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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 8:15pm-8:31pm CEST

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strongly condemned the rainy in attack and warned against any food. the escalation by the run must not continue down this past off of these. if you wish to fight the lifetime of the same time, it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in solidarity with these round, which has every right to defend itself. the leave will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will therefore continue to pursue our current course caused by to for, for the i because we can only want everyone especially around against continuing down this path 7 times over. the fraud. speaking that another spring and alexander miller, he's a member of the german parliament defense policy spokesman for the free democratic party, which is a part of the governing coalition here in jeremy for that problem entry group and the chairman of the defense committee. now we just took off shots that calling for
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restraint and german. i'm sales to israel. have been on the scrutiny recently. it can german weapons be used by israel to retaliate and does that word or? you know, i don't think uh the german weapons could be used because it is um, just a small part there. um no tanks, no airplanes. uh, nothing way you can. uh and what you can use and uh to, to take any other country. um, so i'm not really worried that the german weapons would be used on this. that was the secretary general appeal, a positive, the ftp, a just called a for a different approach in germany's iran policy. what does he mean by that? and i think we have been too kind to around in the enough time, perhaps some more sanctions should be checked if we can even more more have even
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more sanctions against a room to make it clear that we are not accepting vips iran and the marion ups and all around the aerobics world and level and on, and human end of the everywhere else. and i rec, that, um, the domain controller was the tech's and i'm centralizing the world we, we cannot really what we do not want to look at this without doing anything. and now the following, this a tab, you express some hope for peace in the middle east. then a tweet, and that sounds a bit counter intuitive at this point of what gives you a reason for that optimism. yes, the w a has also mentioned it some of the fact that as well, sorry r a b r as also uh drug and yeah, you know drug area. um there are a lot of um on the on there are a lot of palestine people living there. um uh both countries have helps to
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um to, to take um taking drones towers drones down from the sky. um to, to help um protect is right. and those countries, i'm not um, collected code friends. so if we try it and that makes me, gives me some hope that we're going to have peace in the near east. and the next yes perhaps. now is there anything that germany can do to help diffuse a situation? a lot of locks. um we, we, uh i'm an intermediates between israel and around because we talked with both sides and we try to de escalate the situation. that's the one thing that we can do. but in the military, um terms we would not be involved in anything. uh not in uh, in a 2nd around or something like that. um. so it's just uh,
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a piece talks. and so trying to, to talk with both sides to de escalate that that's what we can do. and i found that that member of the german problem and thank you very much. thank you. you're watching the, the news is a recap off all main story. israel has repelled the master for rainy and miss allan drone attack, but wants to contain is north of iran. iran has launched more than 300 missiles and drones in his 1st direct attack on israel. leaders of the g. 7 nations condemned the attack during the video meeting convened by us presidential byte, and they said they would take measures to prevent and uncontrollable regional escalation in the middle east and cold on the wrong to exercise restraint. biden has said to us will not participate in any is really retaliation. we can now speak to zach option, but he's a senior director for the counsel extreme. is
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a project given to the advanced warning? was in the why do you think iran launched this attack? i thank you so much for having me, kitty ron, what's on the domestic pressure of considerable proportions to show responds to what it says and considered as to be an attack on get silver in soil. then israel attacked it's conflict in damascus. however, it made apparently sure that if the damage that this attack is mentioned out in, on israel was quite limited. not only the optic the save, and he lost the drones, the rockets given ample board time. but as it turns out now today, apparently the minions brief, the judge governments will then in turn brief us government and that detect is coming and it's going to be quite limited. but unfortunately, i've got now in a situation that you're on for the very 1st time as the time is. and that really
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puts a lot of pressure on these right in the government in turn to now also respond. and he responds, is going to determine on whether the situation stabilizes, escalates or lights into regional a. i mean, if you just look into a crystal ball, what will be likely reaction you think from is round as well? it depends of whether you are an optimist or, and pessimist. an optimist would say a attack that is more or less signaling. yes, we are responding for sleep, but it's business as usual. so an attack against the arsenal of respond i, which is an immediate tactical to that towards israel because it's me saw the arsenal to actually over around simply with the amount of munitions that they have . these really have differences. however, if you are pessimistic, would say, okay, this is also a moment if that ever was one where israel it could clearly decide that it is now time to take out the rain, you know, care facilities which is
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a long term very strategic pressed against the existence always to help i'm this what of course then really result into unforeseeable. really regional escalations. well, how likely you think is this to escalate into a regional escalation? full blown goal between is what i do wrong. but i mean, we could clearly see that all sides are trying to calm down both sides. so the jordanian king apparently told president biden, if the gods and situation could be resolved, i'm this could not, you know, easily escalate again. i'm the russians and the chinese as well as the egyptians have called for calmness. the g 7 has come for column is in just over 90 minutes. the security council here is going to meet in new york. obviously it's going to a good time at the attack, but by i have, i hope that the security council and also paul for a major and consider it for the actions from all sides. so this,
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the problem i think efforts are there, however it, it just simply is a very difficult situation for israel. it now for the future will have to always contend with the risk. but if it moves in any way, shape, or form against major, if it goes off, is any proxies or major figures of the i do see which are supporting these properties which present it direct, right? to be wrong. and it is relative to this territory that they want to have to always also consider a potential erie. now strike. this is really a change paradigm. yeah. and me not yet found a new x really 3 are in the way that exists before. yes, everybody keeps pointing at the risk of escalation in the middle east beyond israel and the wrong is this risk and what is the risk? who else could be getting involved and fighting each other? i know we are now already in
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a very 10 situation with not one but several of the uranium proxies around as well . so not just from us, but also already is all out there will fees continue, direct shipping in the red sea, and we're shooting with $1000.00 drones towards israel last night. we have the rocky m theory and proxies that were also apparently in some way, shape a warm involved in last night's attacks. these, these proxies of course instruments of the rainy region. but they are not, they don't all have and on, on, and off level. the closest about iran comes to fully control the proxy really is paula, because it is and they range innovation. however, the who sees uh file more radical than even the uranium so high that slogan his desk to is ro that's through that i did states across the home that was and i much how to control. so escalation in this current situation where everyone is on an ice edge, but also come simply by these proxies without any particular,
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it's really action or how if i measured these really reaction, what be now the jordan has intercepted missiles over his territory as well as jordan likely to get involved more than that as well. number one, jordan has the 2nd oldest b straight t with this right off to egypt. so obviously it's been in a very close relationship with his rel. i'm for quite a long time. however, i don't think me terribly ventured any nami would be getting involved in an attack on iran. jordan and iran don't have good relationships. neither the saudi arabia also last nights shut down some missiles and drones kindly, from the good fees that we're heading to what these run up the 1st time. by the way, they've done this several times the last couple of months so that the pipelines, actually there is a of course, i'm getting rain in majority and then there is what the rating is called the axes of resistance, right? you're on 2nd and elements. give me a rock, definitely this your new game and it's brooks's,
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and i'm not really surprised that both to gain a jordan and saudi arabia were at least defending that one territory against this place in violation of bass bass by the maintenance last. now us presidential biden said that the us would not participate in the country offensive against iran, so let's talk about the wedding had not passed. dissipate but maybe taller. right? i mean, president biden, also safety is support and us board for his redesign flat. obviously that extends to the fullest extent when he comes to the defense of the swell. even the defense of the israel, i have been the, is there a ship that be a reaction against it is really hard to do the attack last night. i have a really the, the supplement station as indeed in fact these really or the government all the reading regina. none of these to the play as uh, fundamentally at this point, interested into stopping a large scale region or the problem is how can you prevent, uh, you know,
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the sliding into this more without any 1. 11 thing is they wouldn't be the 1st situation or was stopping it out and it really seemed isn't dangerous. thank you very much. that was on sale of should from the context on this project. thank you. thank you so much for having me. you're watching the news here as a reminder of our top story. us as well as with pals, a massive arabian aerial attack, but once the complaint is not over, iran launched more than $300.00 missiles and drums. israel, the us and other nations intercepted almost all of those weapons. it was only limited stuff, and that's it from me and the new scene for now i have a world news update for you. so all the, all in the meantime there's always all websites with a lot more use analysis and background. that's dw, don't god office in berlin mandel, teen expo,
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