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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live somebody in the well, a way it's is or else response to an unprecedented attack from the euro, from minnesota to the meets with his wall cabinets without indicating whether israel will retaliate something. the us says it will not join, and despite sending hundreds of drones and miss house to all that small anatomy it wrong coles the bar as measured, and just the fine loss leaders of the g. 7 countries condemned iran attack, put edge restraints, joining the groups video meeting from china,
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drum and shots. the chart says it was justifiable and that he'll do everything to avoid a further escalation. the good health is welcome to the program. less than a day officer repairing an unprecedented aerial, a soul by iran. israel is waiting its response. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has met with the countries wall cabinets in the wake of an overnight barrels of more than $300.00 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. then the whole way intercepted by israel, the us and of the nations as well as declared its defense, a success. but it's official, say the confrontation is far from over as well. leaders have actually strength with us presidential by them telling that's in yahoo, that washington will not participate in any military retaliation against it. wrong
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to iran says, be assault was itself would tell you ation for an attack on it's embassy in damascus that killed 2 top ranking generals flashes in the sky over jerusalem and dian domain action. this voltage shows the intersection of messiahs and drones launched by iran. after the 1st ever direct to military attack on israel from a rainy and territory concern is growing over a possible so the escalation is really what cabinet meant. but then he gets made a defiant statement that did the little to allay those fears. yeah. yeah. let me start, i was, it will be, this incident is not over. we will build a regional co addition and collect the price from a run in a way, and at the time that suits us. even though you, as president joe biden reaffirmed what he called americas i and collab commitment to the security of israel announced plans to convene g 7, lead us for
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a coordinated diplomatic response. but the white house added by didn't had told nothing yahoo, that the us would not participate in any is really counter offensive against the run into run pro government. iranians took to the streets to celebrate the wave of strikes against israel. the lead revolution re god, says the overnight to so was a response to a deadlier strike on the rainy an embassy compound in syria. earlier this month, which killed several of its most senior commanders. earphones mission to the united nations wrote on social media that its attack on the israel can be deemed concluded . the uranium foreign minister made a statement after the attack that seemed to be aimed at giving assurance that a run was not looking to escalate the conflict of the we notified our brothers in the region where the united states has made a treat bases in the countries but i'll go is only to punish the is rain,
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the regime that we are not seeking to target the american bases in the region. but as israel says, it's confrontation with a round is not over. that may do little to comm fee is of a full scale regional and i know john by on at least unless there's any it was on is, is there any these are the bulk of that has been meeting? what do we know? what came out of this, it's more than 5 hours that they were discussing. it seems like there's a consensus in israel that needs to be some sort of a response. but now the question, what is that response should be, you know, we're talking about 45 years of this tension between the rounded escalated into a shadow war in the last decades. and for that to now it's been his life mission to defend off your on, and he's pushing back very strongly for a response here. we also know he has the backing of the military and the defense minister going to has always been more of a hard liner. and against that we see the minister guns who is more of a model,
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which is also a former chief of the military and other 2 members of the cabinet trying to push back what's on the table. what are the options going all in for israel would be using this excuse and going for the reading and you clear a facilities. that would be something that is real, had to hook had been hoping to do for a long time with international coalition. maybe they think this might be the time to get any legitimacy from the world might just be now that would be going all in. but then other than that, there's also more moderate responses, either going directing to military bases or military facilities and in that were participating in the attack yesterday. sort of it to protect the very measured response. it's all going for any of the lines, more strategic proxies in the region trying to attack there. and of course, is always the covert operations sort of the mild cyber attacks that have been seeing and you of these that would be the lowest level of attack. so the idea is to
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send a message, but how can we send a message without l, you needing the americans and the international coalition of support that we're seeing now coming together in hopes, in support of israel. and it's, and it's a war against the wrong that would lead to my, my next question. what would either be able to gain from any military response versus what it would have to lose? well, the way israel sees it ever since october 7th, they lost that deterrence, which was one of the more strategic assets when it came to their positioning in that region in the middle east and heavy loss back. they feel like the only way to gain it is it force a lot of it. this is why we're seeing israel so aggressively operating whenever it does operate. so they feel like this is about the, the standing of israel and the region for the long run. what it can lose, of course, has international support and mostly americans backing. we know the joe biden has said very clearly, he will support israel, a defense efforts, but will not support any attacks. he, we know we have had a, he has had
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a talk with, with a g 7 countries, quite recently when they're all trying to form together some sort of a diplomatic package. and we put pressure in iran and hopefully convince israel to, you know, send off any attacks. and this is a lot of the, a lot on the line for as well. because the very idea of having a wedge between israel and the us that for itself was quite a misuse meant for iran in the region. so of course that's also on the line. well, the defense me that said they've got on says that this attack provides an opportunity to submit a strategic alliance against iran. how could that local be a part of that? well, of course, in the americans we seen the brits u. k. taking active part to that and also this the moderate countries in the region . we know for a fact it was jordan israel's neighbors, but no part of this alliance. traditionally, it would also include egypt, but also has a peace agreement with israel. we also know there were a willingness from the saudis,
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we have all the countries that are part of the abram accord, so befriend and so forth. this is the findings deal package that he's trying to sell for. for nothing y'all, when his government for quite some time because of cause a saying listen, the bigger a fee, zoom out of gauze and the conflict, the need to solve the palestinian problem. we need to look at the bigger problem in the middle east, and that is no doubt iran. and the only way to defeat around on the long term is through cementing of this moderate alliance. and it's really needs to decide if it's moving, it's the know a focus from here on from gauze. ask currently into iran. what would that mean for the cost? so there's still less than garza for the goal of eradicating come. us who is still quite active in gaza and that's a very tough dilemma that israel is standing in front. and that's why we're seeing this. it's very hard for these really leadership know that now to reach a consensus is what it has in the last couple of years and made progress
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in peace agreements and, and making friends in the region if you will just paying off now. well we see that yes, it is no doubt. i mean daniels have put the net as their neck on the line, not just for their reasons. they also want to send us the wrong. they've been seeing a lot of texts from your audience. we've only proxies on the borders but, but there's no doubt that there's more than just israel, who wants to defeat the wrong in the region. there's more than that, and the only problem is the current government and the things we seen garza creek, the situation where israel could not with the leverage that properly. and this is where the americans come in and say, please let us try to find diplomatic ways in order to make it happen. let's try to find a diplomat to fix this package to put pressure on iran. and we will see partially why we'll see more time before as we'll take the decision is how to make any, to make any to, to, to reach any agreements with the americans. and what would be the most appropriate
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response resolved as they have come at least expos. thank you very much because of the leaders of the g. 7 nations have condemned a ron's attack on israel during a meeting convinced by us presidential by following that video conference. they said that would take measures to prevent and uncontrollable regional escalation in the middle. east. leaders also called on around to exercise restraint. the groups statement pledge to work towards an immediate unsustainable satisfy in gaza. foreign ministers from 7 leading into industrial democracies are due to meet on wednesday on the italian all end of the country. but our report to should have funded z months is in washington for us stuff on it. what is the us doing to prevent this situation from escalating more? well, it's operating onto pharmacy, and this is one you just mentioned that was this, the 7, the meeting, the secure video link. president biden talked to other g 7 leaders and tried to
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firm up their commitment and they usually some commitment and this point of view and stand against iran sections from yesterday against israel. the president reiterated again that the un support to israel in a defensive manner is iron clad that the u. s. will stand by israel if it has to defend itself. and i think it's fair to assume that the, the same kind of message is expected to be a broadcasted by those 27 leaders in one way or another in one form or another towards iran, to woods all parties in the. busy in the middle east, and let's not forget that the us was, of course, always trying tour. and the last few weeks, specifically trying to really be open about their intelligence
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that they know iran is cooking something up and that everybody's expecting you, ron, to retaliate for the attack is rarely a tech on a general consulate in damascus. you, ronnie, john, comes on a damascus on april 1st. so i think the diplomacy, diplomatic pressure, a clear communication to iran, look we, we know what you did, we see what you did. we hear you, but now stay away from anything else. now this works both ways. i think also the us is trying to make really, really, really sure that israel understands that the us is not, is not keen on, is really actions which could escalate. this. what happens in this situation into a really great or regional conflict? now the us as says, it's appalled for israel is quote, iron clad, but bite and that is also set. it will not support. it will tell you, it's always strike on iran. how can you reconcile those 2 positions?
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so that's a very good question. that's the, the fine line or the tide roll for the fine line. he's walking the dividing ministration is walking days. no other alternative to if you wish, iron clad support for israel, if in the american public and in the politics you bought the by demonstration, there's also a problem because we are in an election year presidential elections are up and the by new ministration at the present himself is under immense pressure from the american, from the democratic party itself, as well as from our american clear, tell and protests with voters to do more. and to be decisive in pressuring israel to allow more $8.00 and $2.00 guys that to really to down the action in gaza. and that is something that the president is trying to, to enforce. now, there is reportedly a deal on the table for how much for a 6 week,
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a 6 week truth or of a peace agreement for 6 weeks of hostage exchange, etc. and reportedly how much did not want this deal and rejected that the a. now that is a problem for the president because again, how mosse hostages, the guys are israel, a conflict is still a hot tom, the key in the us. and there's voters who want the president, 80 support. israel, of course, be iron clad in this but also take care of and take take measure of this is serv. room a suffering and got in john's and do something i get for this or against that 70 was there in washington for us. thank you very much. i a german install. so what i've sort of sounds responded to the hey, randy and a sold while on a trip to china, but he'll be meeting with the others. president decision thing is was he had to say
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i them be a full time drawn. we strongly condemned the rainy an attack and warned against any food. the escalation by the run must not continue down this past off of this would be part of my life kind of the same time. it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity with these round, which has every right to defend itself. the better obviously will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will day for continue to pursue our current course close by to for, for the i because we can only want everyone especially around not against continuing down this path 7 times over. the fraud, speaking that another spring and alexander miller, he's a member of the german parliament defense policy spokesman for the free democratic party, which is a part of the governing coalition here in germany. uh for that problem entry group and chairman of the defense committee, not we just took off shots that calling for.


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