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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w use. my from bullying is well to celebrate sounds, to repelling an attack from the ron the bones. the campaign is known all is well and its allies into the central most of the hundreds of drones and besides launched buying around the world wakes to see what's next you way as reiterates. it's an iron clad support of israel to the un security council calls and emergency maintenance buildings. 5 minutes on the band long spaces, solid hours with these routes and condemns iran in the strongest possible times. and german chancellor will not celts coals the radian based on the tax and unacceptable escalation, speaking from from ching, as the chancellor begins,
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the 3 day visits of china is traveling with a business delegation. but the was in the middle east. ukraine and china is influence over russia. are also on the agenda. the i've been physical and woke up is well has repel the massive of rainy an aerial attack. the bones, the campaign is no event and it's cold vigilance runs 1st ever a direct attack on israel, despite decades of hostility, utilized more than $300.00 me 1000 drugs is being calm over as well in the wake of the barrels. almost all of the weapons were intercepted by israel and other countries, including the u. s. u k. in jordan. so if i you, as president joe biden has said, she wants to coordinate the united diplomatic response to a ron's attack as
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a meeting of the g 7 group of wealthy nations. he intends to convince me all right . flesh is this guy else. kid was a little dispute to choose the interception of designs and drones launched by it on his right and save its defense system, shut down, most of them in the sky, imagery land but sob. and last night, yvonne attacked israel with more than 300 weapons. but our technological and asked to pay our team meant that we were able to fend off of this assault issue together with a strong combination with a set to almost all of these threats that are, you mean after the 1st they have a direct military attack on his right from it on the intended cri you as president joe biden spoke with is riley, probably mr. benjamin netanyahu bite and reaffirmed what he called americas. i haven't cleared commitment to this a good deal of his ride and announced plans to couldn't mean d 7 leaders. protocol,
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the new to diploma to corresponds into head on pro government. the audience took to the streets to celebrate the vehicle the strikes towards this friday. the slum except will lose meeting god called sees the overnight assault wasn't a response to a deadly added strike. one in into a little bit. it compiled in syria earlier this month, which killed several of its most senior commanders, a don submission to the united nations route on social media. that it's a tech on his right can be deemed concluded up on his lot of course piece right and will react to this, that tact. but whatever they do are brave. many, the revolutionary guard will anticipate little tab. i do not think israel will have an answer to the attack if they respond. iran will definitely also respond and will take it. but to try and say is it's confrontation, video dawn is not over. and the overnight escalation between 2 long time pals has
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once again increased the threat of a full scale please. and the law dw corresponded rebecca raters is in jerusalem. we'd been waiting, rebecca for some sort of political response from these right now. benny guns from the is where the war cabinet has spoken. tell us more. yeah, been well guns laws. we spoke about this a rainy and threat being an international problem. and a regional challenge. he highlighted on i quote, the world stood with israel and the world is against iran. now that's really highlighting what seems to be the main message that israel is trying to get out in the wake of this attack. that's certainly the messaging we're hearing from politicians and from the military, the who are calling this in fact, a strategic success. the fact that so many countries united with israel in its fight against iran, and that was largely what was prevented more damage from taking place. now guns
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went on to say in the face of our enemies who will to hurt us. we will unite and get stronger. and he then went on to say that in the face of the uranium threat, we will build a regional coalition. and that will, we will take a toll on iran in the manner and at the time that is right for us. and i think that's key there. so displaying the fact that israel do plan to retaliate, but how and when remains to be seen and will be taken in, in israel, israel's time they'll do it when they're good and ready if you will. so that's largely the, the messaging that we've been hearing from much of the government and the military, as i said, hailing this as a strategic success. and cost is, comes at a time when the, the end of the relationship between the key ally us and israel was, you know, faltering slightly due to the amount of terry and crisis and rising debt, toe, and potential, you know, of ground in incursion into ross of the southern city and garza and so that was
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really dominating headlines, dominating the relationship. and now we're saying that relationship once again very tight. and as you heard this from a us president side and i'm glad. yeah, there's the intentions were really high between the 2 and those us ties a more important than ever going forward. tell me more then about what's being talked about between the heads of those 2 states. who as we know, they, the 2 heads had a phone call shortly after the attack. some, several hours ago now is around about 25 minutes in length, you know, decent amount of time. and you know from, by all accounts, it was a strong discussion president by releasing a statement officer would saying that to israel, sorry, that the us remains support for israel remains on class. and that they remain a storage ally as spring in fall was judges a professor of middle eastern politics and international relations at the london
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school of economics. now, of course we're talking about limited damage, but how surprised will you buy the scale of iran's attack on israel? or i was very surprised. this was a significant, unprecedented attack by you wrong at the 1st time in history or a 300 drones, but a sickness house at whose this house. um and i think what the on, uh, was trying to do is to deliver the message. and the message was delivered loud and clear. it's all about restoring the task for you wrong, and you're on the mentor. you want to trigger all out cool, with each round. oh, do you my state and that's why it was kind of dropping the well, in the boston days, that is in tend to retaliate. and the fact that the united states major uh, the fonts capabilities of the united kingdom across it tells me
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a great deal that the strategic goal of your own was not to really do a lot of damage or kill these right is trying to deliver the message that it's willing to stand up and basically we tell the full attacks by israel i gave the sovereignty of any particular games console that they say, okay, well that if this is all about the parents in the message was heard loud and clear . what sort of response do you expect then we'll reaction from is way. so 1st of all i, i was actually, i disagree with you corresponded because joe bonds that and this is unusual for his right is he said we will respond at a time of our tuesday at what is really, is saying is that it's a long use to say the same thing and the boss, yes, it tells me i don't know, it could be wrong. but obviously president by that has impressed on is ready to define minutes that they need to de escalate it. and i think yesterday,
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israel and the pop the, the ship came, realize that it security depends on a superpower thoughtfulness, and particularly at the united states and britain, i'm phones and a regional coefficient. i mean, let's go get the what, what jordan to join them basically played a major role in destroying tens of a gross over joe danny and pat times. so my hope the wrong is that today the magic has come through that they have no plans to escalate and take that. if israel does not really respond in the next couple of days, i think them at least uh, basically would have been or could have been some from a major explosion. i mean, a whole outreach, you know, i'm not suggesting the risk is about that. but the next couple of days are really critical to see what the uh, the reason itself. we'll step back from the break, or we'll see further escalation between israel and that you're on and that allies,
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local and international atlas so far was what sort of steps need to be taken in those next days to ensure the escalation as well. i think 1st of all, i think it's all really depends on a balance in the room. because i think what we are seeing now is that they are very few of us in the room in the past 6 months, despite everything that the by the administration has provided for israel. i think the president, by them has failed to exercise, influence or leverage over the nothing. yeah, it was your cabinet. it seems to me what we might be seeing is a game changer in the sense for at least i hope that not only the united states now will exercise influence over decisions by israel. these are easy on, but the spring about the end of the human anti incapacitating guys i see is by the release of these radio hostages. and the really see is
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a senior present as this really good. basically begin. i mean, the beginning of the, as the catastrophic situation in guys and the region as a whole positive note, they have to finish on file as j address from the mounted school of economics. pleasure talking to you earlier. i us new fog. allow me from the w's fuzzy service. why to run would take this um, pre sedated step. now yes it is on president of because a so far that has be no direct confrontation with ease rate at this level. and of one of the reasons for this attack was the machines need to convince the supporters who as a venue response to the consulate attack, in addition, as since the day of awesome. so they might need to do that this across. and so they may need to redeem, had not taken any harsh revenge that they were talking about. and that caused them
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to be ridiculous by a large part of the people and many questions from their supporters. so of course, there was no revenge at all, but the type of the attack was similar to the attacks on a known aside the base. so that is they had informed about these attack and even white house was informed about it. but there was a wanted to call them and they are supporters questioning them. they think the us will not inter to conflict by conflict. what i think. and this is a big gamble due to the current situation and the condition after the october 7th attack by him off is reading must given aggressive response and everything depends on these response. i may also bring the us into a, into the war. and other reason, according to many, was the appeasement of the west, 3 dis, dominos, lovely. the experts believe that the dispute mechanism must be activated before and
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i or g, c, must be designated as a terrorist girl swiped the you. and i think to death to death policy of the biden administration, this done group only had an opportunity to uh, so wait and save financial resources to create more chaos in the region and a be. so for example, at the uranium their own square used in india board and between russia and ukraine and routine continued its attacks through proxy forces and now because of typed, it is raised territory in an unprecedented way. so the rest should know that dishonest republic will continue to destabilize the region as long as it is allowed, and at the same time it will suppress any one opposing their strategy inside the country. and this is why uranian pro democracy activists have been warning for
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years of peace and security in the middle east of will depend on the destruction of this level, republic and establishment of the democracy regime in the long runs. the leadership is now saying that any reckless is why the move will prompt a stronger response. it tell me how prepare to run is for this conflict to escalate me. yes, uranian official, including and comedy, and i urge you see commanders constantly warn israel in their statements today and days before and threatened the us for any possible interference. and it is certain that you want is vulnerable to is rain due to long distance between the 2 countries and the have to call.


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