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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the w news coming to live from berlin. iran launch is an unprecedented wave of attacks against israel, as well as it has for the attack, intercepting and shooting down more than $300.00 of drones. and miss aust, after israel repels the attack, the world is now waiting to see how it will respond. us reiterates its iron clad supports and the united nations security council calls on emergency meetings
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the inquiry. richardson, welcome. iran has launched an aerial assault against israel overnights, the israeli army saying more than $300.00 missiles and drones were fired. it is the 1st time iran has launched a direct military attack on israel despite decades of hostilities. and has been calm over tel aviv in the wake of the garage. almost all the missiles were intercepted by israel and the united states. the u. k and jordan also shot down drones. they're running revolutionary guards as the assault was in retaliation for an attack on its diplomatic compound, in syria, on april 1st, which killed 16 people, including several iranian generals. and there has been widespread international condemnation of the iranian attack. president joe biden repeated the united states iron clad support for israel un secretary general. antonio debt has criticized what he called
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a serious escalation by iran. the when security council has called an emergency meeting, germany's board minister and the lena bear block also condemned the attacks. and it could plunge the entire region into chaos. and british prime minister, where she sooner called the, sold a reckless and vowed to stand up for is rarely security. w corresponded rebecca rivers, gave us this update on the situation in israel this morning on the street. suddenly in jerusalem it is pretty much business as usual this morning on my way in. cafe is will open, shots were open. people were walking around on their way to work very much a normal sunday morning. here in the see, the officially schools and educational activities will remain closed at least for the rest of today. social gatherings has been limited to a 1000 throughout most of the country, and that's even more limited in that goes a border region. but by and large, the threat is over according to the spikes. and all of these rarely defense forces
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. and the space is also being re open to the airport is also being reopened. signaling that the threats has been significantly lowered, the spokes person also saying that freedom of movement is now not an issue and people is released can, can move around as normal so. so really, you know, for many, you know, when you walk out in the streets almost how to tell that they was such an attack last night. it's, it's, it's quite, it's quite old, quite strange. and rebecca, we know prime minister benjamin netanyahu and us president biden spoke by phone overnight. do we have a further information about what was discussed on that call? we have some limited information. we know that they spoke a several hours ago. now the call lost it for about 25 minutes. we here and in a statement of to his president biden said that he reiterated to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the of us is i am clad support for israel. so it is being
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reported sources close to the call list have reported as being reported in the us media or especially that you know, the president was very quick to say that the us did not want to participate or support any retaliation, particularly directly to iran. and it is being said that prime minister benjamin netanyahu allegedly understood what fighting was saying there though, of course it's impossible to so not that just a media reports at this stage. and now button has a and the us has they repeatedly signaling that they don't want this to expand into a wider conflict. and that's certainly that the deterrence measures that they are taking. and that is something that they are going to be urging these riley's to, to act a conservatively. it is also being reported that by and said to benjamin netanyahu that you should take, this is a win. so obviously from that i think we can at the time that he's trying to urge
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israel not to retaliate, the israel has bound to do so. uh, you know, i think that is old, but we really know from the cold at this stage, and we'll have to say how israel will respond of you know, in the days and hours ahead. rebecca, thank you. as always, that is rebecca rivers for us in jerusalem. and we can get some analysis now from mike martin war studies senior fellow at kings college lent and welcome back to t w. what do you think last night's attack reveals about your runs evolving military capabilities? it's actually showers is pretty much what we'd expect. so the large part of data that was shaheed drawings, we seen lots of those in ukraine, knew by the escaped lights, the russians, and then on the ballistic missile from the cruise missile, friends, we've got a pretty good idea of what capabilities are on has from various tests they conducted and so actually what we saw last night was pretty much exactly what we expected in terms of folding with
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a new ron's technological envelope. if you like what they're able to do and given the relatively limited damage, do you think that runs attack was been calculated to cause a relatively limited damage? well displaying strength, or could this force israel to retaliate? i think the night on the head, the yeah. as you said in your package, this was in response to the is riley attack on the iranian constituents. and iran had to respond to that. and the question was, how it responded. and actually it wrong could have done much more damage to israel, perhaps by using some of its proxies nearer to israel. but as it was launching quite slow moving drones that were able to be shut down, enjoy dining space as well, signaling the attack. so out to a week in advance this was. 2 for the writing,
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domestic audience onto its proxy allies in the regents demonstrate the iran wasn't going to be pushed around. but equally, both iran and america a signal that they want to consider the mass of clothes. now they do not want to escalate this any further. this is this also have to do the successful downing of one is really military spokesperson says was 99 percent of the drones and missiles fired. does this also have to do with israel's capabilities here? why else would it has been so successful or so? it wasn't just these writing, these right, these, these ladies shut down. a lot of the missed solves once they enter these riley space and we've seen the photos in your package just then. but actually a lot of the slower moving drones on a numerical times the drones took up the large parts of the attack. they would shut down predominantly by the us apples and also all the allies, jordan and potentially the u. k as well. the americans are the most,
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the largest and most technology grade phones as well as in the world. and these ladies have the most advanced ad defense system in the world. so i actually don't think is that surprising with an attack that they had a week's notice of that they were able to plan to pass pre physician ad frames, get the defense is ready and then deal with the attack in a fairly comprehensive manner. i think to be honest, both sides, iran and america, and israel as well. really what happened last night was, should be expected. i think all sides are expecting to happen, what happens, and then it happens a now i think we're going to go back to something slightly more steady state between the 2 sides because nobody wants to escalate beyond really what was a demonstration last night. so mike, just briefly before i let you go, what do you think then israel might be considering in terms of a possible response, what options would be on the table for them? well it,
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it is the wild card cuz nothing yahoo is more breakfast in the us and they were on . but if it, ron is being sensible. so a phase rolls makes sense, but what it will do is keep his response within the way america sees the region. so perhaps attacking it runs nuclear facilities, and that will enable israel to keep his response within how the american see the region. thank you so much as always that is it mike martin at worst that he is a senior fellow at kings college london. i think he so let's get into some specifics of what iran has used in this attack. arthur, holland, michelle is an expert on a drones with the carnegie council for ethics and international affairs. we've just heard there that drones did form a large part of this attack. could you tell us what kind of drones iran has in its arsenal and whether it's clear what was used in this particular incident?
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sure, good morning. it's great to be here. so iran actually has a very diverse drone program. they have a believe about a dozen different types of trends that can be used and sort of recognize ms. file suicide style, the tax. so unfortunately i, i've been on the road and i haven't been able to. um, you know, look into any of the analysis of the actual attack and the evidence we have which is presumably very thin from last night. but keeping in mind of the ranges of these attacks, it was probably some of the largest suicide drones. so these are foster moving jet powered, in some cases, propeller powered systems that have a war head of anywhere between sort of 50 to maybe like 200 pounds. and that was a little bit more to can about it runs drone program. it has the threat from it,
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been increasing and recent years. it certainly has an important thing to know about iran's drone program is actually it's one of the oldest drone programs in the world around has been making drones since the 1980s. and in that respect, they go to a big head start over a lot of other countries including some of their adversaries. and the threat has definitely been increasing in, in recent years, as a result of recent technological advances and things like sensors, miniaturization, a power systems. they're able to produce more sophisticated, more precise drones and to produce them in higher quantities. but an important cab yet to that is that each time it run carries out an attack, especially an attack on say us pulses, or in this case on israel, that gives the defenders information about how to best to account of this threat. i think that if we had seen an attack of this scale 5 years ago,
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we wouldn't have seen the same numbers of shoot downs that we saw last night. you know, these amazing figures of 99 percent into section rate. and so that is the kind of counter weight to this idea that iran, the, the drone threat is sort of going to only grow exponentially in, in the years ahead. it's always a cat and mouse game 3 attacks themselves, reviewing its capabilities. i guess my next question would be then, how it was possible for iran to become such a global drone power house despite western sanctions as well. again, it's just, you know, it's, it was this early bed that they made to get into the, you know, and that to get into the, the, the field of technology. um, really before people are actually taking it very, very seriously. also keeping in mind, but drones as compared to say, missiles don't necessarily require incredibly sophisticated components. you know, you, you don't need necessarily like
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a very expensive rocket system. the kind of system that might be subject to sanctions or trade restrictions. you might just have a propeller or something, but it's as simple as what you can buy for a hobby plane. and in that regard, they sort of made this very, very, i'm president. bet that going low going small. you know, going simple could actually be a pay us because a lot of the way to customs that we developed well for, you know, big rocket powered systems aircraft and such. and so being able to fly under the radar was a bit of a hole in that. arthur, thank you so much for joining us today. that is, are there holland michelle senior fellow at the carnegie council for ethics and international affairs? the u. s. president joe biden's, as he will convene the g 7 countries to plan a diplomatic response to a runs attack by that announced the meeting after speaking to a prime minister, netanyahu over the phone spite and told him that yahoo is real demonstrated
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a remarkable ability to defend against unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message that israel security cannot be threatened. by then also said the us has not seen any attacks on its own troops in the region, but confirmed us forces helped as well take down nearly all the drones and missiles launched from her run a no bite and cut short a weekend trip to hold the crisis talks with his national security team. let's go to the stuff in simon's in washington dc with more on what he said on this attack. the us president, as well as the entire administration, was very, very quickly to stand by israel officially. and with statements this island class, a standing by israel, quote comes from national security council statement, which was given on saturday. now the president has reiterated that this will be a u. s. position that when israel is attacked and has to defend itself, the us will do everything it can to support is relevant. so it did during this
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attack from our drone and missile attacked by iran of us saying that it's shut down itself. 70 miss ald slash drones. doing this attack and helped israel by doing so defend itself. but as i sat by my colleague tied me out as usual, i'm the by the ministration is very, very, very keen on really putting a lift on this. now, iran apparently has concluded or has said the un mission, the, the wrong admission permanent mission at the u. n. has early on relatively early on saturday, still a said, okay, that concludes the matter for us. we retaliate retaliated, and the by new ministration is now as we also reported in telephone calls and communication with these really kind of products saying now a return to measured responses is necessary, not a retaliation by israel to not escalate this into a wider,


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