to find the most thoughts we have to dig deep into. my titles. fishing is popular with the french. they call it as a p fishing on for the i don't find anything
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i can see from science like to the to bose you say, you know, for sure we have the sure is the question to for, can you hear me? yeah. when i was little, i used to always come home from the beach with food about i loved eating, what i found with my family. i always loved it that she telling me something is all about people not grew up on the island to keep nature and, and then so you just set up rules for titles. fishing together was the conservation organization. a template shows us which must as well allowed to collect. so if i'm part of, if you would take your time like this, you must try to touch the both sides of the whole. yeah. okay. if not, it seems that the shade is too small. and you must place it on the bed and you come back maybe when you're already down,
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you can find it again and it's been split. and so not really every year, over $200000.00 people go searching the much for these delicacies without any rules or regulations soon that would be nothing left to see say. so you can call you. so this is a very important tradition here that we've always been titled fish and then on the island to be sure, we wouldn't have a sailors who went far out to see him on the big brother. people who fished at low time. oh no. so if we do the child care, i appreciate it, it is key to our identity here on in the did the, it's just always been like that the perception to be the premium we do, the goal is front of the 2nd largest island and famous for its voice to bands quite as well, but he's been the pass the muscles we've got that for dinner. i take a look at the surroundings. the old eyes, the farm is hearts can be seen almost everywhere. here the in the early evening.
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i mean to joe, but he's going to again at a friend's house. i'm intrigue to taste. the smell is of the morning. to my surprise. i'm supposed to eat the 1st must the wrong, the really salty it is butter some garlic, the dash of wine time and cream. that's all it takes to create delicacies out of a fine heading stuck out. the muscles by hand makes it a very special and unique dinner the really tasty, really if you have time, is that be good to have to go fishing and to cooking until the 18th to send. so that's
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a good life. so sometimes it's in for them to do it like this. think so the every few hours, the tide watches the next delicacies show they say the best way to get to know country and it's people, it's really stomach. and it's too simple down to an intuitive nature. that's how the people over here and 5 on the be really, really interesting to go to the beach here to collect my own food. and much less surprised. it's really and that's all from euro max this week. but you can find more fascinating stories from europe on our social media channels. take a look. thanks for watching and join us again. next time the
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this is dw, use life from berlin, israel under a direct attack by iran. the israel says around launched more than $200.00 drones and me. so i was against it, but many have already been shot them. sirens sound nationwide with explosions heard in jerusalem. there's international condemnation of the attack. stay breaks over tel aviv the world waves to see how israel will respond to us. again. pledges are in cloud support of the united nations,
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