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tv   Designer Sht  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 7:02am-8:01am CEST

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attacked us presidents, joe biden repeated america's r and todd support for israel. un secretary general, antonio, texas criticized a serious escalation by iran. the un security council has called an emergency meeting. germany's foreign minister on a bad luck also condemned the attack, saying it could plunge the entire region into chaos. and the british prime minister wishes to not call the sold reckless invite to stand up for is rate security. with these ready army has lifted its advice to people to go to air raid shelters. it says there's been little damage so far. if the shock along iran loans dozens of surface to surface missiles towards the state of israel, maybe not before the vast majority intercepting the outside, the boat is of the state of israel fluid. while i had a defense system for the number of missiles fairly, not territory, talk to them, but with no one girl who was injured. and this is great because it base in the
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south without any minus damage to the infrastructure. so, but the home, the music call let us do a bit of a is riley authorities of given the old claire, meaning people no longer need to stay close to error rate shelters. but our correspondent i'm in is says it was a tens and noisy night in jerusalem. the air defense. all right, let's go to jerusalem. now, where do you to view correspond? atanya kramer is standing by 1st, tanya, good to see you again. so don't, has broken in is route tell us the latest at about the situation there. it
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was for the moment of his quiet, but the armies those, they're still on high alerts, but it also isn't morning, you know, where this somehow is varies and also posting. and so waking up to a new reality of, to this coordinated and direct attack from yvonne to words, israel. now it was shortly before to him. you just heard it there. when every turns went off actually across the country also here of course in jerusalem. and then we could hear some of the explosions the intersections. now the army had said over $200.00 a drones and misses were sort that most of them. according to the is really military, were into septic together with the as they put it, strategic partners before. they reached the is where the territory bought some, still made it through the defense systems here and a summer hit,
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but they say there was no major damage. we don't know all the targets that where hit or where, where damage. so this is the situation right now, but of course everybody's waiting now a voice with israel do watch was the response to that, tanya prime minister, netanyahu and us president biden had a call overnight. do we have any information on what was discussed? yeah, there has been a statement given out a read out of this colon. this statement said that the us health is ro, actually today to take down as it's uh, a quote, nearly all of the incoming drones and misses it. also reaffirmed, uh the u. s. is iron clad as it was described, commitment to the security of it's very, it was also mentioned that no u. s. facilities or forces in the region where it targeted that is of course,
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very important to the united states. and also somebody said that it shows that this couldn't stretch and the security of israel that it defend itself a very well. now let us present you by and also said that he will convene the g 7, lead us to coordinate a diplomatic response. and this is somehow senior as an indication that he will try to contain this, so it doesn't spread to avoid a conflict. tanya, are there any signs that we'll see a swift retaliation from israel or? well, this is of course the question. no, we understand that it's now up to the war coming. that's a to providence opinion, minutes and you know, the defense minister to decide what the next steps would be. and it's really hard in the past weeks ever since this attack on the consulate and damascus in syria is where i didn't take responsibility,
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but it was why they attributed to and it's very stripe, especially by yvonne and they had threatened to retaliate. and isabel had said if yvonne and re tell you it's from its source from directly and not just through its proxy, is that it will re target as well. so we have to wait and see how the coming hours will unfold. thanks tanya for bring this all the light is from israel through the night and now into the morning tanya kramer interesting. laura bloom and felt is a best selling author on the middle east list in washington dc. i asked what the vitamin ministration makes of the arabian attack as well. i think the single word coming out of the white house, at least and in relationship to the phone call with the prime minister netanyahu was the word disproportionate. in the united states, has acknowledged that he runs a response to israel's assassination of those iranian generals. back on april 1st
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was far beyond when anybody expected israel wheel striking back. the interesting thing about natania who is attends with him not to be an eye for an eye, but to us for an eye. so i think that one thing that united states is very careful about is unclear, is to say that is or should be proportionate and it's response. they didn't coordinate that original strength on april 1st with the united states. and if nothing else american wants to be lived in this time. all right, well the us has recently been let's say more critical um towards israel. yet vitamin has just restated his are in cloud support for israel. so where does this actually leave us policy that? well, is fascinating. yes. as you say, you know, the united states and is what we're fighting over humanitarian aid and other foxhole bodies. i mean, united stepped in directly into the battle tonight. um, to save israel from from those that swarm of drones and missiles, the question is,
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can they use that for political leverage for diplomatic leverage down the line when they need some compromises from the is really government that remains to be seen. but i think certainly they're going to be closely coordinated in their response over the next coming days and weeks. and with regard to the ron, there's no world consensus that what he rounded was unprecedented and unacceptable . and so it's very different than the humanitarian issue down in gaza. this battle for israel is the one who actually been seeking. it's a long time coming, this confrontation with iran. know, ron's representative at the united nations has told us to stay here to this. so shortly, it's also in the interest of the us to avoid a regional escalation of all along they've been trying to prevent original ex escalation. um, our national security priorities in the united states are focusing on a rising china and increasingly aggressive russia opening a 3rd front with around really with the that just kind of depleted our resources
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and divert them into areas that we're not interested in. that said, president biden, you know, a man of few words, but many warships. he said don't iran did. and now we do have to respond. there have to be consequences, especially in that election year, where a former president trump is going to be watching every move, every action the united states takes and will likely accuse us was us a weakness. can this escalate into a full war between israel and a rough i don't see that happening. i think for natania who this is a legacy issue for him. he's been very focused on iran throughout his career. you know, he, at one point he thought he might be part of that normalization deal. the saudi arabia peace between israel and saudi arabia. that would be his historic accomplishment. but now it may be just that kind of final blow to a round. i don't think that it will be a full blown war, but i do believe that he's ready to escalate just a little bit. we're going to be looking at kind of diplomatic sheets and ask
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latoria letters for the next coming weeks. thanks for your analysis, laura. laura boom felt the best selling author on middle east list. thank you. santa van talia blue is a senior fellow with the foundation for the defense of democracies in washington, dc. he told me earlier, the attack by iran is on president. yes, pleasure to be with you. unprecedented in historic, you know, for almost 4 decades these logical public of iran had been fighting a shadow war with the jewish states. you know, they have been changing for over 4 decades. that israel, they put their money where their mouth is, but now it really is indeed coming out of the shadows too quick reasons why it's unprecedented. number one, these lot of kind of look has never fired projectiles like a ballistic missiles, for example, from its territory publicly against is rarely territory. number 2,
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in the public ballistic missile operations that the regime has been gauging in at least 11 or 12 since 2017, for example. it has never struck a defended target. for example, all the place the run did strike with ballistic missiles, iraq, syria, pakistan were undefended targets against air and missile defenses. so israel, in fact is one of the countries with the most advanced, layered aaron missile defenses and making an exceptionally hard target for these missiles. which begs the question of what were the russians hoping to achieve? was this more of a test run? was this an attempts to layer drones and ballistic missiles, lots of operational questions here. and the biggest one is indeed, how will these role respond? correct, how will is route respond, but tell me this, what did you make of the type of attack? it's given israel. plenty of time to prepare, right? in some way, you know, the runnings for a little over a week and a half had been publicly telegraphing that there would be an operation. and the 1st
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phase of the military operation that commenced was with lower and lower flying drones. some had read this as an attempt to give these release time to repair. but i actually think that would not be the case, the firing of drones 1st and marrying it with ballistic missiles later is because the flight time or some of those ballistic missiles can be as short as 8 to 12 minutes to traverse over about 1600 kilometers for the drones to avoid existing here in missile defenses. and how does the terrain they fly over it indeed might take several hours. so the pre firing and the publication of the drones, right? i don't think was an attempt to prepare israel to make this rag less successful. i think it was an attempt to pair it together with a higher and classifying missile. alright, what's being said in ron? some very interesting, you've had lots of pro, originally media, semi official media and media related to the i already see caring essence,
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full copy paste of these long and probably sharing guard core press statement essentially saying that yes indeed. this was a public operation. they are claiming success, they are claiming military targets was truck. so there was a fair amount of braggadocio in the running press leading one to believe that this read this operation as risky and bold and, you know, game changing as it was. i also was intended to signal resolved to a domestic audience as much as it was looking to signal resolve to a for an audience that was been on benton avenue with the foundation for the defense of democracies speaking to me a little earlier. all right, that's all we have time for it. there will be plenty of updates here on dw news at through today. you can also stay up to date on the latest, on our website, dw dot com. and you can also follow us uh, with our on social media. our social media handle is dw news. and for me on the
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team here in berlin, thanks for watching. take care and i'll see you very soon, the project cassandra re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug cart that somebody normally theaters, organization, the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. so the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency means as well as another whole left. they wanted to go after their money they had from lies. so we need to reveal that so world answered the wrong people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 pod documentary series. i'm asking has paula dot may 4th on dw, the of the south asian country is in the spotlight. thousands of net police men of fighting a distant war on behalf of russia and ukraine, driven by poverty and the promise of a better future. they risk their lives to support that simon is back home. hundreds of families have lost contact with that loved ones on the front lines. those who the escaped baptists. cons of a foreign or maybe otto stand ready to join that where
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the near a village outside can do this family moans, the death of that loved one corner by her daughter was killed 3 months ago. fighting on the front line in ukraine, a fellow natalie soldier confirmed by her to his death to his wife flew over the phone. every month, lou organizers these morning, pres, but his departed so well by study. on the when i heard the news of my husband's death, i felt like jumping from a cliff and ending my line. hello. this isn't for weeks. i couldn't believe that she was one of the refuse to accept that he was gone well and even now i sometimes
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feel like he might call me set, but that goal, she knows, will never come for not a form a dr. joined the russian army to pay off his dance. he barely got 2 weeks of training before they sent him to the front line. his desk has left a deep voice in the family. his youngest daughter still believes that her father will return some day soon. when my daughter has no idea and we haven't told her for the lightning she keeps seeing his photos and asks us to call him when sometimes she one does why her father stopped calling us. but she cries, a lot of our report on the new also feels devastated. the family do not even know whether they will get his body in for
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a profit. battery on the home reminds her about her door where she has decades worth of memories before he left russia. there is such loneliness without him. i feel his absence that's is missing terribly too. i never. now she is burdened with a data of 6000 euros that by her to a paid to the agents who facilitated his journey to russia is across nicole, hundreds of net police families have similar stories. them and they're either trapped in the wall or consent dent. others out of contact with that families. many of the dead, unaltered to and home, and the bodies that are brought back. ok related like this. among them. so mine is the lucky one who escaped the russian army. he paid 3000
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euros to a russian agents who helped him leave the country. today to man is this temple to thank god for saving his life in a war a well the way he suffers from night mass and his d. p. traumatized by warranty, experienced on the front lines in ukraine. nobody and nobody cares about the dead and russia. the life of the injured depends upon the seriousness of the wound today of what that of treatment this possible we rescued them was that they noticed otherwise we were instructed to shoot the seriously injured soldiers on sites. they need to that they very much, we don't say such events made him change his mind about the war. after stuffing 3 months in the russian army to mount did not receive the promise on the range of
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2000 to us dollars a month. since his return, he has been jobless. desperate to find walk, he is ready to walk as a daily wage. they live this. what does he ask? bishop, keep up a walk that is told that is no. what for him? disappointed to mind, go shop to shop. is what it is not a lucky day for him. finding what is very hot the opponent is consistently ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world. the economic and employment situation is dia. at least 5000000 people walk outside the country, mostly as migrant labor, as many a willing to take risky options. like joining brushes on me as
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a foreign fine to this police unit is tasked with stopping the constant flow of net police man. from joining the russian forces, police commission of blue pen country and his men are cracking down on recruitment agencies and brokers who profit from sending men off to the war. with what he was doing, this agents are persuading men to join the russian army by promising them better opportunities. the recently, they have arrested 20 net police nationals on charges of fraud and human trafficking. they found this stash of cache passports and the legal documents for commission of open to these latest arrests have been an eye opener. is concerned about the role of natalie as traffic is working abroad,
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found different layers lagging india even in the u. a. and defend, and is that working data at the time to provide them the presentations? i am be any need assistance. they need it. like sometimes the, the flight from gas on to, to delay or any other kinds of good. and they will get the visa from there that kind of, you know, the interesting part we found during the investigation fontes find police rates and mounting risks. many young man still want to go. sonya is ready to join the russian army. every day he spends hours thing, take talk videos, the glamorize natalie soldiers in russia for him joining the russian army is a ticket to a better life. but all that he needs is to convince his reluctant mother. she is warrant that he may become another casualty in russia's wall
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above the coal was also an employee to you and then left for russia. he is in big trouble now. and now you also want to join the russian army. please don't go. i know we can't support you financially. i know we are entirely vulnerable. but soon as she does not mind taking this risk, like others, he too is attracted to the russian government's promise of a good salary and design shift in red ton for military service. where i don't have any money, i thought the best option would be to go to russia and i was unable to. sometimes you need to take risk to get ahead of the life of the field without money. we can't do anything in this world. i know what items are up, this is why i want to leave and join the russian forces. the police have a light one and then they bought the soonest works as a pop time pick up,
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ride and cut mine to earning 15 euros a day. with this money, he struggles to support his aging parents. today he's visiting base recruitment agency that sends migrant workers abroad for jobs. so initially is hoping they might be able to help of the owners might be able to ya succeed if they can help him to join the russian army. but he's told the agency does not send people to russia for spanish. it was a disappointing outcome of a pop out of the russian army pays a lot more than being a migrant worker and guitar to buy. but this is why people choose the russian army and why to want to go for it. because of the danger out there, the recruitment agency now denies sending youth to russia. government has also bands going there in the afternoon. bob soonish does not want to work on
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a construction site and cuts on his hunts for recruitment agencies and bro, cuz continues nipple as opposed to russia's invasion of ukraine in the un. the government is urging its citizens to not take part in the war that police palma, foreign minister, nadia, and pratt cash sold, who was in office until march told d w. he has been negotiating with his russian counter balance on this issue. let's just see again that's i would like to express my concern about the enlistment of our citizens, the armed forces of a nation with which we like an official packed or treaty to do so. nobody can leave . the lady, recruitment of her citizens, implies that it happens with the knowledge of the russian government to ask you when k acknowledgement could be that your system level. despite the efforts taken by the net police government, nothing has changed. in cut, my do social campaign
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a key to upon doughty has taken the bottle to the streets today she is joined by aggrieved families who demand justice for their loved ones possible. here she is helping them prepare legal documents for the return of them and the do you have documents with your husband joining the russian army? if you have get them printed, we need to submit them. today the new is also joining this much. she has travelled from a village to the capital to them on the remains of her husband to put her not. the dispatcher is heading towards the russian embassy and they all stopped by the police. no one is willing to engage with them all except that documents in the tip of these families of from remote areas of nicole,
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boston, they've been struggling to appeal to the government to return that family members to join the russian when they hear to demand the russian government begin rescue operations. gwinnett police like lou hundreds of net police women audit time in to fight to the end. they say that lives have been reduced to one go either securing the remains of their loved ones or demanding the safer ton of those still fighting . russia as well in ukraine. the new generation of thumb is if slicing to protect these they are vitally important
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animals on this planet. and we all need, we literally could live without combing foaming to guarantee alas, each type thing. the next generation, the glory days of motor racing, one name stands apart from all the rest, show up until 1989. this race tracks near 10. i wasn't for the drivers from all over the world. we're meeting legends from the indian motor sports, learning about the legendary sullivan. in 60 minutes on d w. 4 hours,
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we say they're never giving up every weekend on dw the guns to begin having the very beginning i suicide was learning quite a lot about the beings. and over the years, i've noticed that i actually learned a lot more about myself through the behaviors to be in the being and beings, and even the other insects. they're not the evil annoying insects. you supplanted that they are vitally important animals on this planet. and we all need them without them we wouldn't be able to live gone. they are ultimately the food for all other animals. the atlanta, toyota, the mine has been transit and it's pronounced. yeah,
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i'd on good morning. my name is clinton, i'm 18 years old and i care a lot about the planet to have one just because i don't want all the bees and insects to die out. and yeah, i'm trying my best to do something about in less than getting started. isn't present anything that to us. i sent him. i've always been interested in nature. i grew up here in the country side mean menu. i never had a cell phone. so i had to find other ways to keep myself busy. and i realized that nature wasn't doing so well and then i started to build a ponds and put a bird boxes for birds to mast uh and that's how it all came about. so this is allison sponsored a thing that often up to you. i knew i really only use the smoke when they're very aggressive and they don't like it. they think it's a forest fire. i, i the i'm, they haven't completed this one's best for you. but here you can see the natalie gets st born right. takes
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a while, the fact that she's on her way. good morning. this is so if you need it as a, as can it is. we hadn't planned at all for social media stuff to escalate like them . i made a video with the friends and we said this method has to get out into the world. the oath, there are far too few people teaching us about these an important insects and the whole topic. i think i so we just made a video clip and uploaded it, and it went viral and and with the next clips that happened again and again to of one's the, the yes. and now i'm finally reaching people so that more people can do it. and other people can start doing that on finding them. it's, this thing is, the thing is, every one of us knows the planet is going down, right? everything's dying and stuff. it's right. i don't go and maybe that's also a reason why people watch the videos. hika because i show solution you them what
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you can do on your balcony in your garden, on a small scale to make the world a little bit more be friendly again, or just generally more animal friendly. i think it might have a fee of $1.00 to hit. some of the interest is there that the topic of bees was just not really communicated. i think in a way that was accessible for young people who come for i don't know how to put it really like how do i sign the the is each year. so she named us and we're here between mean dos and telemundo at the bay of lou baxa, you know, through the year i move up and down to fe with might be calling these depending on what different plans are in blue. i'm stephanie eden chip. i am 46 years old and i run a small, sustainable boutique area on the baltic coast on the
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uh it was, i started writing a book about re scaling as a b keep about 2 years ago to encourage others to do the same video. i love how calm and focused it is to work at the be hives. it makes me incredibly happy to capture the taste is offering and summit and the last 2 attached labels to the honey joseph. awesome. and to put them on the show for stay the ship, the end of the size of trying to find the same time or does a sketch funds in right. as i thought would be keeping in mind data. so to use and with 3 young children, it's really exciting to see that they have stopped to, to naturally become curious about looking into the high end of the learning last about be and then like many adults, the quite relaxed and just use the sense is to observe what's happening in the hive
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. how i worked in marketing in t on hamburg and the lynn for many years and found city life and everything that goes with this incredibly exciting stuff that i'm confused and then something very personal and actually very useful happened. we have twins and that's suddenly called my entire professional life. and so question i have no prospects in my job at that time. but in a kind of perspective of could say the 5 time a high, so con, permission, okay. once i swallow this job and i feel that something fundamental is about to change like the only just a moments ago that i have cells completely equal and committed to eyes loss and all you know, mid thirty's. we 1st invested the loss in our education and studies of time, and there's not much difference and awnings. what's more, i've never had any reason to doubt that my employee offers it's employees and family friendly, working hours me informed to show by size what the details behind. so at the end of joseph, by deciding just also family,
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i seems to be catapulted out of everything i've accomplished so far. and my idea of how equal everything should be, but it's like a bubble. well come to reality and as i from plaza they come and there was a lead to it just intent is the key thing has really been the decision i made also having been treated like this in my professional life. but i was, i should be, it was certainly a reason to say i'm going south end to toil is i'll just stop by and visit the work according to my own standards in my own value. and i can and my steve on mine, i can and vaskins the, i can't find the item, this views. hi, it's gonna have to see all some gosh, them is my i have had my own the colony. it was in the garden here. it was one of the 1st ones mom had them. it was also
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a very nice colony and dispatches and it had a nice clean. so the whole colony was relaxed and lovely spent on keep god i used to be have to be really well protected. because without the bees, nothing would really work at all. and all living things would be quite a bit further behind without them. but it's weekly ads, which is ag. yeah. how low ready? stable wilson. we once talked about pollination. you and you just need be yes. because otherwise nothing would grow. i got an excuse me, nothing at all is blowing. no apple trees high. no. nothing at all. kind of dominic's the, i'll stick on some of edge. can you pronounce your own and sex and stuff like that in germany and worldwide insect populations are declining,
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including the pollinators, such as bees, are alert, well publicized and study a few years ago showed that within the 27 years, up to 70 percent of the insects bio mass and nature reserves had declined. i'm catching the, you know, schmidt, you were here at one of epic, a eyes test phase. we're a technology company that uses a guy to try to find out how to analyze why insects are dying out. i'm mess that's a lot see here on site, we're doing a trial with a total of 14 colonies fights each and its own tunnel where facility of plants are in bloom, which the bees love. since i was a huge van of the ones i'm monitoring those seem to be in fact this is our monitoring system for b colonies of opinion. it's placed right by the hiv home and all these that enter or x that have to pass through this entrance area. how about then the camera gives
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us data on these images of the beast. of we use artificial intelligence on the idols. if you take a closer look here, you can see just how much we can do here. we have up to $200.00 b is going in and out and per minute kind of a fun. no human being can record that, which is why we use technology. it can help us automate something that we would not be able to track ourselves. how many bees go in and out? fine, how many are caring? poland, how many or non, torn by one of the students didn't provide spots sponsors? no incident with a 100 is a few, been our very 1st study in this field was in 2019. and that's when we looked at the same as new nicotine or a lot behind or data tells us how b is that have been exposed to a treatment react time versus those that haven't hung. that's a part of getting a better understanding of how different pesticides affect these before we know that poland gathering has also decrease size. this means that the bees have pollinated
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less and the percentage of b is the gather. pollen has also declined toxic gathering less pollen for a few days may not be a huge problem for honey bees. but we always looked at the wild bees as well. and if they don't find anything to eat for a few days, then that can be a much bigger problem because they have a much shorter life span any way plus hobbin. that's why these consequences are very, very important voice effects. and it's important to be able to measure those stuff on the mess and come out of the complex ego system of the thing. everything is interconnected, father, and if we create the foundations for the smallest creatures to thrive, then larger creatures can also live. well, there a when somebody has been stab gate escaped, i essentially, what do you see when we talk about bees dying out? it's not really about the honey beast, but all these wild be in the honey bees. have the beekeepers who take care of them . but these wild beast just don't have anyone to the us. that's why they're the ones that are dying outright mounted any kind of causing all stabs in this. it was
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one down here as an insect hotel and that's awesome for the wild beast. and it's also really easy, you simply drill holes and some would want to apologize. i suppose it is. oh, that's what it looks like when the wild bees live in there can be no bite as well. it's actually a good thing that there is some clay on it that i mean because it means the wild bees have moved in kentucky and they won't read again until next year. hank, it's silvia when they slipped somebody else and they were in these tubes for a year and then the next year they're ready to go again. yeah. and then the dumpster is it is office and basically i see it like this. everyone has heard of honey bees. they open the door to everything else to do with nature. and if the honey bees are doing well, many other animals be these are probably doing well to feed on to out, and we'll take the
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heaviest, like on some, i mean, think of us on thursday night, i just got myself some books and read them. and i basically devoured all the books, i could get my hands on just to get an idea of what the different opinions are. what's out there, i'm going to hit it and go find bike. and then i joined the beekeepers association and got to be calling me on the not what i'm looking at and then relatively quickly i got a bit more alternative and try it out. a lot of other things because of the beekeepers association and you're told how things are conventionally done and then the next. but i'm often more interested in how these actually live in nature, in old beehives, or in long kinds of and then i will, i is leaving the, the, the display of guns. while i've done this with
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a normal 3 trunks and i hollowed it out with the chainsaw and i saw it around for a day or so. and then also, and then there's also this entry door here is showing, oh it's quite a lot of work to build this kind of thing. but for me that's the best thing about it. i'm guys i think i look a little btn. i mean, that's me. yeah. i always have the being and i don't have the bees to harvest lots of honey. i experiment a lot, but i don't keep these because of the honey. it's because i find these animals. fascinating is a teeth. if i send you into the on, if i leave the honey inside for the volume list here, i took out maybe 5 combs for the family, so we have some hunting this week. i left the rest in there on the computer. all the boxes are all full of honey and i don't have to feed them sugar water or anything to my home so they can do their own thing. and i basically just look on in amazement, a stone that i have. i know that says that the
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obvious so awesome. these honey combs are so soft, but also so stable because they're hexagon that'd be there because his x, i gave him the form i think i need to know who could you ever make this? you can really stroke them to see people think these are aggressive, very rarely. there are a few that go crazy, but if they wanted to stay me, they would have done that. all right, go ahead and hit the send button. i don't have a single thing with this. i'm kind spacing economy the event at some speed from a samsung. i'll go straight up and try to i'm, we're now in the some of the beginning of august, which i have. i mean, we've just had a rain show and the small so i'm just so you know, the bees in the hive. now, one of the last generations of summer being was,
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you know, they have a relatively short life time. about 4 weeks, they use of all the energy collecting net to impelling the winter b, as on the other hand, have to go into your house in the highest and must wound the queen to ensure the future of the coloring them once and 4 percent is quite because $0.03 the you might have, you might be used to live here in a wonderful ocean which is completely um, treated furnished. it's simply the best imaginable natural environment for that as far as the transmission, as inc. cause invite in for shooting and for as a be cheaper but always expires. i'm fascinates me is how the b colonies have different characters. i don't want to see someone calling me use quite relaxed. i
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like to call them my hippie common way since the very common. sure. and when i look into the, how do you super, relatively little this happening, the and the bees are just living in the moon, the monkey for an intox, and then get this there also insanely aggressive. calling these with 10 or 20 be slowly towards you. these are often calling these that a very, very busy and was unbelievably hot. so bringing the honey, you struggled out enough. how many soup has to keep on saying one guy has to go when he called me the officer can kind of didn't have the time, but i thought of just reading about it. and then i went to be keeping coals and found a mental at the be keepers association. fine before the yeah, that's right. yeah. it's on a very nice weekly came as
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a new member to one of our monthly bookkeeper meetings. that's when we met her 1st . she listened carefully to what we oldsters have to say. see, i know it's a fun on scott. did you get 5 done for the tv keepers association answers? every question is such a way that's every beekeeper knows what we're talking about. even if they don't know so much that's about what happens to the be calling in the spring summer. it was all before the harvest and after the harvest and no mean time. quit some app just 5 minutes after a brief 1st cool to sleep, please. the chairs, the be keepers association, in our region, an invitation lambs in my email inbox inviting me to notate the following thursday to the village pub, some excellent. i remember these old boys clubs only to well from my time in financial communications, i say quietly to myself, i'm sure about what to expect from the evening. and my prejudices turned out to be almost more than justified from the gulf as i entered the village pub,
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whose interior looks like it hasn't changed since at least the early 19 eighties. i see almost exclusively old, a gentleman and dignified for time and to tie up my 1st gloves anita, against much side on the steps you meet yet in all the time he, if he has used turn on his energy to develop an exemplary a period. and she did it slightly differently than i suggested. she said no, i want to move away from styrofoam and plus to kind of do what i want to use, wouldn't hives that she did a good job. i'm impressed that it works so well. that's the oldest there. yeah. yeah. so our concept is going to stop as are this concept pass. i hope you have a couple months of debt points to the hobbies beekeepers association urgently needs young people to get involved because older be cheaper,
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so very conservative and don't really care about their bees on a small scale in the hive. yes, they do everything there. but beyond that, ensuring there's less spring that agricultural policy makes changes that agriculture itself becomes be friendly. i'm still waiting for that to happen. i'm each of them. i mean that good cultural engineer and a professional beekeeper, i'm 50 years old and i've been keeping these but 35 years in confirmation to beat keeping means and being at one with nature by 10 for example, experiencing springs on but turned up to 11. because all the energy in spring is in the b column in spring, and that's just very life affirming. and it's great to then chase the 1st honey. i went to prison for fighting for a different agricultural policy, taking us back then lots of gene engineer plants were brought into the fields. here . they were a 1000 headquarters of genetically modified corn. i went out onto the field and peacefully ripped out the plants was to preserve what was already there. that's how
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i kept doing it until i was sentenced to 2 days in jail or a fine of $500.00 euros per day. i didn't want to pay that, so i was taken into course of detention for 30 days because this target i had the liquid honey sent in because they could have been contaminants hidden in the solid honey, especially if i can be keeping talks with honey tastings and go for that was a big hit in prison because people stare at the walls, they're all the time, you know. and then someone turns up who's bursting with energy and offers them honey tasting room on one of our customers with awesome consumer cleaning. and you know, this is a very young queen. she doesn't have a dock yet. these loved variety when the racing field as whether there's nothing left now, all this diversity, we had them on the green, the corn flower, the corn cockroach. so corn poppy field, larkspur. it's all been sprayed away as alice, mick do splits when,
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because that's how society would do well to go back to that, but it doesn't matter. it has a subsidy system that gives money to farms that are already very, very large from those with more land receive more money. so if you have, let's say, 2000 tech, there's like that's half a 1000000 in government money for basic agriculture. and basic agriculture means 3 crop rotation. winter we try calling rape seat device mice cups got to the alternative to changing the b keepers association from the inside would be to found a new association. it would have to stand up for bees and being committed to an agricultural landscape that seems to be it would have to get involved in agricultural policy. i think that kind of association could also take on the many
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young p keepers who are now starting out and then really get the be keeping community going like getting into in cash off. this really is an easy the it's not to he owns you, my easy when it hits youngest on up in my room even quick then when i started with my flower meadow project, i went to the local municipality and ask them for a bit of cash. just to finance the see, i know who that's one hurdle was and then of course you have to convince the farmers who have always been in charge here and tell them how to do it and say this is how it works. and this is how we're going to do it. they will of course, you 1st have to convince them to let you dig up their meadow. and so flowers there on the mind, most of them slammed the door in your face and say, come on, give lock in concepts, but there are also a few who say yeah man, that's a good idea. give it a try. who do they put me in? like the
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i so it's around 80 kilos. it's really hard. it's i'm, i see so far i've been doing all these meadows on my own. so it's also a bit difficult when i tell my friends on the weekend, hey, let's make a flour meadow and then they say do drill. what are you talking about? i want to party as a well, there are a few who joined me, but it's still a bit difficult to get in the i celebrated man. it's pure nature. nature beneficial. this is a flower meadow i sewed last year. if you can see only one plan blooming here right now, there's a wild carrot and fooling, but in spring and summer,
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there wasn't much more on that. and something else is coming up here too. it's an experiment really will be and if it's not only be friendly, flowers, honey, be flowers that bloom. i don't care because it might be a flower that a butterfly lands on or something to do. in any case there's already much more diversity then in this normal greenfield. so the idea is just to try it out and see what grows just so something in a small pot are similar and something will happen comes on sean. my name is my vision is that there will be enough flowers everywhere again, for all the insects and for the animals. and when the insects return and get the rest of nature, will automatically be better again, the spits say to some extent hosting that it was really special to really the use of rhythms of nature. again, i missed that more and more during my years and to see that you can feel the seasons again, you can feel what's growing. you can observe which blossom is coming off. you look
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at the pollen that bees bring in and what's the debate against the beginning? how much i just did up the very beginning. i suppose i was learning a lot about the bes, what? over the years i've noticed i learned a lot more about myself through to be used to being on small to find a balance, to come to the come this stuff to be radiate, especially with my system. with my story, i want to encourage people to listen to the own hall and to see change as an opportunity to visit to believing themselves. and to know that a gap in the korea is not the end of the world. on the contrary, it is a unique opportunity to move in a new direction. don't forget, it doesn't have to be a grace adventure like crossing the atlantic and assailing both sides. it can be something small and stuff 9 that makes you sparkle. and inside some clips, something the,
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the the
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risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary do big ocean, a beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day, 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from inigo cattle farms in the m, as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the,
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you're watching the daily news coming to live from berlin. iran launch is an unprecedented wave of attacks against israel, the israel's, as it has oil, the attack intercepting and shooting down more than $300.00 drones as myself as day breaks over. tell us, leave the world, wait to see how israel will respond. us again. sledges. it's iron clad supports and united nations security council pulse on emergency meetings the
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