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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:14pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from by that the well, the way it's israel's response to the attack from iraq prime minister netanyahu meets with his wall cabinets without indicating whether israel will retaliate us an action. the us says it will not job despite sending a hundreds of drones and missiles toward the swollen enemy around calls the garage, measured. i'm just leaders of the g 7 countries condemned me, ron's attack, but our interest rates joining the groups video meeting from china driven. it's john. so the show it says the attack was unjustifiable that he'll do everything to
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avoid further escalation. the guy that is welcome to the program that's on a day off to be pending a direct aerial, a soul by iran. israel is lang it's response. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has met with his will cabinet. its members said to favor responding to the attack, but i'll divide it over when and how hard to strike back. iran launched more than 300 drones cruise missiles and ballistic myself and the overnight attack for nearly over, intercepted by israel, the us and all the nations as well. it does have a restraints with us president joe biden telling this in yahoo that washington will not participate in any military retaliation against iran to around says is,
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or was itself or tell the eisen for an attack on its embassy in damascus. earlier this month, that killed 2 top ranking generals flashes in the sky over jerusalem and dian domain action. this voltage shows the intersection of messiahs and drones launched by iran after the 1st ever direct to military attack on israel from a rainy and territory. concern is growing over a possible so that the escalation is really what cabinet meant. but then he gets made a defiant statement that did the little to allay those fears. yeah. yeah. let me start. i was, it will be, this incident is not over. we will build a regional co addition and collect the price from a run in a way and at the time that suits us. even though you as president joe biden reaffirmed what he called americas, i am glad commitment to the security of israel. but the white house added by dint had told nothing yahoo, that the us would not participate in any is really counter offensive against the
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run into run pro government. iranians took to the streets to celebrate the wave of strikes against israel. the lead revolution re god, says the overnight to so was a response to a deadlier strike on the rainy and embassy compound in syria. earlier this month, which killed several of its most senior commanders. he runs mission to the united nations, wrote on social media that its attack on israel can be deemed concluded. the uranium foreign minister made the statement after the attack that seemed to be named, giving assurance that to iran was not looking to escalate the conflict of the we notified our brothers in the region where the united states has made a treat bases in the countries. but our goal is only to punish these rain the regime and that we are not seeking to target the american bases in the region.
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but as israel says, it's confrontation with a round is not over. that may do little to comm fee is of a full scale regional and i spoke to him the wrong from the wall studies department at kings colors london. and she explained what options each row has for a military response. well, each row has quite a few options, each of which comes with a different set of consequences, base for short term and long term security over the entire region. and the most, most obvious option would be respond in kind and strike on ronnie soil. and perhaps target miller installations and perhaps even 1st or isn't that a target the ring a nuclear program? and israel has made it very clear as they know exactly where those facilities are located. so given the fact that you range in the air defenses seem to be
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dubious of bath, we don't know what capabilities around has a view to new systems. that could be a very tempting staff for israel. and other option would be, of course, go after a rating and proxies in order to demonstrate some results to say that we are not agreeing with the fact that you can simply act it back. awesome at our homeland. however, without raising the stakes, because what ryan has done was it strike is re drawings of red lines and reminding israel that they should stick to the, to the plan you run doesn't strike israel and vice versa on, on, on their respective for a and b as one would be, this has already been mentioned as the lowest level um and intelligence operations will take a logical operations influence operations inside of your ram, possibly without any potential kinetic effect, but they could have a long term effects on the internal stability. ok right now us president joe biden
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. the said the us will not to participate in any contra offensive israel, military capable of fatality elating alone. we have to, um, cause a scenario. each rate does have the capability of launching the contra strike. but the problem here is what happens after, because the stakes, again, will be raised to a much higher bar. and we have seen that use ro needs its allies in order to protect itself and the uranium, the response could be much higher. sure it could be as their extras involved or more involved in any rainy and attack. and we have to understand that. and so by actually going for this military option, the strike on the ran use ro could potentially ellie and need some of the supports that it is in joining rights. and also specifically after that you rang and attack,
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we have seen the us east riley relations have improved. same was as a country, so now it's not involved garza anymore and there is support behind and nothing yahoos cabinet. therefore, i think it would be very costly in political terms and long term security security terms. also, given the fact that the minimal destruction was caused by the attack was the wrong wrong, really trying, as you touched upon to cause, uh, not much damage is more likely to redraw red lines as well. i think it is precisely what one was seeking to do because we have to look back at how we round has been behaving. and we know how you run has responded to the death of custom, fully money in 2021. so as the united states were worn in advance about the attack, and the problem here is that iran couldn't afford enough to respond and the one
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hand thank you for having me beat us of the g. 7 nations have condemned to ron's attack on israel during a meeting that was convened by his us presidential button. following that video conference, they said they was take measures to prevent an uncontrollable regional escalation in the middle east. the leaders also called on the ron to exercise restraint. the groups statement pledged to work towards an immediate and sustainable seats, 5 in gaza. reports at washington state funds, events explained what the us is doing to prevent further escalation as well. it's operating onto pharmacy and this is one you just mentioned that was this g 7, the meeting, the secure video link, president biden talked to other g 7 leaders and tried to firm up their commitment. and they usually some commitment a and this point of view and stand against ron's actions from yesterday
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a guess israel, the president reiterated again that the un support to israel in a defensive manner is iron clad that the u. s. will stand by israel if it has to defend itself. and i think it's fair to assume that the, the same kind of message is expected to be a broadcasted by those 27 leaders in one way or another in one form or another towards iran, to woods all parties involved in the middle east. and let's not forget that the us was, of course, always trying to or in the last few weeks, specifically trying to really be open about uh, their intelligence that they know iran is cooking something up and that everybody's expecting you around to retaliate for the attack is rarely a tech on
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a general consulate in damascus. the ronnie john, comes on a damascus on april 1st. so i think the diplomacy, diplomatic pressure, a clear communication to iran, look, we, we know what you did. we see what you did. we hear you, but now stay away from anything else. now this works both ways. i think also the us is trying to make really, really, really sure that israel understands that the us is not, is not keen on, is really actions which could escalate. this. what happens in this situation into a really greater regional conflict? 71 is very important from washington or your arms overnights attacks against israel was the 1st of its kind. the animosity between the 2 nations, however, goes back decades. the october 7th to attack against israel was led by ron ally. hum us that's escalates it. those tensions from the proxy war to direct attacks on
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both sides. the october 7th dead attacks on his right ship. the entire country would score her most widely perceived to have the backing of it on claim to responsibility. eat on distance itself from the was that or just at that on it's arch enemy, but it priest attackers. but as for this, we defend the palestine was move, what is the phone? we defend the struggles who yet we kissed the hands of those intelligent and brave palestinian youth who planned the attack on the zionist regime. we are proud of them that the us quick duty acted and warranted on to exercise caution for surgery. additional military assistance to the israelis offense, force and clean ammunition interceptors replenished and drama. we move us carefully
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to the eastern mediterranean or send a more or fighter church there in the region and made it clear. and you clear to be a radiance. be careful. in fact, many shifts in iraq and video, hesper law in lebanon, and who theater both in human, continued to launch attacks. docketed is dryly and us installations on forces in the region. this is a battle against the uranium axis you any and excess of terror, which is now threatening to close the maritime straight above the monday. the strengthens the freedom of navigation of the entire world. pensions escalated for to the western y, picking morning voiced the us and britain george doesn't sophia strikes against it on back to look it up as in yemen. after months of attacks on rex, the shipping is right also stepped up. it's a thoughts on it. on the internet for new study goc members and on it on in proxies
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in that each and that fact that a tax continued and number at least but the april misfired strike on data on investing in damascus. that build it on, in general, is, was seen as a major blow do it on something that it onset later to directly attack is right from instead of 3 since october 7th is right is believed to have as estimated at least 18 it on income on this outside it ons bought this after it on to saw me could have pollution in 1979. it on the previous defend the relationship with side dramatically changed. it scrapped its recognition of fits right. claiming to jump in the palestinian because the stomach of the gene became soul plus di towards this right. that is publicly stated. it wanted to bite as dry of them up a policy that mixed it on it strikes because a diversity and the current escalation shows the shadow water eat on has been
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reaching but destroyed for us. now type things to thrown into a fatty gee and a dangerous conflict. and that's it for me as another scene for an i'll have an update for you at the top of the stage innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed, secure, subscribed to those channels. we've got every friday, subscribe to plan. it's a can you see is what's called highest has to do with production.


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