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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST

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we are all set with what seemed closely for him to bring you the story behind the news. we wrote about unbiased information for free. by the way, it's a sign to will it's installed for tests on these individuals who exemplified the, picked me up in the fashion world. it's on the spot type on celebrities and emerging icons, recognizing their confused. and i'll connect to the states of styles, but 1st face the rich flavors of india with chick jessica. when you saw me in janice bed discover how that was set to all the same size, uplifting its people in zambia, and then explode the functionality of a close to anybody's problem solving architecture. in nigeria, i'm finding that day and you're watching every mac,
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the the sisters to come when he saw me estate heritage through her celebration of durban indian slaves in her could read from fighting to stand out in the mail dominated industry. so reading one of johannesburg, somebody gave a full dining spot, rich, comfortable, and tasty. this is just to come when you find these trees, an indian kazi, but it wasn't easy for her to bring it all to the table. every challenge i had, i had shift. but at me i had shift, so things that me and i've had you know, moments where i needed to stand up and, and grab somebody by the, by the chicago high and the like, you know, she don't do that in my kitchen before we find out how jessica is reviving indian
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cuisine in south africa. let's take a closer look at how she came to be a shift in the 1st place. at home, i was always in the kitchen and i loved spinning timed in my mom had all the spices and should have all these good is always in. and then even if i'm playing around like missing it on, if we, i discovered that this is what i can do today. jessica is the executive chair at a trinity indian restaurant, but it wasn't a straight cock growing up in an average indian who in johanna space her father with todd to enable a higher education the looking back. that was just the 1st total jessica had to overcome. how did you manage when i had told my family that i'm not going to be a doctor like a typical in getting home you brought up to be a doctor lawyer or an engineer. my dad was not happy so she can speak to the
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pharmacy. yeah. um, she refused to cause it's and i was like, i'm doing this that i took the student loan uh, one of my siblings to spanish. sure. it seems to me, i was one say 45, pretty much say what color parts wash for 6 months and as much as, as little as i uh and i was like cool. i'm going to pay my to them done off. and i did after completing his studies in restaurant and who tell management just because started out in the catering 6. yep. been spent 4 years working in dubai and katasha before returning home, when the club and 19 pen to make it getting here has not been easy as a female shift. how did she overcome devices she faced and make hallmark? i think my greatest challenge was most definitely when i each device mean don't
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take likely to women telling them what to do and especially not in an hour of nation. and so it's, it's, it's happened to you a lot because it's not for the week. i'll be very honest as a, as a woman in this, in this scenes, yukon, to go down, the big skin needs to have the ability to over new kids. and, and kind of just like for the modern, painless risk drawing is dedicated to showcasing traditional indian foods and places catering to an upscale that's african audience. so how does shifters to maintain the integrity of authentic indian st food, while modernizing and elevating, it's my best sellers, my job. and so my mom obviously assumed of it. she wants to cook bad, otherwise health household and she pretty much made everything, bags, cups, and all of those stuff and it's higher. and we kinda treat it. but
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obviously we have to give it a little bit more flavors and on, you know, to, to make it more complex. but we want to keep that in a 1000. you know, they always say the highest season that doesn't make this a gift slave, it's just fine. enough time in the role model, like an extra all spices. so i can guarantee you a 10 times better than india. all kinds of much more in depth in terms of flavoring, in fixtures and all of those kind of things. ways with india. i think a lot of the flavors that they play with as a very thoughtful just sort of start adding my whole 5 blue my black hardaman. so any feed some cinnamon
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b as much as as 5. so some of them come in from india as well. but the majority of them, uh, i've done and blended end of it and you know, they, those they own cities. they take it for sugar cane fields to get out on january the, you know, so we have the balance here in south africa to also bring in, in that same $65.00 shift just to come when he saw me is capturing and recreating b as in indian street food. a journey is not just the story of flavors, but is the celebration of culture and resilience as she continues to keep her heritage alive. now that's a tasty way to stay true to your cultural heritage. before we hit the red carpet at the is a side towards, let's have a look at how i spend my morning with the most south african somebody's titans at opposite sexes. and patwani gave me, gentlemen, thank you so much for inviting me into your beautiful and cruise the home. now
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tonight, you're going to be awarded with the next big thing award. after is a style it was. so number one, what for us award for and say can be, what does it mean to you? yeah, i'm in the i what is that about celebrating creative, creative, and individuals that are contributing today, including on me, on south africa, this of our society and in positive way in different industries and nothing but the and i would identify the end of the next big thing for the with we do as creative as pain to the way we do with man and the, they'd like to fill it prints of which is a beautiful thing. and you guys have spoken about being able to influence that young child that comes from an underprivileged background to be able to say if they can do it. so 10, i would have encouragements. would you have for the young artist who looks up to you? yeah. unless i'd, i'd say no one of the anything, everything that you want to be is up to you. uh, you need to adjust with uh,
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find the opportunity to put your head down and know that to also possible for you. and rome wasn't built in a day. well said, well gentlemen, thank you so much and i cannot wait to see you on that red carpet a little bit later on in the day. now before we get to the events tonight, can i see you guys have meet the clinics and not any of them? customized cool. i'll see a co pay a customized with couches. it's a pill junk, native done. then i did call up with colleges these, i'll say cool, thank you so much. now this is what i'm talking about. this is exactly what it is to change it as cheap for the licenses to contend. sneak is turning them into all the work for you. feet because surely one of the biggest heights impression and of course the one. but there is one canyon to help. before them is check, it shows us how he tons, well now, truth into a thriving passion business. let's find out what is this mika hype all about?
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what people don't understand is a sneak of the not just practical sneak of culture, but what is the sneak of culture and why identity system? because to soft off to when he actually fixed them. a sneak is popular because number one, everyone wants to be a part of something. and this nicole load has really pops nimble on in the loop. they give us and number 2 in how they make us feel like when i'm working with this new guy. i feel cool, i feel nice and select them. what address? i think the best. why that i may do with the customizing choose the assets on remove the protective layer on the issue. so once we've done the removal of the protective lab, we do a sketchup of the arts. if there is no sketch needed, we just do handout painting to either change the color of the issue or give you the
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new expression. in 2022, the worldwide speak on market was estimated to be was $72200000000.00, the shoes. and it's very from high end limited edition. choose to keep the ones that i must produce. but the global market, which was dennis is pressing on once you've ation to dedicate himself to this make a business. i got into customization those to me because out of curiosity and uni visor t, i noticed a lot of people are trying to rock sneakers and most of this new cuz that rocking look the same. and that's what i was like. okay. all of this nick is look the same . how could i make a difference? each year people throw away an estimate of 300000000 pairs of shoes. 200-225-0000 tons of waste is generated and never will be digging. make a culture and the risk to stick a mountain is already a huge problem giving because a new lease of life was part of my. yeah. mainly because you see me because i
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expensive and i times they may get tarnished. they may get up to. yeah. and i'm like, why didn't you bring this to me and i can give you an expression i knew expression of how maybe you would fill the shoes. so what's the special thing dentist does to this is the process of a photo inc. customizing i sneak off, so on this you must be leather and you've not, it must be a material that supports the pain that we have cuz we using live our clinic. so the whole show is supposed to be changed into a black color, because i want to give it black in go theme. i go in and stifle slash so now after that, how do i, he's done this, the finished product. as you can see, all of that and clean the last up and ready to
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and this is how dentist takes people because from job to fab. let's check what the look. let me go ahead, think of danny. so sustainable as to what i prefer customize because because there are statements a points and a way of expression that is unique for every individual will be there also size. so it's a group edition comes on the classroom for anyone who is looking to type to the a wonderful life for, for our customers. because they make you unique. and the something that's fixed, you're starting. yeah. so part of where you want it, that's all you just, it's just thought i'd say something about, you know, just call me or like everyone else as we grew up all with mountains of trash, finding creative ways to recycle and up cycle. every item becomes increasingly
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important. i ga nafrica is not now vine, huge and i would really like to change that. so i would like to give axes a space where they can express themselves, express whatever they would like. that is how i'm giving people a space to express themselves through secret customization, which is ok. those are so cool. it seems like some of our icons here. i could have worked up there speak again as thomas, we are catching up with some of your favorite media personalities. some of these come larry stalls that you love to see cook up in the kitchen. joining me now is the lazy muckle, and i'd like to see you again. you do every time i see you're always looking to play phenomenal in tonight. we'll say the pricing that is a side awards, in your opinion while watch. so it's like these are so important. i mean, it's a fun night inspection of everything that the lab i'm looking beautiful. so i guess
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it's a night to just do not think about anything. i just enjoyed the fashion. the events like this actually bring us together. could you hardly ever see each other? so it's nice to come up, bump into a familiar face that you see on tv that came and you're doing a great job, you know, moments like this, like perfect quest of that collaborate, work on new things. just needed like just need and just be like, dude us. so it means, you know, now looking at what imprint is doing along with so many of the design is and fashion icons. you believe the south african industries say is it the international market? oh, that's a tricky one. you know, i don't think we've come to i think we've been, well, i think we really save them little by little. yeah, we're testing the testing the i love that i love seeing the young emerging tenants coming to the full price as we continue to celebrate the stylus people and celebrities outside i for caps. if you guys have any success taking place monday, the 22nd off thing
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is a lot of responses that'd be a capital square local office display. they were bringing culture to live through exhibitions, performances, and connected communities. as in sam, the art is no luxury, but a powerful tool for uplifting its people. when they start to feel, i just like i feel like i was calling the place where anything is possible. to me, i was traumatized after the sudden death of his father drawing helped him to process the loss. today he is at the lusaka contemporary art center or look, a newly inaugurated institution that uses art as a medium through which to explore once experiences and histories release and to positively engage with the future. the world today has so many challenges and with some of the things that we planning to be doing here,
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they do is just in develop that's mind if they're able to find solutions to some of the problems. i think that to, that would be of good to them. it could be an important tool to promote understanding and empathy in a nation located at the crossroads of migratory boots, where many cultures and people mix. this idea is grappling with the repercussions of a colonial past that is fuel conflict and the exploitation of its natural resources . identity and belonging are complex issues and the main theme for artist out mcculla. we made him at the exhibition space of leecock, where he demonstrates his recent experimental installation. isaiah 3413. that includes the live cutting of gemstones found inside being soil. yeah. when you're looking at uh, getting policies and developments, it's really a big that not only in this political, christina dentists,
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but also in mining book sales, a gap in sam e as artistic infrastructure. where educational opportunities are lacking. and the few existing modern art galleries simply operate as singles outlets restore national faith in that i didn't understand that the other point by the i just the community insomnia victim to the case of norwegian based sandy and artist played a pivotal role in transforming luca from the dream into reality. in the early 2, thousands to lakeisha acquired land and started conceding the art center which opened it stores in 2023 with an exhibition space, a library and 2 residency flats. and we used to be some practical steps to do what i dont know soccer was because i believe that on is an absolute necessity. mcculla studio is located in town. like to move tele keisha. he's splits
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his time between europe and sound. the he hopes the advent of institutions like lou tech, well nurture, the next generation of artist that provides better working conditions. so there is no need to seek them elsewhere. one such artist as sonic and while on to proceed with fine art studies in cape town. but returned to the saca momentum in which i think you guys are doing. but i think there is still a lot of room for development, whether it's odd writing or to ministration or to a thing that will be, are the moving parts of a much bigger thing that i think the soft as to social, catching up to what the artist of it and the talent has always been that back at the workshop while drawing the children or finding solace from the pressures of performance and competition. the freedom of artistic expect sion offers a much needed less that. so we, uh, when doing something to say it's, is that sense of relief was i'm really good at anything. i loved anything so much.
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so, and i'm then seeing i like i've had a long day at school. i'm really upset with something. i'll just stand on some music. i'm said dancing, i know to bid, and i just feel like a whole burden has been listed. as luke had continues to make his mark the significance of modern origins and the is increasingly apparent in a country grappling with the complexities of identity, post colonial legacies, and social economic challenges already merges as a necessity rather than the luxury. the when it comes to the world of all could take test, it is full event you folding with us. okay. and that baby from nigeria is changing that by creating buildings that not only useful, probably in the case of the people's needs this architects designs on to solve problems rather than just being functional. but why is it an architecture that the
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buildings are designed to follow the technical standards really to fulfill human? and how does of course, say a bully, change exactly the way we put them. humans 1st, you know, designs because human beings of freedom, entity and use as a most viewed and, and there's some people that have this whole feeling like you've gateway from the homes. you really want to return to the home because that's, that sounds right. so yes, so the human being for the end user is the primary objective. when was the design? but how does i co say manage to create those spaces in such a populous city like legal? let's find out more about how and why he became an architect to be on the street executive. choose me. i seemed a little because i've been drained literally since i was 2 years old and i mean drain houses to be shut off to my dad. he actually kept those trains. i still have
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most of them to dates. and then when i was done with secondary school and it was time to you know that fees way. yeah. finch. it's going to say what he's thinking, oh, i want to become a doctor on to become an engineer. all that stuff to me was i could picture nothing . there was a principal experience. i had a school that made me feel like i was really, really, really fuck you picture when, when school we used to sketch and then we central before computation did the science became within my drains or so precise? and electra almost failed me just one time because he was convinced that used to compete, that seems right. so at that point i, i always remember that particular move into quite a few like. and i filled my goal is doing something right. of course. and they really is the founder and ceo of lock designs to some have over the years, turned out exotic and disruptive designs, creating the oakland homes of many nigerians. but how does he disrupt the industry with his designs, incorporate sustainable systems into the designs?
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we always look on materials. in this case, you can see we have still news on the wall. so students and natural elements, which makes it requires lead thoughts and know maintaining those because it's a natural element. so we try to look for materials that the sustainable and we, we also look at um, an edge consumption. so all of the glass in this house actually double glazed, which reduces the heat that comes into the house, which in turn also reduces the amount of electricity use you would use what's called a building. so yes, we can incorporate, so we think about so so simple elements when we design in the house, asked the 1st 9 to an architect to be featured in the 100 plus years of the international design. know for a t m accomplishment. many dream. all i cost is what i could take just fulfills human needs. so how does he implement his ideas and keep pushing despite some
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challenges in the industry for commercial space is what we usually work with is what's have upfront. most of the brands always have different identities and the have elements that they put together that represents that brand. so what we do is we work with that what we try to infuse it into that space so that your space is not separate from your brand. and anybody that comes into a space kind of kind of gets what your brand is about, you know, giving you, for instance, if we say brand that uses yellow color, we're costly that sign yellow color into this reason. of course it always has the way to disappear. it's, you know, so we're finding we, to always tie that into this space. this self driven and passionate architect house designed for the crim deluxe grand move my julia, including afo beats musician, burn a boy, and he continues to be innovative and set the bar high. you know, designed, wanted, being personal, wanted was for the simple to touch the beauty during the course,
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the cause of these, um the philippines and executes in the construction. um we say to make it more interesting and have the suit, the living rooms sort of flipped over the swimming pool. and when, when brings domino cope with the idea, it seemed like a crazy idea. and they went for that's and they'll just only have to leave the room flip over the pool. we have the parts of the house that's approaching. you walk so multiple for the full. it was very interesting that that came up as a challenge. and then we round we face, and of course we do leave. but why is it important for acosta to think more than just struck just and how could this approach change the role of architecture for society in pushing the boundaries of? well, we also tried to pride ourselves in is we try to show the world how nigeria and i can picture is the houses we have done, and i'm sure people never believe that it's such houses i named you. i remember, for instance, all without
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a got loose how so with that but it was the way like these these houses come to be named you. yeah. so and those 4 days a project actually with pilots out on the showcase. he said he was in leaving the manger. yes. and there was looking at africa for what's coming out the context. so we are trying to right that we to show that look nines your eyes not to be slipped on. advocates on some steps on that as well. beyond the realm of us that takes across the seas architect as problem solving on a grand scale, shaping other environments and community spaces to address real world human challenges. it's about designing with purpose and changing the design narrative. from the it's a sign the world we hope you enjoyed today. so now as i hate back to go mingle and get some old style to tease the hit over c d, w dot com, forward slash at re max football. but until next time, goodbye the
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the, the, the
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employees we're heading on down into the london underground. the 2 is the oldest subway in the world. it's full of surprises. everyone on both please. and of course then for guest 09 in see minutes on dw, the
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asked about why does that? because now i'm leaving the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of of everything in between moses video and audio production, 5 d, w. i hope video with unit dw, so 16 talk 3 and 5 every day. the world caution. i really like to work, feel free to come all the way we can take the different w call, the world unpack pulse out your info is and all the
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input your w story. now on to have a name project, cassandra re determined through our investigations that has below was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally seizures, organization. the object to financially drain has and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean, as well as another whole lot. they wanted to go after their mind. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series and most king has paula stats may 4th on d, w. the
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. this is dw news lights on valid, and israel bowlens the campaign is not all of us offered repels an attack from the rock of the hundreds of drones and miss as lost by wrong. nearly all the intercepted by israel, full of the nation, world waits to see what's next. the u. s. reiterates it's i am class supportive as well, but says it will not take part in any way to tell you ation against the wrong. the un security council calls and emergency maintenance and german is charles stuff strongly convinced the attacks beginning
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a 3 day visit to china or shaw says israel has a right.


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