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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news coming to you live from berlin. iran at launch is an unprecedented wave of attacks against is round. the israel says it has boiled the attack, intercepting and shooting down more than $300.00 thrones and the salts. after israel propels the attack, the world is now waiting to see how it will respond to us, reiterate it's iron clad supports and to the united nations security council calls and emergency meetings the
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empire richards and welcome an aerial assault was launched by iran against israel overnight the israeli army says more than $300.00 missiles and rooms were fired. it is the 1st time iran has launched a direct military attack on israel despite decades of hostility. that has been com over jerusalem and tell of eve in the wake of the garage. almost all the missiles were intercepted by israel and the united states. the u. k and jordan also shot down drones, air raid sirens that sounded across israel. the iranian revolutionary guard says the assault was in retaliation for an attack on its consulate in syria on april. first, they killed 16 people, including several iranian generals. now there has been widespread international condemnation of the iranian attack. president joe biden repeating the united states iron clad support for israel un secretary general. antonio good has criticizing
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what he called a serious escalation by a run of un security council. as we've mentioned, is calling on emergency meeting. germany's foreign minister and elaina bare bach, condemning the attacks a could plunge the entire region into chaos. and british prime minister wishy sonata called the assault reckless and vowed to stand up for his release security as really, authorities have now given the all clear meaning people no longer need to stay close to air raid shelters. but our correspondence immune is a says, it was a tense and noisy night in jerusalem the air defense so to do the use uh,
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corresponding tonya cramer and jerusalem for the very latest she gave us this update about the situation in israel this morning. while it is quiet for now, but the army says the remaining on high alert. however, the space has a reopened roofing told is so. but this comes of course, for many for israelis and palestinians in a waking up after such a night. this is somewhat a different, a reality of to these a direct, an unprecedented attacks from iran to a on is true now via hearing a more detailed snow. also coming in this morning from the is really military. they said that over 300 trends and missiles were launched from iran, but also from other countries such as from living on the very well could some human but also some from iraq. and they're saying that most way into set up before they reached is where the territory by the defense force of by coalition
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of a strategic partner is as they, as the is really military has said. and they also said that 99 percent where into septic, so with some ballistic missiles, however, reaching and hitting a somewhere in israel, one of them was hitting in this at the never team at base in the south. or we don't have a full assessment there. but they're saying it was only minor damage, but also a child had been, has been a in judge, critically injured, potentially, by a shopping to know. of course, after all this happened, the question is no, you know, what will israel do a, but how would they retired? how would the response to this is indeed the big question here, tanya, what do you think is rails next move will be? are there signs that we might see a swift retaliation?
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well, this is, of course the question a right now that has been also a phone call between us president a to biden and 5 minutes. opinion mean netanyahu in the course of the night, and that is an indication that the united states, they don't want to see a wider region. the escalation coming out of that. they have also said that the us health actually is ready to take down nearly all of the incoming drones and misses. and that if i should see this as a success in a way that they could reboot all those most at least of those and me. so i was coming in now it will be in the hands. now if the work having to to decide the next steps, probably minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister and your guidelines. and you just have to wait and see whether you know, how they will decide whether they will be retaliation. and you know, this could affect, of course, most of the region here. and
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a many don't want to see of course of why the escalation, tanya, thank you so much for your reporting. that is tanya kramer for us in jerusalem. u. s. president joe biden says he will convene the g 7 countries to plan a diplomatic response to a rounds attack. by didn't announce the meeting after speaking to is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone biden, told them as an yahoo, that as well demonstrated a remarkable ability to defend against unprecedented attacks. sending a clear message that is real, security cannot be threatened. but it also is that the us has not seen any attacks on its own troops in the region, but confirmed us forces helped as well take down nearly all of the drones and missiles launched from a run, a bite and is cut short a weekend trip to hold crisis talks with his national security team or reporter in washington dc stuff and simons that told me what the u. s. has said publicly about this attack as well. of course the us president as well as the entire
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administration, was very, very quickly to stand by israel officially and with statements this island class, a standing by israel quote comes from national security council statement, which was given on saturday. now, the president has reiterated that this will be a u. s. position that when israel is attacked and has to defend itself, the us will do everything it can to support is relevant. so it did during this attack from our drone and missile attack by iran, us saying that it's shut down itself. 70 miss ald slash drones doing this attack and helped israel by doing so defend itself. but as i said by my calling time you out as usual, i'm the by the administration is very, very, very keen on really putting a lift on this. now,
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iran apparently has concluded or has said that you and mission the, the wrong, the emission permanent mission at the u. n. has early on relatively early on saturdays, still a said, okay, that concludes the matter for us. we retaliate retaliated, and the by the ministration is now, as we also reported in telephone calls and communication with these rarely counted prod, saying now return to measured responses is necessary, not a retaliation by israel to not escalate this into a wide or full scale regional conflict. so let's taking a little bit more into, into washington support of course, support for israel, a main stay of us foreign affairs over decades. what do you think? iron clad support promised here is going to mean in concrete terms. a 2 pronged approach. that is militarily speaking, the united states has many,
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many assets, navy assets, the air defense s, as in the region, red sea, or the state of far moves. eastern mediterranean, this a sophisticated weaponry fighter jets and whatsoever. and they will be defensive support for israel. that doesn't mean boots on the ground, us military engagement, or with us soldiers anywhere near or close or anywhere in the region there on behalf of is, or anybody else about support with military assets, specifically intelligence deals, special rate that information and intelligence, etc, etc. this will come from the united states and will be continuously provided to israel . and that's what that means. on the other hand, it's of course diplomatic support. that is, and we see already the results of this and it is reaching out to all partners. and as of the united states, not just natal partners and friends and in the, in, in,
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in europe. it's also partners and allies in the middle east and meeting by this eric partners, god for saudi arabia, jordan and egypt. those countries, us is trying to make sure that all of them are on the same page in trying to de escalate here. now meaning to really prevent a full scale regional conflict from happening. thank you so much. that is dw chef and simon's in washington dc. is real defense minister, you'll have the launch praise as rarely for us as for blocking the attack and paid tribute to israel's allies for their support. they're not the so i am the ally law . the state of israel has faced and attack me. hundreds of me 1000 joins the israel . defense forces have done an impressive job of blocking the offensive sales as you offer the muscle thim set together with the united states and other partners. luckily we managed to defend the territory of the state of israel is maybe not the
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so i'm a said the whole world. so tonight who yvonne really is it's the state right. it's a tax is miles from a distance of 1500 kilometers hill and tries to activate, talk a little bit, talk, see my bill at the slide. very minimal sell off in its cultural quintinella, but the well no more is no. so i see the power of a coalition and how israel stands alongside the us and other countries made to block this attack. it's all fossil to, let's get more now from data. these middle east analyst is shawnie rose on us. i strongly tell us what considerations israel is going to be taking into account here as it decides how to respond to this attack from iran. just saw the defense minister and then start talking about the alliance. the western eliza was helping a israel, and there's no doubt as well can not wage a war against iran alone. it needs support and it's going to have to be very
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careful not losing the support if now seems to have just like what happened and goes, i know we've seen that start like that and ended up in a very different note. so here's what needs to find a way to delicately find a balance and to be showing and a question, a aggressive response, which is what they're vowing to do. we also heard this morning. them is really the fed, mr. of us, of for an affair. thing. israel will have to retaliate on a rainy and so it was because they weren't taxed by ringing so, so this is something we don't see the line so keen on, on doing in his real field with needs to do it in order to restore. it's the turns, so i think they would try to find, 1st of all it's going to take some time. we're not going to see probably anything immediately happening. but then it's gonna have to find maybe a, just like the ring is, did something very symbolic. but that would not, you know, bring to an escalation, but would still allow as well to show that it's been active. and it's going to be a tough probably to find that without, you know, when you start this process, it escalation, it's really hard to see to, to know what needs, you know, it's not just an israel's hand to decide on the response. and of course we talk
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about support for as well. we can talk about that without mentioning the united states. how difficult do you think it is going to be for washington and israel to agree on a clear response together to this what we know, there's a lot of mistress between washington and jews and we know that the relationships there are very tense and this is also partially what the radians maybe were counting on. and this is something that would be the biggest assets for you on to see if a growing wedge between israel and the wrong. and this is really the us story and this is exactly what is real. we have to be very careful with whether it's trying to consider its next steps. we know for now that the americans have very little appetite for any more actions taken by israel. definitely the they, the way they see it, there needs to be a decision made in israel, according to the results which are quite poor and not yet according to the intent which israel is aiming at, you know, seeing as a, quite a bold step. we see around here rebuilding reshaping the rules of this chat award that's been so far between israel and iran and taking it into the light and setting
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up new uh new standards and is gonna take some time back and forth to find this new equip your maybe maybe would that bring it to a wider escalation? tell us a little bit about domestic considerations within israel to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. for example. what can we expect to see from him? what will his interest be and how he responds to iran, what we've been seeing him in the last 6 months as well. uh, with garza, he's in the most extreme right wing government. israel has ever seen he. he's always forced into more action and more aggression by those extreme forces in his government. and we also need to remember nathaniel himself, he built his career and wanting to be remembered as a protector of israel and the main enemy he was pointing at all those years for decades. like it was iran who was a hard liner all in to the effect of willing to risk his relationship with the obama administration in 2015 going to the for speech in the congress trying to stop the ring and do so. he is very adamant and at, at know, being very hard on a ron,
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the americans are not there. and this is exactly this conundrum. this is exactly the find it israel is in and going to have to see how long it takes it to find maybe some way out shiny. thank you as always, but his dw, middle east analyst, a shiny rose on us and we can speak now to hinds, jacobo schindler, a senior director of the counter extremism project. thank you so much for speaking with us on dw news. i'd like to start with your thoughts on what has happened to your what do you make of the a tac last night to thank you so much for having me. it was me a you may need escalation, which is nicholas and unfortunately, really complicates things, but it was an escalation, again within the reading and twist. so what happened is, immediately after the drones and the records for launch from the ring in the territory, united states tv officially announced the launch giving these re lease hours in the case.


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