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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw use mind from balance is 12 celebrates of the repelling of the tax from the runs of once the campaign is not over as well and its allies intercept almost all of the hundreds of drugs and me. so it's launched buying iran 12 weights to see what's next. the west reiterates it's i inside support have as well when you, when security council calls in emergency meeting brothers foreign minister on the lead of apple expresses some of our c with the as well. it can damage around in the strongest possible times. and you have a chance level of schultz schools are writing and resolve attacks and unacceptable escalation who is speaking for tilting as potential advocates,
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a 3 day visit to china is traveling with a business delegation, but the boys in the middle. instead you find a chinese influence or the busha rolls. so let me get you into the i've been visible and woke up is well, has repelled a massive of rainy an aerial attack, but bones. the campaign is known over at his cold full vigilance runs 1st have a direct attack on his ground, despite decades of hostility utilize more than 300 me 1000 drugs is been com over as well in the wake of the barrels. almost all of the weapons were intercepted by israel and its allies, including the u. s. u, k. and jordan. so if i, you, as president of joe biden has said that he wants to coordinate the united diplomatic response to around to attack at
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a meeting of the g 7 group of wealthy nations. he attempts to beat them. all right, the flashes in the sky, i'll schedule this for you to choose the interception of designs and drones launched by it on his right and save its defense system, shut down, most of them in the sky, imagery land but sob. and last night, yvonne attacked israel with more than $300.00 weapons, but our technological an assay pavey our team meant that we were able to fend off of this assault. this your group together with a strong combination with a set did. almost all of these threats are you mean after the 1st i have a direct military attack on his right from it on the intended cri you as president joe biden spoke with is riley prime. mr. benjamin netanyahu bite and reaffirmed what he called americas. i am glad commitment to the security of his ride and
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announced plans to con mean d 7 leaders. protocol due to diplomacy corresponds into head on pro government data . audience took to the streets to celebrate the vehicle the strikes towards this friday. the slum except will lose that in god called sees the overnight assault was in response to a deadly added strike one and you don't need to prove it. it compiled in syria earlier this month, which could several of its most senior commanders, a don submission to the united nations route on social media. that it's a tech on his writing can be deemed concluded up on his lot of course piece right and will react to this, that tact. but whatever they do are brave. many the revolutionary guard will anticipate the middle of them. i do not think israel will have an answer to be attacked if they respond. iran will definitely also respond and will take it. but to try and say is it's confrontation, but dude on is not over. and the overnight escalation between 2 long time pals has
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once again increased the threat of a full scale please. and the law is out to roost along, correspondent rebecca raises on the lack of reaction from is by the politicians. we haven't had much in the way of political reaction so far. we haven't, for example, heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu since before. last night's attack will be attacking the early hours of this morning. we haven't heard from any other say new ministers. one file rights coalition minister, it's not been vi did to take to x, the social media platform saying, impressive, defense sofa. now we need a crushing defeat. we also heard on is riley, i'm a radio this morning. the front of the foreign minister saying that reiterating basically things that have been said in the lead up to this attack, that if iran was who attacked is really a territory event, is route would respond by attacking arabian territory. and he said that the israel
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stands by that, so it would be him that makes the decision, the decision about how israel is going to retaliate is visited in the wood cabinets . and that's made up of 3 men prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the defense minister you'll have deland and an opposition member who joins the will cabinet after october 7th, any guns they will be meeting within the next couple of hours. and it's very likely that we'll be hearing more political reaction off of that. main thing is complaints . i thought you said nothing from nathan, yahoo! but he did speak with you as president of biden's on the phone overnight. any more details about that conversation? yeah, they the to data spoke uh several hours ago now. they switch for about 25 minutes off to that phone conversation us president. joe abide and put out a statement saying that he wants to gain reiterated to benjamin netanyahu. that the us is, as i am clad support for israel. they stand with israel. um, you know,
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in that that, that, that, you know, the relationship is very strong, but we are hearing from some sole specific place of the conversation we're hearing these reports in american media is that he also told benjamin netanyahu that he, that the us is, they've been saying they said it and they made time is that the us do not want to say a direct response to around that they wouldn't support or participate in a response from with the as riley's and the, you know, what it is said from these reports that benjamin netanyahu understood the message that the president was trying to convey, and it's also being reported that he said that, you know, this is a, we can take this as a wind. so trying to urge, uh, israel to perhaps, either not retaliate over tally i gently. but of course, israel has been saying that they will definitely retaliate and they will do so with full. so we'll have to see how that plays out the latest different rebecca with us . thank you very much. pita lona is and is rather than spokes person. i asked him
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about the damage from the attack. i think 1st of all, the most positive outcome of this is, of course, that excuse me, decent nate nations came together, rallied around to unity in order to prevent the diabolical plan. all right, in conducting a very substantial attack against as well. so $300.00 rockets, missiles, the ballistic missile missiles, explosive drones, cruise missiles with fire and is rolling the early hours of this morning. and 99 percent of those were intercepted. and some of those ballistic missiles actually go through and come in and did cool some damage of one of our airplane spaces. and these ballistic missiles have before head of a 100 to a 120 kilos each. and so of course, there was a very clip, the possibility of danger with the $120.00 of these ballistic missile the were actually fired out. so with the, the huge success of a,
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an international coalition that came around and came together around the same table to prevent the attack to save lives. we have had a very successful. i'm probably not president is in modern welfare. eric eric, defense the capability of what we've seen. i think a and the tragedy of post is a 7 year old girl that was injured in the, in the, in the results of and some shrapnel that, that she hits and she's probably fighting for her life. but i think that the situation is, from our perspective, one which is under control, that we are place and prepared to continue to defend ourselves. and we're thankful for the international supports in the, in the international alliance that came together around us. they know the to defend and protect this, right? is it so this was announced
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a tech that was announced in advance. it was also in retaliation for a tackle to runs embassy in syria. can you tell me then? is this over now? so i don't know if this is alpha, we know that, or excuse me, we know that iran is the pop up, most of everything evil in this region. we know, but the, that's the rad, as the finance or the supply or the trainer, and the structure, the instructor and public mazda, of his ball, are in the middle of the booties in the south, but from us in the south of israel. and so of course, they are deeply, deeply involved in everything that's going on in the region. and so instead of them being from behind the scenes that they have been up until now, this event but the right front and sensor and the events as they continue their offensive, their aggression against israel. reality that is unacceptable. and therefore, the,
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the idea of constructing its activities to protect is right. the civilians are protect. is there any life? so when we look at what's happening in the region, we see not the fingerprints of era, but we see them at the hills at the control stick. and they are compulsively pushing forward with their diabolical ideas. ok, now no matter who's to blame for what has happened in the past hours and days, the bull is now clearly in as well as court. what are your orders? what is the idea of being told to now prepare for or do so as rebecca ritz has the right to pointed out the government. this done to convince rights that today they will come to their decisions. and the idea of will implement the, the instructions that we received. of course the, the, there we have to be prepared for a boss range of scenarios. the fact that it ran said that they, they've completed their actions, did not make mention the fact that as by the 5 rockets of us today several times.
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and so while it ran to saying certain things, they say one thing and they do another thing. so from our perspective, we are waiting and waiting for the government's decision on how to respond and we will operate accordingly. he mentioned the rockets from his belie source within lebanon's. iran back has below says, is well struck one of its buildings close to the syrian border today. can you confirm that? so yes, i can. um yeah, it has but i won't have the privilege to attack customer expects not for them not to be consequences. and i can indeed confirm that we did conduct a counter strike today going since by the um, uh, positions in the southern level. no. the expectation from the reality of since the 8th of october is butler has been engaging israel with some over 3000 rockets fide as well. there were some 60000 as writers that have been evacuated by the
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government in order to get them out of homes way. um uh and this is a little bearable reality for as well as our, our expectations is that uh through negotiations cuz butler will leave the ssl of uh, of level precisely. and then the goldens to you and the security resolution. 1701 which ports out explicitly. there shouldn't be no weapons in the south of level. the amount of weapons that they fired at us in the last 6 months. 6 months now is extensive, unbearable and has to be stopped. so we are determined to change the security reality for the people that need to go back to their homes and also of as well. um and to distance has by that from the sell. if they are conducting a tax for me, so they're going to pay when you talk about changing the security reality, what plans are in place to ensure this doesn't widen? this doesn't escalate further. so our foster currently is defensive for i would say
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we have to maintain that foster, but we will free up the tax against us. currently the negotiations lee is the main roads to try and change the situation on the ground. but if that fails, then the idea is also prepared for military action if, if required, and if it's instructed by the government, we need to be prepared for that event. try to get a loaner with a is where the defense forces. thank you very much for being on data with you and you have a good day. i and i'm now joined by dw released analysts. johnny was honest, what are you expecting from is well now, well, i think it's going to take its time. that's the 1st thing, you know, it's good for israel to see, run on edge to seats, you know, brewing and, and wondering what would it be. uh, israel response is part of the psychological warfare. it also helps as well to try and figure out what it's one wants to do. we know for a fact that the is really assessment when they launch their i suppose that attack in uh on april 1st end,
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damascus. they were not expecting around to go with this kind of retaliation that we're not counting on if you're wrong, to have to launch and attack directly from you. gone directly into is really territories, just like what they were expecting, maybe through the proxies or maybe some operations in other diplomatic missions around the world. but seeing direct and the tech attack from your on an admittedly, you know, opening admittedly from your on direction to his release kind of tech. that's not where they were expecting when they launch that attack. so, so they need more time to recalibrate and see what they're doing because there's no doubt this precedence is changing the rules of the unclear but very, you know, unspoken, but very clear war that these 2 countries have been, uh, you know, engaging with them last decades so we're going to keep going to take time and israel for, for what we know. we haven't most going to find how it finds a balance with, with the americans, which are the main ally and the main main becker. and this is a place where they're still with us and what would be the best strategy on going forward? like i said, that's a big one to take into account. what else does it need to take into account? what is what leads to decide if it's when it's deciding isabel is, is it,
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is it responding to a wrong based on the intention of the wrong? or is it doing it based on the results? because the result for itself was quite harmless and you run was mostly trying to signal to israel. you have cost to line, we are aware of it and we're trying to re establish and just sort of um, equity for you in our relationship, you know. and now is really to decide what it wants to this new relationship to look like. if it's to go to choose to respond according to intentions, then for is really the means. there was a reason for escalations. we know for a fact the americans invited to said we are going to help you with defense. we're not gonna help you with attack on your on. we do not want to see this escalating. we do not want to see is getting any worse into more and no, a wider regional confidence st already is. the other thing is that this is becoming more, more a multi front bull. so what are the dangers there for is right. you know, then what players do you have, the harder it is for you to control the situation. there's so many mistakes or options that can happen. you know.


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