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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 7:15pm-7:31pm CEST

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did thank you very much. marina. thank you for having me now, for some insight into iran's use of drones in this attack, we can speak to vince, wine and bar, is an expert on drones and a human to turn to solomon project lead a full production piece organization of parks. now what can you tell us about the drones that a ron used in this attack? yeah, good evening. yeah, so we know your role has been using 2 types of drones and this attack, a similar type is wrong, vc moved further strikes my of our shuttle and ukraine. pictures of the charlotte on the $36.00 and the also to florida, which is a propeller base slow kind of drum. and also the shadow of $238.00. the similar type of drone we're going to jump engine, which goes much, much foster. so those are fairly slow drones, but with a heavy payload that are capable of reaching a target is over 50. i'm going to 2000 kilometers far away. that's a plus another,
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a range of uh then cruise missiles and ballistic missiles as well. you mentioned that iranian drugs have been used in the bathroom field in, in ukraine, by the russians. tell us more about it runs a drone program. has this rep been increasing in the recent years and why to yeah, so you run has been one of the major, a drum producing other freighters. so i am decades low of sanctions. a push to evolve, to build our own from drawing the air force and iran has made it using drugs through their proxy allies in the region. so because the sanctions are not able to impart high quality or aircraft or air equipment, but also so to try to re faded by producing drones with easy to acquire their commercial products or set up their own drone industry with parts and components they can produce themselves and that's why they've become one of the major a produces of those types of like one of my suicide drugs,
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but also all the types of carbon drones pronouncing police rating uh, included in, in, in africa and so down. and if you go a little so in the, of course with the company costs rooms are ready to go see these and some of the examples to validate who has blah into i must as well now with the ross capabilities could have launched a mode damaging attack if they had wanted to, as well with this particular kind of drones, uh, probably not because we've seen or they're quite slow. so they're easy to intercept in particular for a highly capable uh, air force such as the one is ro has but also with support from its allies, always drones or take hours to reach a star goods order. basically sitting docs for this kind of for air forces. but the advantage of these for low cost type of drones is that you can produce them on my ass and then fired them and trying to overcome and then use defensive. so of for disciple who tech with a highly capable component of probably not, but we seen in ukraine that to get as low when you started running out. and you
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have yourself is going to be more difficult. and that's why also your brain is requesting more weapons for defending his own country against those incoming emmanuel, a russian base of the origin of a drone just a moment. so this is long ditch. and that's what we'll see in the near future, as well as a large amount of drugs as low cost produced, almost fired on the defensive stuff, going to be really, really difficult at some point to a, to intercept. now the how do the rom become a global drone powerhouse, despite all the western sanctions as well. that's where you see that's the event and have to focus on alternatives like it doesn't have a very strong. i don't have a cable air force though, intruders brooke, to offers and providing low cost rounds, which we can provide to weapons and small parts and components. it's capable of putting pressure by providing those weapons to uh, the proxy allies or also to southern them as well to the states as we've seen. as i
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mentioned, 3 p o b s would on things where they can make actually quite effective in showing that they are capable of reaching a targets. we seem to who is using them on last be seen your vacuum initial supporting supported by the board on using the gas to us targets as well. and this is kind of a weapon difficult as low goes by professor precise, reaching his targets and therefore is gaining more interest from states. and their end goal is to be an effective tool to pressure and the new positions. and that's why you're wrong. this being focusing on uh, providing those kind of weapons to its allies and therefore uh and thereby creating a power of the structure and innovation. that's a helpful for those kind of the techs and putting leverage on their own and the drawing next bug when swine and bucks the thank you very much.
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and we are now joined by that and i'm been totally blew a senior fellow as a foundation for defense of democracies in a washington. now, what do you think your mom was hoping to achieve with this attack? a great to be with you again. thank you for the invitation. in essence, i think these look public was 1st and foremost trying to save face after the lot of several major important. i already see officials including to bring the jury generals and one chief of staff for the urgency in this area in the attack that many believe was conducted by israel on april 1st. but perhaps more importantly, to get these rarely in the americans understand that the comic public is now taking more risk than ever before with this long range try capabilities. this is a historic 1st after all, directly launching drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles from the running territory directly at is
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really territory. ready and then being able to kind of change the equation against these really is not willing to actually target is really territory something the regime has never done directly from its own territory. in the past 45 years, we've even had our gc officials just a day or so ago. i think this now is it, do you think there's a tack was a strategic success for you wrong? i think with the benefit of time and pending the nature of these really response, it will be seen as a political success. you know, as much as these, veronica public's unmanned aerial threats are evolving. be they drones, cruise missiles or ballistic missiles. ultimately, the logical public is still using military means to achieve political at uh, for instance, that support for terrorism and in particular it support from us and indeed support for the october 7 terrorist attack was designed to kind of foster divided between the uniting sides of this and the era block and israel in the pro american or the
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middle east year, i think a strategic success. not so much, militarily trying to flexible ourselves about not being willing to take more risk because it signal is a greater confidence at home perhaps. but i think a lot more of this is about politics to now the right in front of ministers said the attack was aimed only at israel and not set the us. what does that tell us? for some time now, the runners have been trying to divide. israel from its radius partner of united states, and in general, they run up to the week and a half of the threats that the world was essentially glued to before this iranian drone and missile operation. the run news had seen the gap that had formed between israel and america begin to slowly diminish, particularly as a, as in gauged and defense coordination at high level defense times. and president by didn't even mentioned that americans commitment to israel security was,
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i would say now again, the ones want to be able to say that the america is not involved in of america does get involved, that it would be targeted or that it would be held accountable, and in this sense, it's trying to play up to some american isolationist sentiments, but also at the same time trying to again foster a gap between israel and america, and get americans to kind of habits, desire for de escalation. deacon collection went out over israel's desire for determines sale. thank you very much. ben and ben tyler bowes, senior fellow from the foundation for the defense of democracies in washington, dc. thank you. that has been widespread international condemnation of the reigning attacks. un secretary general, i'm totally a good that is criticized. was she called a serious escalation by iran. do you mind security council ass cold and emergency meeting? the use foreign policy chief use of parental,
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colby sold unacceptable. and the great threats to regionals security, the british prime minister, should soon access it was reckless and vowed to stand up for his rarely security. the drum and trusts that will have saw the task responded to the raining and sold while on the trip to china. way home be meeting with president, gigi, and ping is what he had to say a short time ago. be a full time drawn. we strongly condemned the rainy and attack and warned against any food. the escalation around must not continue down this past off of these. but the like kind of the same time, it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity. we these round, which has every right to defend itself. the better obviously, will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will day for continue to pursue our current course close by to for, for the i because we can only want everyone especially around not against
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continuing down this path. i did have his teeth political as it is here, the troops night is travelling with a child. so in china, and here's her assessment of one of the shots, comments the german tongue side, making very clear that germany remains at israel side and it's hour of need at the same time pushing for a diplomatic solution. the d. 7 nations, all co ordinating the german chancellor, joining that meeting here from china, from joan king chinas, essentially the world's largest city. he just arrived to the news of the range, an attack of on his 3 day trip to china. and he will also be holding tools with president c in basing on tuesday, the over arching question, of course, being how to contain this, depending on what israel's next step will be, is also a key question for them. and diplomacy gemini,
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has as one of its fundamental principles of policy making, the defense of israel, the security of israel. this is a political consensus in germany, and this is also something the german taunts that would have told from the stands for. now the big question is, what will that mean and concrete terms of the coming hours and days? you're looking at the reporting now many here in germany have also condemned to ron's attack on israel. and it prompts that a spontaneous demonstration in berlin. on sunday, a group known as the german is rarely society called on people in germany's capital to rally up to a central brand, a bug gate, where groups have demonstrated java to show the service arity with israel. the group also included uranium opposition fitness. i'm here to show my son, the deputy, but the same especially in the situation where the iranian
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threats, so abuse what i needed to show my support for research after this to or the tech's yesterday. and we all know that the ron is behind so much to have arisen in the light of yesterday. i had to come to to yeah, to, to show that that i sent for you. so here's a recap of all main story. israel has retailed a massive variety of miss allan drone attack, but once the campaign is not over your ons, iran has loans to more than the 3 hundreds, mid 1000 drones and its 1st direct attack on these well, your opinions for on the policy chief joseph bureau has called a meeting of e, you for our ministers for tuesday, to find ways to the escalation and security in the middle east. us media, se presidential bite and as told is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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that the us will not participate in any is really comfortable offensive against iran. and that's it from me. and the news team for now will be back. what i'll do is updates to the top of the gab office and building from me and the new scene. thanks so much. a please. we're heading on down into the
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