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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 4:15pm-4:31pm CEST

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to suppress any one opposing their strategy inside the country. and this is why uranian pro democracy activists have been warning for years of peace and security in the middle east will depend on the destruction of this longer public and establishment of the democracy regime in the long runs. the leadership is now saying that any reckless is why the move will prompt a stronger response. it tell me how prepare to run is for this conflict to escalate me. yes, uranium official including and comedy and i urge you see commanders constantly warn israel in their statements today and days before and threatened the us for any possible interference. and it is certain that you want is vulnerable to is rain due to long distance between the 2 countries. and the have to consider is that you
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want internal conditions should be also considered that economy and social situation is critical. and the legitimacy of this regime has been questioned for years. so in addition to is really a front wheel not consist of just one country, but we'll be an international coalition against the want. and this, some of the public will not have the slightest chance. i would say what this question is, highlights a tier to what extent does the best a c confrontation with you on the must remember that russia is now a war with ukraine, and he's really also fighting him off to re screw. it will have allow me from the don't use fancy department. thank you. thank you, brad. us. and let's get to the us, you and cross over to washington for 7 simon 7. the us. 2 pod in defending israel
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overnight, but it is well going on. the offensive is something entirely different. how is the white house working this fine line and supporting israel? well, it is not walk in a fine line. it is actually very clear about this. the u. s. has no interest phrase, role to take any action which could possibly escalate the situation from where we are right now or where the us or where israel and the wrong. all right now, um the us is assessing or the white house administration is assessing the situation has actually quite dire that if israel is pushing this further or this could really result in a regional conflict, nobody wants to buy an administration doesn't want. however, of course, we all to vote at this many times. the iron clad support for israel, that is, they are the administration is adamant about repeating is that there is absolute
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support for israel in any defense defensive manner, if you will. that means if israel is attacked again by you wrong or anybody else, the u. s. will stand by israel helping to defend them. however, no such support support a promise by the u. s. if the israel, if the war cabinet is benjamin that then ya should decide to go on the offensive fee and retaliate in a way or at all, perhaps towards iran, which would escalate the whole situation. so this is a little bit the if you will fin line of a rope, the us is trying to balance in here. and the war and gaza has already heard, but politically, hasn't it? of course it has is biden's standing with the whatever happened in or what all happened in an october at october 7th, like a last year. it hasn't been improved or getting better to the country. he's under
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a lot of pressure from arab americans who want to see bite and administration's efforts to increase enter, intensified when it comes to a sustainable piece agreement or a truth agreement between israel and. and thomas and guys are the release of the hostages and mail age humanitarian aid, into god's and now dividing it ministration has worked on this. there is a deal on the table for how much to except for the release of hostages and for more 8. and for a 6 way, 6 week truth, but according to reports from us has rejected that. and that means for the bible ministration back to square one, regional conflict would really cause trouble for the by the administration. and we haven't presidential election year. uh, so any conflict outside the us of that magnitude does not look good on the president, no matter what he does or doesn't do. and the president's hosting a g 7 meeting, not only has he said, uh pledged his iron clad support,
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did you put it like he did only days ago, he also talked about wanting to coordinate a united diplomatic response. what are the diplomatic options here as well? the diplomatic offices, as you know, the us has no direct diplomatic relations with iran, the swiss handle this for the united states. however, the u. s. still understands and sees itself as the leader of the pac when it comes to organized diplomatic response to economic responses to any threats. a scenario iran or anybody else pauses for the region. remember we're talking about the middle east, so we're talking about, or we're talking about a freedom of movement of ships. is that right? is that right? you, ron could play a role there. so the g 7 meeting we just handle, like a zoomed meeting remotely, will probably discuss possible sanctions or sanction scenarios. but it is for most about really uniting a front of partners and as of the united states and the diplomatic efforts to
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impress on israel not to escalate this now with a this appropriate response to what happened and to impress on iran to not do anything further i think that is, that is definitely of, of the most important for the united states right now leading this or, or asking for this g 7 meeting and organizing this, this diplomatic response and pressure on all parties involved here. the latest, the for the other side of the atlantic 7 simons in washington there's been widespread international condemnation of the uranian attack you and secular for general antonio guiterres criticized what he called a serious escalation by iran. the un security council has called an emergency meeting. the used foreign policy chief joseph barrell called the assault
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unacceptable and a great threat to regional security. the british prime minister originally so now excited was reckless and bound to stand up for his writing security to have a chance of that old sholtes has responded to the way the sold while on a trip to china is what he had to say to be a full time students on, we strongly condemned the reigning an attack and warned against any further escalation around must not continue down this past off of these would be nice to find them like kind of the same time. it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity we these round, which has every right to defend itself. the government obviously will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will day for continue to pursue our current course close by to for, for the i because we can only want everyone especially around not against continuing down this path, dw street political that it's amazing i la cosa,
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is travelling with the chancellor in china. he's her assessment of filters, comments of the german chancellor and making very clear that germany remains at israel's side in its hour of need at the same time pushing for a diplomatic solution. the d. 7 nations, all co ordinating the german chancellor. joining that meeting here from china, from joan king chinas, essentially the world's largest city. he just arrived to the news of the range, an attack of on his 3 day trip to china. and he will also be holding tools with president c in beijing on tuesday. the over arching question, of course, being how to contain this, depending on what israel's next step will be, is also a key question for them and diplomacy. germany has as one of its fundamental principles of policy making, the defense of israel, the security of israel. this is a political consensus in germany,
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and this is also something the german taunts that would have told from the stands for. now the big question is, what will that mean and concrete terms of the coming hours and days around the attack on here as well, has been condemned. here in germany, a group knows the german is why the society is called on people in bo, then to riley of the cities branded the gate today from way of dw corresponded hands and joins base funds. tell us what's happening there with the move is like, it's all, it's a very serious mood in some sense. one could say, i think a mood of relief as well, that the attack on israel was repelled and the damage that was actually close to in the country was comparatively mine. uh uh, but at the same time there is a feeling that the director with israel protection of israel helping israel remains
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the central in order to repel a possible further attacks. and in order to prevent an escalation of the situation, the water is also interesting. here is that there were quite a few iranians here as well. i'm not sure if one is able to see still that they are a number of uranian flags, but these are flags of video writing, an opposition. um, so a reading and opposition figure was also participated in this ready criticizing iran, obviously. uh and uh, quoting uh for, for the german and international pressure on a wrong. what about the people that being telling you super happy and sadly satisfied as i say, that is why i was able to defend itself as a sense of pride as well. at the same time, there is criticism still all the way. the discussions here in germany have been conducted also to some extent of the german government saying that it's um, it's
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a how should i say it's the expressions of solidarity and have not been product and followed by action and by enough action the feeling was yeah. and then there was a whole lot of comments about the more general situation in the middle east, about uranian issues about the role of a russia in the region. and even going as far as the curtis questions, because the questions of the code or statements in the region. so very wide range and it's also have intentions in recent months between both photos by the input palestinian support has as well as drummond on socrates. what's the fate like here in germany at the moment? yes indeed, that was referred to here very much that has been as it has been elsewhere in the world in germany, a very heated discussion between people who would support spat aside and people who
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criticize israel. a, for instance, that german university is similar to discussions elsewhere at universities in the western world. and the speakers here refer to that and felt that there should be a more forceful um, reaction from the side of the germans authority to try and suppress these kinds of um expressions or sort of directly with that as done. so there was a feeling that in within german society, the people from israel and jose, i'm not necessarily safe anymore. and many of the speakers here refer to that problem. the w corresponded hands behind the thank you very much. i as you've been listening to live coverage of those attacks from iran on is right line because of the
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new generation of thumb is, is slicing to protect these they are vitally important animals on this planet. and we all need, we literally could live without combing foaming to guarantee alas, each type thing. the next generation, the next on d w. p ton thinking offsite 300 years of the mon, weird comments. what come to legendary philosophers to teach us today? let's get to the quote, some of the castle garner co, imperative on 60 minutes on the double you know,
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understand can have a saying like the vice president. do you have any news on instagram? no. follow up the guns to begin having the very beginning. i suppose there was learning quite a lot about the beings. and over the years i've noticed that i actually learned a lot more about myself through the behaviors to be in the being and beings and even the other insects. they're not the evil annoying insects. you supplanted that they are vitally important animals on this planet, and we all need them without them. we wouldn't be able to live there ultimately the food for all other animal. so i'm not to you there the
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mind, it's been trenton, it's been out for you. i.


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